public void PlaceBeacon(Vector3 spawnPos) { GameObject newBeacon = Instantiate(dropBeacon, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newBeacon.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); newBeacon.SendMessage("Setup", 5f, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); UnitObject newUnit = new UnitObject(spawnType, 1, newBeacon, Time.time + 5f); spawnQueueManager.spawnQueue.Add(newUnit); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a unit to the selection. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">Unit to be selected.</param> /// <param name="toggle">Set to true to toggle selection state.</param> public void SelectUnit(UnitObject unit, bool toggle = false) { if (!selectedUnits.Contains(unit)) { unit.GameObject.SendMessage("Select", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); selectedUnits.Add(unit); } else if (toggle) { DeselectUnit(unit); } }
// 判斷有無可攻擊的障礙物 protected virtual bool IsAnyAttacableObstacleInfrontOfUs( string _TargetName , ref UnitObject _SubTarget ) { bool ret = false ; Vector3 vecToTarget = ; Vector3 norVecToTarget = ; float angleOfTarget = 0.0f ; float dotOfUp = 0.0f ; UnitData unitData = this.gameObject.GetComponent<UnitData>() ; UnitSensorSystem sensor = this.gameObject.GetComponent<UnitSensorSystem>() ; if( null != sensor ) { foreach( NamedObject unit in sensor.m_SensorUnitList ) { if( unit.Name == _TargetName ) continue ; // 會判斷不是陣營才能開火 UnitData unitUnitData = unit.Obj.GetComponent<UnitData>() ; if( unitData.m_SideName == unitUnitData.m_SideName ) continue ; if( false == MathmaticFunc.FindUnitRelation( this.gameObject , unit.Obj , ref vecToTarget , ref norVecToTarget , ref angleOfTarget , ref dotOfUp ) ) continue ; if( vecToTarget.sqrMagnitude < m_BlockRangeSquare && angleOfTarget < m_BlockAngle ) { // Debug.Log( "block in the way" + unit.Name ) ; // Debug.Log( "_SubTargetPosition" + _SubTargetPosition ) ; _SubTarget.Setup( unit.Name , unit.Obj ) ; ret = true ; break ; } } } return ret ; }
public void OnHitNormalAttack(UnitObject target) { specified.OnHitNormalAttack(target); }
// 改變主要目標 public void ChangeTarget( UnitObject _Obj ) { m_TargetNow = new UnitObject( _Obj ) ; if( null != m_TargetNow.Obj ) { this.SetState( AI_Fire_State.MoveToTarget ) ;// 重新設定狀態 } }
public void AddUnitObject(UnitObject uo, bool deleteEndBattle = false) { uo.SetOwnerCard(OwnerCard); uo.SetGame(Game); = ExternEffects.Count; ExternEffects.Add(uo); if(deleteEndBattle) { deleteExtEffectEndBattleList.Add(; } }
public virtual void OnDead(UnitObject unit) { }
public static void AddUnit(UnitObject u) { _units.Add(u); }
public void UnBoardTransport(UnitObject boardingUnit) { boardedUnits.Remove(boardingUnit); capacity++; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gameplay = this; _MainCamera = (Camera)gameObject.GetComponent("Camera"); _SelectionListWindow = new SelectionListWindow(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2 + 100); _AbilityManagerList = new SelectionListGenericWindow(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2 + 100); _SelectionCardNameWindow = new SelectionCardNameWindow(Screen.width / 2 - 50, Screen.height / 2); _SelectionCardNameWindow.CreateCardList(); _SelectionCardNameWindow.SetGame(this); _DecisionWindow = new DecisionWindow(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2 + 100); _DecisionWindow.SetGame(this); _NotificationWindow = new NotificacionWindow(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2 + 100); _NotificationWindow.SetGame(this); FromHandToBindList = new List<Card>(); AttackedList = new List<Card>(); UnitsCalled = new List<Card>(); EnemySoulBlastQueue = new List<Card>(); _PopupNumber = new PopupNumber(); _MouseHelper = new MouseHelper(this); GameChat = new Chat(); opponent = PlayerVariables.opponent; playerHand = new PlayerHand(); enemyHand = new EnemyHand(); field = new Field(this); enemyField = new EnemyField(this); guardZone = new GuardZone(); guardZone.SetField(field); guardZone.SetEnemyField(enemyField); guardZone.SetGame(this); fieldInfo = new FieldInformation(); EnemyFieldInfo = new EnemyFieldInformation(); Data = new CardDataBase(); List<CardInformation> tmpList = Data.GetAllCards(); for(int i = 0; i < tmpList.Count; i++) { _SelectionCardNameWindow.AddNewNameToTheList(tmpList[i]); } //camera = (CameraPosition)GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent("CameraPosition"); //camera.SetLocation(CameraLocation.Hand); LoadPlayerDeck(); LoadEnemyDeck(); gamePhase = GamePhase.CHOOSE_VANGUARD; bDrawing = true; bIsCardSelectedFromHand = false; bPlayerTurn = false; bDriveAnimation = false; bChooseTriggerEffects = false; DriveCard = null; //Texture showed above a card when this is selected for an action (An attack, for instance) CardSelector = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CardSelector"); _CardMenuHelper = (CardHelpMenu)GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CardMenuHelper").GetComponent("CardHelpMenu"); _GameHelper = (GameHelper)GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameHelper").GetComponent("GameHelper"); bPlayerTurn = PlayerVariables.bFirstTurn; //ActivePopUpQuestion(playerDeck.DrawCard()); _CardMenu = new CardMenu(this); _AbilityManager = new AbilityManager(this); _AbilityManagerExt = new AbilityManagerExt(); _GameHelper.SetChat(GameChat); _GameHelper.SetGame(this); EnemyTurnStackedCards = new List<Card>(); dummyUnitObject = new UnitObject(); dummyUnitObject.SetGame(this); stateDynamicText = new DynamicText(); }
public Condition_UnitIsDead( Condition_UnitIsDead _src ) { m_Unit = new UnitObject( _src.m_Unit ) ; }
protected virtual bool CheckTarget( UnitObject _TargetUnit ) { return ( null != _TargetUnit && null != _TargetUnit.ObjUnitData && true == _TargetUnit.ObjUnitData.IsAlive() ) ; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a unit to the list of active friendly units. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">Unit to be added.</param> public void RegisterUnit(UnitObject unit) { if (allFriendlyUnits.Contains(unit)) return; allFriendlyUnits.Add(unit); }
public void OnDead(UnitObject unit) { specified.OnDead(unit); }
public virtual void Init(UnitObject initUnit, Skill initSkill, GameObject initPrefab) { prefab = initPrefab; skillSource = initSkill; source = initUnit; }
public override void OnCast() { base.OnCast(); _tmpTarget.Heal(amount[parent.LevelIndex]); _tmpTarget = null; }
public virtual void Initialize(UnitObject source) { }
/// <summary> /// Casts the Variant Spell, this is used for methamorphosis casting. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if variant was cast, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="spellNameNormal">Spell name normal.</param> /// <param name="spellNameMetamorphosed">Spell name metamorphosed.</param> /// <param name="target">Target.</param> /// <param name="unitCondition">Unit condition.</param> /// <param name="normalCondition">Normal condition.</param> /// <param name="metamorphedCondition">Metamorphed condition.</param> bool CastVariant(string spellNameNormal, string spellNameMetamorphosed, UnitObject target = null, Func <UnitObject, bool> unitCondition = null, Func <UnitObject, bool> normalCondition = null, Func <UnitObject, bool> metamorphedCondition = null) { if (target == null) { target = Target; } if (unitCondition == null) { unitCondition = (_ => true); } if (normalCondition == null) { normalCondition = (_ => true); } if (metamorphedCondition == null) { metamorphedCondition = (_ => true); } return(HasMetamorphosis ? Cast( spellNameMetamorphosed, () => unitCondition(target) && metamorphedCondition(target), target ) : Cast( spellNameNormal, () => unitCondition(target) && normalCondition(target), target )); }
public override void OnHitNormalAttack(UnitObject target, AttackInfo attackInfo) { int mana = manaPerHit[parent.LevelIndex]; parent.sourceUnit.CurrentMp += attackInfo.IsCrit ? mana * 2 : mana; }
private void SpawnBossDoEvent() { EnemyGenerator enemyGenerator = GlobalSingleton.GetEnemyGeneratorComponent() ; if( null == enemyGenerator ) return ; #if DEBUG Debug.Log( "SpawnBossDoEvent()" ) ; #endif UnitGenerationData addGenData = ChooseBySequence( m_BossTemplates ) ; addGenData.unitName = addGenData.unitName + ConstName.GenerateIterateString() ; addGenData.time = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad ; if( 0 < m_SpawnPosition.Count ) { int index = Random.Range( 0 , m_SpawnPosition.Count ) ; addGenData.initPosition.Setup( m_SpawnPosition[ index ].transform.position ) ; addGenData.initOrientation = m_SpawnPosition[ index ].transform.rotation ; #if DEBUG Debug.Log( m_SpawnPosition[ index ].name + " " + addGenData.initPosition ) ; #endif // 計算destination (相對面的spawnposition) index = m_SpawnPosition.Count - index - 1 ; m_BossDestination = new NamedObject( m_SpawnPosition[ index ] ) ; #if DEBUG Debug.Log( m_SpawnPosition[ index ].name + " " + m_BossDestination ) ; #endif Vector3 pos = m_BossDestination.Obj.transform.position ; addGenData.supplementalVec[ "RoutePosition0" ] = string.Format( "{0},{1},{2}" , pos.x , pos.y , pos.z ) ; } m_BossNow = new UnitObject( addGenData.unitName ) ; enemyGenerator.InsertEnemyGenerationTable( addGenData ) ; m_BossIsAlive = true ; PlayeAudio() ; }
private bool UnitObjectCondition(UnitObject unit) { return(unit.TeamIndex == parent.sourceUnit.TeamIndex); }
/// <summary> /// Removes a unit from the selection. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">Unit to be deselected.</param> public void DeselectUnit(UnitObject unit) { unit.GameObject.SendMessage("Deselect", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); selectedUnits.Remove(unit); }
/// <summary> /// Casts the given spell on the best target. /// If none is found it will always fallback to Target. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if spell on best target was cast, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="spellName">Spell name.</param> /// <param name="castWhen">onlyCastWhen condition for Cast()</param> /// <param name="bestTargetCondition">Condition to limit the UnitObjects for a bestTarget</param> /// <param name="preventTime">Milliseconds in which the spell won't be cast again</param> /// <param name="targetOverride">Spell will be cast on this target</param> public bool CastSpellOnBestAoETarget(string spellName, Func <UnitObject, bool> castWhen = null, Func <UnitObject, bool> bestTargetCondition = null, int preventTime = 0, UnitObject targetOverride = null) { if (castWhen == null) { castWhen = (_ => true); } if (bestTargetCondition == null) { bestTargetCondition = (_ => true); } var aoeRange = SpellAoERange(spellName); var bestTarget = targetOverride ?? Adds .Where(u => u.IsInCombatRangeAndLoS && u.DistanceSquared <= SpellMaxRangeSq(spellName) && bestTargetCondition(u)) .OrderByDescending(u => Adds.Count(o => Vector3.DistanceSquared(u.Position, o.Position) <= aoeRange)).FirstOrDefault() ?? Target; if (preventTime == 0) { return(SpellIsCastOnTerrain(spellName) ? CastOnTerrain( spellName, bestTarget.Position, () => castWhen(bestTarget) ) : Cast( spellName, bestTarget, () => castWhen(bestTarget) )); } return(SpellIsCastOnTerrain(spellName) ? CastOnTerrainPreventDouble( spellName, bestTarget.Position, () => castWhen(bestTarget), preventTime ) : CastPreventDouble( spellName, () => castWhen(bestTarget), bestTarget, preventTime )); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the given unit may be a boss unit. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if unit is (maybe) a boss, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="o">The Unit we want to check</param> public bool IsBoss(UnitObject o) { return((o.MaxHealth >= Me.MaxHealth * (BossHealthPercentage / 100f)) || o.Level >= Me.Level + BossLevelIncrease); }
/// <summary>Reads all objects. </summary> private void LoadAllObjects(MapFile mf) { // import tiles foreach (var iso in mf.Tiles) { _tiles[iso.Dx, iso.Dy / 2] = new MapTile(iso.Dx, iso.Dy, iso.Rx, iso.Ry, iso.Z, iso.TileNum, iso.SubTile, _tiles); } // import terrain foreach (var terr in mf.Terrains) { var t = new TerrainObject(terr.Name); _terrainObjects.Add(t); _tiles.GetTile(terr.Tile).AddObject(t); } // import smudges foreach (var sm in mf.Smudges) { var s = new SmudgeObject(sm.Name); _tiles.GetTile(sm.Tile).AddObject(s); _smudgeObjects.Add(s); } // import overlays foreach (var o in mf.Overlays) { var ovl = new OverlayObject(o.OverlayID, o.OverlayValue); _tiles.GetTile(o.Tile).AddObject(ovl); _overlayObjects.Add(ovl); } // import infantry foreach (var i in mf.Infantries) { var inf = new InfantryObject(i.Owner, i.Name, i.Health, i.Direction, i.OnBridge); _tiles.GetTile(i.Tile).AddObject(inf); _infantryObjects.Add(inf); } foreach (var u in mf.Units) { var un = new UnitObject(u.Owner, u.Name, u.Health, u.Direction, u.OnBridge); _tiles.GetTile(u.Tile).AddObject(un); _unitObjects.Add(un); } foreach (var a in mf.Aircrafts) { var ac = new AircraftObject(a.Owner, a.Name, a.Health, a.Direction, a.OnBridge); _tiles.GetTile(a.Tile).AddObject(ac); _aircraftObjects.Add(ac); } foreach (var s in mf.Structures) { var str = new StructureObject(s.Owner, s.Name, s.Health, s.Direction); str.Upgrade1 = s.Upgrade1; str.Upgrade2 = s.Upgrade2; str.Upgrade3 = s.Upgrade3; _tiles.GetTile(s.Tile).AddObject(str); _structureObjects.Add(str); } }
// 判斷有無敵人或友軍障礙物 protected virtual bool IsAnyEnemyOrObstacleInFrontOfUs( string _TargetName , ref UnitObject _ObstacleEnemy , ref Vector3 _SubTargetPosition ) { bool ret = false ; Vector3 vecToTarget = ; Vector3 norVecToTarget = ; float angleOfTarget = 0.0f ; float dotOfUp = 0.0f ; UnitSensorSystem sensor = this.gameObject.GetComponent<UnitSensorSystem>() ; if( null != sensor ) { GameObject clostUnitObj = sensor.GetClosestObj() ; if( null != clostUnitObj ) { if( == _TargetName ) return ret ; if( false == MathmaticFunc.FindUnitRelation( this.gameObject , clostUnitObj , ref vecToTarget , ref norVecToTarget , ref angleOfTarget , ref dotOfUp ) ) return ret ; UnitData unitData = this.gameObject.GetComponent<UnitData>() ; UnitData possibleSubTarget = clostUnitObj.GetComponent<UnitData>() ; if( null != unitData && null != possibleSubTarget && unitData.m_SideName != possibleSubTarget.m_SideName ) { if( vecToTarget.sqrMagnitude < m_BlockRangeSquare && angleOfTarget < m_BlockAngle ) { // attack the enemy // Debug.Log( "block in the way" + ) ; _ObstacleEnemy = new UnitObject( clostUnitObj ) ; ret = true ; } } else { _ObstacleEnemy = null ; if( vecToTarget.sqrMagnitude < m_BlockRangeSquare && angleOfTarget < m_BlockAngle * 2.0f ) { CalculateSubTarget( this.gameObject , clostUnitObj , ref _SubTargetPosition ) ; // Debug.Log( "_SubTargetPosition" + _SubTargetPosition ) ; ret = true ; } } } } return ret ; }
public SkillScript(int index, UnitObject source) { this.Index = index; this.sourceUnit = source; SetSkill(); }
public unitCategory(UnitObject unit) { unitImage = unit; number = 1; }
public void OnHitNormalAttack(UnitObject target, AttackInfo attackInfo) { specified.OnHitNormalAttack(target, attackInfo); }
/// <summary> /// give experiance and drop item to the murderer. /// </summary> /// <param name="transform"></param> /// <param name="murderer"></param> public override void Death(Transform transform, UnitObject murderer) { base.Death(transform, murderer); GiveDropItem(murderer); GiveExperience(murderer); }
public void TriggerPassiveNormalAttack(UnitObject owner, UnitObject target) { specified.TriggerPassiveNormalAttack(owner, target); }
private void GiveExperience(UnitObject targetCharacter) { targetCharacter.AddExperience(base.totalExp); }
public override void OnHitSkill(UnitObject target) { }
//public static Unit OpenCharacterFile(TableFiles tableFiles, string fileName) //// todo: rewrite public static Unit OpenCharacterFile(TableDataSet tableDataSet, string fileName) //{ // Unit unit = null; // const string excelError = "You must have all excel tables loaded to load characters!"; // if (tableDataSet == null) // { // MessageBox.Show(excelError, "OpenCharacterFile", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // return null; // } // //if (!tableFiles.AllExcelFilesLoaded || !tableFiles.AllStringsFilesLoaded) // //{ // // MessageBox.Show(excelError, "OpenCharacterFile", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // // return null; // //} // FileStream heroFile; // try // { // heroFile = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // MessageBox.Show("Failed to open file: " + fileName + "\n\n" + e, "OpenCharacterFile", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // return null; // } // BitBuffer bitBuffer = new BitBuffer(FileTools.StreamToByteArray(heroFile)) {DataByteOffset = 0x2028}; // unit = new Unit(bitBuffer); // unit.ParseUnit(); // heroFile.Close(); // return unit; //} private void PopulateItems(UnitObject unitObject) { try { bool canGetItemNames = true; DataTable itemsTable = _fileManager.GetDataTable("ITEMS"); DataTable affixTable = _fileManager.GetDataTable("AFFIXES"); DataTable affixNames = _fileManager.GetDataTable("Strings_Affix"); if (itemsTable != null && affixTable != null) { if (!itemsTable.Columns.Contains("code") || !itemsTable.Columns.Contains("String_string")) { canGetItemNames = false; } if (!affixTable.Columns.Contains("code") || !affixTable.Columns.Contains("setNameString_string") || !affixTable.Columns.Contains("magicNameString_string")) { canGetItemNames = false; } } else { canGetItemNames = false; } List <UnitObject> items = unitObject.Items; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { UnitObject item = items[i]; if (item == null) { continue; } //It's an engineer and his drone if (item.UnitCode == (int)SpecialItems.Drone) { item.Name = "Drone"; continue; } // assign default name item.Name = "Item Id: " + item.UnitCode; if (!canGetItemNames) { continue; } if (item.UnitCode == 25393) { //string a; } // get item name DataRow[] itemsRows = itemsTable.Select(String.Format("code = '{0}'", item.UnitCode)); if (itemsRows.Length == 0) { continue; } item.Name = itemsRows[0]["String_string"] as String; // does it have an affix/prefix String affixString = String.Empty; foreach (UnitObjectStats.Stat stat in item.Stats.Stats.Values) { //for (int s = 0; s < item.Stats.NameCount; s++) //{ // "applied_affix" if (stat.Code == (int)ItemValueNames.applied_affix) { int affixCode = stat.Values[0].Value; DataRow[] affixRows = affixTable.Select(String.Format("code = '{0}'", affixCode)); if (affixRows.Length > 0) { //String replaceString = affixRows[0]["setNameString_String"] as String; int index = (int)affixRows[0]["setNameString"]; if (index < 0) { index = (int)affixRows[0]["magicNameString"]; //replaceString = affixRows[0]["magicNameString"] as String; if (index < 0) { break; } } DataRow[] stringRows = affixNames.Select(String.Format("ReferenceId = '{0}'", index)); String replaceString = stringRows[0]["String"] as String; affixString = replaceString; } } // "item_quality" if (stat.Code == (int)ItemValueNames.item_quality) { // is unique || is mutant then no affix int itemQualityCode = stat.Values[0].Value; if (itemQualityCode == (int)ItemQuality.Unique || itemQualityCode == (int)ItemQuality.Mutant) { affixString = String.Empty; break; } } } if (affixString.Length > 0) { item.Name = affixString.Replace("[item]", item.Name); } if (item.Items.Count > 0) { PopulateItems(item); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionLogger.LogException(ex, true); } }
public UnitObject( UnitObject _src ) : base(_src) { m_UnitData = _src.m_UnitData ; }
public void LoadCharacterValues(UnitObject unit) { //GenerateUnitNameStrings(new[] { unit }, null); PopulateItems(unit); }
/// <summary> /// Casts the Variant Spell, this is used for methamorphosis casting. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if variant was cast, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="spellIdNormal">Spell identifier normal.</param> /// <param name="spellIdMetamorphosed">Spell identifier metamorphosed.</param> /// <param name="target">Target.</param> /// <param name="unitCondition">Unit condition.</param> /// <param name="normalCondition">Normal condition.</param> /// <param name="metamorphedCondition">Metamorphed condition.</param> bool CastVariant(DemonologySpellIds spellIdNormal, DemonologySpellIds spellIdMetamorphosed, UnitObject target = null, Func <UnitObject, bool> unitCondition = null, Func <UnitObject, bool> normalCondition = null, Func <UnitObject, bool> metamorphedCondition = null) { if (target == null) { target = Target; } if (unitCondition == null) { unitCondition = (_ => true); } if (normalCondition == null) { normalCondition = (_ => true); } if (metamorphedCondition == null) { metamorphedCondition = (_ => true); } return(HasMetamorphosis ? Cast( (int)spellIdMetamorphosed, () => unitCondition(target) && metamorphedCondition(target), target ) : Cast( (int)spellIdNormal, () => unitCondition(target) && normalCondition(target), target )); }
/// <summary> /// This will try to cast a fear spell. /// /// It will hereby utilize a FearBanList for players, so it won't try to fear all the time. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if a fear spell was cast, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> protected bool CastFearIfFeasible() { if (!FearDoFear) { return(false); } try { FearTrackingList = FearTrackingList.Where(x => !x.IsExpired()).ToList(); // trim the list to all non expired feared objects. var FearableAdds = Adds.Where(x => x.DistanceSquared < 11 * 11); if (CastSelf("Howl of Terror", () => FearableAdds.Count() >= 2)) { foreach (var fearedAdd in FearableAdds.Where(x => x.IsPlayer)) { FearTrackingList.Add(new ExpirableObject(fearedAdd, FearBanTime)); } // Do not fear them again (at least not with feat, howl of terror won't be affected by its fear descision, for the moment...) return(true); } foreach (var add in Adds.Where(x => x.IsPlayer && x.HasAura("Fear"))) { // Add feared adds which were not feared by us //if(FearTrackingList.Count(y => y.Unit == x) == 0) var alreadyAdded = FearTrackingList.FirstOrDefault(y => add.Equals(y.ExpiringObject)); if (alreadyAdded != null) { alreadyAdded.ResetTime(); } else { FearTrackingList.Add(new ExpirableObject(add, FearBanTime)); } } } catch (Exception e) { // catch everything API.PrintError( "Got an error in fear management logic. Disabling fear for now... Please Report to Avoloos.", e ); FearDoFear = false; } UnitObject add2 = Adds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Target != null && x.DistanceSquared <= SpellMaxRangeSq("Fear")); if (add2 != null && add2.DistanceSquared < SpellMaxRangeSq("Fear")) { var add = add2; // Fear only real close targets which attack us if (CastPreventDouble( "Fear", () => (!add.HasAura("Fear") &&// its not already feared by other ppl. !add.HasAura("Howl of Terror") &&// and its not already feared by howl Target.DistanceSquared <= 6.5 * 6.5 &&// and its close add.Target == Me ||// and its targetting me add.IsCastingAndInterruptible()) &&// or its casting and we can interrupt it with fear :D (FearDoFear && FearTrackingList.Count(x => add.Equals(x.ExpiringObject)) == 0) // and its not banned from fear , add, 1000 )) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void ResetController() { selectedUnit = null; }
/// <summary> /// Do all the basic stuff which is shared among all specialisations. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if there was an GCD after a cast, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> protected bool DoSharedRotation() { if (UseDarkSoul) { //no globalcd bool DarkSoulCondition = (Target.IsInCombatRangeAndLoS && Target.MaxHealth >= Me.MaxHealth && Target.IsElite() && !UseDarkSoulBossOnly) || IsBoss(Target); CastSelfPreventDouble( "Dark Soul: Instability", () => DarkSoulCondition, 20000 ); CastSelfPreventDouble( "Dark Soul: Knowledge", () => DarkSoulCondition, 20000 ); CastSelfPreventDouble( "Dark Soul: Misery", () => DarkSoulCondition, 20000 ); } Cast( "Command Demon", () => !HasSpell("Grimoire of Sacrifice") && (IsPetActive("Summon Felhunter") || SelectedPet == WarlockPet.Felhunter) && Target.IsCastingAndInterruptible() ); Cast( "Command Demon", () => !HasSpell("Grimoire of Sacrifice") && (IsPetActive("Summon Imp") || SelectedPet == WarlockPet.SoulImp) && Me.HealthFraction <= 0.75 ); Cast( "Command Demon", () => !HasSpell("Grimoire of Sacrifice") && (IsPetActive("Summon Voidwalker") || SelectedPet == WarlockPet.Voidwalker) && Me.HealthFraction < 0.5 ); Cast( "Command Demon", () => !HasSpell("Grimoire of Sacrifice") && HasFelguard() && Adds.Count(u => Vector3.DistanceSquared( Me.Pet.Position, u.Position ) <= 8 * 8) >= 2 ); Cast( "Axe Toss", () => !HasSpell("Grimoire of Sacrifice") && HasFelguard() && Target.IsCastingAndInterruptible() ); //Heal CastSelf("Unbound Will", () => !Me.CanParticipateInCombat); CastSelf("Dark Bargain", () => Me.HealthFraction < 0.5); CastSelf("Sacrificial Pact", () => Me.HealthFraction < 0.6); CastSelf("Unending Resolve", () => Me.HealthFraction <= 0.5); CastSelf("Dark Regeneration", () => Me.HealthFraction <= 0.6); if (Me.HasAlivePet) { UnitObject add = Adds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Target == Me); if (add != null) { Me.PetAttack(add); } } if (Cast("Mortal Coil", () => Me.HealthFraction <= 0.5)) { return(true); } if (SummonPet()) { return(true); } // Disable DPS Pets if they are the "normal" one. if (!HasSpell("Demonic Servitude")) { if (CastOnTerrain( HasSpell("Grimoire of Supremacy") ? "Summon Abyssal" : "Summon Infernal", Target.Position, () => UseAdditionalDPSPet && (((Target.MaxHealth >= Me.MaxHealth && Target.IsElite() && !UseAdditionalDPSPetBossOnly) || IsBoss(Target)) && (Adds.Count >= 3)) ) || Cast( HasSpell("Grimoire of Supremacy") ? "Summon Terrorguard" : "Summon Doomguard", () => UseAdditionalDPSPet && ((Target.MaxHealth >= Me.MaxHealth && Target.IsElite() && !UseAdditionalDPSPetBossOnly) || IsBoss(Target)) )) { return(true); } } if (HasSpell("Grimoire: Imp")) { bool GrimoireCondition = UseAdditionalDPSPet && ((Target.MaxHealth >= Me.MaxHealth && Target.IsElite() && !UseAdditionalDPSPetBossOnly) || IsBoss(Target)); if (GrimoireCondition) { var GrimoirePet = SelectedGrimoirePet; if (GrimoirePet == WarlockGrimoirePet.CurrentMainPet) { switch (SelectedPet) { case WarlockPet.ManualSelect: case WarlockPet.AutoSelect: GrimoirePet = Target.IsCastingAndInterruptible() ? WarlockGrimoirePet.Felhunter : WarlockGrimoirePet.Doomguard; break; case WarlockPet.SoulImp: GrimoirePet = WarlockGrimoirePet.SoulImp; break; case WarlockPet.Voidwalker: GrimoirePet = WarlockGrimoirePet.Voidwalker; break; case WarlockPet.Succubus: GrimoirePet = WarlockGrimoirePet.Succubus; break; case WarlockPet.Felhunter: GrimoirePet = WarlockGrimoirePet.Felhunter; break; case WarlockPet.Doomguard: GrimoirePet = WarlockGrimoirePet.Doomguard; break; case WarlockPet.Infernal: GrimoirePet = WarlockGrimoirePet.Infernal; break; } } switch (GrimoirePet) { case WarlockGrimoirePet.SoulImp: if (Cast("Grimoire: Imp")) { return(true); } break; case WarlockGrimoirePet.Voidwalker: if (Cast("Grimoire: Voidwalker")) { return(true); } break; case WarlockGrimoirePet.Succubus: if (Cast("Grimoire: Succubus")) { return(true); } break; case WarlockGrimoirePet.Felhunter: if (Cast("Grimoire: Felhunter")) { return(true); } break; case WarlockGrimoirePet.Doomguard: if (Cast("Grimoire: Doomguard")) { return(true); } break; case WarlockGrimoirePet.Infernal: if (Cast("Grimoire: Infernal")) { return(true); } break; } } } if (CurrentBotName == "PvP" && CastFearIfFeasible()) { return(true); } if (CastShadowfuryIfFeasible()) { return(true); } if (DoHealingAndManaManagement()) { return(true); } return(HasGlobalCooldown()); }
public void SetCurrentUnitObject(UnitObject _currentUnitObject) => _CurrentUnitObject = _currentUnitObject;
public void SetUnitObject(CardIdentifier id) { if(id == CardIdentifier.MARTIAL_ARTS_MUTANT__MASTER_BEETLE) _UnitObject = new MartialArtsMutanMasterBeetle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.JUDGEBAU_REVENGER) _UnitObject = new JudgebauRevenger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WILY_REVENGER_MANA) _UnitObject = new WilyRevengerMana(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHARP_FANG_WITCH_FODLA) _UnitObject = new SharpFangWitchFodla(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.UNRIVALED_BLADE_ROGUE_CYCLOMATOOTH) _UnitObject = new UnrivaledBladeRogueCyclomatooth(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MACHINING_SPARK_HERCULES) _UnitObject = new MachiningSparkHercules(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_STORM_GUARDIAN_DRAGON_ICEFALL_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new BlueStormGuardianDragonIcefallDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STARVADER_FREEZE_RAY_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new StarvaderFreezeRayDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT_GIMEL) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightGimel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_BURNOUT) _UnitObject = new DragonicBurnout(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR_STAR_RAIN_TRUMPETER) _UnitObject = new LiberatorStarRainTrumpeter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR_HOLY_SHINE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new LiberatorHolyShineDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLACKWINGED_SWORDBREAKER) _UnitObject = new BlackwingedSwordbreaker(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HATRED_PRISON_REVENGER_KUESARU) _UnitObject = new HatredPrisonRevengerKuesaru(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVENGER_BLOODMASTER) _UnitObject = new RevengerBloodmaster(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_STORM_KARMA_DRAGON_MAELSTROM_REVERSE) _UnitObject = new BlueStormKarmaDragonMaelstromReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_DRAGON_EMPRESS_VENUS_LUQUIER) _UnitObject = new SilverThornEmpressVenusLuquier(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STARVADER_REVERSE_CRADLE) _UnitObject = new StarvaderReverseCradle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_MONK_GOJO) _UnitObject = new DragonMonkGojo(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_OVERLORD_THE_REBIRTH) _UnitObject = new DragonicOverlordTheRebirth(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_OVERLORD_BREAK_RIDE) _UnitObject = new DragonicOverlordBreakRide(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR_MONARCH_SANCTUARY_ALFRED) _UnitObject = new LiberatorMonarchSanctuaryAlfred(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVENGER_DRAGRULER_PHANTOM) _UnitObject = new RevengerDragrulerPhantom(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVENGER_DESPERATE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new RevengerDesperateDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER_OMEGA_GLENDIOS) _UnitObject = new StarVaderOmegaGlendios(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CRIMSON_IMPACT__METATRON) _UnitObject = new CrimsonImpactMetatron(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAJESTY_LORD_BLASTER) _UnitObject = new MajestyLordBlaster(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT__JALAL) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightJalal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SPECTRAL_SHEEP) _UnitObject = new SpectralSheep(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ORDAIN_OWL) _UnitObject = new OrdainOwl(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GODDESS_OF_UNION__JUNO) _UnitObject = new GoddessOfUnionJuno(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MYTH_GUARD__ACHERNAR) _UnitObject = new MythGuardAchemar(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GRAPE_WITCH__GRAPPA) _UnitObject = new GrapeWitchGrappa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MYTH_GUARD__DENEBOLA) _UnitObject = new MythGuardDenebola(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_MAIDEN__KAYANARUMI) _UnitObject = new BattleMaidenKayanarumi(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ORANGE_WITCH__VALENCIA) _UnitObject = new OrangeWitchValencia(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SCARLET_LION_CUB__CARIA) _UnitObject = new ScarletLionCubCaria(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANGELIC_WISEMAN) _UnitObject = new AngelicWiseman(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MYTH_GUARD__FOMALHAUT) _UnitObject = new MythGuardFomalhaut(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLYING_SWORD_LIBERATOR__GORLOIS) _UnitObject = new FlyingSwordLiberatorGorlois(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.THROW_BLADE_KNIGHT__MALEAGANT) _UnitObject = new ThrowBladeKnightMaleagant(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWIN_HOLY_BEAST__WHITE_LION) _UnitObject = new TwinHolyBeastWhiteLion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_PASSION__TOR) _UnitObject = new KnightOfPassionTor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GREEN_AXE_KNIGHT__TALIESYN) _UnitObject = new GreenAxeKnightTaliesyn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWIN_HOLY_BEAST__BLACK_LION) _UnitObject = new TwinHolyBeastBlackLion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DORGAL_LIBERATOR) _UnitObject = new DorgalLiberator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SACRED_GUARDIAN_BEAST__CERYNEIAN) _UnitObject = new SacredGuardianBeastCeryneian(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR__BURNING_BLOW) _UnitObject = new LiberatorBurningBlow(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SECURITY_JEWEL_KNIGHT__ARWEN) _UnitObject = new SecurityJewelKnightArwen(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DESIRE_JEWEL_KNIGHT__HELOISE) _UnitObject = new DesireJewelKnightHeloise(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.JEWEL_KNIGHT__MELME) _UnitObject = new JewelKnightMelme(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SANCTUARY_OF_LIGHT__LITTLE_STORM) _UnitObject = new SanctuaryOfLightLittleStorm(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.JEWEL_KNIGHT__TREANME) _UnitObject = new JewelKnightTreanme(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_COURAGE__ECTOR) _UnitObject = new KnightOfCourageEctor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MYSTICAL_HERMIT) _UnitObject = new MysticalHermit(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAIDEN_OF_CHERRY_BLOOM) _UnitObject = new MaidenOfCherryBloom(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAIDEN_OF_CHERRY_STONE) _UnitObject = new MaidenOfCherryStone(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WHITE_ROSE_MUSKETEER__ALBERTO) _UnitObject = new WhiteRoseMusketeerAlberto(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SPIRITUAL_SPHERE_ERADICATOR__NATA) _UnitObject = new SpiritualSphereEradicatorNata(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CERTAIN_KILL_ERADICATOR__OUEI) _UnitObject = new CertainKillEradicatorOuei(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_ROGUE_OF_UMBRELLA__SUKEROKKU) _UnitObject = new StealthRogueOfUmbrellaSukerokku(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_ROGUE_OF_DEMONIC_HAIR__GURENJISHI) _UnitObject = new StealthRogueOfDemonicHairGurenjishi(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FIRE_GOD__AGNI) _UnitObject = new FireGodAgni(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DOMINATE_DRIVE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new DominateDriveDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT__SADIG) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightSadig(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.INVESTIGATING_STEALTH_ROGUE__AMAKUSA) _UnitObject = new InvestigatingStealthRogueAmakusa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT__AKRAM) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightAkram(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_SCORCHING_SCALES__ELIWOOD) _UnitObject = new KnightOfScorchingScalesEliwood(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_MAIDEN__AMENOHOAKARI) _UnitObject = new BattleMaidenAmenohoakari(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.VORPAL_CANNON_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new VorpalCannonDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TREASURE_LIBERATOR__CALOGRENANT) _UnitObject = new TreasureLiberatorCalogrenant(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_SKY_LIBERATOR__HENGIST) _UnitObject = new BlueSkyLiberatorHengist(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LINKING_JEWEL_KNIGHT__TILDA) _UnitObject = new LinkingJewelKnightTilda(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SANCTUARY_OF_LIGHT__PLANET_LANCER) _UnitObject = new SanctuaryOfLightPlanetLancer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COVERT_DEMONIC_DRAGON__KAGURABLOOM) _UnitObject = new CovertDemonicDragonKaburabloom(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_COLLAR_SNOWSTORM__SASAME) _UnitObject = new SilverCollarSnowstormSasame(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__LORENTZ_FORCE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorLorentzForceDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAIDEN_OF_VENUS_TRAP______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new MaidenOfVenusTrapReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LORD_OF_THE_DEEP_FORESTS__MASTER_WISTERIA) _UnitObject = new LordOfTheDeepForestsMasterWisteria(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RED_ROSE_MUSKETEER__ANTONIO) _UnitObject = new RedRoseMusketeerAntonio(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SANCTUARY_OF_LIGHT__DETERMINATOR) _UnitObject = new SanctuaryOfLightDeterminator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COVERT_DEMONIC_DRAGON__HYAKKI_VOGUE______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new CovertDemonicDragonHyakkiVogueReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__TEMPEST_BOLT_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorTempestBoltDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SANCTUARY_OF_LIGHT__PLANETAL_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new SanctuaryOfLightPlanetalDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BANDING_JEWEL_KNIGHT__MIRANDA) _UnitObject = new BandingJewelKnightMiranda(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUMMONING_JEWEL_KNIGHT__GLORIA) _UnitObject = new SummoningJewelKnightGloria(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SWORD_FORMATION_LIBERATOR__IGRAINE) _UnitObject = new SwordFormationLiberatorIgraine(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GODDESS_OF_THE_SHIELD__AEGIS) _UnitObject = new GoddessOfTheShieldAegis(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DAUNTLESS_DOMINATE_DRAGON______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new DauntlessDominateDragonReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__IGNITION_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorIgnitionDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUNLIGHT_GODDESS__YATAGARASU) _UnitObject = new SunlightGoddessYatagarasu(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.OMNISCIENCE_REGALIA__MINERVA) _UnitObject = new OmniscienceRegaliaMinerva(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SALVATION_LION__GRAND_EZEL_SCISSORS) _UnitObject = new SalvationLionGrandEzelScissors(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BROKEN_HEART_JEWEL_KNIGHT__ASHLEI________EVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new BrokenHeartJewelKnightAshleiReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR_OF_BONDS__GANCELOT_ZENITH) _UnitObject = new LiberatorOfBondsGancelotZenith(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ABYSSAL_SNIPER) _UnitObject = new AbyssalSniper(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEUTERIUMGUN_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new DeuteriumgunDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.OCEAN_CURRENT_RESCUING_TURTLE_SOLDIER) _UnitObject = new OceanCurrentRescuingTurtleSoldier(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHALLOWS_SWEEPER) _UnitObject = new ShallowsSweeper(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HEAVY_RUSH_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new HeavyRushDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PATROL_SWIMMING_SEAL_SOLDIER) _UnitObject = new PatrolSwimmingSealSoldier(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.APPRENTICE_GUNNER__SOLON) _UnitObject = new ApprenticeGunnerSolon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COSMIC_CHEETAH) _UnitObject = new CosmicCheetah(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WHISTLE_HYENA) _UnitObject = new WhistleHyena(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TELESCOPE_RABBIT) _UnitObject = new TelescopeRabbit(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SIREN__MARIKA) _UnitObject = new BattleSirenMarika(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MARINE_GENERAL_OF_RAGING_CURRENT__MELTHOS) _UnitObject = new MarineGeneralOfRagingCurrentMelthos(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SIREN__CALLISTA) _UnitObject = new BattleSirenCallista(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PETER_THE_GHOSTIE) _UnitObject = new PeterTheGhostie(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DISCERNING_EYE__SKY_TROOPER) _UnitObject = new DiscerningEyeSkyTrooper(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GATLING_RAIZER) _UnitObject = new GattlingRaizer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__DESERT_GATOR) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityDesertGator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__NIGHT_JACKAL) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityNightJackal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COMBINED_MONSTER__BUGLEED) _UnitObject = new CombinedMonsterBugleed(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ELECTRIC_MONSTER__WHIPPLE) _UnitObject = new ElectricMonsterWhipple(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANALYTIC_MONSTER__GIGABOLT) _UnitObject = new AnalyticMonsterGigabolt(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAM_MONSTER__RAYDRAM) _UnitObject = new BeamMonsterRaydram(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HYPNOSIS_MONSTER__NECRORY) _UnitObject = new HypnosisMonsterNecrory(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUPERMASSIVE_STAR__LADY_GUNNER) _UnitObject = new SupermassiveStarLadyGunner(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DESTRUCTION_STAR_VADER__TUNGSTEN) _UnitObject = new DestructionStarvaderTungsten(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PRISON_GATE_STAR_VADER__PALLADIUM) _UnitObject = new PrisonGateStarvaderPalladium(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ASTEROID_BELT__LADY_GUNNER) _UnitObject = new AsteroidBeltLadyGunner(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__CHAOS_BEAT_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new StarvaderChaosBeatDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLACK_RING_CHAIN__PLEIADES) _UnitObject = new BlackRingChainPleiades(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CORROSION_DRAGON__CORRUPT_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new CorrosionDragonCorruptDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEATH_ARMY_COMMANDER) _UnitObject = new DeathArmyCommander(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TEMPEST_STEALTH_ROGUE_FUUKI) _UnitObject = new TempestStealthRogueFuuki(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_DRAGON_KODACHI_FUBUKI) _UnitObject = new StealthDragonKodachifubuki(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_FIEND_MEZUOU) _UnitObject = new StealthFiendMezuou(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FESTIVE_STEALTH_ROGUE_SHUTENMARU) _UnitObject = new FestivalStealthRogueShutenmaru(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_FIEND_MASHIROMOMEN) _UnitObject = new StealthFiendMashiromomen(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANESTHESIA_CELESTIAL__RUMAEL) _UnitObject = new AnesthesiaCelestialRumael(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TENDER_PIGEON) _UnitObject = new TenderPigeon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PENETRATE_CELESTIAL__GADRIEL) _UnitObject = new PenetrateCelestialGadriel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_FIEND_GOZUOU) _UnitObject = new StealthFiendGozuou(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WASHUP_RACCOON) _UnitObject = new WashupRaccoon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SURGICAL_CELESTIAL__BATARIEL) _UnitObject = new SurgicalCelestialBatariel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWINKLEKNIFE_ANGEL) _UnitObject = new TwinkleknifeAngel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRESSING_BARRAGE__SAHARIEL) _UnitObject = new DressingBarrageSahariel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BUBBLE_EDGE_DRACOKID) _UnitObject = new BubbleEdgeDracokid(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ABACUS_BEAR) _UnitObject = new AbacusBear(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WHEEL_ASSAULT) _UnitObject = new WheelAssault(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAIMAGNUM) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboDaimagnum(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_ENTROPY) _UnitObject = new KnightOfEntropy(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PARADISE_ELK) _UnitObject = new ParadiseElk(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EARNEST_STAR_VADER__SELENIUM) _UnitObject = new EarnestStarvaderSelenium(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_SEAS_NECROMANCER__BARBAROS) _UnitObject = new DemonicSeasNecromancerBarbaros(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEA_STROLLING_BANSHEE) _UnitObject = new SeaStrollingBanshee(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TIDAL_ASSAULT) _UnitObject = new TidalAssault(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__GOCANNON) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboGocannon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SPACE_DRAGON__DOGURUMADORA) _UnitObject = new SpaceDragonDogurumadora(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAIHEART) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboDaiheart(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_BEAST_KUROKO) _UnitObject = new StealthBeastKuroko(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__MAX_BEAT) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityMaxBeat(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ENERGY_CHARGER) _UnitObject = new EnergyCharger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_BEAST_TAMAHAGANE) _UnitObject = new StealthBeastTamahagane(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_FIEND_DAIDARAHOUSHI) _UnitObject = new StealthFiendDaidarahoushi(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.NURSING_CELESTIAL__NARELLE) _UnitObject = new NursingCelestialNarelle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.OPERATION_CELESTIAL__ARMEN) _UnitObject = new OperationCelestialArmen(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SCHOOL_PUNISHER__LEO_PALD______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new SchoolPunisherLeopaldReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HONORARY_PROFESSOR__CHATNOIR) _UnitObject = new HonoraryProfessorChatnoir(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ICE_PRISON_HADES_EMPEROR__COCYTUS______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new IcePrisonHadesEmperorCocytusReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COBALT_WAVE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new CobaltWaveDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAISHIELD) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboDaishield(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__BRAINY_PAPIO) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityBrainyPapio(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__COLONY_MAKER) _UnitObject = new StarvaderColonyMaker(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LORD_OF_THE_SEVEN_SEAS__NIGHTMIST) _UnitObject = new LordOfTheSevenSeasNightmist(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHURA_STEALTH_DRAGON__KABUKICONGO) _UnitObject = new ShuraStealthDragonKabukicongo(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_BEAST_MIJINGAKURE) _UnitObject = new StealthBeastMijingakure(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__SOLAR_FALCON) _UnitObject = new BeastDeitySolarFalcon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EMERGENCY_CELESTIAL__DANIELLE) _UnitObject = new EmergencyCelestialDanielle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_WAVE_DRAGON__TETRA_DRIVE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new BlueWaveDragonTetraDriveDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__CHAOS_BREAKER_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new StarvaderChaosBreakerDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.POISON_JUGGLER) _UnitObject = new PoisonJuggler(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ORIGINAL_SAVER__ZERO) _UnitObject = new OriginalSaverZero(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEADLIEST_BEAST_DEITY__ETHICS_BUSTER______REVERSE_____)_UnitObject = new DeadliestBeastDeityEthicsBusterReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DARK_DIMENSIONAL_ROBO_______REVERSE______DAIYUSHA) _UnitObject = new DarkDimensionalRoboReverseDaiyusha(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STRONGEST_BEAST_DEITY__ETHICS_BUSTER_EXTREME) _UnitObject = new StrongestBeastDeityEthicsBusterExtreme(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHURA_STEALTH_DRAGON__KUJIKIRICONGO) _UnitObject = new ShuraStealthDragonKujikiricongo(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CLEANUP_CELESTIAL__RAMIEL______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new CleanupCelestialRamielReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSION_CREEPER) _UnitObject = new DimensionCreeper(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WERHASE_BANDIT) _UnitObject = new WerhaseBandit(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMON_____S_FOLLOWER__FATE_COLLECTOR) _UnitObject = new AmonsFollowerFateCollector(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WERFUCHS_HEXER) _UnitObject = new WerfuchsHexer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HUGE_KNIFE_THROWING_EXPERT) _UnitObject = new HugeKnifeThrowingExpert(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLYING_HIPPOGRIFF) _UnitObject = new FlyingHippogriff(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_ASSISTANT__IRINA) _UnitObject = new SilverThornAssistantIrina(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_BEAST_TAMER__ANA) _UnitObject = new SilverThornBeastTamerAna(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TIGHTROPE_TUMBLER) _UnitObject = new TightropeTumbler(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ELEGANT_ELEPHANT) _UnitObject = new ElegantElephant(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_ASSISTANT__IONELA) _UnitObject = new SilverThornAssistantIonela(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.JOURNEYING_TONE__WILLY) _UnitObject = new JourneyingToneWilly(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_BREATHING_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new SilverThornBreathingDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TIGHTROPE_HOLDER) _UnitObject = new TightropeHolder(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMON_____S_FOLLOWER__HELL_____S_DEAL) _UnitObject = new AmonsFollowerHellsDeal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMON_____S_FOLLOWER__PHU_GEENLIN) _UnitObject = new AmosFollowerPhuGeenlin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.NUMBER_OF_TERROR) _UnitObject = new NumberOfTerror(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WHITE_NIGHT__FENRIR) _UnitObject = new WhiteNightFenrir(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMON_____S_FOLLOWER__HELL_____S_DRAW) _UnitObject = new AmonsFollowerHellsDraw(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WERLEOPARD_SOLDAT) _UnitObject = new WerleopardSoldat(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLOG_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new FlogKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GRAVITY_BALL_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new GravityBallDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_CLAW_STAR_VADER__LANTHANUM) _UnitObject = new DemonicClawStarvaderLanthanum(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STRAFE_STAR_VADER__RUTHENIUM) _UnitObject = new StrafeStarvaderRuthenium(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PARADOX_NAIL__FENRIR) _UnitObject = new ParadoxNailFenrir(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FURIOUS_CLAW_STAR_VADER__NIOBIUM) _UnitObject = new FuriousClawStarvaderNiobium(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GAMMA_BURST__FENRIR) _UnitObject = new GammaBurstFenrir(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ONE_WHO_SHOOTS_GRAVITATIONAL_SINGULARITIES) _UnitObject = new OneWhoShootsGravitationalSingularities(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LA_MORT) _UnitObject = new LaMort(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PEEKGAL) _UnitObject = new Peekgal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUNRISE_UNICORN) _UnitObject = new SunriseUnicorn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR__CHEER_UP_TRUMPETER) _UnitObject = new LiberatorCheerUpTrumpeter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAY_RAIN_LIBERATOR__BRUNO) _UnitObject = new MayRainLiberatorBruno(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SPINBAU_REVENGER) _UnitObject = new SpinbauRevenger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GIGANTECH_PILLAR_FIGHTER) _UnitObject = new GigantechPillarFighter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CLOUDY_SKY_LIBERATOR__GERAINT) _UnitObject = new CloudySkyLiberatorGeraint(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SONBAU) _UnitObject = new Sonbau(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CATASTROPHE_STINGER) _UnitObject = new CatastropheStinger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.INNOCENT_BLADE__HEARTLESS) _UnitObject = new InnocentBladeHeartless(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVENGER_OF_MALICE__DILAN) _UnitObject = new RevengerOfMaliceDilan(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_WORLD_CASTLE__ZERSCHLAGEN) _UnitObject = new DemonWorldCastleZerschlagen(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHARKBAU_REVENGER) _UnitObject = new SharkbauRevenger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_WORLD_CASTLE__ZWEISPEER) _UnitObject = new DemonWorldCastleZweispeer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_RISING_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new SilverThornRisingDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_BEAST_TAMER__MARICICA) _UnitObject = new SilveThornBeastTamerMaricica(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FIRE_RING_GRYPHON) _UnitObject = new FireRingGryphon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMON_____S_FOLLOWER__RON_GEENLIN) _UnitObject = new AmonsFollowerRonGeenlin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMON_____S_FOLLOWER__FOOL_____S_PALM) _UnitObject = new AmonsFollowerFoolsPalm(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WERBEAR_SOLDNER) _UnitObject = new WebearSoldner(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMON_____S_FOLLOWER__PSYCHO_GLAIVE) _UnitObject = new AmonsFollowerPsychoGlaive(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__DUST_TAIL_UNICORN) _UnitObject = new StarvaderDustTailUnicorn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MICRO_HOLE_DRACOKID) _UnitObject = new MicroholeDracokid(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ONE_WHO_OPENS_THE_BLACK_DOOR) _UnitObject = new OneWhoOpensTheBlackDoor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIGHTNING_HAMMER_WIELDING_EXORCIST_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new LightingHammerWieldingExorcistKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EXORCIST_MAGE__DAN_DAN) _UnitObject = new ExorcistMageDanDan(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SCHR__DINGER_____S_LION) _UnitObject = new SchrodingersLion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GRAVITY_COLLAPSE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new GravityCollapseDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HOMING_ERADICATOR__ROCHISHIN) _UnitObject = new HomingEradicatorRochisin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIGHTNING_AXE_WIELDING_EXORCIST_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new LightingAxeWieldingExorcistKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR__BAGPIPE_ANGEL) _UnitObject = new LiberatorBagpipeAngel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FRONTLINE_REVENGER__CLAUDAS) _UnitObject = new FrontlineRevengerClaudas(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVENGER__DARK_BOND_TRUMPETER) _UnitObject = new RevengerDarkBondTrumpeter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DANCING_PRINCESS_OF_THE_NIGHT_SKY) _UnitObject = new DancingPrincessOfTheNightSky(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BARRIER_TROOP_REVENGER__DORINT) _UnitObject = new BarrierTroopRevengerDorint(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.NIGHTMARE_DOLL__CHELSEA) _UnitObject = new NightmareDollChelsea(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MIRACLE_POP__EVA) _UnitObject = new MiraclePopEva(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMON_____S_FOLLOWER__VLAD_SPECULA) _UnitObject = new ArmonsFollowerVladSpecula(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_HYPNOS__LYDIA) _UnitObject = new SilverThornHypnosLydia(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MASTER_OF_FIFTH_ELEMENT) _UnitObject = new MasterOfFifthElement(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KING_OF_MASKS__DANTARIAN) _UnitObject = new KingOfMasksDantarian(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BARCGAL_LIBERATOR) _UnitObject = new BarcgalLiberator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BARRIER_STAR_VADER__PROMETHIUM) _UnitObject = new BarrierStarvaderPromethium(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.IRON_FAN_ERADICATOR__RASETSUNYO) _UnitObject = new IronFanEradicatorRasetsunyo(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DARK_REVENGER__MAC_LIR) _UnitObject = new DarkRevengerMacLir(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DARK_CLOAK_REVENGER__TARTU) _UnitObject = new DarkCloakRevengerTartu(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SCHWARZSCHILD_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new SchwarzchildDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_MARQUIS__AMON______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new DemonMarquisAmonReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILVER_THORN_DRAGON_QUEEN__LUQUIER______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new SilverThornDragonQueenLuquierReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WITCH_OF_CURSED_TALISMAN__ETAIN) _UnitObject = new WitchOfCursedTalismanEtain(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_CONQUERING_DRAGON__DUNGAREE______UNLIMITED_____) _UnitObject = new DemonConqueringDragonDungareeUnlimited(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__NEBULA_LORD_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new StarvaderNebulaLordDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__VOWING_SABER_DRAGON______REVERSE_____) _UnitObject = new EradicatorVowingSaberDragonReverse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WOLF_FANG_LIBERATOR__GARMORE) _UnitObject = new WolfFangLiberatorGarmore(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVENGER__RAGING_FORM_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new RevengerRagingFormDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_KAISER_VERMILLION______THE_BLOOD_____) _UnitObject = new DragonicKaiserVermillionTHEBLOOD(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CEO_AMATERASU) _UnitObject = new CEOAmaterasu(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KING_OF_KNIGHTS_ALFRED) _UnitObject = new Alfred(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HELL_SPIDER) _UnitObject = new HellSpider(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SKY_DIVER) _UnitObject = new SkyDiver(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SCARLET_WITCH_COCO) _UnitObject = new ScarletWitchCoCo(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CAPTAIN_NIGHTMIST) _UnitObject = new CaptainNightmist(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PERFECT_RAIZER) _UnitObject = new PerfectRaizer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HI_POWERED_RAIZER_CUSTOM) _UnitObject = new RaizerCustom(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RAIZER_CUSTOM) _UnitObject = new RaizerCustom2(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RIGHT_ARRESTER) _UnitObject = new RightArrester(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LEFT_ARRESTER) _UnitObject = new LeftArrester(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GODDESS_OF_THE_FULL_MOON__TSUKUYOMI) _UnitObject = new Tsukuyomi(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CRIMSON_BEAST_TAMER) _UnitObject = new CrimsonBeastTamer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_GODLY_SPEED__GALAHAD) _UnitObject = new Galahad(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TURQUOISE_BEAST_TAMER) _UnitObject = new TurquoiseBeastTamer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TOP_IDOL__RIVIERE) _UnitObject = new TopIdolRiviere(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BERMUDA_PRINCESS__LENA) _UnitObject = new BermudaPrincessLena(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_KAISER_VERMILLION) _UnitObject = new DragonicKaiserVermillion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUPER_IDOL__RIVIERE) _UnitObject = new SuperIdolRiviere(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MERMAID_IDOL__RIVIERE) _UnitObject = new MermaidIdolRiviere(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRIVE_QUARTET__RESSAC) _UnitObject = new DriveQuartetRessac(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRIVE_QUARTET__BUBBLIN) _UnitObject = new DriveQuartetBubblin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PHANTOM_BLASTER_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new PhantomBlasterDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ENIGMAN_STORM) _UnitObject = new EnigmanStorm(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMBER_DRAGON__ECLIPSE) _UnitObject = new AmberDragonEclipse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMBER_DRAGON__DUSK) _UnitObject = new AmberDragonDusk(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ELITE_MUTANT__GIRAFFA) _UnitObject = new EliteMutantGiraffa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STERN_BLAUKLUGER) _UnitObject = new SternBlaukluger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLAUKLUGER) _UnitObject = new Blaukluger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLASTER_DARK) _UnitObject = new BlasterDark(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EISENKUGEL) _UnitObject = new Eisenkugel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLAUPANZER) _UnitObject = new Blaupanzer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BRUGAL) _UnitObject = new Brugal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GODDESS_OF_FLOWER_DIVINATION__SAKUYA) _UnitObject = new GoddessOfFlowerDivinationSakuya(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COVERT_DEMONIC_DRAGON__MANDALA_LORD) _UnitObject = new CovertDemonicDragonMandalaLord(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PHANTOM_BLASTER_OVERLORD) _UnitObject = new PhantomBlasterOverlord(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_OVERLORD_THE_END) _UnitObject = new DragonicOverlordTheEnd(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HEAVENLY_INJECTOR) _UnitObject = new HeavenlyInjector(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MISTRESS_HURRICANE) _UnitObject = new MistressHurricane(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BRIGHTLANCE_DRAGOON) _UnitObject = new BrightlanceDragoon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SKY_WITCH__NANA) _UnitObject = new SkyWitchNaNa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAIDEN_OF_TRAILING_ROSE) _UnitObject = new MaidenOfTrailingRose(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GALACTIC_BEAST__ZEAL) _UnitObject = new GalacticBeastZeal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__AZURE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityAzureDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_STORM_SUPREME_DRAGON__GLORY_MAELSTROM) _UnitObject = new BlueStormSupremeGloryMalestrom(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MILITARY_DRAGON__RAPTOR_CAPTAIN) _UnitObject = new MilitaryDragonRaptorCaptain(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_BEAST__GIGANTOAD) _UnitObject = new StealthBeastGigantoad(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MASS_PRODUCTION_SAILOR) _UnitObject = new MassProductionSailor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_DRAGON__ROYALE_NOVA) _UnitObject = new StealthDragonRoyaleNova(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EYE_OF_DESTRUCTION__ZEAL) _UnitObject = new EyeOfDestructionZeal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SIREN__CARRI) _UnitObject = new BattleSirenCagli(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SIREN__EUPHENIA) _UnitObject = new BattleSirenEuphenia(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RED_PENCIL_RHINO) _UnitObject = new RedPencilRhino(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ARBOROS_DRAGON__BRANCH) _UnitObject = new ArborosDragonBranch(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SILENT_RIPPLE__SOTIRIO) _UnitObject = new SilentRippleSotirio(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_DANCER__JULIA) _UnitObject = new DragonDancerJulia(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIZARD_SOLDIER__RYUUSHIN) _UnitObject = new LizardSoldierRyoshin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__FIRST_THUNDER_DRACOKID) _UnitObject = new EradicatorFirstThunderDracokid(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLAG_OF_RAIJIN__CORPOSANT) _UnitObject = new FlagOfRaijinCorposant(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MILITARY_DRAGON__RAPTOR_SERGEANT) _UnitObject = new MilitaryDragonRaptorSergeant(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MOBILE_BATTLESHIP__AKERON) _UnitObject = new MobileBattleshipArchelon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWIN_STRIKE_BRAVE_SHOOTER) _UnitObject = new TwinStrikeBraveShooter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.OPTICS_MUSKET_TITAN) _UnitObject = new TitanOfTheBeamRifle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SAVAGE_ILLUMINATOR) _UnitObject = new SavageIlluminator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__BABY_REX) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonBabyrex(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SAVAGE_PATRIARCH) _UnitObject = new SavagePatriarch(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__DINODILE) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonDinodile(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__GATTLING_ALLO) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonGattlingaro(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_DRAGON__MAGATSU_GALE) _UnitObject = new StealthDragonMagatsuGale(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LAUNCHER_MAMMOTH) _UnitObject = new LauncherMammoth(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SAVAGE_ARCHER) _UnitObject = new SavageArcher(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__TRI_PLASMA) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonTriplasma(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__STEGOBUSTER) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonStegobuster(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__DEINO_CLAWED) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonDinocrowd(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__ARTPITCH) _UnitObject = new SealDragonArtpique(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__TERRYCLOTH) _UnitObject = new SealDragonTerrycloth(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_DRAGON_MAGE__DIVA) _UnitObject = new DemonicDragonMageDeva(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RED_PULSE_DRACOKID) _UnitObject = new RedPulseDracokid(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BREATH_OF_PRIMORDIAL__ROLAMANDRI) _UnitObject = new BreathOfOriginRolamandri(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_DRAGON_MAGE__SHAGARA) _UnitObject = new DemonicDragonMageSagara(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__KERSEY) _UnitObject = new SealDragonKersey(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__FLANNEL) _UnitObject = new SealDragonFlannel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_DRAGON_BERSERKER__KUBANDA) _UnitObject = new DemonicDragonBerserkerKumbhanda(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLACKBOARD_PARROT) _UnitObject = new BlackboardParrot(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CURE_DROP_ANGEL) _UnitObject = new CureDropAngel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HAZARD_BOB) _UnitObject = new HazardBob(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PINEAPPLE_LO) _UnitObject = new PineappleLaw(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_DRAGON__MAGATSU_BREATH) _UnitObject = new StealthDragonMagatsuBreath(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WITCH_OF_PROHIBITED_BOOKS__CINNAMON) _UnitObject = new WitchOfProhibitedBooksCinnamon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__SPIKE_HELL_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new SealDragonSpikeHellDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__CORDUROY) _UnitObject = new SealDragonCorduroy(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.VIVID_RABBIT) _UnitObject = new VividRabbit(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__IGUANOGORG) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonIguanogorg(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_SWORD_ERADICATOR__RAIOH) _UnitObject = new DemonicSwordEradicatorRaioh(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.IRON_BLOOD_ERADICATOR__SHUKI) _UnitObject = new SteelbloodedEradicatorShuki(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.OPTICS_CANNON_TITAN) _UnitObject = new TitanOfTheBeamCannonTower(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RISING_RIPPLE__PAVROTH) _UnitObject = new RisingRipplePavroth(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STARTING_RIPPLE__ALECS) _UnitObject = new StartingRippleAlecs(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BOOTING_CELESTIAL__SANDALPHON) _UnitObject = new BootingCelestialSandalphon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CAPSULE_GIFT_NURSE) _UnitObject = new CapsuleGiftNurse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DOCTROID_ARGUS) _UnitObject = new DoctroidArgus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ORDER_CELESTIAL__YEQON) _UnitObject = new OrderCelestialYeqon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRUG_STORE_NURSE) _UnitObject = new DrugstoreNurse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SAVAGE_HUNTER) _UnitObject = new SavageHunter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__BEAMANKYLO) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonBeamankylo(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WITCH_OF_FROGS__MELISSA) _UnitObject = new WitchOfFrogsMelissa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__JAKADO) _UnitObject = new SealDragonJacquard(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__CHAMBRAY) _UnitObject = new SealDragonChambray(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_DRAGON_BERSERKER__GANDARUBA) _UnitObject = new DemonicDragonBerserkerGandharva(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TEAR_KNIGHT__LUCAS) _UnitObject = new TearKnightLucas(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MICE_GUARD__LA_SUPERBA) _UnitObject = new MythGuardLaSuperba(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WITCH_OF_BIRDS__CHAMOMILE) _UnitObject = new WitchOfRavensChamomile(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FIENDISH_SWORD_ERADICATOR__CHO_OU) _UnitObject = new FiendishSwordEradicatorChoOu(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BREATH_OF_DEMISE__VULCANIS) _UnitObject = new BreathOfDemiseVulcan(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT__RUTOF) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightLotf(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.THUNDERING_RIPPLE__GENOVIOUS) _UnitObject = new ThunderingRippleGenovious(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__SPINODRIVER) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonSpinodriver(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__TYRANNOLEGEND) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonTyrannolegend(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEALED_DEMON_DRAGON__DUNGAREE) _UnitObject = new SealedDemonDragonDungaree(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RAVENOUS_DRAGON__BATTLEREX) _UnitObject = new RavenousDragonBattlerex(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ARMOR_BREAK_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new ArmorBreakDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_STORM_DRAGON__MAELSTROM) _UnitObject = new BlueStormDragonMaelstrom(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SEAL_DRAGON__RINOCROSS) _UnitObject = new SealDragonRinocross(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANCIENT_DRAGON__PARASWALL) _UnitObject = new AncientDragonParaswall(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DAUNTLESS_DRIVE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new DauntlessDriveDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FANG_OF_LIGHT__GARMORE) _UnitObject = new FangOfLightGarmore(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__SWEEP_COMMAND_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorSweepCommandDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LAST_CARD__REVONN) _UnitObject = new LastCardRevonn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GODDESS_OF_GOOD_LUCK__FORTUNA) _UnitObject = new GoddessOfGoodLuckFortuna(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HELLFIRE_SEAL_DRAGON__BLOCKADE_INFERNO) _UnitObject = new HellfireSealDragonBlockadeInferno(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STARLIGHT_UNICORN) _UnitObject = new StarlightUnicorn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COVENANT_KNIGHT_RANDOLF) _UnitObject = new CovenantKnightRandolf(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WHITE_LILY_MUSKETEER__CECILIA) _UnitObject = new WhiteLilyMusketeerCecilia(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__SPARK_HORN_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorSparkHornDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAMP_SEA_OTTER) _UnitObject = new StampSeaOtter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_UNDEAD__SKULL_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new DragonUndeadSkullDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_FURY__AGRAVAIN) _UnitObject = new KnightOfFuryAgravain(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SLEYGAL_DAGGER) _UnitObject = new SleygalDagger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.INCANDESCENT_LION__BLOND_EZEL) _UnitObject = new IncandescentLionBlondEzel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GREAT_SILVER_WOLF__GARMORE) _UnitObject = new GreatSilverWolfGarmore(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TORPEDO_RUSH_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new TorpedoRushDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ULTIMATE_DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__GREAT_DAIYUSHA) _UnitObject = new UltimateDimensionalRoboGreatDaiyusha(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LARVA_BEAST__ZEAL) _UnitObject = new LarvaBeastZeal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COMMANDER_LAUREL) _UnitObject = new CommanderLaurel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_BIKE_OF_THE_WITCHING_HOUR) _UnitObject = new DemonBikeOfTheWitchingHour(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RAINBOW_LIGHT__CARINE) _UnitObject = new RainbowLightCarine(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GREEDY_HAND) _UnitObject = new GreedyHand(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.NO_LIFE_KING__DEATH_ANCHOR) _UnitObject = new NoLifeKingDeathAnchor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BARKING_MANTICORE) _UnitObject = new BarkingManticore(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_ROSE_MORGANA) _UnitObject = new KnightOfRoseMorgana(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLIRTATIOUS_SUCCUBUS) _UnitObject = new FlirtatiousSuccubus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.POET_OF_DARKNESS__AMON) _UnitObject = new PoetOfDarknessAmon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.VELVET_VOICE__RAINDEAR) _UnitObject = new VelvetVoiceRaindear(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WARRIOR_OF_DESTINY__DAI) _UnitObject = new WarriorOfDestinyDai(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MERMAID_IDOL__FLUTE) _UnitObject = new MermaidIdolFlute(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PEARL_SISTERS__PERLE) _UnitObject = new PearlSisterPerle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRIVE_QUARTET__SHUPLU) _UnitObject = new DriveQuartetShuplu(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRIVE_QUARTET__FLOWS) _UnitObject = new DriveQuartetFlows(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WHITE_DRAGON_KNIGHT__PENDRAGON) _UnitObject = new WhiteDragonKnightPendragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ORIGIN_MAGE__ILDONA) _UnitObject = new OriginMageIlldona(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUPERSONIC_SAILOR) _UnitObject = new SupersonicSailor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GENTLE_JIMM) _UnitObject = new GentleJimm(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BERSERK_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new BerserkDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CRIMSON_BUTTERFLY_BRIGITTE) _UnitObject = new CrimsonButterflyBrigitte(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ORACLE_GUARDIAN__SPHINX) _UnitObject = new OracleGuardianSphinx(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ROCK_WITCH__GAGA) _UnitObject = new RockWitchGaGa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MACHINE_GUN_TALK__RYAN) _UnitObject = new MachinegunTalkRyan(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GUARDIAN_OF_TRUTH__LOX) _UnitObject = new GuardianOfTruthLox(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HEROIC_HANI) _UnitObject = new HeroicHani(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__CREAM) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterCream(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUPPLE_BAMBOO_PRINCESS__KAGUYA) _UnitObject = new SuppleBambooPrincessKaguya(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SOLAR_MAIDEN__UZUME) _UnitObject = new SolarMaidenUzume(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LION_HEAT) _UnitObject = new LionetHeat(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TRANSMIGRATING_EVOLUTION__MIRAIOH) _UnitObject = new TransmigratingEvolutionMiraioh(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STOIC_HANI) _UnitObject = new StoicHani(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BURSTRAIZER) _UnitObject = new Burstraizer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TRANSRAIZER) _UnitObject = new Transraizer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CRIMSON_DRIVE__APHRODITE) _UnitObject = new CrimsonDriveAphrodite(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EXAMINE_ANGEL) _UnitObject = new ExamineAngel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CRIMSON_MIND__BARUCH) _UnitObject = new CrimsonMindBaruch(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EMERGENCY_VEHICLE) _UnitObject = new EmergencyVehicle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CANDLELIGHT_ANGEL) _UnitObject = new CandlelightAngel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FEVER_THERAPY_NURSE) _UnitObject = new FeverTherapyNurse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.VOCAL_CHICKEN) _UnitObject = new VocalChicken(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RECORDER_DOG) _UnitObject = new MelodicaCat(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CRIMSON_HEART__NAHAS) _UnitObject = new CrimsonHeartNahas(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PARABOLA_MOOSE) _UnitObject = new ParabolicMoose(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BARCODE_ZEBRA) _UnitObject = new BarcodeZebra(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RECORDER_DOG) _UnitObject = new RecorderDog(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PROTRACTOR_PEACOCK) _UnitObject = new ProtractorPeacock(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHARPENER_BEAVER) _UnitObject = new SharpenerBeaver(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CASTANET_DONKEY) _UnitObject = new CastanetDonkey(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HOLY_MAGE_OF_THE_GALE) _UnitObject = new HolyMageOfTheGale(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GARDENING_MOLE) _UnitObject = new GardeningMole(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STRONGHOLD_OF_THE_BLACK_CHAINS__HOEL) _UnitObject = new StrongholdOfTheBlackChainsHoel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEATH_METAL_DROID) _UnitObject = new DeathMetalDroid(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RUNEBAU) _UnitObject = new Runebau(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SMILING_PRESENTER) _UnitObject = new SmilingPresenter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAGICAL_PARTNER) _UnitObject = new MagicalPartner(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEITY_SEALING_KID__SOH_KOH) _UnitObject = new DeitySealingKidSohKoh(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EXORCIST_MAGE__ROH_ROH) _UnitObject = new ExorcistMageRohRoh(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EXORCIST_MAGE__LIN_LIN) _UnitObject = new ExorcistMageLinLin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_LAWKEEPER) _UnitObject = new DragonicLawkeeper(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_CHARIOT_OF_THE_WITCHING_HOUR) _UnitObject = new DemonChariotOfTheWitchingHour(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEWITCHING_OFFICER__LADY_BUTTERFLY) _UnitObject = new BewitchingOfficerLadyButterfly(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DUDLEY_DAISY) _UnitObject = new DudleyDaisy(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.JELLY_BEANS) _UnitObject = new JellyBeans(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GIGANTECH_DESTROYER) _UnitObject = new GigantechDestroyer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TOXIC_TROOPER) _UnitObject = new ToxicTrooper(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TOXIC_SOLDIER) _UnitObject = new ToxicSoldier(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EVIL_ARMOR_GENERAL__GIRAFFA) _UnitObject = new EvilArmorGeneralGiraffa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLACK_DRAGON_KNIGHT__VORTIMER) _UnitObject = new BlackDragonKnightVortimer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLACK_DRAGON_WHELP__VORTIMER) _UnitObject = new BlackDragonWhelpVortimer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DUDLEY_DOUGLASS) _UnitObject = new DudleyDouglass(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FIERCE_LEADER__ZACHARY) _UnitObject = new FierceLeaderZachary(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FIELD_DRILLER) _UnitObject = new FieldDriller(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MEDICAL_MANAGER) _UnitObject = new MedicalManager(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SMART_LEADER__DARK_BRINGER) _UnitObject = new SmartLeaderDarkBringer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.IRON_FIST_MUTANT__ROLY_POLY) _UnitObject = new IronFistMutantRolyPoly(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PEST_PROFESSOR__MAD_FLY) _UnitObject = new PestProfessorMadFly(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TRANSMUTATED_THIEF__STEAL_SPIDER) _UnitObject = new TransmutatedThiefStealSpider(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLASTER_JAVELIN) _UnitObject = new Javelin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MACHINING_MOSQUITO) _UnitObject = new MachiningMosquito(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WAR_HORSE__RAGING_STORM) _UnitObject = new WarHorseRagingStorm(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PETAL_FAIRY) _UnitObject = new PetalFairy(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_SCALE_DEER) _UnitObject = new BlueScaleDeer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ONMYOJI_OF_THE_MOONLIT_NIGHT) _UnitObject = new OnmyojiOfTheMoonlitNight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.OMNISCIENCE_MADONNA) _UnitObject = new OmniscienceMadonna(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GRAPESHOT_WYVERN) _UnitObject = new GrapeshotWyvern(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_ARMORED_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new DragonArmoredKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MIRU_BIRU) _UnitObject = new MiruBiru(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EAGLE_KNIGHT_OF_THE_SKIES) _UnitObject = new EagleKnightOfTheSkies(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COMMANDER__GARRY_GANNON) _UnitObject = new CommanderGarryGannon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GYRO_SLINGER) _UnitObject = new GyroSlinger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_EXECUTIONER) _UnitObject = new DragonicExecutioner(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWIN_SHINE_SWORDSMAN__MARHAUS) _UnitObject = new TwinShineSwordsmanMarhaus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FALCON_KNIGHT_OF_THE_AZURE) _UnitObject = new FalconKnightOfTheAzure(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLASTER_BLADE) _UnitObject = new BlasterBlade(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__WHITE_TIGER) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityWhiteTiger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLASH_EDGE_VALKYRIE) _UnitObject = new FlashEdgeValkyrie(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MECHA_TRAINER) _UnitObject = new MechaTrainer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_LORD__DUDLEY_EMPEROR) _UnitObject = new DemonicLordDudleyEmperor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SCOUT_OF_DARKNESS__VORTIMER) _UnitObject = new ScoutOfDarknessVortimer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLADE_FEATHER_VALKYRIE) _UnitObject = new BladeFeatherValkyrie(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MEGACOLONY_BATTLER_C) _UnitObject = new MegacolonyBattlerC(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GIRLS______ROCK__RIO) _UnitObject = new GirlsRockRio(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.INFINITE_CORROSION_FORM__DEATH_ARMY_COSMO_LORD) _UnitObject = new InfiniteCorrosionFormDeathArmyLord(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEATH_ARMY_BISHOP) _UnitObject = new DeathArmyBishop(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BRUTAL_JOKER) _UnitObject = new BrutalJoker(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEATH_ARMY_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new DeathArmyKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEATH_ARMY_PAWN) _UnitObject = new DeathArmyPawn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__FROMAGE) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterFromage(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__MACARON) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterMacaron(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__OMELET) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterOmelet(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__WAFFLE) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterWaffle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ETERNAL_IDOL__PACIFICA) _UnitObject = new EternalIdolPacifica(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_PROMISE__LABRADOR) _UnitObject = new PRISMPromiseLabrador(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_IMAGE__VERT) _UnitObject = new PRISMImageVert(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RECKLESS_EXPRESS) _UnitObject = new RecklessExpress(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HIGHSPEED_BRAKKI) _UnitObject = new HighspeedBrakki(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.JUGGERNAUT_MAXIMUM) _UnitObject = new JuggernautMaximum(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SPECTRAL_DUKE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new SpectralDukeDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_PROMISE__CELTIC) _UnitObject = new PRISMPromiseCeltic(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_MONK_GOKU) _UnitObject = new DragonMonkGoku(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GODDESS_OF_THE_SUN__AMATERASU) _UnitObject = new GoddessOfTheSunAmaterasu(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AURORA_STAR__CORAL) _UnitObject = new AuroraStarCoral(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LAVA_ARM_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new LavaArmDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_IMAGE__CLEAR) _UnitObject = new PRISMImageClear(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHINING_SINGER__IONIA) _UnitObject = new ShiningSingerIonia(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHINY_STAR__CORAL) _UnitObject = new ShinyStarCoral(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_THE_HARP_TRISTAN) _UnitObject = new KnightOfTheHarpTristan(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_ROMANCE__LUMIERE) _UnitObject = new PRISMRomanceLumiere(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ENIGMAN_RIPPLE) _UnitObject = new EnigmanRipple(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_ROMANCE__MERCURE) _UnitObject = new PRISMRomanceMercure(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ULTRA_BEAST_DEITY__ILLUMINAL_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new UltraBeastDeityIlluminalDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SWEETS_HARMONY__MONA) _UnitObject = new SweetsHarmonyMona(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANGELIC_STAR__CORAL) _UnitObject = new AngelicStarCoral(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MIRROR_DIVA__BISCAYNE) _UnitObject = new MirrorDivaBiscayne(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.INTELLI_BEAUTY__LOIRE) _UnitObject = new IntelliBeautyLoire(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DANCING_FAN_PRINCESS__MINATO) _UnitObject = new DancingFanPrincessMinato(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_ROMANCE__ETOILE) _UnitObject = new PRISMRomanceEtolle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_IMAGE__ROSA) _UnitObject = new PRISMImageRosa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_SMILE__SCOTIA) _UnitObject = new PRISMSmileScotia(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ALFRED_EARLY) _UnitObject = new AlfredEarly(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HOLY_DISASTER_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new HolyDisasterDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FRESH_STAR__CORAL) _UnitObject = new FreshStarCoral(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_PROMISE__LEYTE) _UnitObject = new PRISMPromiseLeyte(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MASCOT_LADY__ORIA) _UnitObject = new MascotLadyOria(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBRARY_MADONNA__RION) _UnitObject = new LibraryMadonnaRion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DOLPHIN_FRIEND__PLAGE) _UnitObject = new DolphinFriendPlage(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_SMILE__CORO) _UnitObject = new PRISMSmileCoro(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COSTUME_CHANGE__ALK) _UnitObject = new CostumeChangeAlk(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEADLY_SWORDMASTER) _UnitObject = new DeadlySwordmaster(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PR___ISM_MIRACLE__IRISH) _UnitObject = new PRISMMiracleIrish(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HADES_CARRIAGE_OF_THE_WITCHING_HOUR) _UnitObject = new HadesCarriageOfTheWitchingHour(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HEARTFUL_ALE__FUNDY) _UnitObject = new HeartfulAleFundy(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PRETTY_CELEB__CHARLOTTE) _UnitObject = new PrettyCelebCharlotte(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEEL_SPEAR_LIBERATOR__BLEOBERIS) _UnitObject = new SteelSpearLiberatorBleoberis(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WISDOM_KEEPER__METIS) _UnitObject = new WisdomKeeperMetis(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__ELECTRIC_SHAPER_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorElectricShaperDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STORY_TELLER) _UnitObject = new StoryTeller(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DANDELION_MUSKETEER__MIRKKA) _UnitObject = new DandelionMusketeerMirkka(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.UNRIVALED_BRUSH_WIELDER__PONGA) _UnitObject = new UnrivaledBrushWielderPonga(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WATER_GENERAL_OF_WAVE_LIKE_SPIRALS__BENEDICT) _UnitObject = new WaterGeneralOfWavelikeSpiralsBenedict(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EMERALD_SHIELD__PASCHAL) _UnitObject = new EmeraldShieldPaschal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER_CHOCOLAT) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterChocolat(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLASH_SHIELD_ISEULT) _UnitObject = new FlashShieldIseult(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CABLE_SHEEP) _UnitObject = new CableSheep(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WYVERN_GUARD__GULD) _UnitObject = new WyvernGuardGuld(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HALO_SHIELD__MARK) _UnitObject = new HaloShieldMark(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PURE_KEEPER__REQUIEL) _UnitObject = new PureKeeperRequiel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAIDEN_OF_BLOSSOM_RAIN) _UnitObject = new MaidenOfBlossomRain(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_BEAST__LEAVES_MIRAGE) _UnitObject = new StealthBeastLeavesMirage(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PARALYZE_MADONNA) _UnitObject = new ParalyzeMadonna(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIAMOND_ACE) _UnitObject = new DiamondAce(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DARK_SHIELD__MAC_LIR) _UnitObject = new DarkShieldMacLir(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEVOURER_OF_PLANETS__ZEAL) _UnitObject = new DevourerOfPlanetsZeal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MERMAID_IDOL__ELLY) _UnitObject = new MermaidIdolElly(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HADES_HYPNOTIST) _UnitObject = new HadesHypnotist(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ARCHBIRD) _UnitObject = new Archbird(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MARCH_RABBIT_OF_NIGHTMARELAND) _UnitObject = new MarchRabbitOfNightmareland(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWIN_BLADER) _UnitObject = new TwinBlader(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GUST_JINN) _UnitObject = new GustJinn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WYVERN_GUARD_BARRI) _UnitObject = new WyvernGuardBarri(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CHEER_GIRL_MARILYN) _UnitObject = new CheerGirlMarylin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HEXAGONAL_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new HexagonalMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__PARFAIT) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterParfait(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__MONAKA) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterMonaka(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STELLAR_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new StellarMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__COCOTTE) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterCocotte(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BRIOLETTE_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new BrioletteMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TETRA_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new TetraMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ORACLE_AGENT__ROYS) _UnitObject = new OracleAgentRoys(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CRESCENT_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new CrescentMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CUORE_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new CuoreMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RIPIS_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new RipisMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SAILAND_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new SailandMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__CARAMEL) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterCaramel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER__LEMONADE) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterLemonade(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PENTAGONAL_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new PentagonalMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CIRCLE_MAGUS) _UnitObject = new CircleMagus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.IMMORTAL__ASURA_KAISER) _UnitObject = new ImmortalAsuraKaiser(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ASURA_KAISER) _UnitObject = new AsuraKaiser(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GALAXY_BLAUKLUGER) _UnitObject = new GalaxyBlaukluger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MOND_BLAUKLUGER) _UnitObject = new MondBlaukluger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MARS_BLAUKLUGER) _UnitObject = new MarsBlaukluger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLOWER_LEI_LEPRECHAUN) _UnitObject = new FlowerLeiLeprechaun(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_OF_ASPIRATION__AMON) _UnitObject = new DemonOfAspirationAmon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GROSSE_BAER) _UnitObject = new GrosseBaer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DAREDEVIL_SAMURAI) _UnitObject = new DaredevilSamurai(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.POLAR_STERN) _UnitObject = new PolarStern(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MORGENROT) _UnitObject = new Morgenrot(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PLUTO_BLAUKLUGER) _UnitObject = new PlutoBlaukluger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FATE_HEALER__ERGODIEL) _UnitObject = new FeatherHealerErgodiel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TAIL_JOE) _UnitObject = new TailJoe(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAR_DOWN_SAMURAI) _UnitObject = new BearDownSamurai(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLADE_ARM_LEPRECHAUN) _UnitObject = new BladeArmLeprechaun(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TRANSCENDENCE_DRAGON__DRAGONIC_NOUVELLE_VAGUE) _UnitObject = new TranscendenceDragonDragonicNouvelleVague(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CRUEL_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new CruelDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLAST_BULK_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new BlastBulkDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.IRONCUTTER_BEETLE) _UnitObject = new Ironcutter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.NOUVELLECRITIC_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new NouvellecriticDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_GAIAS) _UnitObject = new DragonicGaias(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_DANCER__MARIA) _UnitObject = new DragonDancerMaria(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PUPA_MUTANT__GIRAFFA) _UnitObject = new PupaMutantGiraffa(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT__NESHART) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightNeshart(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT__ASHGAR) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightAshgar(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.NOUVELLEROMAN_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new NouvelleromanDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT__MORTEZA) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightMorteza(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BAKINGRIM_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new BakingrimDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GENIE_SOLDAT) _UnitObject = new GenieSoldat(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_DRAGON_MAGE__KONGARA) _UnitObject = new DemonicDragonMageKongara(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SCALE_DRAGON_OF_THE_MAGMA_CAVE) _UnitObject = new ScaleDragonOfTheMagmaCave(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SOLITARY_LIBERATOR__GANCELOT) _UnitObject = new SolitaryLiberatorGancelot(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIGNIFIED_GOLD_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new DignifiedGoldDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ONSLAUGHT_LIBERATOR__MAELZION) _UnitObject = new OnslaughtLiberatorMaelzion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR_OF_ROYALTY__PHALLON) _UnitObject = new LiberatorOfRoyaltyPhallon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLASTER_BLADE_LIBERATOR) _UnitObject = new BlasterBladeLiberator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ZOOM_DOWN_EAGLE) _UnitObject = new ZoomDownEagle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ZOIGAL_LIBERATOR) _UnitObject = new ZoigalLiberator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LITTLE_LIBERATOR__MARRON) _UnitObject = new LittleLiberatorMarron(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.POMERUGAL_LIBERATOR) _UnitObject = new PomerugalLiberator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FUTURE_LIBERATOR__LLEW) _UnitObject = new FutureLiberatorLlew(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__VOWING_SWORD_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorVowingSwordDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BARRAGE_ERADICATOR__ZION) _UnitObject = new BarrageEradicatorZion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DISCHARGING_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new DischargingDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__SPARK_RAIN_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorSparkRainDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ASSASSIN_SWORD_ERADICATOR__SUSEI) _UnitObject = new AssassinSwordEradicatorSusei(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_DANCER__VERONICA) _UnitObject = new DragonDancerVeronica(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIGHTNING_BLADE_ERADICATOR__JEEM) _UnitObject = new LightingBladeEradicatorJeem(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__DEMOLITION_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorDemolitionDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DUST_STORM_ERADICATOR__TOKO) _UnitObject = new DustStormEradicatorToko(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR_OF_FIRE__KOHKAIJI) _UnitObject = new EradicatorOfFireKohkaiji(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.IMPERIAL_DAUGHTER) _UnitObject = new ImperialDaughter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ILLUSIONARY_REVENGER__MORDRED_PHANTOM) _UnitObject = new IllusionaryRevengerMordredPhantom(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.VENOMOUS_BREATH_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new VenomousBreathDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVENGER_OF_LABYRINTH__ARAUN) _UnitObject = new RevengerOfLabyrinthAraun(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.NULLITY_REVENGER__MASQUERADE) _UnitObject = new NullityRevengerMasquerade(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLASTER_DARK_REVENGER) _UnitObject = new BlasterDarkRevenger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COILBAU_REVENGER) _UnitObject = new ColibauRevenger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVENGER_FORTRESS__FATALITA) _UnitObject = new RevengerFortressFatalita(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SACRILEGE_REVENGER__BERITH) _UnitObject = new SacrilegeRevengerBerith(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TRANSIENT_REVENGER__MASQUERADE) _UnitObject = new TransientRevengerMasquerade(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BURANBAU_REVENGER) _UnitObject = new BuranbauRevenger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__INFINITE_ZERO_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new StarvaderInfiniteZeroDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RAID_STAR_VADER__FRANCIUM) _UnitObject = new RaidStarvaderFrancium(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWILIGHT_BARON) _UnitObject = new TwilightBaron(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__MOBIUS_BREATH_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new StarvaderMobiusBreathDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ENIGMAN_WAVE) _UnitObject = new EnigmanWave(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMBER_DRAGON__DAYLIGHT) _UnitObject = new AmberDragonDaylight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.UNRIVALED_STAR_VADER__RADON) _UnitObject = new UnrivaledStarvaderRadon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__PULSAR_BEAR) _UnitObject = new StarvaderPulsarBear(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SWIFT_STAR_VADER__STRONTIUM) _UnitObject = new SwiftStarvaderStrontium(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PURSUIT_STAR_VADER__FERMIUM) _UnitObject = new PursuitStarvaderFermium(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_BULLET_STAR_VADER__NEON) _UnitObject = new DemonicBulletStarvaderNeon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STAR_VADER__AURORA_EAGLE) _UnitObject = new StarvaderAuroraEagle(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TOP_IDOL__PACIFICA) _UnitObject = new TopIdolPacifica(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUPER_DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAIKAISER) _UnitObject = new SuperDimensionalRoboDaikaiser(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__GOYUSHA) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboGoyusha(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUPER_DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAIYUSHA) _UnitObject = new SuperDimensionalRoboDaiyusha(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ELECTRO_STAR_COMBINATION__COSMOGREAT) _UnitObject = new ElectrostarCombinationCosmogreat(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__KAIZARD) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboKaizard(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAIDRILLER) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboDaidriller(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAITIGER) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboDaitiger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAIBRAVE) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboDaibrave(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIMENSIONAL_ROBO__DAIMARINER) _UnitObject = new DimensionalRoboDaimariner(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REGALIA_OF_WISDOM__ANGELICA) _UnitObject = new RegaliaOfWisdomAngelica(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_MAIDEN__MIZUHA) _UnitObject = new BattleMaidenMizuha(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WITCH_OF_WOLVES__SAFFRON) _UnitObject = new WitchOfWolvesSaffron(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_MAIDEN__SAHOHIME) _UnitObject = new BattleMaidenSahohime(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GODDESS_OF_TREES__JUPITER) _UnitObject = new GoddessOfTreesJupiter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_MAIDEN__SHITATERUHIME) _UnitObject = new BattleMaidenShitateruhime(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_MAIDEN__TATSUTAHIME) _UnitObject = new BattleMaidenTatsuhime(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EXISTENCE_ANGEL) _UnitObject = new ExistenceAngel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WITCH_OF_CATS__CUMIN) _UnitObject = new WitchOfCatsCumin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.APPLE_WITCH__CIDER) _UnitObject = new AppleWitchCider(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ENIGROID_COMRADE) _UnitObject = new Comrade(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SANCTUARY_GUARD_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new SanctuaryGuardDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PATHETIC_JEWEL_KNIGHT__OLWEN) _UnitObject = new PatheticJewelKnightOlwen(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_FLAG_KNIGHT__CONSTANCE) _UnitObject = new BattleFlagKnightConstance(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REGRET_JEWEL_KNIGHT__URIEN) _UnitObject = new RegretJewelKnightUrien(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RENDGAL) _UnitObject = new Rendgal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RAINBOW_CALLING_BARD) _UnitObject = new RainbowcallingBard(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STARTING_LEGEND__AMBROSIUS) _UnitObject = new StartingLegendAmbrosius(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_CONVICTION_BORS) _UnitObject = new KnightOfConvictionBors(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LEADING_JEWEL_KNIGHT__SALOME) _UnitObject = new LeadingJewelKnightSalome(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PURE_HEART_JEWEL_KNIGHT__ASHLEY) _UnitObject = new PureHeartJewelKnightAshlei(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR_OF_THE_ROUND_TABLE__ALFRED) _UnitObject = new LiberatorOfTheRoundTableAlfred(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ORACLE_QUEEN__HIMIKO) _UnitObject = new OracleQueenHimiko(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ETERNAL_GODDESS__IWANAGAHIME) _UnitObject = new EternalGoddessIwanagahime(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KING_OF_DIPTERA__BEELZEBUB) _UnitObject = new KingOfDipteraBeelzebub(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LAW_OFFICIAL__LOX) _UnitObject = new LawOfficialLox(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DARK_LORD_OF_ABYSS) _UnitObject = new DarkLordOfAbyss(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__DRAGONIC_DESCENDANT) _UnitObject = new EradicatorDragonicDescendant(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__GAUNTLET_BUSTER_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorGauntletBusterDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__ETHICS_BUSTER) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityEthicsBuster(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_DEITY_OF_THE_NIGHT__ARTEMIS) _UnitObject = new BattleDeityOfTheNightArtemis(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GRATEFUL_CATAPULT) _UnitObject = new GratefulCatapult(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BAD_END_DRAGGER) _UnitObject = new BadEndDragger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LAKE_MAIDEN_LIEN) _UnitObject = new LakeMaidenLien(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_WORLD_MARQUIS__AMON) _UnitObject = new DemonWorldMarquisAmon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIGNIFIED_SILVER_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new DignifiedSilverDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MARTIAL_ARTS_GENERAL__DAIMU) _UnitObject = new MartialArtsGeneralDaim(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ARMORED_HEAVY_GUNNER) _UnitObject = new ArmoredHeavyGunner(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ARBOROS_DRAGON__TIMBER) _UnitObject = new ArborosDragonTimber(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RABBIT_HOUSE) _UnitObject = new RabbitHouse(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_EXPLOSIVE_AXE__GORNEMAN) _UnitObject = new KnightOfTheExplosiveAxeGornement(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MUUNGAL) _UnitObject = new Muungal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MICE_GUARD__ANTARES) _UnitObject = new MythGuardAntares(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_DRAGON_BERSERKER__JANDIRA) _UnitObject = new DemonicDagonBerserkerSandila(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ANTI_BATTLEROID_GUNNER) _UnitObject = new AntibattleroidGunner(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SCHEDULER_ANGEL) _UnitObject = new SchedulerAngel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DOGMATIZE_JEWEL_KNIGHT__SYBILL) _UnitObject = new DogmatizeJewelKnightSybill(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIGHTNING_SWORD_WIELDING_EXORCIST_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new LightingSwordWieldingExorcistKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLASHING_JEWEL_KNIGHT__ISEULT) _UnitObject = new FlashingJewelKnightIseult(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HALO_LIBERATOR__MARK) _UnitObject = new HaloLiberatorMark(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR_OF_THE_FLUTE__ESCRAD) _UnitObject = new LiberatorOfTheFluteEscrad(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BROOM_WITCH__CARAWAY) _UnitObject = new BroomWitchCallaway(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GODDESS_OF_SELF_SACRIFICE__KUSHINADA) _UnitObject = new GoddessOfSelfSacrificeKushinada(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR_WYVERN_GUARD__GULD) _UnitObject = new EradicatorWyvernGuardGuld(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUPREME_ARMY_ERADICATOR__ZUITAN) _UnitObject = new SupremeArmyEradicatorZuitan(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FELLOWSHIP_JEWEL_KNIGHT__TRACIE) _UnitObject = new FellowshipJewelKnightTracie(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.JEWEL_KNIGHT__PRIZME) _UnitObject = new JewelKinghtPizmy(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DREAMING_JEWEL_KNIGHT__TIFFANY) _UnitObject = new DreamingJewelKnightTiffany(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CURVED_BLADE_LIBERATOR__JOSEPHUS) _UnitObject = new FastChaseLiberatorJosephus(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WINGAL_LIBERATOR) _UnitObject = new WingalLiberator(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWILIGHT_HUNTER__ARTEMIS) _UnitObject = new TwilightHunterArtemis(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_MAIDEN__TAMAYORIHIME) _UnitObject = new BattleMaidenTamayorihime(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AIMING_FOR_THE_STARS__ARTEMIS) _UnitObject = new AimingForTheStarsArtemis(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TWIN_GUN_ERADICATOR__HAKUSHOU) _UnitObject = new DoubleGunEradicatorNakusho(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__SAUCER_CANNON_WYVERN) _UnitObject = new EradicatorSaucerCannonWyvern(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR_OF_THE_CEREMONIAL_BONFIRE__CASTOR) _UnitObject = new CeremonialBonfireEradicatorCastor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.AMBUSH_DRAGON_ERADICATOR__LINCHU) _UnitObject = new AmbushDragonEradicatorLinchu(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__HATRED_CHAOS) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityHatrdChaos(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DUDLEY_MASON) _UnitObject = new DudleyMason(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.UNCOMPROMISING_KNIGHT__IDELL) _UnitObject = new UncompromisingKnightIdeale(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GIGANTECH_DOZER) _UnitObject = new GigantechDozer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DELICATE_KNIGHT__CLAUDIN) _UnitObject = new KnightOfDetailsClaudin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STINGING_JEWEL_KNIGHT__SHERRIE) _UnitObject = new StingingJewelKnightShellie(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.RUSHGAL) _UnitObject = new Rushhgal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PRIMGAL) _UnitObject = new Primgal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_FAR_BOW__SAFIR) _UnitObject = new KnightOfFarArrowsSaphir(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.KNIGHT_OF_BREAK_FIST__SEGWARIDES) _UnitObject = new BoulderSmashingKnightSegwarides(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GUIDING_FALCONEE) _UnitObject = new GuidingFalcony(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LIBERATOR__FLARE_MANE_STALLION) _UnitObject = new LiberatorFlareManeStallion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.HOLY_SQUIRE__ENIDE) _UnitObject = new HolySquireEnide(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CLEVER_JAKE) _UnitObject = new CleverJake(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WITCH_OF_OWLS__PAPRIKA) _UnitObject = new WitchOfOwlsPaprika(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MICE_GUARD__ORION) _UnitObject = new MythGuardOrion(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BOWSTRING_OF_HEAVEN_AND_EARTH__ARTEMIS) _UnitObject = new BowstringOfHeavenAndEarthArtemis(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLADE_WING_REIJY) _UnitObject = new BladeWingReijy(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SNIPE_SNAKE) _UnitObject = new SnipeSnake(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MICE_GUARD__SIRIUS) _UnitObject = new MythGuardSirius(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CLUSTER_HAMSTER) _UnitObject = new ClusterHamster(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_MAIDEN__KUKURIHIME) _UnitObject = new BattleMaidenKukurihime(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLOOD_AXE_DRAGOON) _UnitObject = new BloodAxeDragoon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_DRAGON_MAGE__MAJIRA) _UnitObject = new DemonicDragonMageMajila(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SWORD_DANCE_ERADICATOR__HISEN) _UnitObject = new SwordDancerEradicatorHisen(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_DANCER__AGNES) _UnitObject = new DragonDancerAgnes(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.THUNDER_FIST_ERADICATOR__DOUI) _UnitObject = new LightingFistEradicatorDui(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__STRIKE_DAGGER_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new EradicatorStrikedaggerDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DJINN_OF_THE_CLAPPING_THUNDER) _UnitObject = new DjinnOfTheThunderBreak(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLOODY_RAIN) _UnitObject = new BloodyReign(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__HILARITY_DESTROYER) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityHilarityDestroyer(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MACHINERY_ANGEL) _UnitObject = new MachineryAngel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BEAST_DEITY__RIOT_HORN) _UnitObject = new BeastDeityRiotHorn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_ARM_LEPRECHAUN) _UnitObject = new BattleArmLeprechaun(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLOW_KISS__OLIVIA) _UnitObject = new BlowKissOlivia(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.GO_FOR_BREAK) _UnitObject = new GoForBroke(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CHARGING_BILL_COLLECTOR) _UnitObject = new ChargingBillCollector(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.UFO) _UnitObject = new UFOUnluckyFlyingObject(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.TYRANT_RECEIVER) _UnitObject = new TyrantReceiver(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DUDLEY_PHANTOM) _UnitObject = new DudleyPhantom(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REIGN_OF_TERROR__THERMIDOR) _UnitObject = new ReignOfTerrorThermidor(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BABY_FACE__ISAAC) _UnitObject = new BabyFaceIzaac(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MOBILE_HOSPITAL__ASSAULT_HOSPICE) _UnitObject = new MobileHospitalAssaultHospice(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CANDLE_CELESTIAL__SARIEL) _UnitObject = new CandleCelestialSariel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CHIEF_NURSE__SHAMSIEL) _UnitObject = new ChiefNurseShamsiel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.REVERSE_AURA_PHOENIX) _UnitObject = new ReverseAuraPhoenix(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FIRST_AID_CELESTIAL__PENUEL) _UnitObject = new FirstAidCelestialPeniel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ADAMANTINE_CELESTIAL__ANIEL) _UnitObject = new AdamantineCelestialAniel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.UNDERLAY_CELESTIAL__HESEDIEL) _UnitObject = new UnderlayCelestialHesediel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MARKING_CELESTIAL__ARABHAKI) _UnitObject = new MarkingCelestialArabhaki(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WILD_SHOT_CELESTIAL__RAGUEL) _UnitObject = new WildShotCelestialRaguel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SOLIDIFY_CELESTIAL__ZERACHIEL) _UnitObject = new SolidifyCelestialZerachiel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PROPHECY_CELESTIAL__RAMIEL) _UnitObject = new ProphecyCelestialRamiel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BORGAL) _UnitObject = new Borgal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ADVANCE_PARTY_BRAVE_SHOOTER) _UnitObject = new AdvancePartyBraveShooter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SHORTSTOP_BRAVE_SHOOTER) _UnitObject = new MercenaryBraveShooter(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGONIC_OVERLORD) _UnitObject = new DragonicOverlord(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_FLIGHT_DRAGON__TRANS_CORE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new BlueFlightDragonTranscoreDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.COSMO_HEALER__ERGODIEL) _UnitObject = new CosmoHealerErgodiel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WINGAL) _UnitObject = new Wingal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLAZING_LION__PLATINA_EZEL) _UnitObject = new BlazingLionPlatinaEzel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MILITARY_DRAGON__RAPTOR_COLONEL) _UnitObject = new MilitaryDragonRaptorColonel(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BRINGER_OF_KNOWLEDGE__LOX) _UnitObject = new BringerOfKnowledgeLox(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SNOGAL) _UnitObject = new Snogal(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMON_WORLD_CASTLE__DONNERSCHLAG) _UnitObject = new DonnerSchlag(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ARBOROS_DRAGON__SEPHIROT) _UnitObject = new ArborosDragonSephirot(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SUPPRESSION_ERADICATOR__DOKKASEI) _UnitObject = new SuppressionEradicatorDokkasei(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ERADICATOR__BLADE_HANG_DRACOKID) _UnitObject = new EradicatorBladeHangDracokid(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.FLAME_STAR_SEAL_DRAGON_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new FlameStarSealDragonKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_KNIGHT__LEZAR) _UnitObject = new DragonKnightLezar(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DEMONIC_DRAGON_MAGE__TAKSAKA) _UnitObject = new DemonicDragonMageTaksaka(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DIABLE_DRIVE_DRAGON) _UnitObject = new DiableDriveDragon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.EXPLOSIVE_CLAW_SEAL_DRAGON_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new ExplosiveClawSealDragonKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.CALAMITY_TOWER_WYVERN) _UnitObject = new CalamityTowerWyvern(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PRISON_EGG_SEAL_DRAGON_KNIGHT) _UnitObject = new PrisonEggSealDragonKnight(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_BEAST__CHAIN_GEEK) _UnitObject = new StealthBeastChainGeek(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_ROGUE_OF_KITE__GOEMON) _UnitObject = new StealthRogueOfKiteGoemon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.STEALTH_BEAST__DEATHLY_DAGGER) _UnitObject = new StealthBeastDeathlyDagger(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.ROARING_THUNDER_BOW__ZAFURA) _UnitObject = new RoaringThunderBowZafura(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.PLASMA_SCIMITAR_DRAGOON) _UnitObject = new PlasmaScimitarDragoon(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.DRAGON_DANCER__AGATHA) _UnitObject = new DragonDancerAgatha(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WYVERN_STRIKE__ZAROOS) _UnitObject = new WyvernStrikeZaroos(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.WISHING_DJINN) _UnitObject = new WishingDjinn(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.JACKIN______PUMPKIN) _UnitObject = new JackinPumpkin(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.LOTUS_DRUID) _UnitObject = new LotusDruid(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.MAIDEN_OF_PHYSALIS) _UnitObject = new MaidenOfPhysalis(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BLUE_ROSE_MUSKETEER__ERNEST) _UnitObject = new BlueRoseMusketeerErnest(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.SAMURAI_SPIRIT) _UnitObject = new SamuraiSpirit(); else if(id == CardIdentifier.BATTLE_SISTER_COCOA) _UnitObject = new BattleSisterCocoa(); if(_UnitObject != null) { _UnitObject.SetOwnerCard(OwnerCard); } }
public virtual void TriggerPassiveNormalAttack(UnitObject owner, UnitObject target) { }
/// <summary> /// Removes a unit from the list of active friendly units. This should only happen if it dies. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">Unit to be removed.</param> public void UnregisterUnit(UnitObject unit) { if (!allFriendlyUnits.Contains(unit)) return; allFriendlyUnits.Remove(unit); // var types = allFriendlyUnits.Select(t => t.Type).Distinct(); // TODO: move this }