// POST: api/RenovationGroups
 public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]RenovationGroup group)
     var repo = new UnitRenovationGroupRepository(new ConstructionEntities());
     var translated = new RenovationGroupBuilder().Translate(new List<RenovationGroup> { group });
     return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, group);
        public void Context()
            _newGrp = new UnitRenoGrp
                hProp = 23,
                RenoGrpName = "when_deleting_existing",
                RenoGrpDesc = "Test description",
                LeadContractor = "Test Lead Contractor"

            _entities = new ConstructionEntities();
            _target = new UnitRenovationGroupRepository(_entities);

            Func<UnitRenoGrp, bool> existingEntityExpression = (existingGrp =>
                existingGrp.RenoGrpName == _newGrp.RenoGrpName &&
                existingGrp.hProp == _newGrp.hProp &&
                existingGrp.RenoGrpDesc == _newGrp.RenoGrpDesc &&
                existingGrp.LeadContractor == _newGrp.LeadContractor);

            //remove existing data context
            var existing = _entities.UnitRenoGrps.Where(existingEntityExpression).ToList();
            if (existing.Any())
                existing.ForEach(rg =>


            //create a new entity to delete

            var saveTarget = _entities.UnitRenoGrps.Where(existingEntityExpression).ToList()[0];
            saveTarget.ArchiveFlag = true;

            //delete the entity

            _result = _entities.UnitRenoGrps.Where(existingEntityExpression).ToList()[0];
        public void Context()
            var newGrp = new UnitRenoGrp
                hProp = 1,
                RenoGrpName = "when_saving_new",
                RenoGrpDesc = "Test description",
                LeadContractor = "Test Lead Contractor"

            var newGroups = new List<UnitRenoGrp> { newGrp };

            Func<UnitRenoGrp, bool> expression =
                (existingGrp => existingGrp.RenoGrpName == newGrp.RenoGrpName &&
                    existingGrp.hProp == newGrp.hProp &&
                    existingGrp.RenoGrpDesc == newGrp.RenoGrpDesc &&
                    existingGrp.LeadContractor == newGrp.LeadContractor &&
                    existingGrp.ArchiveFlag == newGrp.ArchiveFlag);

            _entities = new ConstructionEntities();

            //remove existing context before test run
            var existing = _entities.UnitRenoGrps.Where(expression).ToList();

            if (existing.Any())
                existing.ForEach(rg =>


            _target = new UnitRenovationGroupRepository(_entities);
            _result = _target.Retrieve(expression).ToList()[0];
 public void Context()
     _entities = new ConstructionEntities();
     _target = new UnitRenovationGroupRepository(_entities);
     _results = _target.Retrieve(rg => rg.ArchiveFlag != true).ToList();