public void testNormalSearchGraphSearchMinFrontier() { MapEnvironment me = new MapEnvironment(aMap); UniformCostSearch <string, MoveToAction> ucSearch = new UniformCostSearch <string, MoveToAction>(new GraphSearchReducedFrontier <string, MoveToAction>()); SimpleMapAgent ma = new SimpleMapAgent(me.getMap(), me, ucSearch, new string[] { "D" }); me.addAgent(ma, "A"); me.AddEnvironmentView(new TestEnvironmentView(envChanges)); me.StepUntilDone(); Assert.AreEqual( "CurrentLocation=In(A), Goal=In(D):Action[name==moveTo, location==C]:Action[name==moveTo, location==D]:METRIC[nodesExpanded]=3:METRIC[queueSize]=1:METRIC[maxQueueSize]=2:METRIC[pathCost]=13:Action[name==NoOp]:", envChanges.ToString()); }
private void think() { /* * Si le manoir est propre, pas besoin de faire d'exploration * */ if (goalCompleted()) { intention.Clear(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (intention.Count == 0) { updateBelief(); Problem p = new Problem(belief); //Choisit une action Position robotIterationPos = new Position(this.belief.robotPos); /* * Changement de stratégie quand on clique sur le boutton switch strategy * */ SearchStrategy strategy; if (uniformAlgo) { strategy = new UniformCostSearch(); } else { strategy = new Asearch(); } /* * Exploration et planification de ses intentions * */ foreach (Action action in TreeSearch(p, strategy).ToList()) { foreach (SimpleActionType simpleAction in action.generateSimpleAction(robotIterationPos)) { intention.Enqueue(simpleAction); } } } }
public GetSearch(Object owner, IContextLookup globalVars, HeuristicFunction objHeuristicFunction) { toReturn; QueueSearch objQueueSearch; switch (QueueSearchType) { case QueueSearchType.TreeSearch: objQueueSearch = new TreeSearch(); break; default: objQueueSearch = new GraphSearch(); break; } switch (AlgorithmType) { case SearchAlgorithmType.KnownInformed: switch (KnownInformedAlgorithm) { case KnownInformedSearch.GreedyBestFirst: toReturn = new GreedyBestFirstSearch(objQueueSearch, objHeuristicFunction); break; case KnownInformedSearch.RecursiveGreedyBestFirst: toReturn = new RecursiveBestFirstSearch(new GreedyBestFirstEvaluationFunction(objHeuristicFunction)); break; case KnownInformedSearch.RecursiveAStar: toReturn = new RecursiveBestFirstSearch(new AStarEvaluationFunction(objHeuristicFunction)); break; case KnownInformedSearch.HillClimbing: toReturn = new HillClimbingSearch(objHeuristicFunction); break; case KnownInformedSearch.SimulatedAnnealing: toReturn = new SimulatedAnnealingSearch(objHeuristicFunction); break; default: toReturn = new AStarSearch(objQueueSearch, objHeuristicFunction); break; } break; case SearchAlgorithmType.KnownUninformed: switch (KnownUninformedAlgorithm) { case KnownUninformedSearch.DepthFirst: toReturn = new DepthFirstSearch(objQueueSearch); break; case KnownUninformedSearch.DepthLimited: toReturn = new DepthLimitedSearch(DepthLimit); break; case KnownUninformedSearch.IterativeDeepening: toReturn = new IterativeDeepeningSearch(); break; case KnownUninformedSearch.UniformCost: toReturn = new UniformCostSearch(objQueueSearch); break; case KnownUninformedSearch.Bidirectional: toReturn = new BidirectionalSearch(); break; default: toReturn = new BreadthFirstSearch(objQueueSearch); break; } break; default: toReturn = CustomSearchAlgorithm.EvaluateTyped(owner, globalVars); break; } return(toReturn); }
public static void UninformedAlgorithms() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome\nARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SEARCH ALGORITHMS"); ShowOptions(); var input = Console.ReadLine(); int res = 1; while (int.TryParse(input, out res) == false) { ShowOptions(); input = Console.ReadLine(); } Node <string> startNode = null; Node <string> goalNode = null; switch (Convert.ToInt32(input)) { case 1: { startNode = GetRootNode(); goalNode = GetGoalNode(); Console.WriteLine("BREADTH FIRST SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION------------"); var bfs = new BreadthFirstSearch <string>(goalNode, startNode); bfs.Search(); } break; case 2: { startNode = GetRootNode(); goalNode = GetGoalNode(); Console.WriteLine("DEPTH FIRST SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION------------"); var dfs = new DepthFirstSearch <string>(goalNode, startNode); dfs.Search(); } break; case 3: { startNode = GetRootNode(); goalNode = GetGoalNode(); Console.WriteLine("\nEnd\n"); Console.WriteLine("ITERATIVE DEEPENING SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION------------"); var ids = new IterativeDeepingSearch <string>(goalNode, startNode); ids.Search(); } break; case 4: { startNode = GetRootNode(); goalNode = GetGoalNode(); Console.WriteLine("DEPTH LIMITED SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION------------"); Console.Write("Enter limit to search: "); var limit = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var dls = new DepthLimitedSearch <string>(goalNode, startNode, limit); dls.Search(); } break; case 5: { startNode = GetRootNode(); goalNode = GetGoalNode(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the cost for the nodes"); foreach (var node in Nodes) { Console.Write($"Enter cost for node: {node.NodeName}: "); node.Cost = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.WriteLine("UNIFORM COST SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION------------"); var ucs = new UniformCostSearch <string>(goalNode, startNode); ucs.Search(); } break; case 6: { startNode = GetRootNode(); goalNode = GetGoalNode(); Console.WriteLine("BIDIRECTIONAL SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION------------"); var bidi = new BidirectionalSearch <string>(goalNode, startNode); bidi.Search(); } break; default: ShowOptions(); break; } }
/** * Creates a search instance. * * @param strategy * search strategy. See static constants. * @param qSearchImpl * queue search implementation: e.g. {@link #TREE_SEARCH}, {@link #GRAPH_SEARCH} * */ public ISearchForActions <S, A> createSearch <S, A>(int strategy, int qSearchImpl, IToDoubleFunction <Node <S, A> > h) { QueueSearch <S, A> qs = null; ISearchForActions <S, A> result = null; switch (qSearchImpl) { case TREE_SEARCH: qs = new TreeSearch <S, A>(); break; case GRAPH_SEARCH: qs = new GraphSearch <S, A>(); break; case GRAPH_SEARCH_RED_FRONTIER: qs = new GraphSearchReducedFrontier <S, A>(); break; case GRAPH_SEARCH_BFS: qs = new GraphSearchBFS <S, A>(); break; case BIDIRECTIONAL_SEARCH: qs = new BidirectionalSearch <S, A>(); break; } switch (strategy) { case DF_SEARCH: result = new DepthFirstSearch <S, A>(qs); break; case BF_SEARCH: result = new BreadthFirstSearch <S, A>(qs); break; case ID_SEARCH: result = new IterativeDeepeningSearch <S, A>(); break; case UC_SEARCH: result = new UniformCostSearch <S, A>(qs); break; case GBF_SEARCH: result = new GreedyBestFirstSearch <S, A>(qs, h); break; case ASTAR_SEARCH: result = new AStarSearch <S, A>(qs, h); break; case RBF_SEARCH: result = new RecursiveBestFirstSearch <S, A>(new AStarSearch <S, A> .EvalFunction(h)); break; case RBF_AL_SEARCH: result = new RecursiveBestFirstSearch <S, A>(new AStarSearch <S, A> .EvalFunction(h), true); break; case HILL_SEARCH: result = new HillClimbingSearch <S, A>(h); break; } return(result); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid number of arguments!"); Console.WriteLine("Syntax: search <path> <method>"); return; } string path = args[0], method = args[1].ToUpper(); Environment environment = Environment.Parse(path); Console.WriteLine("Environment: "); for (int y = 0; y < environment.Rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < environment.Columns; x++) { CellState cellState = environment.GetCellAt(x, y).State; if (cellState == CellState.Agent) { Console.Write(">"); } else if (cellState == CellState.Goal) { Console.Write("*"); } else if (cellState == CellState.Wall) { Console.Write("#"); } else { Console.Write("-"); } } Console.WriteLine(); } ISearch search; switch (method) { case "DFS": search = new DepthFirstSearch(environment); break; case "BFS": search = new BreadthFirstSearch(environment); break; case "GBFS": search = new GreedyBestFirstSearch(environment); break; case "AS": search = new AStarSearch(environment); break; case "CUS1": search = new UniformCostSearch(environment); break; case "CUS2": search = new BidirectionalAStarSearch(environment); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid method!"); Console.WriteLine("Methods:"); Console.WriteLine("- DFS: Depth-first search"); Console.WriteLine("- BFS: Breadth-first search"); Console.WriteLine("- GBFS: Greedy best-first search"); Console.WriteLine("- AS: A* search"); Console.WriteLine("- CUS1: Uniform-cost search"); Console.WriteLine("- CUS2: Bidirectional (A*) search"); return; } List <Cell> solution = search.Search(); if (solution == null) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to find a solution!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Solution (using {search.Name}): "); for (int y = 0; y < environment.Rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < environment.Columns; x++) { Cell cell = environment.GetCellAt(x, y); if (solution.Contains(cell) && cell.State != CellState.Agent && cell.State != CellState.Goal) { Console.Write("+"); } else if (cell.State == CellState.Agent) { Console.Write(">"); } else if (cell.State == CellState.Goal) { Console.Write("*"); } else if (cell.State == CellState.Wall) { Console.Write("#"); } else { Console.Write("-"); } } Console.WriteLine(); } Cell lastCell = solution[0]; for (int i = 1; i < solution.Count; i++) { Cell cell = solution[i]; if (cell.Y < lastCell.Y) { Console.Write("Up"); } else if (cell.X < lastCell.X) { Console.Write("Left"); } else if (cell.Y > lastCell.Y) { Console.Write("Down"); } else if (cell.X > lastCell.X) { Console.Write("Right"); } if (i == solution.Count - 1) { Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.Write(", "); } lastCell = cell; } }