Exemple #1
        public ActionResult FeeDetails(string unitId)
            decimal paidCurtAmount = 0.00M;

            UnitFeeTypeViewModel feeDetailsModel = new UnitFeeTypeViewModel();

            UnitAccess ua = new UnitAccess();

            feeDetailsModel.UnitFeeTypes = ua.GetUnitFeeType(unitId);

            UnitFeeTypeViewModel feeDetailsModelNew = new UnitFeeTypeViewModel();

            var lists = feeDetailsModel.UnitFeeTypes.GroupBy(x => x.CurtNumber).ToList();

            feeDetailsModelNew.UnitFeeTypes = new List <UnitFeeType>();

            foreach (var grp in lists)
                int i     = 0;
                var count = grp.Select(p => new { p.LoanId, p.UnitId, p.CurtNumber, p.TblName, p.FeeType, p.PaidAmount, p.PaidDate }).Distinct().Count();

                foreach (var d in grp)
                    if (count == 3)
                        if (d.TblName == "CS")
                        paidCurtAmount += d.PaidAmount;
                        feeDetailsModelNew.UnitFeeTypes.Add(new UnitFeeType {
                            LoanId = d.LoanId, UnitId = d.UnitId, CurtNumber = d.CurtNumber, TblName = d.TblName, FeeType = d.FeeType, PaidAmount = d.PaidAmount, PaidDate = d.PaidDate
                        if (d.TblName != "F")
                            paidCurtAmount += d.PaidAmount;
                        feeDetailsModelNew.UnitFeeTypes.Add(new UnitFeeType {
                            LoanId = d.LoanId, UnitId = d.UnitId, CurtNumber = d.CurtNumber, TblName = d.TblName, FeeType = d.FeeType, PaidAmount = d.PaidAmount, PaidDate = d.PaidDate
            Session["PaidCurtAmount"] = paidCurtAmount;
        private AdvanceUnit GetAdvanceUnitList(int loanId)
            UnitAccess         unitAccess = new UnitAccess();
            List <Models.Unit> unitList   = new List <Models.Unit>();

            unitList = unitAccess.GetNotAdvancedUnitDetailsByLoanId(loanId);
            List <Models.Unit> unitList2 = new List <Models.Unit>();
            AdvanceUnit        unitList1 = new AdvanceUnit();

            unitList1.NotAdvanced = unitList;

            unitList1.Search      = unitList2;
            unitList1.AdvanceDate = DateTime.Now;
        private Models.AdvanceUnit GetAdvanceUnitList(int loanId)
            UnitAccess unitAccess = new UnitAccess();
            List <BankLoanSystem.Models.Unit> unitList = new List <Models.Unit>();

            unitList = unitAccess.GetNotAdvancedUnitDetailsByLoanId(loanId);
            List <BankLoanSystem.Models.Unit> unitList2 = new List <Models.Unit>();

            Models.AdvanceUnit unitList1 = new Models.AdvanceUnit();
            unitList1.NotAdvanced = unitList;

            unitList1.Search = unitList2;

Exemple #4
        public ActionResult DeleteUnitPost(string unitId, string identificationNo, string reason)
            decimal paidCurtAmount = 0.00M;

            if (Session["PaidCurtAmount"] != null)
                paidCurtAmount = (decimal)Session["PaidCurtAmount"];

            int                 loanId    = (int)Session["deleteUnitloanId"];
            UnitAccess          ua        = new UnitAccess();
            UnitDeleteViewModel unitModel = new UnitDeleteViewModel();
            int                 res       = ua.DeleteUnit(loanId, unitId, paidCurtAmount, reason);

            if (res == 1)
                if (Session["UnitDeleteList"] != null)
                    unitModel.DeleteUnits = (List <UnitDeleteModel>)Session["UnitDeleteList"];
                    var itemToRemove = unitModel.DeleteUnits.Single(r => r.UnitId == unitId);
                    Session["UnitDeleteList"] = unitModel.DeleteUnits;

                Log log = new Log(_userData.UserId, _userData.Company_Id, _userData.BranchId, loanId, "Delete Unit", "Delete Unit:" + identificationNo, DateTime.Now);

                int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Failed to delete unit, try again!"));

            if (Session["DeleteSearchUnit"] != null)
                DeleteSearchUnit seachUnit = (DeleteSearchUnit)Session["DeleteSearchUnit"];
                unitModel = GetGridViewDetails(seachUnit.ViewType, seachUnit.Id, seachUnit.Year, seachUnit.Make,
            ViewBag.DeleteList = unitModel.DeleteUnits;
            return(PartialView("GridView", unitModel));
Exemple #5
        public string GenerateUnitId(string loanCode, int loanId)
            string unitId;
            var    ua           = new UnitAccess();
            string latestUnitId = ua.GetLatestUnitId(loanId);

            if (latestUnitId == "")
                unitId = loanCode + "-000001";
                var sufix = (Convert.ToInt32(latestUnitId.Substring(latestUnitId.Length - 6, 6)) + 1).ToString("000000");
                unitId = loanCode + "-" + sufix;

Exemple #6
 public UnitBusiness()
     dataAccess = new UnitAccess();
Exemple #7
         * Frontend page   : Delete units
         * Title           : Get all active and pending units
         * Designed        : Kanishka Mahanama
         * User story      :
         * Developed       : Kanishka Mahanama
         * Date created    :
        public ActionResult Delete()
            string loanCode;

            //get loan code, if it is null return to the login
                loanCode = Session["loanCode"].ToString();
            catch (Exception)
                return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Due to inactivity your session has timed out, please log in again." }));

            //check user role, if it is user then check he has right to delete unit page
            if (_userData.RoleId == 3)
                if (Session["CurrentLoanRights"] == null || Session["CurrentLoanRights"].ToString() == "")
                    return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));
                    var    checkPermission = false;
                    string rgts            = "";
                    rgts = (string)Session["CurrentLoanRights"];
                    string[] rgtList = null;
                    if (rgts != "")
                        rgtList = rgts.Split(',');
                    if (rgtList != null)
                        foreach (var x in rgtList)
                            if (x == "U08")
                                checkPermission = true;
                        if (checkPermission == false)
                            return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));
                        return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));
            else if (_userData.RoleId == 4)
                return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));

            //get loan details
            int            loanId = _userData.LoanId;
            LoanSetupStep1 loan   = (new LoanSetupAccess()).GetLoanDetailsByLoanCode(loanCode);

            UnitDeleteViewModel unitDeleteViewModel = new UnitDeleteViewModel();

            //get all units
            UnitAccess ua = new UnitAccess();

            unitDeleteViewModel.DeleteUnits = ua.GetAllUnitsByLoanId(loan.loanId);
            Session["UnitDeleteList"]       = unitDeleteViewModel.DeleteUnits;
            Session["deleteUnitloanId"]     = loan.loanId;
            ViewBag.DeleteList = unitDeleteViewModel.DeleteUnits;

        /// <summary>
        /// Frontend page: Advance Unit
        /// Title: Advance more than one unit
        /// Designed: Nadeeka
        /// User story:
        /// Developed: Nadeeka
        /// Date created: 02/25/2016
        /// CreatedBy : Nadeeka
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns>Return partial view</returns>
        public int UpdateAdvanceAll(ListViewModel list)
            string loanCode;

                //convert session to string variable
                loanCode = Session["loanCode"].ToString();
            catch (Exception)
            //get loan details by loan code
            LoanSetupStep1 loanSetupStep1 = (new LoanSetupAccess()).GetLoanDetailsByLoanCode(loanCode);

            ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "";
            //check Session["notAdvancedList"] is not null
            if (Session["notAdvancedList"] != null)
                List <Models.Unit> lstUnit = (List <Models.Unit>)Session["notAdvancedList"];
                foreach (Models.Unit modifiedUnit in list.ItemList)
                    //check advance amount can not be edited and given advance amount in loanset up and advance amount of selected unit is equal
                    if (!loanSetupStep1.isEditAllowable && lstUnit.Find(a => a.UnitId == modifiedUnit.UnitId).AdvanceAmount != modifiedUnit.AdvanceAmount)
                        TempData["updateReslt"] = 3;

            UnitAccess unitAccess = new UnitAccess();
            //get result of advance item list
            int reslt = unitAccess.AdvanceItemList(list.ItemList, loanSetupStep1.loanId, userData.UserId, list.ItemList[0].AdvanceDate);

            TempData["updateReslt"] = reslt;

            // after success save**
            if (reslt == 1)
                string[] arrList = new string[list.ItemList.Count];
                int      i       = 0;
                foreach (var x in list.ItemList)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.UnitId))
                        arrList[i] = "Advanced Unit: " + x.IdentificationNumber + " ,Advance amount:" + x.AdvanceAmount + " ,Advance date: " + x.AdvanceDate;

                string units = string.Join(",", arrList);
                //insert log data
                Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, loanSetupStep1.loanId, "Advance Unit", units, DateTime.Now);

                int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                //if mention advance fee, then insert in to fee table - asanka
                if ((Session["loanDashboard"] != null) || (Session["oneLoanDashboard"] != null))
                    Loan loanObj = new Loan();
                    if (Session["loanDashboard"] != null)
                        loanObj = (Loan)Session["loanDashboard"];
                        loanObj = (Loan)Session["oneLoanDashboard"];
                    //loanObj = (Loan)Session["loanDashboard"];
                    if (loanObj.AdvanceFee == 1)
                        //check advance amount and other details
                        foreach (BankLoanSystem.Models.Unit unitObj in list.ItemList)
                            unitAccess.insertFreeDetailsForAdvance(unitObj, loanSetupStep1.loanId);

                // saving for reporting purpose
                if (Session["AdvItems"] == null)
                    Session["AdvItems"] = list.ItemList;
                    List <Models.Unit> unitlist = new List <Models.Unit>();
                    unitlist = (List <Models.Unit>)Session["AdvItems"];
                    Session["AdvItems"] = unitlist;
        /// <summary>
        /// Frontend page: Advance Unit
        /// Title: Advance one unit
        /// Designed: Nadeeka
        /// User story:
        /// Developed: Nadeeka
        /// Date created: 02/24/2016
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns>Return partial view</returns>
        public int UpdateAdvance(BankLoanSystem.Models.Unit unit)
            string loanCode;

                //convert session to string variable
                loanCode = Session["loanCode"].ToString();
            catch (Exception)
            //get loan details by loan code
            LoanSetupStep1 loanSetupStep1 = (new LoanSetupAccess()).GetLoanDetailsByLoanCode(loanCode);

            ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "";
            UnitAccess unitAccess = new UnitAccess();

            //check Session["notAdvancedList"] is not null
            if (Session["notAdvancedList"] != null)
                //convert Session["notAdvancedList"] to list object
                List <Models.Unit> lstUnit = (List <Models.Unit>)Session["notAdvancedList"];
                //check advance amount can not be edited and given advance amount in loanset up and advance amount of selected unit is equal
                if (!loanSetupStep1.isEditAllowable && lstUnit.Find(a => a.UnitId == unit.UnitId).AdvanceAmount != unit.AdvanceAmount)
                    TempData["updateReslt"] = 3;
            //get result of advance one item
            int reslt = unitAccess.AdvanceItem(unit, loanSetupStep1.loanId, userData.UserId, unit.AdvanceDate);

            TempData["updateReslt"] = reslt;

            // after success save**
            //check result of advance
            if (reslt == 1)
                //if mention advance fee, then insert in to fee table - asanka
                if ((Session["loanDashboard"] != null) || (Session["oneLoanDashboard"] != null))
                    Loan loanObj = new Loan();
                    if (Session["loanDashboard"] != null)
                        loanObj = (Loan)Session["loanDashboard"];
                    else if (Session["oneLoanDashboard"] != null)
                        loanObj = (Loan)Session["oneLoanDashboard"];
                    if (loanObj.AdvanceFee == 1)
                        //check advance amount and other details
                        unitAccess.insertFreeDetailsForAdvance(unit, loanSetupStep1.loanId);

                //insert to log

                Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, loanSetupStep1.loanId, "Advance Unit", "Advanced Unit:" + unit.IdentificationNumber + (unit.Cost * loanSetupStep1.advancePercentage / 100 != unit.AdvanceAmount ? ",Advance amount edited to: " + unit.AdvanceAmount : ",Advance amount: " + unit.AdvanceAmount) + " ,Advance date:" + unit.AdvanceDate, DateTime.Now);

                int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                // saving for reporting purpose
                if (Session["AdvItems"] == null)
                    List <Models.Unit> unitlist = new List <Models.Unit>();
                    Session["AdvItems"] = unitlist;
                    List <Models.Unit> unitlist = new List <Models.Unit>();
                    unitlist = (List <Models.Unit>)Session["AdvItems"];
                    Session["AdvItems"] = unitlist;

Exemple #10
        public ActionResult UserLogin(UserLogin user)
                //string ip = Request.UserHostAddress;
                DataSet dsUser   = new DataSet();
                var     login    = new LoginAccess();
                var     step     = new StepAccess();
                User    userData = new User();
                userData.UserName = user.userName;

                //pass user name to database and get user details
                dsUser = login.CheckUserLogin(userData);
                if (dsUser.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    userData.UserId   = int.Parse(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["user_id"].ToString());
                    userData.UserName = dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["user_name"].ToString();
                    userData.Password = dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["password"].ToString();

                    userData.RoleId = int.Parse(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["role_id"].ToString());
                    if (userData.RoleId == 4)
                        DataSet dsDelearCompany = new DataSet();
                        dsDelearCompany = login.GetDealerUserCompanyBranch(userData.UserId);
                        if (dsDelearCompany.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString() != "")
                            userData.Company_Id  = int.Parse(dsDelearCompany.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString());
                            userData.CompanyName = dsDelearCompany.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_name"].ToString();
                        if (dsDelearCompany.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString() != "")
                            userData.BranchId   = int.Parse(dsDelearCompany.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString());
                            userData.BranchName = dsDelearCompany.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_name"].ToString();
                        userData.BranchId   = int.Parse(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString());
                        userData.BranchName = dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_name"].ToString();
                        if (dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString() != "")
                            userData.Company_Id  = int.Parse(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString());
                            userData.CompanyType = int.Parse(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_type"].ToString());
                            userData.CompanyCode = dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_code"].ToString();
                            userData.Company_Id = 0;
                        userData.CompanyName = dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_name"].ToString();

                    userData.step_status = int.Parse(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_status"].ToString());

                    //To compair Database password and user enter password
                    string   passwordFromDB = userData.Password;
                    char[]   delimiter      = { ':' };
                    string[] split          = passwordFromDB.Split(delimiter);
                    var      checkCharHave  = passwordFromDB.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(':');
                    if (passwordFromDB == null || (checkCharHave == false))
                        Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 0, "User Login", "User : "******" was unable to login, Entered password did not match", DateTime.Now);

                        int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                        return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Incorrect Username & Password combination. Please confirm entry and resubmit." }));

                    string passwordEncripted = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.password, split[1]);
                    if (string.Compare(passwordEncripted, passwordFromDB) == 0)
                        //user object pass to session
                        Session["AuthenticatedUser"] = userData;

                        // Does not complete atleast one cycle
                        if (userData.step_status == 0)
                            if (userData.RoleId == 3)
                                Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 0, "User Login", "User : "******" was unable to login", DateTime.Now);

                                int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                                return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Company setup process is on going please contact admin." }));
                                Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 0, "User Login", "User : "******" has logged successfully", DateTime.Now);

                                int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                                if (userData.Company_Id == 0)
                                    Session["companyStep"] = 1;
                                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SetupProcess"));
                                else if (userData.Company_Id > 0)
                                    if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                                        DataSet dsStepNo = new DataSet();
                                        dsStepNo = step.checkSuperAdminLoginWhileCompanySetup(userData);
                                        if (dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                            Session["companyStep"] = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                                            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SetupProcess"));
                                            LoanSetupStep loanStep     = new LoanSetupStep();
                                            DataSet       dsLoanStepNo = new DataSet();
                                            dsLoanStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileLoanSetup(userData);
                                            if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                                loanStep.CompanyId             = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString());
                                                loanStep.BranchId              = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString());
                                                loanStep.stepId                = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                                                loanStep.nonRegisteredBranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["non_registered_branch_id"].ToString());
                                                if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString() != "")
                                                    loanStep.loanId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString());
                                                    loanStep.loanId = 0;
                                                Session["loanStep"] = loanStep;
                                                if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                                                    return(RedirectToAction("Step" + (loanStep.stepId + 5), "SetupProcess"));
                                        //if step table has record pass(company id and branch id)
                                        DataSet dsStepNo = new DataSet();
                                        dsStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileCompanySetup(userData);
                                        if (dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                            Session["companyStep"] = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                                            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SetupProcess"));
                                            //No Step recor in relavent Company and branch
                                            LoanSetupStep loanStep     = new LoanSetupStep();
                                            DataSet       dsLoanStepNo = new DataSet();
                                            dsLoanStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileLoanSetup(userData);
                                            if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                                loanStep.CompanyId             = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString());
                                                loanStep.BranchId              = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString());
                                                loanStep.stepId                = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                                                loanStep.nonRegisteredBranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["non_registered_branch_id"].ToString());
                                                if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString() != "")
                                                    loanStep.loanId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString());
                                                    loanStep.loanId = 0;

                                                Session["loanStep"] = loanStep;
                                                return(RedirectToAction("Step" + (loanStep.stepId + 5), "SetupProcess"));
                        // Complete cycle and no start new cycle
                        else if (userData.step_status == 1 || userData.step_status == 2)
                            //delete just added unit if exists
                            UnitAccess ua = new UnitAccess();

                            //insert log
                            Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 0, "User Login", "User : "******" has logged successfully", DateTime.Now);

                            int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);

                            return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));
                        // atleast one cycle complete and Start new cycle
                        //else if (userData.step_status == 2)

                        //    //delete just added unit if exists
                        //    UnitAccess ua = new UnitAccess();
                        //    ua.DeleteJustAddedUnits(userData.UserId);
                        //    //insert log
                        //    Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 0, "User Login", "User : "******" has logged successfully", DateTime.Now);

                        //    int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                        //    if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                        //    {
                        //        DataSet dsStepNo = new DataSet();
                        //        dsStepNo = step.checkSuperAdminLoginWhileCompanySetup(userData);
                        //        if (dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //        {
                        //            Session["companyStep"] = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //            Session["isNotCompleteStep"] = 1;
                        //            //return RedirectToAction("Index", "SetupProcess");
                        //            return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");
                        //        }
                        //        else
                        //        {
                        //            LoanSetupStep loanStep = new LoanSetupStep();
                        //            DataSet dsLoanStepNo = new DataSet();
                        //            dsLoanStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileLoanSetup(userData);
                        //            if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //            {
                        //                loanStep.CompanyId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString());
                        //                loanStep.BranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString());
                        //                loanStep.stepId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //                loanStep.nonRegisteredBranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["non_registered_branch_id"].ToString());
                        //                if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString() != "")
                        //                {
                        //                    loanStep.loanId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString());
                        //                }
                        //                else
                        //                {
                        //                    loanStep.loanId = 0;
                        //                }
                        //                Session["isNotCompleteStep"] = 1;
                        //                Session["loanStep"] = loanStep;
                        //                if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                        //                {
                        //                    //return RedirectToAction("Step" + (loanStep.stepId + 5), "SetupProcess");
                        //                    return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");
                        //                }
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        //if step table has record pass(company id and branch id)
                        //        DataSet dsStepNo = new DataSet();
                        //        dsStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileCompanySetup(userData);
                        //        if (dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //        {
                        //            Session["isNotCompleteStep"] = 1;
                        //            Session["companyStep"] = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //            return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");
                        //        }
                        //        else
                        //        {
                        //            //No Step recor in relavent Company and branch
                        //            LoanSetupStep loanStep = new LoanSetupStep();
                        //            DataSet dsLoanStepNo = new DataSet();
                        //            dsLoanStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileLoanSetup(userData);
                        //            if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //            {
                        //                loanStep.CompanyId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString());
                        //                loanStep.BranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString());
                        //                loanStep.stepId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //                loanStep.nonRegisteredBranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["non_registered_branch_id"].ToString());
                        //                if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString() != "")
                        //                {
                        //                    loanStep.loanId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString());
                        //                }
                        //                else
                        //                {
                        //                    loanStep.loanId = 0;
                        //                }

                        //                Session["isNotCompleteStep"] = 1;
                        //                Session["loanStep"] = loanStep;

                        //                //return RedirectToAction("Step" + (loanStep.stepId + 5), "SetupProcess");
                        //                return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");
                        //            }
                        //            //if SA stepstatus 2 and no records in loan setup and companysetup
                        //            else
                        //            {
                        //                return RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "Usermanagement");
                        //            }
                        //        }

                        //    }
                            //insert log
                            Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 0, "User Login", "User : "******" was unable to login", DateTime.Now);

                            int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                            return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Company setup process is on going please contact admin." }));

                        //    //check Company setup process
                        //    //Check SuperAdmin
                        //    //company ID null or 0 then redirect to step process 1
                        //    if (userData.Company_Id == 0)
                        //    {
                        //        Session["companyStep"] = 1;
                        //        return RedirectToAction("Index", "SetupProcess");
                        //    }
                        //    else if (userData.Company_Id > 0)
                        //    {
                        //        //check branch count more than one and
                        //        if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                        //        {
                        //            //check branch count in view and step table row count
                        //            //IF more than branch count and has step record ask question

                        //            DataSet dsStepNo = new DataSet();
                        //            dsStepNo = step.checkSuperAdminLoginWhileCompanySetup(userData);
                        //            if (dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //            {
                        //                int bcount = 0;
                        //                if (dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branchCount"].ToString() != "")
                        //                {
                        //                    bcount = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branchCount"].ToString());
                        //                }
                        //                int scount = 0;
                        //                if (dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["stepCount"].ToString() != "")
                        //                {
                        //                    scount = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["stepCount"].ToString());
                        //                }
                        //                if (bcount <= scount)
                        //                {
                        //                    Session["companyStep"] = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "SetupProcess");

                        //                }
                        //                else
                        //                {
                        //                    //message: Not complete Step, Do you want to complete it.
                        //                    Session["isNotCompleteStep"] = 1;
                        //                    Session["companyStep"] = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //                    return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");
                        //                }
                        //            }
                        //            else
                        //            {
                        //                LoanSetupStep loanStep = new LoanSetupStep();
                        //                DataSet dsLoanStepNo = new DataSet();
                        //                dsLoanStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileLoanSetup(userData);
                        //                if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //                {
                        //                    loanStep.CompanyId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString());
                        //                    loanStep.BranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString());
                        //                    loanStep.stepId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //                    loanStep.nonRegisteredBranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["non_registered_branch_id"].ToString());
                        //                    if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString() != "")
                        //                    {
                        //                        loanStep.loanId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString());
                        //                    }
                        //                    else
                        //                    {
                        //                        loanStep.loanId = 0;
                        //                    }
                        //                    Session["loanStep"] = loanStep;
                        //                    if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                        //                    {
                        //                        return RedirectToAction("Step" + (loanStep.stepId + 5), "SetupProcess");
                        //                    }
                        //                }
                        //                else
                        //                {
                        //                    //Redirect to Super Admin dashboard
                        //                    return RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement");
                        //                }

                        //            }

                        //        }
                        //        else
                        //        {
                        //            //if step table has record pass(company id and branch id)
                        //            DataSet dsStepNo = new DataSet();
                        //            dsStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileCompanySetup(userData);
                        //            if (dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //            {
                        //                Session["companyStep"] = int.Parse(dsStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //                if (userData.RoleId == 2)
                        //                {
                        //                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "SetupProcess");
                        //                }
                        //                else
                        //                {
                        //                    return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Company setup process is on going please contact admin." });
                        //                }
                        //            }
                        //            else
                        //            {
                        //                //No Step recor in relavent Company and branch
                        //                LoanSetupStep loanStep = new LoanSetupStep();
                        //                DataSet dsLoanStepNo = new DataSet();
                        //                dsLoanStepNo = step.checkUserLoginWhileLoanSetup(userData);
                        //                if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //                {
                        //                    loanStep.CompanyId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["company_id"].ToString());
                        //                    loanStep.BranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["branch_id"].ToString());
                        //                    loanStep.stepId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["step_number"].ToString());
                        //                    loanStep.nonRegisteredBranchId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["non_registered_branch_id"].ToString());
                        //                    if (dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString() != "")
                        //                    {
                        //                        loanStep.loanId = int.Parse(dsLoanStepNo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["loan_id"].ToString());
                        //                    }
                        //                    else
                        //                    {
                        //                        loanStep.loanId = 0;
                        //                    }

                        //                    Session["loanStep"] = loanStep;
                        //                    if (userData.RoleId == 2)
                        //                    {
                        //                        //return RedirectToAction("Index", "SetupProcess");
                        //                        return RedirectToAction("Step" + (loanStep.stepId+5), "SetupProcess");
                        //                    }
                        //                }
                        //                else
                        //                {
                        //                    if (userData.RoleId == 2)
                        //                    {
                        //                        //Redirect to Branch Admin dashboard
                        //                        return RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement");
                        //                    }
                        //                    else
                        //                    {
                        //                        //Redirect to User dashboard
                        //                        return RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement");
                        //                    }
                        //                }

                        //            }

                        //        }
                        //    }

                        //    //User Name Correct but user enter password does not match with database password value
                        //    return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Incorrect Username or Password, please confirm and submit." });
                        //insert log entry
                        //User Name Correct but user enter password does not match with database password value
                        Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 0, "User Login", "User : "******" was unable to login, Entered password did not match ", DateTime.Now);

                        int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                        return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Incorrect Username & Password combination. Please confirm entry and resubmit." }));
                    //Incorrect UserName
                    Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 0, "User Login", "User : "******" was unable to login, Entered username did not exist ", DateTime.Now);

                    int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                    return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Incorrect Username & Password combination. Please confirm entry and resubmit." }));
                return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "An error has occurred.Please try again later" }));
            return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"));
        public int UnitListPay(List <UnitPayOffModel> payOffModelList, DateTime payDate, string titleReturn)
            if (Session["PayOffUnitloanId"] == null)

            var loanId = (int)Session["PayOffUnitloanId"];

                XElement xEle = new XElement("Units",
                                             from unit in payOffModelList
                                             select new XElement("Unit",
                                                                 new XElement("LoanId", loanId),
                                                                 new XElement("UnitId", unit.UnitId),
                                                                 new XElement("Balance", unit.Balance)
                string xmlDoc = xEle.ToString();

                int titleStatus = 0;

                if (userData.CompanyType == 1)
                    titleStatus = titleReturn == "Yes" ? 2 : 4;
                else if (userData.CompanyType == 2)
                    titleStatus = titleReturn == "Yes" ? 3 : 4;

                var result = (new CurtailmentAccess()).PayOffUnits(xmlDoc, payDate, titleStatus);

                if (result == 1)
                    //if mention advance fee, then insert in to fee table - asanka
                    UnitAccess unitAccess = new UnitAccess();

                    if ((Session["loanDashboard"] != null) || (Session["oneLoanDashboard"] != null))
                        Loan loanObj;
                        if (Session["loanDashboard"] != null)
                            loanObj = (Loan)Session["loanDashboard"];
                            loanObj = (Loan)Session["oneLoanDashboard"];

                        if (loanObj.AdvanceFee == 1)
                            //check advance amount and other details
                            foreach (var payoff in payOffModelList)
                                unitAccess.insertFreeDetailsForPayOffPage(payoff, payDate, userData.UserId);

                    List <string> IDNumbers = new List <string>();

                    foreach (var payoff in payOffModelList)

                    //insert to log
                    Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, payOffModelList[0].LoanId, "Pay Off", "Pay Off unit(s) : " + string.Join(",", IDNumbers) + ", Pay Date : " + payDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), DateTime.Now);

                    int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);

                TempData["message"] = result;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #12
         * Frontend page   : Add Unit
         * Title           : Add or Advance Units
         * Designed        : Kasun Samarawickrama
         * User story      :
         * Developed       : Kasun Samarawickrama
         * Date created    : 02/24/2016
        public ActionResult AddUnit()
            // Handle Record successfully update or Error message

            int Flag = 0;

            if (TempData["Msg"] != null)
                Flag = int.Parse(TempData["Msg"].ToString());
                if (Flag == 1)
                    ViewBag.Msg = "Success";
                else if (Flag == 3)
                    ViewBag.Msg = "Requested";
                else if (Flag == 2)
                    ViewBag.Msg = "Error";

            int userId = userData.UserId;

            ViewBag.Role = userData.RoleId;;

            //Check loan is null or not
            if (Session["loanCode"] == null || Session["loanCode"].ToString() == "")
                return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Failed find loan" }));

            // for role id3 - user section
            if (userData.RoleId == 3)
                // check user has rights to access this loan - if not redirect to dashboard
                if (Session["CurrentLoanRights"] == null || Session["CurrentLoanRights"].ToString() == "")
                    return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));
                    var checkPermission = false;
                    var checkAdvance    = false;

                    // check user permission to the site
                    string rgts = "";
                    rgts = (string)Session["CurrentLoanRights"];
                    string[] rgtList = null;
                    //spit the permission string
                    if (rgts != "")
                        rgtList = rgts.Split(',');
                    if (rgtList != null)
                        foreach (var x in rgtList)
                            //check user have rights to add unit page
                            if (x == "U04")
                                checkPermission = true;
                            // check user have right to advance units in this page
                            if (x == "U01")
                                checkAdvance = true;
                        if (checkAdvance == true)
                            ViewBag.advanceAllow = true;
                            ViewBag.advanceAllow = false;
                        if (checkPermission == false)
                            return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));
                        return(RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "UserManagement"));
            string loanCode = Session["loanCode"].ToString();
            // retrive loan details
            LoanSetupStep1 loan = (new LoanSetupAccess()).GetLoanDetailsByLoanCode(loanCode);

            int loanId = loan.loanId;

            Session["addUnitloan"] = loan;

            ViewBag.loanDetails = loan;
            //set default unit type for add unit page
            if (loan.selectedUnitTypes.Count == 1)
                ViewBag.UnitTypeId = loan.selectedUnitTypes[0].unitTypeName;

            Models.Unit unit = new Models.Unit();

            unit.AdvancePt   = loan.advancePercentage;
            unit.LoanId      = loanId;
            unit.LoanAmount  = loan.loanAmount;
            unit.AdvanceDate = DateTime.Now;
            unit.StartDate   = loan.startDate;
            unit.EndDate     = loan.maturityDate;

            //get company type
            //1 - Lender
            //2 - Dealer
            BranchAccess ba          = new BranchAccess();
            int          companyType = ba.getCompanyTypeByUserId(userId);

            ViewBag.CompabyType = companyType;
            ViewBag.RoleId      = userData.RoleId;

            //Check title
            TitleAccess ta    = new TitleAccess();
            Title       title = ta.getTitleDetails(loan.loanId);

            // check title track allow or not
            if (title != null)
                bool isTitleTrack = title.IsTitleTrack;
                if (isTitleTrack)
                    ViewBag.IsTitleTrack = "Yes";

                string upload = title.TitleAcceptMethod;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upload) && upload == "Scanned Title Adequate")
                    ViewBag.Upload = "Yes";
            // loan Details for (loan Detail box) in the page
            UnitAccess         ua = new UnitAccess();
            LoanPaymentDetails loanPaymentDetails = ua.GetLoanPaymentDetailsByLoanId(loanId);

            unit.Balance = loanPaymentDetails.BalanceAmount;
            // check balane field is editable or not for this loan
            ViewBag.Editable = loan.isEditAllowable ? "Yes" : "No";

            //set user role to restrict add & advance unit if this user is dealer user(role id = 4)
            ViewBag.RoleId = userData.RoleId;

Exemple #13
        public ActionResult AddUnitPost(Models.Unit unit, List <HttpPostedFileBase> fileUpload)
            int userId = userData.UserId;

            // check this is an advance or add unit
            switch (unit.AdvanceNow)
            case "No":
                unit.IsAdvanced    = false;
                unit.AddAndAdvance = false;

            case "Yes":
                unit.IsAdvanced    = true;
                unit.AddAndAdvance = true;

            if (Session["loanCode"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", null));
            string loanCode = Session["loanCode"].ToString();

            //check this posted vin unique in database

            int num = 0;

            // vehile ID number
            if (unit.UnitTypeId == 1)
                num = (new UnitAccess()).IsUniqueVinForaLoan(unit.vehicle.IdentificationNumber, unit.LoanId);
            // rv ID number
            else if (unit.UnitTypeId == 2)
                num = (new UnitAccess()).IsUniqueVinForaLoan(unit.rv.IdentificationNumber, unit.LoanId);
            // camper ID number
            else if (unit.UnitTypeId == 3)
                num = (new UnitAccess()).IsUniqueVinForaLoan(unit.camper.IdentificationNumber, unit.LoanId);
            // atv ID number
            else if (unit.UnitTypeId == 4)
                num = (new UnitAccess()).IsUniqueVinForaLoan(unit.atv.IdentificationNumber, unit.LoanId);
            // boat ID number
            else if (unit.UnitTypeId == 5)
                num = (new UnitAccess()).IsUniqueVinForaLoan(unit.boat.IdentificationNumber, unit.LoanId);
            // motorcycle ID number
            else if (unit.UnitTypeId == 6)
                num = (new UnitAccess()).IsUniqueVinForaLoan(unit.motorcycle.IdentificationNumber, unit.LoanId);
            // snowmobile ID number
            else if (unit.UnitTypeId == 7)
                num = (new UnitAccess()).IsUniqueVinForaLoan(unit.snowmobile.IdentificationNumber, unit.LoanId);
            // heavyequipment ID number
            else if (unit.UnitTypeId == 8)
                num = (new UnitAccess()).IsUniqueVinForaLoan(unit.heavyequipment.SerialNumber, unit.LoanId);

            //only allow to add if and only if vin already not existing in this loan
            if (num != 0 && num != 1)
                string     IDNumber;
                UnitAccess ua = new UnitAccess();
                //inserting the unit to the database
                string res = ua.InsertUnit(unit, userId, loanCode, out IDNumber);

                //if mention advance fee, then insert in to fee table
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res) && unit.AddAndAdvance)
                    if ((Session["loanDashboard"] != null) || (Session["oneLoanDashboard"] != null))
                        Loan loanObj = new Loan();
                        if (Session["loanDashboard"] != null)
                            loanObj = (Loan)Session["loanDashboard"];
                            loanObj = (Loan)Session["oneLoanDashboard"];
                        if (loanObj.AdvanceFee == 1)
                            //check advance amount and other details


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
                    if (Session["addUnitloan"] == null)
                        return(RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Failed find loan" }));
                    LoanSetupStep1 loan = (LoanSetupStep1)Session["addUnitloan"];
                    //insert to log
                    Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, unit.LoanId, "Add Unit", (unit.AddAndAdvance ? "Added and advanced" : "Added") + " unit : " + IDNumber + ", Cost Amount : " + unit.Cost + (unit.Cost * loan.advancePercentage / 100 != unit.AdvanceAmount ? ", Edited Advance amount " + unit.AdvanceAmount : ", Advance amount : " + unit.AdvanceAmount), DateTime.Now);

                    int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log);
                    //Handling file attachments

                    //Check directory is already exists, if not create new
                    string mapPath = "~/Uploads/" + loan.RegisteredCompanyCode + "/" + loan.RegisteredBranchCode + "/";
                    if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(mapPath)))

                    List <TitleUpload> titleList = new List <TitleUpload>();

                    int imageNo = 1;
                    // if unit successfully updated then upload files
                    if (unit.FileName != null && fileUpload != null)
                        foreach (var file in fileUpload)
                            if (file != null && Array.Exists(unit.FileName.Split(','), s => s.Equals(file.FileName)))
                                if (file.ContentLength > 3 * 1024 * 1024)
                                unit.UnitId = res;
                                string extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);

                                string filename = unit.UnitId + "_" + imageNo.ToString("00") + extension;

                                file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(mapPath + filename));
                                string filepathtosave = mapPath + filename;

                                //add file information to list
                                TitleUpload title = new TitleUpload();
                                title.UploadId         = imageNo;
                                title.FilePath         = filepathtosave;
                                title.UnitId           = unit.UnitId;
                                title.OriginalFileName = file.FileName;



                            XElement xEle = new XElement("Titles",
                                                         from title in titleList
                                                         select new XElement("Title",
                                                                             new XElement("FilePath", title.FilePath),
                                                                             new XElement("UnitId", title.UnitId),
                                                                             new XElement("OriginalFileName", title.OriginalFileName)
                            string xmlDoc = xEle.ToString();

                            bool res1 = ua.InsertTitleDocumentUploadInfo(xmlDoc, unit.UnitId);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;
                    TempData["Msg"] = 1;

            TempData["Msg"] = 2;
            return(RedirectToAction("AddUnit", unit));