Exemple #1
        void Awake()
            // Initialize components and visual effects hidden
            HealthBar = GetComponentInChildren <HealthBarManager>();
            maxHealth = Health;
            UnitID    = UnitTracker.GetNewUnitID();

            // Minimum degree angle required to skip the unit rotation, above will require rotate toward destination
            PermissiveDestinationAngleDelta = 1;

            // If the unit is already in the scene when launching the game, setting the destination to the current
            // position of the GameObject here has the same result as setting it at the variable declaration above.
            // But, if a new unit instance is requested while the game is running, the reference of the unit to be
            // instanciated will immediately exist while the actual instance will only be generated on the next frame.
            // Therefore, 'MoveToDestination' could be called to set the desired destination, but it would immediately
            // be overriden by the first 'Start' call when it is instanciated on the next frame.
            // Setting the variable in the 'Start' call resolves the problem no matter when the unit is instanciated.
            if (destinationRequest.Equals(Vector3.zero))
                destinationRequest = transform.position;
Exemple #2
    void AcquireTarget()
        if (targetObject == null)
            GameObject closestEnemy = null;
            foreach (GameObject go in UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemies(gameObject))
                if (closestEnemy == null)
                    closestEnemy = go;

                if ((go.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude < (closestEnemy.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude)
                    closestEnemy = go;

            targetObject = closestEnemy;

            if (targetObject != null)
                target = targetObject.transform.position;
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemyCount() == 0)
         if (bossSpawned == false)
             UnitSpawner.SpawnUnitsInArea(UnitReferences.EnemyBattleship, 1, enemySpawns[3]);
             bossSpawned = true;
     if (UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemyCount() < 20 && enemiesKilled < 20)
         int randomSpawn       = Random.Range(0, 2);
         int tempEnemiesKilled = 20 - UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemyCount();
         UnitSpawner.SpawnUnitsInArea(UnitReferences.EnemyFighter1, tempEnemiesKilled, enemySpawns[randomSpawn]);
         enemiesKilled += tempEnemiesKilled;
     if (UnitTracker.GetActiveAllyCount() < 10 && alliesKilled < 15)
         int randomSpawn   = Random.Range(0, 2);
         int temAllyKilled = 10 - UnitTracker.GetActiveAllyCount();
         UnitSpawner.SpawnUnitsInArea(UnitReferences.AlliedFighter1, temAllyKilled, allySpawns[randomSpawn]);
         alliesKilled += temAllyKilled;
Exemple #4
 void Start()
     playerAtComputer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     ut = FindObjectOfType <UnitTracker>();
     am = FindObjectOfType <AllegianceManager>();
     cm = FindObjectOfType <CityManager>();
Exemple #5
 protected override void UnitDeath()
     if (UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemyCount() == 0)
 void CheckForWin()
     if (UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemyCount() == 0 && UnitTracker.PlayerShip != null && TimerController.Instance.GetTime() > 0 && currentProgressionPoint == 2)
         HUDController.Instance.DisplayMessage("You win.");
Exemple #7
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        ut     = FindObjectOfType <UnitTracker>();
        player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); //TODO multiplayer this

 protected override void UnitDeath()
     if (UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemyCount() == 0 && !bossSpawned)
         UnitSpawner.SpawnUnit(UnitReferences.EnemyBattleship, new Vector3(0, 100, 200));
         bossSpawned = true;
Exemple #9
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     ut                  = FindObjectOfType <UnitTracker>();
     ownIFF              = GetComponentInChildren <IFF>();
     attackRange         = weaponLifetime * weaponSpeed;
     selectedFiringSound = SelectSoundFromArray(firingSounds);
     sh                  = GetComponentInChildren <StealthHider>();
Exemple #10
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        instance = this;


        UnitSpawner.SpawnUnit(GameSettings.CurrentPlayerShip, currentLevelController.CurrentPlayerSpawn.transform.position, RotationCalculator.RotationTowardLocation(currentLevelController.CurrentPlayerSpawn.transform.position, currentLevelController.PositionPlayerLooksAtSpawn));
Exemple #11
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     alliedCount = UnitTracker.GetActiveAllyCount();
     if (alliedCount < 2)
     if (cruiser.GetComponent <CruiserAIController>().WayPointNumber == 3)
Exemple #12
 public void Start()
     sr = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     if (isHouse)
     ut = FindObjectOfType <UnitTracker>();
     timeSinceLastMoneyDrop = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, timeBetweenMoneyDrops);
Exemple #13
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 public override void OnStartServer()
     ut                      = FindObjectOfType <UnitTracker>();
     ownIFF                  = GetComponent <IFF>();
     attackRange             = weaponLifetime * weaponSpeed;
     sh                      = GetComponentInChildren <StealthHider>();
     ss                      = GetComponentInChildren <StealthSeeker>();
     ss.OnSeekerDetection   += EvaluateDetectedObject;
     ss.OnSeekerLostContact += HandleLostContact;
     ownIFF.OnChangeIFF += CheckForAlliesAsTargetsAfterIFFChange;
Exemple #14
 protected virtual void Start()
     ut = FindObjectOfType <UnitTracker>();
     move     = GetComponentInChildren <Movement>();
     attack   = GetComponentInChildren <Attack>();
     targetGO = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     iff      = GetComponent <IFF>();
     cm       = FindObjectOfType <CityManager>();
     health   = GetComponentInChildren <Health>();
     am       = FindObjectOfType <AllegianceManager>();
     if (TryGetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(out nma))
         nma.updateRotation = false;
    // Gets the enemy closest to crosshairs
    GameObject GetEasiestTarget()
        GameObject easiestTarget = null;

        foreach (GameObject enemy in UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemies(myInfo.TeamID))
            if ((easiestTarget == null) ||
                (Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, easiestTarget.transform.position - transform.position)
                 > Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, enemy.transform.position - transform.position)))
                easiestTarget = enemy;
        targetTimer = 0;
Exemple #16
    void Die()
        if (myInfo.Explosion != null)
            Instantiate(myInfo.Explosion, transform.position, transform.rotation);

        //If this unit is not the player: Remove it from the unitTracker and raise the OnUnitDeath event.
        if (!myInfo.IsPlayerShip)
                if (OnUnitDeath != null)
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                Debug.LogError(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
        else //If this unit is the player: Remove its reference in the unitTracker and raise the OnPlayerDeath event.
            UnitTracker.PlayerShip = null;
            try {
                if (OnPlayerDeath != null)
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                Debug.LogError(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);

        if (myInfo.IsPooled)
    // Gets the closest enemy
    GameObject GetClosestTarget()
        GameObject closestTarget = null;

        foreach (GameObject enemy in UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemies(myInfo.TeamID))
            if ((closestTarget == null) ||
                (Vector3.Distance(enemy.transform.position, this.transform.position)
                 > Vector3.Distance(closestTarget.transform.position, this.transform.position)))
                closestTarget = enemy;

        targetTimer = 0;
Exemple #18
    EnemyDecision FindBestAttackAt(Vector3Int move)
        UnitTracker       ut = GetComponent <UnitTracker>();
        List <Vector3Int> possibleAttacks = ut.PossibleAttacksAtTile(move);
        Vector3Int        bestAttack      = new Vector3Int(-1, -1, -1);
        float             bestRating      = 0;
        bool freeAttackFound = false;

        foreach (Vector3Int attack in possibleAttacks)
            if (TileManager.instance.allUnits.ContainsKey(attack) && TileManager.instance.allUnits[attack].tag != tag)
                GameObject       target = TileManager.instance.allUnits[attack];
                BattleSimulation battle = new BattleSimulation(gameObject, target, move, target.GetComponent <UnitTracker>().GetLocation());

                if (!freeAttackFound && battle.GetDefenderAttacks() == 0)
                    freeAttackFound = true;
                    bestRating      = CalculateRating(battle);
                    bestAttack      = attack;
                else if (!freeAttackFound && battle.GetDefenderAttacks() != 0)
                    float tempRating = CalculateRating(battle);
                    if (tempRating > bestRating)
                        bestRating = tempRating;
                        bestAttack = attack;
                else if (battle.GetDefenderAttacks() == 0)
                    float tempRating = CalculateRating(battle);
                    if (tempRating > bestRating)
                        bestRating = tempRating;
                        bestAttack = attack;

        return(new EnemyDecision(bestAttack));
Exemple #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns if the given position is within a collider of any unit in the scene.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <returns>True if the given position is within any unit's collider, false if not.</returns>
    static bool PositionInsideAnyUnitCollider(Vector3 position)
        List <GameObject> units = UnitTracker.GetActiveUnits();

        foreach (GameObject go in units)
            MeshCollider mc = go.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
            if (mc == null)

            if (mc.bounds.Contains(position))
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the closest enemy of given UnitTypes that is within the given maximum distance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="myUnit">Unit to find the enemies of.</param>
    /// <param name="unitTypes">Array of unit types that are valid targets.</param>
    /// <param name="maxDistance">Maximum distance to find enemies.</param>
    /// <returns>Closest enemy unit within max distance.</returns>
    public static GameObject GetClosestEnemy(GameObject myUnit, UnitType[] unitTypes, int maxDistance, bool objectiveUnitsOnly)
        List <GameObject> enemies;

        if (objectiveUnitsOnly)
            enemies = UnitTracker.GetObjectiveEnemies(myUnit);
            enemies = UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemies(myUnit);

        GameObject closestEnemy         = null;
        float      closestEnemyDistance = float.MaxValue;

        foreach (GameObject go in enemies)
            bool isCorrectShipType = false;
            foreach (UnitType ut in unitTypes)
                if (go.GetComponent <UnitInfo>().UnitType == ut)
                    isCorrectShipType = true;

            if (!isCorrectShipType)

            float dist = (go.transform.position - myUnit.transform.position).magnitude;
            if (dist < closestEnemyDistance && dist <= maxDistance)
                closestEnemyDistance = (go.transform.position - myUnit.transform.position).magnitude;
                closestEnemy         = go;

    float maxTargetLength = 10.0f; // Maximum amount of time to have a target before searching for a new one

    void Start()
        myInfo            = GetComponent <UnitInfo>();
        weaponsController = GetComponent <WeaponsController>();
        myRigidbody       = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        target            = GetEasiestTarget();
        myHealth          = GetComponent <Health> ();

        phase     = 1;
        shieldsOn = true;
        boosted   = false;

        if (!UnitTracker.GetActiveUnits().Contains(this.gameObject))
        // set target on spawn
        messageTxt = GameObject.Find("MessageText").GetComponent <MessageTextController>();
        messageTxt.DisplayMessage("Their shields are too strong for our weapons. Try to find a weak point.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Find the closest enemy unit and sets it as our target.
    /// </summary>
    void AcquireTarget()
        if (!ownerAndTeamSet)

        if (targetObject == null || targetObject.activeInHierarchy == false)
            //If our owner is the player: Set our target as the player's target.
            if (GetComponent <ProjectileInfo>().Owner == UnitTracker.PlayerShip && TargettingController.Instance != null)
                targetObject = TargettingController.Instance.Target;

            if (targetObject == null)
                GameObject closestEnemy = null;
                foreach (GameObject go in UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemies(gameObject))
                    if (closestEnemy == null)
                        closestEnemy = go;

                    if ((go.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude < (closestEnemy.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude)
                        closestEnemy = go;

                targetObject = closestEnemy;

            if (targetObject != null)
                target = targetObject.transform.position;
Exemple #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a given unit type at given location with a given rotation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="unitType">Type of unit to spawn.</param>
    /// <param name="spawnLocation">Location to spawn the unit.</param>
    /// <param name="spawnRotation">Rotation to spawn the unit.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static GameObject SpawnUnit(GameObject unitType, Vector3 spawnLocation, Quaternion spawnRotation)
        if (unitType == null)
            throw new MissingReferenceException("Given unitType was null, can't spawn.");
        if (unitType.GetComponent <UnitInfo>() == null)
            throw new MissingComponentException("Given unitType doesn't have a UnitInfo component. Is it a unit?");
        if (unitType.GetComponent <UnitInfo>().IsPlayerShip&& UnitTracker.PlayerShip != null)
            throw new System.Exception("A player ship already exists in this scene and you are trying to instantiate another player ship.");

        GameObject unit;

        if (unitType.GetComponent <UnitInfo>().IsPooled)
            unit = PoolController.Instance.GetObject(unitType, spawnLocation, spawnRotation);
            unit = Instantiate(unitType, spawnLocation, spawnRotation) as GameObject;

        if (unit.GetComponent <UnitInfo>().IsPlayerShip)
            UnitTracker.PlayerShip = unit;
        else if (!unit.GetComponent <UnitInfo>().NotTargettable)

    void SwitchTarget()
        //Get the list of enemies...
        List <GameObject> units = UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemies();

        //cycle through the list of enemies...
        for (int i = 0; i < units.Count; i++)
            if (units [i] != null && units [i].GetComponent <UnitInfo> () != null)
                //First, we need to check if we currently have a target. If we don't just assign the first one for now
                if (target == null || !target.activeInHierarchy)
                    target      = units [i];
                    targetIndex = i;
                //If the current unit being checked ISN'T the target and is closest to the reticle then pick that one
                targetLoc = playerCam.WorldToScreenPoint(units[i].transform.position);
                Vector2 currentTargetLoc = playerCam.WorldToScreenPoint(target.transform.position);
                //We also want to check if the target is within the camera's view.
                if (target != units [i] && (units[i].GetComponent <Renderer>().isVisible))
                    //Now, we check to see if the new target is CLOSER to the reticle than the current target. If so, switch targets.
                    if (Mathf.Sqrt((targetLoc.x - (Screen.width / 2f)) * (targetLoc.x - (Screen.width / 2f)) + (targetLoc.y - (Screen.height / 2f)) * (targetLoc.y - (Screen.height / 2f))) <                                           //if distance1 from center is less than
                        Mathf.Sqrt((currentTargetLoc.x - (Screen.width / 2f)) * (currentTargetLoc.x - (Screen.width / 2f)) + (currentTargetLoc.y - (Screen.height / 2f)) * (currentTargetLoc.y - (Screen.height / 2f))))                // Distance 2...
                    //After that sinful line of code we assign the target if the current one being checked is closest to the center of the screen (reticle)
                        target           = units [i];
                        targetIndex      = i;
                        targetTitle.text = target.GetComponent <UnitInfo> ().ShipTitle;
                        targetIcon.GetComponent <AudioSource> ().Play();
Exemple #25
    public EnemyDecision GetDecision()
        UnitTracker ut = GetComponent <UnitTracker>();

        switch (behaviour)
        case EnemyBehaviour.IDLE:
            //In this state, enemies will simply stand still, and will not attack (will still counterattack)
            return(new EnemyDecision());

        case EnemyBehaviour.HOLD:
            //In this state, enemies will stay in place, and will not move. They will attack anything in their immediate range,
            //but will not move to attack a unit

        case EnemyBehaviour.WAIT:
            //In this state, enemies will stay in place, but will move to attack any enemies they can move to and attack

        case EnemyBehaviour.SEEK:
            //In this state, enemies will stay in place, but will move to attack any enemies they can move to and attack
            //If there are no enemies to attack, enemies will move towards their goal
            EnemyDecision bestCombat = FindBestMoveAttack(ut.PossibleMovement());
            if (bestCombat.pass)
                return(FindBestMove(new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0)));

        return(new EnemyDecision());
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (playerObj != null)
            int playerTeamID = -1;
            if (playerObj.GetComponent <UnitInfo>() != null)
                playerTeamID = playerObj.GetComponent <UnitInfo>().TeamID;

            //We update the player's location every physics step
            playerLoc = playerObj.transform.position;

            //Get the active enemies and iterate through the list
            List <GameObject> enemies = UnitTracker.GetActiveEnemies();
            int requiredEnemyIcons    = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; i++)
                if (enemies[i] != null && enemies[i].GetComponent <UnitInfo>() != null)
                    //Calculate the distance of each enemy from the player and check if it's outside the range of the radar
                    Vector2 distFromPlayer = new Vector2(playerLoc.x - enemies[i].transform.position.x, playerLoc.z - enemies[i].transform.position.z);
                    float   length         = Mathf.Sqrt((distFromPlayer.x * distFromPlayer.x) + (distFromPlayer.y * distFromPlayer.y));
                    if (length < radarRange)
                        //Draw the unit on the radar, maintain scale, rotation etc

                        Vector3 pos = new Vector3((transform.position.x - distFromPlayer.x / (radarRange / 150)), (transform.position.y - distFromPlayer.y / (radarRange / 150)), transform.position.z);

                        if (requiredEnemyIcons < enemyIcons.Count)
                            enemyIcons[requiredEnemyIcons].transform.position = pos;
                            enemyIcons.Add(PoolController.Instance.GetObject(enemyIcon, pos, Quaternion.identity, transform));

            //Remove unneccessary enemy icons.
            for (int i = enemyIcons.Count - 1; i >= requiredEnemyIcons; i--)

            List <GameObject> allies = UnitTracker.GetActiveAllies();
            int requiredAllyIcons    = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < allies.Count; i++)
                if (allies[i] == playerObj)
                if (allies[i] != null && allies[i].GetComponent <UnitInfo>() != null)
                    //Calculate the distance of each enemy from the player and check if it's outside the range of the radar
                    Vector2 distFromPlayer = new Vector2(playerLoc.x - allies[i].transform.position.x, playerLoc.z - allies[i].transform.position.z);
                    float   length         = Mathf.Sqrt((distFromPlayer.x * distFromPlayer.x) + (distFromPlayer.y * distFromPlayer.y));
                    if (length < radarRange)
                        //Draw the unit on the radar, maintain scale, rotation etc
                        Vector3 pos = new Vector3((transform.position.x - distFromPlayer.x / (radarRange / 150)), (transform.position.y - distFromPlayer.y / (radarRange / 150)), transform.position.z);

                        if (requiredAllyIcons < allyIcons.Count)
                            allyIcons[requiredAllyIcons].transform.position = pos;
                            allyIcons.Add(PoolController.Instance.GetObject(allyIcon, pos, Quaternion.identity, transform));

            //Remove unneccessary ally icons.
            for (int i = allyIcons.Count - 1; i >= requiredAllyIcons; i--)

            //Get the player ships rotation
            Vector3 playerRotation = playerObj.transform.eulerAngles;
            //Rotate our radar with the player ship, but only on one axis
            transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y, -playerRotation.y);
 public LazySightFinder(UnitTracker UnitTracker)
     this.UnitTracker = UnitTracker;
Exemple #28
    EnemyDecision FindBestMoveAttack(List <Vector3Int> possibleMoves)
        UnitTracker ut = GetComponent <UnitTracker>();

        if (possibleMoves.Count == 0)

        Vector3Int bestMove        = new Vector3Int(-1, -1, -1);
        Vector3Int bestAttack      = new Vector3Int(-1, -1, -1);
        float      bestRating      = 0;
        bool       freeAttackFound = false;

        foreach (Vector3Int move in possibleMoves)                                                                         //Loop through every possible move a character can make
            foreach (Vector3Int attack in ut.PossibleAttacksAtTile(move))                                                  //Loop through every possible attack at each move
                if (TileManager.instance.allUnits.ContainsKey(attack) && TileManager.instance.allUnits[attack].tag != tag) //Check to see if there is an attackable unit
                    GameObject       target = TileManager.instance.allUnits[attack];
                    BattleSimulation battle = new BattleSimulation(gameObject, target, move, target.GetComponent <UnitTracker>().GetLocation());
                    if (!TileManager.instance.allUnits.ContainsKey(move))
                        if (!freeAttackFound && battle.GetDefenderAttacks() == 0)
                            freeAttackFound = true;
                            bestRating      = CalculateRating(battle);
                            bestMove        = move;
                            bestAttack      = attack;
                        else if (!freeAttackFound && battle.GetDefenderAttacks() != 0)
                            float tempRating = CalculateRating(battle);
                            if (tempRating > bestRating)
                                bestRating = tempRating;
                                bestMove   = move;
                                bestAttack = attack;
                        else if (battle.GetDefenderAttacks() == 0)
                            float tempRating = CalculateRating(battle);
                            if (tempRating > bestRating)
                                bestRating = tempRating;
                                bestMove   = move;
                                bestAttack = attack;

        if (bestMove.z == -1 && bestAttack.z == -1)
            return(new EnemyDecision());
        List <Vector3Int> path = ShortestPath.instance.FindPath(gameObject.GetComponent <UnitTracker>().GetLocation(), bestMove, "Red");

        return(new EnemyDecision(path, bestAttack));
Exemple #29
        public static HitChance GetHitChance(SpellSlot spellslot, float range, SkillShotType type, float delay, float speed, float radius, Vector3 fromPoint, Obj_AI_Base target)
            // CAN'T MOVE SPELLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (UnitTracker.GetSpecialSpellEndTime(target) > 0 || target.HasBuff("recall") || (UnitTracker.GetLastStopMoveTime(target) < 0.1d && target.IsRooted))

            // PREPARE MATH ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            var tempHitchance = HitChance.Low;

            var   lastWaypiont           = target.RealPath().Last();
            var   distanceUnitToWaypoint = lastWaypiont.Distance(target.ServerPosition);
            var   distanceFromToUnit     = fromPoint.Distance(target.ServerPosition);
            var   distanceFromToWaypoint = lastWaypiont.Distance(fromPoint);
            var   getAngle   = GetAngle(fromPoint, target);
            float speedDelay = distanceFromToUnit / speed;

            if (Math.Abs(speed - float.MaxValue) < float.Epsilon)
                speedDelay = 0;

            float  totalDelay = speedDelay + delay;
            float  moveArea   = target.MoveSpeed * totalDelay;
            float  fixRange   = moveArea * 0.4f;
            float  pathMinLen = 900 + +moveArea;
            double angleMove  = 31;

            if (radius > 70)
            else if (radius <= 60)
            if (delay < 0.3)

            if (UnitTracker.GetLastNewPathTime(target) < 0.1d)
                tempHitchance = HitChance.High;
                pathMinLen    = 700f + moveArea;
                angleMove    += 1.5;
                fixRange      = moveArea * 0.3f;

            if (type == SkillShotType.Circular)
                fixRange -= radius / 2;

            // FIX RANGE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            if (distanceFromToWaypoint <= distanceFromToUnit)
                if (distanceFromToUnit > range - fixRange)
                    tempHitchance = HitChance.Medium;
                    // return tempHitchance;
            else if (distanceUnitToWaypoint > 350)
                angleMove += 1.5;

            // SPAM CLICK ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (UnitTracker.PathCalc(target))
                //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: SPAM CLICK");
                if (distanceFromToUnit < range - fixRange)
                    tempHitchance = HitChance.High;
                    tempHitchance = HitChance.Medium;
                // return tempHitchance;

            // SPAM POSITION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (UnitTracker.SpamSamePlace(target))
                //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: SPAM POSITION");

            // SPECIAL CASES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (distanceFromToUnit < 250)
                //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: SPECIAL CASES NEAR");
            else if (target.MoveSpeed < 250)
                //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: SPECIAL CASES SLOW");
            else if (distanceFromToWaypoint < 250)
                //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: SPECIAL CASES ON WAY");

            // LONG CLICK DETECTION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (distanceUnitToWaypoint > pathMinLen)
                //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: LONG CLICK DETECTION");

            // RUN IN LANE DETECTION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (getAngle < angleMove && distanceUnitToWaypoint > 260)
                //OktwCommon.debug(GetAngle(input.From, target) + " PRED: ANGLE " + angleMove + " DIS " + distanceUnitToWaypoint);

            // CIRCLE NEW PATH ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (type == SkillShotType.Circular)
                if (UnitTracker.GetLastNewPathTime(target) < 0.1d && distanceUnitToWaypoint > fixRange)
                    //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: CIRCLE NEW PATH");

            // LOW HP DETECTION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (target.HealthPercent < 20 || ObjectManager.Player.HealthPercent < 20)
                tempHitchance = HitChance.Medium;
                // return HitChance.Medium;

            // STOP LOGIC ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (target.RealPath().LastOrDefault() != target.ServerPosition)
                if ((UnitTracker.GetLastAutoAttackTime(target) < 0.1 || UnitTracker.GetLastStopMoveTime(target) < 0.1) && totalDelay < 0.6)
                    //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: STOP LOGIC WINDING");
                    tempHitchance = HitChance.Medium;
                else if (UnitTracker.GetLastStopMoveTime(target) < 0.5)
                    tempHitchance = HitChance.Medium;
                    //OktwCommon.debug("PRED: STOP LOGIC");
                    tempHitchance = HitChance.Medium;
            //Program.debug("PRED: NO DETECTION");
 void OnDisable()