public void Hide() { #if UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR uniWebView.Hide(); #endif }
private void OnReceivedMessage(UniWebView webView, UniWebViewMessage message) { Debug.Log(message.rawMessage); if (string.Equals(message.path, "move")) { Vector3 zero =; if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"], "up")) { zero = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"], "down")) { zero = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"], "left")) { zero = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"], "right")) { zero = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f); } int result = 0; if (int.TryParse(message.args["distance"], out result)) { zero *= result; } this._moveVector = zero; } else if (string.Equals(message.path, "add")) { if (this._cube != null) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(this._cube); } this._cube = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(this.cubePrefab) as GameObject; this._cube.GetComponent<UniWebViewCube>().webViewDemo = this; this._moveVector =; } else if (string.Equals(message.path, "close")) { webView.Hide(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(webView); webView.OnReceivedMessage -= new UniWebView.ReceivedMessageDelegate(this.OnReceivedMessage); webView.OnLoadComplete -= new UniWebView.LoadCompleteDelegate(this.OnLoadComplete); webView.OnWebViewShouldClose -= new UniWebView.WebViewShouldCloseDelegate(this.OnWebViewShouldClose); webView.OnEvalJavaScriptFinished -= new UniWebView.EvalJavaScriptFinishedDelegate(this.OnEvalJavaScriptFinished); webView.InsetsForScreenOreitation -= new UniWebView.InsetsForScreenOreitationDelegate(this.InsetsForScreenOreitation); this._webView = null; } }
//6. The webview can talk to Unity by a url with scheme of "uniwebview". See the webpage for more // Every time a url with this scheme clicked, OnReceivedMessage of webview event get raised. void OnReceivedMessage(UniWebView webView, UniWebViewMessage message) { Debug.Log("Received a message from native"); Debug.Log(message.rawMessage); //7. You can get the information out from the url path and query in the UniWebViewMessage //For example, a url of "uniwebview://move?direction=up&distance=1" in the web page will //be parsed to a UniWebViewMessage object with: // message.scheme => "uniwebview" // message.path => "move" // message.args["direction"] => "up" // message.args["distance"] => "1" // "uniwebview" scheme is sending message to Unity by default. // If you want to use your customized url schemes and make them sending message to UniWebView, // use webView.AddUrlScheme("your_scheme") and webView.RemoveUrlScheme("your_scheme") if (string.Equals(message.path, "move")) { Vector3 direction =; if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"], "up")) { direction = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"], "down")) { direction = new Vector3(0, 0, -1); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"], "left")) { direction = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"], "right")) { direction = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); } int distance = 0; if (int.TryParse(message.args["distance"], out distance)) { direction *= distance; } _moveVector = direction; } else if (string.Equals(message.path, "add")) { if (_cube != null) { Destroy(_cube); } _cube = GameObject.Instantiate(cubePrefab) as GameObject; _cube.GetComponent <UniWebViewCube>().webViewDemo = this; _moveVector =; } else if (string.Equals(message.path, "close")) { //8. When you done your work with the webview, //you can hide it, destory it and do some clean work. webView.Hide(); Destroy(webView); webView.OnReceivedMessage -= OnReceivedMessage; webView.OnLoadComplete -= OnLoadComplete; webView.OnWebViewShouldClose -= OnWebViewShouldClose; webView.OnEvalJavaScriptFinished -= OnEvalJavaScriptFinished; webView.InsetsForScreenOreitation -= InsetsForScreenOreitation; _webView = null; } }
//6. The webview can talk to Unity by a url with scheme of "uniwebview". See the webpage for more // Every time a url with this scheme clicked, OnReceivedMessage of webview event get raised. void OnReceivedMessage(UniWebView webView, UniWebViewMessage message) { Debug.Log("Received a message from native"); Debug.Log(message.rawMessage); //7. You can get the information out from the url path and query in the UniWebViewMessage //For example, a url of "uniwebview://move?direction=up&distance=1" in the web page will //be parsed to a UniWebViewMessage object with: // message.scheme => "uniwebview" // message.path => "move" // message.args["direction"] => "up" // message.args["distance"] => "1" // "uniwebview" scheme is sending message to Unity by default. // If you want to use your customized url schemes and make them sending message to UniWebView, // use webView.AddUrlScheme("your_scheme") and webView.RemoveUrlScheme("your_scheme") if (string.Equals(message.path,"move")) { Vector3 direction =; if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"],"up")) { direction = new Vector3(0,0,1); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"],"down")) { direction = new Vector3(0,0,-1); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"],"left")) { direction = new Vector3(-1,0,0); } else if (string.Equals(message.args["direction"],"right")) { direction = new Vector3(1,0,0); } int distance = 0; if (int.TryParse(message.args["distance"], out distance)) { direction *= distance; } _moveVector = direction; } else if (string.Equals(message.path, "add")) { if (_cube != null) { Destroy(_cube); } _cube = GameObject.Instantiate(cubePrefab) as GameObject; _cube.GetComponent<UniWebViewCube>().webViewDemo = this; _moveVector =; } else if (string.Equals(message.path, "close")) { //8. When you done your work with the webview, //you can hide it, destory it and do some clean work. webView.Hide(); Destroy(webView); webView.OnReceivedMessage -= OnReceivedMessage; webView.OnLoadComplete -= OnLoadComplete; webView.OnWebViewShouldClose -= OnWebViewShouldClose; webView.OnEvalJavaScriptFinished -= OnEvalJavaScriptFinished; webView.InsetsForScreenOreitation -= InsetsForScreenOreitation; _webView = null; } }
void OnDisable() { _webView.Hide(); }
public override void OnFinishedHide() { m_WebView.Hide(); EventItemPrefab.Clear(); base.OnFinishedHide(); }
public static void Init(Action <bool> InInitCallback) { if (_webView != null) { InInitCallback?.Invoke(true); return; } _webView = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <UniWebView>(); if (_webView != null) { InInitCallback?.Invoke(true); return; } GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("UniWebView"); if (null == gameObject) { gameObject = new GameObject("UniWebView"); } _webView = gameObject.AddComponent <UniWebView>(); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); _webView.SetShowToolbar(false); _webView.SetBackButtonEnabled(false); _webView.SetBouncesEnabled(false); _webView.SetAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(true); _webView.BackgroundColor = Color.white; UniWebView.PageFinishedDelegate onPageFinished = null; onPageFinished = (InWebView, InCode, InUrl) => { isWebViewShowing = false; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS RegisterKeyboardNotification(); #endif _webView.Hide(); // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure _webView.OnPageFinished -= onPageFinished; InInitCallback?.Invoke(true); }; UniWebView.PageErrorReceivedDelegate onPageErrorReceived = null; onPageErrorReceived = (InView, InCode, InMessage) => { Log.Error($"[WebViewBridge] UniWebView.OnPageErrorReceived : errorCode = {InCode}, msg = {InMessage}"); _webView.Hide(); _webView.OnPageErrorReceived -= onPageErrorReceived; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(_webView); InInitCallback?.Invoke(false); }; _webView.OnPageFinished += onPageFinished; _webView.OnPageErrorReceived += onPageErrorReceived; _webView.OnShouldClose += InView => { #if UNITY_ANDROID if (isWebViewShowing) { CallJsFunction("goBack"); } else { ADA_Manager.PageManager.Instance.BackButtonAction(); } #endif return(isWebViewShowing); }; }
public void Close() { _webView?.Hide(); }
public void Hide() { webView.Hide(); }