// Calculate the closest point of approach for line-segment vs line-segment.
            public static bool SegmentSegmentCPA(out Unity.Mathematics.float3 c0, out Unity.Mathematics.float3 c1, Unity.Mathematics.float3 p0, Unity.Mathematics.float3 p1,
                                                 Unity.Mathematics.float3 q0, Unity.Mathematics.float3 q1)
                var u  = p1 - p0;
                var v  = q1 - q0;
                var w0 = p0 - q0;

                float a = Unity.Mathematics.math.dot(u, u);
                float b = Unity.Mathematics.math.dot(u, v);
                float c = Unity.Mathematics.math.dot(v, v);
                float d = Unity.Mathematics.math.dot(u, w0);
                float e = Unity.Mathematics.math.dot(v, w0);

                var   den = a * c - b * b;
                float sc, tc;

                if (den == 0)
                    sc = 0;
                    tc = d / b;

                    // todo: handle b = 0 (=> a and/or c is 0)
                    sc = (b * e - c * d) / (a * c - b * b);
                    tc = (a * e - b * d) / (a * c - b * b);

                c0 = Unity.Mathematics.math.lerp(p0, p1, sc);
                c1 = Unity.Mathematics.math.lerp(q0, q1, tc);

                return(den != 0);
Exemple #2
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            var random = new Unity.Mathematics.Random((uint)Random.Range(1, 100000));
            var buffer = PostAttackEntityBuffer.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter();

            Dependency = Entities.ForEach(
                (Entity e, int entityInQueryIndex, in Attack attack, in Instigator attacker, in Target target, in BeamEffectStyle style, in HitLocation hitLoc, in SourceLocation sourceLoc) =>
                var laserEffect = new BeamEffect()
                    start    = sourceLoc.Position,
                    end      = hitLoc.Position,
                    lifetime = 0.2f

                if (attack.Result == Attack.eResult.Miss)
                    var delta       = new Unity.Mathematics.float3(random.NextFloat() - 0.5f, 0f, random.NextFloat() - 0.5f);
                    laserEffect.end = laserEffect.end + 6f * delta;

                Entity effect = buffer.CreateEntity(entityInQueryIndex);
                buffer.AddComponent(entityInQueryIndex, effect, laserEffect);
                buffer.AddComponent(entityInQueryIndex, effect, style);
                buffer.AddComponent(entityInQueryIndex, effect, attacker);
                buffer.AddComponent(entityInQueryIndex, effect, target);
Exemple #3
        public void TestAabb()
            float3 v0 = float3(100, 200, 300);
            float3 v1 = float3(200, 300, 400);
            float3 v2 = float3(50, 100, 350);

            Aabb a0; a0.Min = float3.zero; a0.Max = v0;
            Aabb a1; a1.Min = float3.zero; a1.Max = v1;
            Aabb a2; a2.Min = v2; a2.Max = v1;
            Aabb a3; a3.Min = v2; a3.Max = v0;



            // Test Expand / Contains
                Aabb   a5; a5.Min = v2; a5.Max = v1;
                float3 testPoint  = float3(v2.x - 1.0f, v1.y + 1.0f, .5f * (v2.z + v1.z));


            // Test transform
                Aabb ut; ut.Min = v0; ut.Max = v1;

                // Identity transform should not modify aabb
                Aabb outAabb = Unity.Physics.Math.TransformAabb(RigidTransform.identity, ut);

                TestUtils.AreEqual(ut.Min, outAabb.Min, 1e-3f);

                // Test translation
                outAabb = Unity.Physics.Math.TransformAabb(new RigidTransform(quaternion.identity, float3(100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)), ut);

                Assert.AreEqual(outAabb.Min.x, 200);
                Assert.AreEqual(outAabb.Min.y, 200);
                Assert.AreEqual(outAabb.Max.x, 300);
                Assert.AreEqual(outAabb.Max.z, 400);

                // Test rotation
                quaternion rot = quaternion.EulerXYZ(0.0f, 0.0f, k_pi2);
                outAabb = Unity.Physics.Math.TransformAabb(new RigidTransform(rot, float3.zero), ut);

                TestUtils.AreEqual(outAabb.Min, float3(-300.0f, 100.0f, 300.0f), 1e-3f);
                TestUtils.AreEqual(outAabb.Max, float3(-200.0f, 200.0f, 400.0f), 1e-3f);
                TestUtils.AreEqual(outAabb.SurfaceArea, ut.SurfaceArea, 1e-2f);
Exemple #4
 // Update is called once per frame
 private void Update()
     Unity.Mathematics.float3 zero = IMRE.HandWaver.ScaleDimension.MeshOperations.projectPosition(Unity.Mathematics.float4.zero);
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         axes[i].SetPosition(0, scale * zero);
         axes[i].SetPosition(1, scale * IMRE.HandWaver.ScaleDimension.MeshOperations.projectPosition(endpoints[i]));
Exemple #5
 protected override void OnEnableFunc()
     if (!pcgRes)
         enabled = false;
     PCGNodeBase.initRes = pcgRes;
     localToWorldMatrix  = Matrix4x4.identity;
     boundingBoxExtents  = new Unity.Mathematics.float3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
Exemple #6
        public void TestAabbTransform()
            Random rnd = new Random(0x12345678);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                quaternion r = rnd.NextQuaternionRotation();
                float3     t = rnd.NextFloat3();

                Aabb orig = new Aabb();

                Aabb outAabb1 = Unity.Physics.Math.TransformAabb(new RigidTransform(r, t), orig);

                Physics.Math.MTransform bFromA = new Physics.Math.MTransform(r, t);
                Aabb outAabb2 = Unity.Physics.Math.TransformAabb(bFromA, orig);

                TestUtils.AreEqual(outAabb1.Min, outAabb2.Min, 1e-3f);
                TestUtils.AreEqual(outAabb1.Max, outAabb2.Max, 1e-3f);
        /// <summary>
        ///     method for rendering a sphere
        ///     by taking a centerpoint, radius, mesh, and n vertices
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="crossSectionRadius"></param>
        /// <param name="center"></param>
        /// <param name="crossSectionRenderer"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        public static void RenderSphere(float crossSectionRadius, Unity.Mathematics.float3 center,
                                        UnityEngine.Mesh crossSectionRenderer, int n)
            int nbLong = n;
            int nbLat  = n;

            #region Vertices

            UnityEngine.Vector3[] vertices = new UnityEngine.Vector3[(nbLong + 1) * nbLat + 2];
            float pi   = UnityEngine.Mathf.PI;
            float _2pi = pi * 2f;

            vertices[0] = UnityEngine.Vector3.up * crossSectionRadius;
            for (int lat = 0; lat < nbLat; lat++)
                float a1   = pi * (lat + 1) / (nbLat + 1);
                float sin1 = UnityEngine.Mathf.Sin(a1);
                float cos1 = UnityEngine.Mathf.Cos(a1);

                for (int lon = 0; lon <= nbLong; lon++)
                    float a2   = _2pi * (lon == nbLong ? 0 : lon) / nbLong;
                    float sin2 = UnityEngine.Mathf.Sin(a2);
                    float cos2 = UnityEngine.Mathf.Cos(a2);

                    vertices[lon + lat * (nbLong + 1) + 1] =
                        new UnityEngine.Vector3(sin1 * cos2, cos1, sin1 * sin2) * crossSectionRadius;

            vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = UnityEngine.Vector3.up * -crossSectionRadius;


            #region Normals

            UnityEngine.Vector3[] normals = new UnityEngine.Vector3[vertices.Length];
            for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Length; j++)
                normals[j] = vertices[j].normalized;


            #region UVs

            UnityEngine.Vector2[] uvs = new UnityEngine.Vector2[vertices.Length];
            uvs[0] = UnityEngine.Vector2.up;
            uvs[uvs.Length - 1] = UnityEngine.Vector2.zero;
            for (int lat = 0; lat < nbLat; lat++)
                for (int lon = 0; lon <= nbLong; lon++)
                    uvs[lon + lat * (nbLong + 1) + 1] =
                        new UnityEngine.Vector2((float)lon / nbLong, 1f - (float)(lat + 1) / (nbLat + 1));


            #region Triangles

            int   nbFaces     = vertices.Length;
            int   nbTriangles = nbFaces * 2;
            int   nbIndexes   = nbTriangles * 3;
            int[] triangles   = new int[nbIndexes];

            //Top Cap
            int i = 0;
            for (int lon = 0; lon < nbLong; lon++)
                triangles[i++] = lon + 2;
                triangles[i++] = lon + 1;
                triangles[i++] = 0;

            for (int lat = 0; lat < nbLat - 1; lat++)
                for (int lon = 0; lon < nbLong; lon++)
                    int current = lon + lat * (nbLong + 1) + 1;
                    int next    = current + nbLong + 1;

                    triangles[i++] = current;
                    triangles[i++] = current + 1;
                    triangles[i++] = next + 1;

                    triangles[i++] = current;
                    triangles[i++] = next + 1;
                    triangles[i++] = next;

            //Bottom Cap
            for (int lon = 0; lon < nbLong; lon++)
                triangles[i++] = vertices.Length - 1;
                triangles[i++] = vertices.Length - (lon + 2) - 1;
                triangles[i++] = vertices.Length - (lon + 1) - 1;


            crossSectionRenderer.vertices  = vertices;
            crossSectionRenderer.normals   = normals;
            crossSectionRenderer.uv        = uvs;
            crossSectionRenderer.triangles = triangles;

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the point of intersection between a line and a plane
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="linePos">A point on the line</param>
        /// <param name="lineDir">The normalDirection of the line</param>
        /// <param name="planePos">A point on the plane</param>
        /// <param name="planeNorm">The normal normalDirection of the plane</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static Unity.Mathematics.float3 SegmentPlaneIntersection(Unity.Mathematics.float3 segmentA,
                                                                          Unity.Mathematics.float3 segmentB, Unity.Mathematics.float3 planePos, Unity.Mathematics.float3 planeNorm)
            //  0 = disjoint (no intersection)
            //  1 =  intersection in the unique point *I0
            //  2 = the  segment lies in the plane
            int type = 0;

            Unity.Mathematics.float3 result;

            float tolerance = .00001f;

            //segmenta and segmentb are endpoints of a segment
            Unity.Mathematics.float3 u = segmentB - segmentA;
            Unity.Mathematics.float3 w = segmentA - planePos;

            float D = Unity.Mathematics.math.dot(planeNorm, u);
            float N = -Unity.Mathematics.math.dot(planeNorm, w);

            if (UnityEngine.Mathf.Abs(D) < tolerance)
                // segment is parallel to plane
                if (N == 0f)
                    // segment lies in plane
                    type   = 2;
                    result = new Unity.Mathematics.float3(UnityEngine.Mathf.Infinity, UnityEngine.Mathf.Infinity,

                    type   = 0; // no intersection
                    result = new Unity.Mathematics.float3(UnityEngine.Mathf.Infinity, UnityEngine.Mathf.Infinity,
                // they are not parallel
                // compute intersect param
                float sI = N / D;
                if (sI < 0 || sI > 1)
                    type   = 0; // no intersection
                    result = new Unity.Mathematics.float3(UnityEngine.Mathf.Infinity, UnityEngine.Mathf.Infinity,
                    result = segmentA + sI * u; // compute segment intersect point
                    type   = 1;

/*            if (type != 1)
 *          {
 *              Debug.Log(type);
 *          }*/

 public static float Angle(Unity.Mathematics.float3 from, Unity.Mathematics.float3 to)
                                                                   Unity.Mathematics.math.normalize(to))) * UnityEngine.Mathf.Rad2Deg);
 public static float magnitude(Unity.Mathematics.float3 v)
     return(Unity.Mathematics.math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z));
 private void setCrossSections(Unity.Mathematics.float3 pos, Unity.Mathematics.float3 normal)
     _crosssections.ForEach(xc => xc.planePos    = pos);
     _crosssections.ForEach(xc => xc.planeNormal = normal);
 private void updateCrossSections(Valve.VR.SteamVR_Behaviour_Pose arg0, Valve.VR.SteamVR_Input_Sources arg1)
     pos    = pose.origin.position;
     normal = pose.origin.up;
     setCrossSections(pose.origin.position, pose.origin.up);
Exemple #13
 public T Add <T>(float3 position = default) where T : Element => context.Add <T>(position);