public void test1() { UndirectedGraph<int, Edge<int>> graph = new UndirectedGraph<int, Edge<int>>(true); // Add vertices to the graph graph.AddVertex(0); graph.AddVertex(1); graph.AddVertex(2); graph.AddVertex(3); // Create the edges Edge<int> e0_1 = new Edge<int>(0, 1); Edge<int> e0_2 = new Edge<int>(0, 2); Edge<int> e1_2 = new Edge<int>(1, 2); Edge<int> e1_3 = new Edge<int>(1, 3); // Add the edges graph.AddEdge(e0_1); graph.AddEdge(e0_2); graph.AddEdge(e1_2); graph.AddEdge(e1_3); List<int> path = new List<int>(); HamiltonianDefiner definer = new HamiltonianDefiner(graph); bool isHamiltonian = definer.isHamiltonianGraph(path); Assert.AreEqual(isHamiltonian, false); }
public void FindShortestPathForSimpleUndirectedGraphUsingDijkstraAlgorithm() { var graph = new UndirectedGraph<object, Edge<object>>(true); object v1 = "vertex1"; object v2 = "vertex2"; object v3 = "vertex3"; var e1 = new Edge<object>(v1, v2); var e2 = new Edge<object>(v2, v3); var e3 = new Edge<object>(v3, v1); graph.AddVertex(v1); graph.AddVertex(v2); graph.AddVertex(v3); graph.AddEdge(e1); graph.AddEdge(e2); graph.AddEdge(e3); var algorithm = new UndirectedDijkstraShortestPathAlgorithm<object, Edge<object>>(graph, edge => (double)1); var observer = new UndirectedVertexPredecessorRecorderObserver<object, Edge<object>>(); using (observer.Attach(algorithm)) { algorithm.Compute(v1); } IEnumerable<Edge<object>> path; observer.TryGetPath(v3, out path); foreach (var edge in path) { Console.WriteLine(edge); } }
// effects: Given a list of cells, segments them into multiple // "groups" such that view generation (including validation) of one // group can be done independently of another group. Returns the // groups as a list (uses the foreign key information as well) internal List<CellGroup> GroupRelatedCells() { // If two cells share the same C or S, we place them in the same group // For each cell, determine the Cis and Sis that it refers // to. For every Ci (Si), keep track of the cells that Ci is // contained in. At the end, run through the Cis and Sis and do a // "connected components" algorithm to determine partitions var extentGraph = new UndirectedGraph<EntitySetBase>(EqualityComparer<EntitySetBase>.Default); var extentToCell = new Dictionary<EntitySetBase, Set<Cell>>(EqualityComparer<EntitySetBase>.Default); foreach (var cell in m_cells) { foreach (var extent in new[] { cell.CQuery.Extent, cell.SQuery.Extent }) { Set<Cell> cellsWithExtent; if (!extentToCell.TryGetValue(extent, out cellsWithExtent)) { extentToCell[extent] = cellsWithExtent = new Set<Cell>(); } cellsWithExtent.Add(cell); extentGraph.AddVertex(extent); } extentGraph.AddEdge(cell.CQuery.Extent, cell.SQuery.Extent); var associationSetExtent = cell.CQuery.Extent as AssociationSet; if (associationSetExtent != null) { foreach (var end in associationSetExtent.AssociationSetEnds) { extentGraph.AddEdge(end.EntitySet, associationSetExtent); } } } foreach (var fk in m_foreignKeyConstraints) { extentGraph.AddEdge(fk.ChildTable, fk.ParentTable); } var groupMap = extentGraph.GenerateConnectedComponents(); var result = new List<CellGroup>(); foreach (var setNum in groupMap.Keys) { var cellSets = groupMap.ListForKey(setNum).Select(e => extentToCell[e]); var component = new CellGroup(); foreach (var cellSet in cellSets) { component.AddRange(cellSet); } result.Add(component); } return result; }
public void AddEdge_Test() { var ug = new UndirectedGraph(10); ug.AddEdge(4, 0); ug.AddEdge(4, 3); ug.AddEdge(4, 7); Assert.AreEqual(3, ug.E); }
public static void Main() { var graph = new UndirectedGraph<int, Edge<int>>(); graph.AddVertex(1); graph.AddVertex(2); graph.AddVertex(3); graph.AddVertex(4); graph.AddEdge(new Edge<int>(1, 2)); graph.AddEdge(new Edge<int>(3, 4)); graph.AddEdge(new Edge<int>(1, 4)); foreach (var edge in graph.Edges) { Console.WriteLine(edge.Source + " " + edge.Target); } }
public static void Main() { // ot Manage NuGet Packages- izpolzvame vanshna biblioteka; // var graph = new UndirectedGraph<int, Edge<int>>(); graph.AddVertex(1); graph.AddVertex(2); graph.AddVertex(3); graph.AddVertex(4); graph.AddEdge(new Edge<int>(1, 2)); graph.AddEdge(new Edge<int>(3, 4)); graph.AddEdge(new Edge<int>(1, 4)); foreach (var edge in graph.Edges) { Console.WriteLine(edge.Source + " " + edge.Target); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { UndirectedGraph<int, Edge<int>> graph = new UndirectedGraph<int, Edge<int>>(true); // Add vertices to the graph graph.AddVertex(0); graph.AddVertex(1); graph.AddVertex(2); graph.AddVertex(3); graph.AddVertex(4); graph.AddVertex(5); // Create the edges Edge<int> e0_1 = new Edge<int>(0, 1); Edge<int> e0_2 = new Edge<int>(0, 2); Edge<int> e1_2 = new Edge<int>(1, 2); Edge<int> e3_4 = new Edge<int>(3, 4); Edge<int> e4_5 = new Edge<int>(4, 5); Edge<int> e3_5 = new Edge<int>(3, 5); // Add the edges graph.AddEdge(e0_1); graph.AddEdge(e0_2); graph.AddEdge(e1_2); graph.AddEdge(e3_4); graph.AddEdge(e4_5); graph.AddEdge(e3_5); List<int> path = new List<int>(); HamiltonianDefiner definer = new HamiltonianDefiner(graph); bool isHamiltonian = definer.isHamiltonianGraph(path); Console.WriteLine(isHamiltonian); Console.ReadLine(); }
// effects: Given a list of cells, segments them into multiple // "groups" such that view generation (including validation) of one // group can be done independently of another group. Returns the // groups as a list (uses the foreign key information as well) internal List<CellGroup> GroupRelatedCells() { // If two cells share the same C or S, we place them in the same group // For each cell, determine the Cis and Sis that it refers // to. For every Ci (Si), keep track of the cells that Ci is // contained in. At the end, run through the Cis and Sis and do a // "connected components" algorithm to determine partitions // Now form a graph between different cells -- then compute the connected // components in it var graph = new UndirectedGraph<Cell>(EqualityComparer<Cell>.Default); var alreadyAddedCells = new List<Cell>(); // For each extent, add an edge between it and all previously // added extents with which it overlaps foreach (var cell in m_cells) { graph.AddVertex(cell); // Add an edge from this cell to the already added cells var firstCExtent = cell.CQuery.Extent; var firstSExtent = cell.SQuery.Extent; foreach (var existingCell in alreadyAddedCells) { var secondCExtent = existingCell.CQuery.Extent; var secondSExtent = existingCell.SQuery.Extent; // Add an edge between cell and existingCell if // * They have the same C or S extent // * They are linked via a foreign key between the S extents // * They are linked via a relationship var sameExtent = secondCExtent.Equals(firstCExtent) || secondSExtent.Equals(firstSExtent); var linkViaForeignKey = OverlapViaForeignKeys(cell, existingCell); var linkViaRelationship = AreCellsConnectedViaRelationship(cell, existingCell); if (sameExtent || linkViaForeignKey || linkViaRelationship) { graph.AddEdge(existingCell, cell); } } alreadyAddedCells.Add(cell); } // Now determine the connected components of this graph var result = GenerateConnectedComponents(graph); return result; }
public void RemoveVertexFromNonEmptyGraphTest() { var graph = new UndirectedGraph(); var newVertex1 = new Vertex("test-1"); var newVertex2 = new Vertex("test-2"); graph.AddVertex(newVertex1); graph.AddVertex(newVertex2); var edge = new UndirectedEdge(newVertex1, newVertex2); graph.AddEdge(edge); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => graph.RemoveVertex(newVertex1)); Assert.AreEqual(graph.VerticesCount, 1); Assert.AreEqual(graph.EdgesCount, 0); Assert.IsTrue(graph.Vertices.Contains(newVertex2)); }
public static void TestVertexDisjointPath1(bool log = true, int loops = 1000) { for (int loop = 0; loop < loops; ++loop) { var g = new UndirectedGraph <int>(); var rnd = new Random(); int vertices = 10 + rnd.Next(1000); int edges = vertices / 2 + rnd.Next(vertices * vertices / 4); for (int i = 0; i < edges; ++i) { int start = rnd.Next(vertices); int end = rnd.Next(vertices); if (start != end) { g.AddEdge(start, end); } } g.RemoveEdge(0, vertices - 1); // Remove trivial path! if (log) { Console.WriteLine(g); } var paths = g.FindVertexDisjointPaths(0, vertices - 1); var usedVertices = CheckVDP(g, paths, log); // Find a cut var cut = g.FindCutVDP(0, paths); if (log) { Console.WriteLine("Size of cut: {0}", cut.Count()); } if (paths.Count() != cut.Count()) { throw new Exception("Cut and disjoint path count differ."); } foreach (var v in cut) { g.RemoveVertex(v); } if (g.FindPath(0, vertices - 1).Count() > 0) { Console.WriteLine(g); throw new Exception("Graph not disconnected!"); } } }
public static Tuple <int, HashSet <Edge <int> > > RunWithKernel(UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > graph) { //DrawGraph.drawGraph(graph, new HashSet<Edge<int>>(), @"C:\Users\Frederik\Desktop\"); var componentAlgorithm = new QuickGraph.Algorithms.ConnectedComponents.ConnectedComponentsAlgorithm <int, Edge <int> >(graph); componentAlgorithm.Compute(); var nodeToComponent = componentAlgorithm.Components; var time = DateTime.Now; var retk = 0; var retEdges = new HashSet <Edge <int> >(); for (int i = 0; i < componentAlgorithm.ComponentCount; i++) { var g = new UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> >(false); foreach (var v in graph.Vertices) { if (nodeToComponent[v] == i) { g.AddVertex(v); } } foreach (var v in g.Vertices) { foreach (var e in graph.AdjacentEdges(v)) { g.AddEdge(e); } } var kernel = Kernel.Init(CloneGraph(g)); //remember to clone graph, as the phases will "butcher" the graph. var tup = FindKKernel(g, time, kernel); var k = tup.Item1; var edges = tup.Item2; retk += k; foreach (var e in edges) { retEdges.Add(e); } } var clone2 = CloneGraph(graph); clone2.AddEdgeRange(retEdges); //DrawGraph.drawGraph(clone2, retEdges, @"C:\Users\Frederik\Desktop\"); return(new Tuple <int, HashSet <Edge <int> > >(retk, retEdges)); }
public void RemoveEdgeTest() { var graph = new UndirectedGraph(); var vertex1 = new Vertex("test-1"); var vertex2 = new Vertex("test-2"); graph.AddVertex(vertex1); graph.AddVertex(vertex2); var edge = new UndirectedEdge(vertex1, vertex2); graph.AddEdge(edge); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => graph.RemoveEdge(edge)); Assert.AreEqual(graph.EdgesCount, 0); Assert.IsNull(graph[vertex1, vertex2]); Assert.IsNull(graph[vertex2, vertex1]); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => graph.RemoveEdge(edge)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => graph.RemoveEdge(null)); }
public void Bipartite() { var graph = new UndirectedGraph <char, EdgeData>(); graph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'); graph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', dummyEdgeData), ('a', 'c', dummyEdgeData), ('b', 'd', dummyEdgeData), ('c', 'e', dummyEdgeData) ); graph.Bipartite.Should().BeTrue(); graph.AddEdge('a', 'e', dummyEdgeData); graph.Bipartite.Should().BeFalse(); }
public static void RhinoBFS(List <int> N, List <int> U, List <int> V, List <double> W = null) { //Create undirected graph UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > g = new UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> >(); g.AddVertexRange(N); for (int i = 0; i < U.Count; i++) { g.AddEdge(new QuickGraph.Edge <int>(U[i], V[i])); } //BFS var bfs = new QuickGraph.Algorithms.Search.UndirectedBreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm <int, QuickGraph.Edge <int> >(g); var observer = new VertexPredecessorRecorderObserver <int, QuickGraph.Edge <int> >(); //using (ObserverScope.Create(bfs, observer)) // attach, detach to dfs events //bfs.Compute(); }
private UndirectedGraph<int, int> GetGraph(int noOfNodes, int maxNoOfEdges) { var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var graph = new UndirectedGraph<int, int>(); var e = 0; for (int n = 1; n <= noOfNodes && e<= maxNoOfEdges; n++) { for (int i = n + 1; i <= noOfNodes && e <= maxNoOfEdges; i++, e++) { graph.AddEdge(n, i, 1); } } var endTime = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Completed graph construction in {0}",endTime. Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds)); return graph; }
public static bool TryParseFile(string inputLine, out UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > graph, out List <Tuple <int, int> > edgesList) { UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > g = new UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> >(false); int lineCounter = 0; int numberOfPeople = 0; int pairsNumber = 0; var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(inputLine); edgesList = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); foreach (string line in lines) { if (lineCounter == 0) { ParseSingleInteger(line, out numberOfPeople); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPeople; i++) { g.AddVertex(i); } } else if (lineCounter == 1) { ParseSingleInteger(line, out pairsNumber); } else { if (lineCounter - 2 > pairsNumber) { Console.WriteLine("Reading lines done"); break; } var pair = ParsePairLine(line); edgesList.Add(pair); // not needed (?) g.AddEdge(new Edge <int>(pair.Item1, pair.Item2)); } lineCounter++; } graph = CreateFinalGraph(numberOfPeople, edgesList); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Schedule execution of transaction /// </summary> void Scheduler() { // Execution strategy(experimental) // 1. tranform the dependency of Resource(R) into graph of related Transactions(T) // 2. find the T(ransaction) which connects to the most neightbours // 3. execute the T(ransaction), and removes this node from the graph // 4. check to see if this removal leads to graph split // 5. if YES, we can parallel execute the transactions from the splitted graph // 6 if NO, goto step 2 // build the graph UndirectedGraph <IHash, Edge <IHash> > graph = new UndirectedGraph <IHash, Edge <IHash> >(false); this.mut.WaitOne(); foreach (var grp in pending) { foreach (var tx in grp.Value) { if (graph.ContainsVertex(tx.GetHash())) { continue; } graph.AddVertex(tx.GetHash()); } foreach (var tx in grp.Value) { foreach (var neighbour in grp.Value) { if (!tx.Equals(neighbour)) { graph.AddEdge(new Edge <IHash>(tx.GetHash(), neighbour.GetHash())); } } } } ExecuteGraph(graph); // reset pending = new Dictionary <IHash, List <ITransaction> >(); this.mut.ReleaseMutex(); // TODO: parallel execution on root nodes; }
// Tricky part is noticing that instead of words being vertices, words can be edges in // a graph whose vertices represent letters. Then there's an edge between two vertices // for each word that starts with the start vertex's letter and ends with the end vertex's // letter. For example, cat => edge between c and t because if you reach a word ending in c, // you can ride the edge representing the word cat to any word starting with t, like // ...c [cat] t... There are fast algorithms for determing Euler path (use all edges once), // but not for determining Hamiltonian path (uses all vertices once), so this transformation // really helps. Intuitively I guess the transformation helps so much because it's not the // words that matter (which words as vertices approach doesn't realize), it's just their // starting and ending letters (which words as edges approach does realize). public static bool Solve(string[] words) { // For convenience, map the words' starting and ending letters to arbitrary IDs // between [0, the number of distinct starting and ending letters). var startAndEndingLetterIDs = words.Select(w => w[0]) .Union(words.Select(w => w[w.Length - 1])) .Select((l, i) => new { letter = l, ID = i }) .ToDictionary(p => p.letter, p => p.ID); var directedLetterGraph = new DirectedGraph(startAndEndingLetterIDs.Count); foreach (string word in words) { directedLetterGraph.AddEdge( startVertexID: startAndEndingLetterIDs[word[0]], endVertexID: startAndEndingLetterIDs[word[word.Length - 1]]); } /* According to Wikipedia: A directed graph has an Eulerian path if and only if at most one * vertex has (out-degree) − (in-degree) = 1, at most one vertex has (in-degree) − (out-degree) = 1, * every other vertex has equal in-degree and out-degree, and all of its vertices with nonzero * degree belong to a single connected component of the underlying undirected graph... * And it's a path, not a cycle that we're looking for--don't need to return to start word. */ if (directedLetterGraph.Vertices.Count(v => v.OutDegree - v.InDegree == 1) > 1 || directedLetterGraph.Vertices.Count(v => v.InDegree - v.OutDegree == 1) > 1 || directedLetterGraph.Vertices .Where(v => v.OutDegree - v.InDegree != 1) .Where(v => v.InDegree - v.OutDegree != 1) .Any(v => v.OutDegree != v.InDegree)) { return(false); } var undirectedLetterGraph = new UndirectedGraph(startAndEndingLetterIDs.Count); foreach (string word in words) { undirectedLetterGraph.AddEdge( firstVertexID: startAndEndingLetterIDs[word[0]], secondVertexID: startAndEndingLetterIDs[word[word.Length - 1]]); } return(undirectedLetterGraph.IsConnected()); }
public IsHamiltonianGraphAlgorithm(UndirectedGraph <TVertex, UndirectedEdge <TVertex> > graph) { // Create new graph without parallel edges var newGraph = new UndirectedGraph <TVertex, UndirectedEdge <TVertex> >(false, graph.EdgeEqualityComparer); foreach (var vertex in graph.Vertices) { newGraph.AddVertex(vertex); } foreach (var edge in graph.Edges) { newGraph.AddEdge(edge); } //Remove loops EdgePredicate <TVertex, UndirectedEdge <TVertex> > isLoop = e => e.Source.Equals(e.Target); newGraph.RemoveEdgeIf(isLoop); this.graph = newGraph; }
public void TestAddEdge(object v1, object v2, int weight) { List <object> cities = new List <object>() { "Seattle", "LA", "Denver" }; //Set up the graph UndirectedGraph g = new UndirectedGraph(cities); //Add edge g.AddEdge(v1, v2, weight); //Assert success - that v1 is in the adjacency list of v2 and vice versa Dictionary <string, int> v1Neighbors = g.GetNeighbors(v1); Dictionary <string, int> v2Neighbors = g.GetNeighbors(v2); Assert.True(v1Neighbors.ContainsValue(weight) && v2Neighbors.ContainsValue(weight)); }
private UndirectedGraph <int, int> GetGraph(int noOfNodes, int maxNoOfEdges) { var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var graph = new UndirectedGraph <int, int>(); var e = 0; for (int n = 1; n <= noOfNodes && e <= maxNoOfEdges; n++) { for (int i = n + 1; i <= noOfNodes && e <= maxNoOfEdges; i++, e++) { graph.AddEdge(n, i, 1); } } var endTime = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Completed graph construction in {0}", endTime.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds)); return(graph); }
public void AddEdgeTest() { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("MSTTestGraph.txt"); int n = int.Parse(lines[0].Split(' ')[0]); int m = int.Parse(lines[0].Split(' ')[1]); UndirectedGraph undirectedGraph = new UndirectedGraph(new MatrixRepresentation(n)); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { string[] tokens = lines[i + 1].Split(' '); int from = int.Parse(tokens[0]); int to = int.Parse(tokens[1]); double cost = double.Parse(tokens[2]); undirectedGraph.AddEdge(new Edge(from, to, cost)); } if (undirectedGraph.Edges != m) { Assert.Fail(); } }
public void ShouldAutomaticallyAddNodesWhenAddingEdges(string iedges, string iexpectedNodes) { //Arrange var edges = ParseEdges(iedges).OrderBy(x => x.SourceNode).ThenBy(x => x.DestinationNode).ThenBy(x => x.Weight); var sut = new UndirectedGraph<char, int>(); var expectedNodes = iexpectedNodes.Split(nodeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(char.Parse) .OrderBy(x => x); //Act foreach (var edge in edges) { sut.AddEdge(edge.SourceNode, edge.DestinationNode, edge.Weight); } var actual = sut.GetNodes().OrderBy(x => x); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedNodes, actual.Select(x => x)); }
public void Return_10_Given_Graph_With_2_Vertexex_And_1_Edge() { // Arrange var graph = new UndirectedGraph(); var a = new Vertex("A"); var b = new Vertex("B"); graph.AddVertex(a); graph.AddVertex(b); graph.AddEdge(a, b, 10); // Act var actual1 = graph.FindMaxWeightedPath(a, b); var actual2 = graph.FindMaxWeightedPath(b, a); // Assert Assert.Equal(10, actual1); Assert.Equal(10, actual2); }
private void InitGraph() { int gridWidth = _hexes.GetLength(0); int gridHeight = _hexes.GetLength(1); for (int j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) { _mG.AddVertex(_hexes[i, j].GetHexaPos().GetName()); } } List <HexaGridEdge> .Enumerator etE = _edgeList.GetEnumerator(); while (etE.MoveNext()) { QuickGraph.Edge <string> e = new Edge <string>(etE.Current.GetA().GetName(), etE.Current.GetB().GetName()); _mG.AddEdge(e); } }
/// <summary> /// dfs and add vertexs to heap during search, /// heap root is the vertex with most neighbors /// </summary> /// <param name="n">N.</param> /// <param name="ihash"></param> /// <param name="set"></param> /// <param name="subGraph" /> void DfsSearch(UndirectedGraph <IHash, Edge <IHash> > n, IHash ihash, HashSet <IHash> set, UndirectedGraph <IHash, Edge <IHash> > subGraph, BinaryHeap <int, IHash> binaryHeap) { set.Add(ihash); subGraph.AddVertex(ihash); binaryHeap.Add(n.AdjacentEdges(ihash).Count(), ihash); foreach (var edge in n.AdjacentEdges(ihash)) { IHash nei = edge.Source == ihash ? edge.Target : edge.Source; //build subgraph subGraph.AddVertex(nei); subGraph.AddEdge(edge); if (set.Contains(nei)) { continue; } DfsSearch(n, nei, set, subGraph, binaryHeap); } }
public void ShouldAutomaticallyAddNodesWhenAddingEdges(string iedges, string iexpectedNodes) { //Arrange var edges = ParseEdges(iedges).OrderBy(x => x.SourceNode).ThenBy(x => x.DestinationNode).ThenBy(x => x.Weight); var sut = new UndirectedGraph <char, int>(); var expectedNodes = iexpectedNodes.Split(nodeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(char.Parse) .OrderBy(x => x); //Act foreach (var edge in edges) { sut.AddEdge(edge.SourceNode, edge.DestinationNode, edge.Weight); } var actual = sut.GetNodes().OrderBy(x => x); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedNodes, actual.Select(x => x)); }
private AbstractGraph <int, int> GetMockGraph(string igraph, int edgeWeight) { var edges = igraph.Split(_edgeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var graph = new UndirectedGraph <int, int>(); foreach (var edge in edges) { var nodesConnectingEdge = edge.Split(_nodeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(int.Parse).ToList(); if (nodesConnectingEdge.Count == 1) { graph.AddNode(nodesConnectingEdge.Single()); } else { graph.AddEdge(nodesConnectingEdge.First(), nodesConnectingEdge.Last(), edgeWeight); } } return(graph); //var mockGraph = MockRepository.GenerateStub<AbstractGraph<int, int>>(); //var nodes = new List<int>(); //foreach (var edge in edges) //{ // var nodesConnectingEdge = edge.Split(nodeSeparator).Select(int.Parse).ToList(); // if (nodes.Contains(nodesConnectingEdge.First())) // { // nodes.Add(nodesConnectingEdge.First()); // } // if (nodes.Contains(nodesConnectingEdge.Last())) // { // nodes.Add(nodesConnectingEdge.Last()); // } //} //mockGraph.Stub(x => x.GetNodes()).Return(nodes); //// mockGraph.Stub(x=>x.GetNeighbours(1)).IgnoreArguments().Do() //return mockGraph; }
// Enumerate all undirected graphs on `vertices` number of vertices // Takes no account of symmetry so e.g. returns a lot of graphs with one edge (though these // are all isomorphic). static IEnumerable <UndirectedGraph <int> > AllUndirectedGraphs(int vertices) { var choices = Product(new List <int> { 0, 1 }, vertices * (vertices - 1) / 2); foreach (var choice in choices) { var graph = new UndirectedGraph <int>(); for (int v = 0, index = 0; v < vertices; ++v) { for (int u = v + 1; u < vertices; ++u, ++index) { if (choice[index] == 1) { graph.AddEdge(v, u); } } } yield return(graph); } }
public void Chordal() { var graph = new UndirectedGraph <char, EdgeData>(); graph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'); graph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', dummyEdgeData), ('a', 'c', dummyEdgeData), ('b', 'c', dummyEdgeData), ('b', 'd', dummyEdgeData), ('b', 'e', dummyEdgeData), ('c', 'd', dummyEdgeData), ('d', 'e', dummyEdgeData) ); graph.Chordal.Should().BeTrue(); graph.AddNode('f'); graph.AddEdge('a', 'f', dummyEdgeData); graph.Chordal.Should().BeFalse(); }
private int TreeDiameter(int[][] edges) { UndirectedGraph graph = new UndirectedGraph(); Dictionary <int, int> map = new Dictionary <int, int>(); HashSet <int> visited = new HashSet <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++) { graph.AddEdge(edges[i][0], edges[i][1]); } int max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++) { int count = 0; map[i] = Dfs(graph, i, visited, ref count); max = Math.Max(max, map[i]); } return(max); }
private static UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > CreateFinalGraph(int numberOfPeople, List <Tuple <int, int> > pairs) { var finalGraph = new UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> >(); for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Count; i++) { finalGraph.AddVertex(i); } for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Count; j++) { if (i != j && !HaveCommonVertex(pairs[i], pairs[j])) { finalGraph.AddEdge(new Edge <int>(i, j)); } } } return(finalGraph); }
public ErdösRenyiModel(long numberOfNodes, double probability) : base(numberOfNodes) { _probability = probability; Graph = new UndirectedGraph <int, UndirectedEdge <int> >(); _probability = probability; MaxEdges = numberOfNodes * (numberOfNodes - 1) / 2; var edges = MaxEdges * probability; MaxEdges = (long)edges; // Console.WriteLine(edges); for (int i = 1; i <= NumberOfNodes; i++) { Graph.AddVertex(i); } if (probability.Equals(0.0)) { return; } Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 1; i <= NumberOfNodes; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j <= NumberOfNodes; j++) { //if(i==j) continue; if (probability.Equals(1.0) || rand.NextDouble() <= probability) { Graph.AddEdge(new UndirectedEdge <int>(i, j)); Count++; } } } }
private AbstractGraph<int, int> GetMockGraph(string igraph, int edgeWeight) { var edges = igraph.Split(_edgeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var graph = new UndirectedGraph<int, int>(); foreach (var edge in edges) { var nodesConnectingEdge = edge.Split(_nodeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(int.Parse).ToList(); if (nodesConnectingEdge.Count == 1) { graph.AddNode(nodesConnectingEdge.Single()); } else { graph.AddEdge(nodesConnectingEdge.First(), nodesConnectingEdge.Last(), edgeWeight); } } return graph; //var mockGraph = MockRepository.GenerateStub<AbstractGraph<int, int>>(); //var nodes = new List<int>(); //foreach (var edge in edges) //{ // var nodesConnectingEdge = edge.Split(nodeSeparator).Select(int.Parse).ToList(); // if (nodes.Contains(nodesConnectingEdge.First())) // { // nodes.Add(nodesConnectingEdge.First()); // } // if (nodes.Contains(nodesConnectingEdge.Last())) // { // nodes.Add(nodesConnectingEdge.Last()); // } //} //mockGraph.Stub(x => x.GetNodes()).Return(nodes); //// mockGraph.Stub(x=>x.GetNeighbours(1)).IgnoreArguments().Do() //return mockGraph; }
public FormMain() { map = LoadMap("BeijingSubwayMap.json"); stationIds = new Dictionary <string, int>(); lineIds = new Dictionary <string, int>(); graph = new UndirectedGraph(); for (int i = 0; i < map.Stations.Count; i++) { stationIds[map.Stations[i].Name] = i; } for (int i = 0; i < map.Lines.Count; i++) { lineIds[map.Lines[i].Name] = i; } foreach (SubwayLine line in map.Lines) { for (int i = 1; i < line.Path.Count; i++) { int from = stationIds[line.Path[i - 1]]; int to = stationIds[line.Path[i]]; graph.AddEdge(from, to, lineIds[line.Name]); } } path = new List <Point>(); InitializeComponent(); this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; this.pictureBox1.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pictureBox1_MouseDown); this.pictureBox1.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pictureBox1_MouseMove); this.pictureBox1.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pictureBox1_MouseUp); this.pictureBox1.MouseWheel += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pictureBox1_MouseWheel); }
private UndirectedGraph <Guid, Edge <Guid> > GetGraphForTracing() { if (_g != null) { return(_g); } _g = new UndirectedGraph <Guid, Edge <Guid> >(); foreach (var node in Nodes) { _g.AddVertex(node.Key); } foreach (var link in Edges) { var edge = new Edge <Guid>(link.Value.StartNode.Id, link.Value.EndNode.Id); _g.AddEdge(edge); _edgeToLinkId.Add(edge, link.Key); } return(_g); }
public void ShouldAddEdgeGivenSourceDestinationNodeAndEdgeWeight(string iedges, char isourceNode, string iexpectedNeighbourNodes) { //Arrange var expectedNeighbourNodes = iexpectedNeighbourNodes.Split(nodeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(char.Parse) .OrderBy(x => x); var edges = ParseEdges(iedges).OrderBy(x => x.SourceNode).ThenBy(x => x.DestinationNode).ThenBy(x => x.Weight); var sut = new UndirectedGraph<char, int>(); //Act foreach (var edge in edges) { sut.AddEdge(edge.SourceNode, edge.DestinationNode, edge.Weight); } var actual = sut.GetNeighbours(isourceNode).OrderBy(x => x); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedNeighbourNodes, actual); }
public void ShouldAddEdgeGivenSourceDestinationNodeAndEdgeWeight(string iedges, char isourceNode, string iexpectedNeighbourNodes) { //Arrange var expectedNeighbourNodes = iexpectedNeighbourNodes.Split(nodeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(char.Parse) .OrderBy(x => x); var edges = ParseEdges(iedges).OrderBy(x => x.SourceNode).ThenBy(x => x.DestinationNode).ThenBy(x => x.Weight); var sut = new UndirectedGraph <char, int>(); //Act foreach (var edge in edges) { sut.AddEdge(edge.SourceNode, edge.DestinationNode, edge.Weight); } var actual = sut.GetNeighbours(isourceNode).OrderBy(x => x); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedNeighbourNodes, actual); }
public void SolveTest() { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("CCTestGraph.txt"); int n = int.Parse(lines[0].Split(' ')[0]); int m = int.Parse(lines[0].Split(' ')[1]); int conCount = int.Parse(lines[lines.Length - 1]); UndirectedGraph graph = new UndirectedGraph(new MatrixRepresentation(n)); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { string[] tokens = lines[i + 1].Split(' '); int from = int.Parse(tokens[0]); int to = int.Parse(tokens[1]); graph.AddEdge(new Edge(from, to, 1)); } graph.ConnectedComponentsSolver = new DepthFirstSearchCC(); var components = graph.GetConnectedComponents(); if (components.Count != conCount) { Assert.Fail(); } }
private UndirectedGraph <string, TaggedEdge <string, double> > GetUndirectedFullGraph(int vert) { Console.WriteLine("Start"); var usedEdge = new List <KeyValuePair <int, int> >(); var random = new Random(); var graph = new UndirectedGraph <string, TaggedEdge <string, double> >(); var trueGraph = new UndirectedGraph <string, TaggedEdge <string, double> >(); var ds = new ForestDisjointSet <string>(vert); for (int i = 0; i < vert; i++) { graph.AddVertex(i.ToString()); trueGraph.AddVertex(i.ToString()); ds.MakeSet(i.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < vert; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < vert; j++) { graph.AddEdge(new TaggedEdge <string, double>(i.ToString(), j.ToString(), random.Next(100))); } } return(graph); }
public static UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > CreateGraphArrayOfNodesAndEdges([PexAssumeNotNull] int[] nodes, [PexAssumeNotNull] bool[] edges) { PexAssume.IsTrue(edges.Length <= nodes.Length); PexAssume.AreDistinctValues(nodes); PexAssume.TrueForAll(nodes, e => e != 0); UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > g = new UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> >(false); foreach (int ele in nodes) { g.AddVertex(ele); } for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++) { int source = PexChoose.IndexValue("indexed value", nodes); if (edges[i] == false) { g.AddEdge(new Edge <int>(nodes[source], nodes[i])); } } return(g); }
public void SolveTest() { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("MSTTestGraph.txt"); int n = int.Parse(lines[0].Split(' ')[0]); int m = int.Parse(lines[0].Split(' ')[1]); int mstCost = int.Parse(lines[lines.Length - 1]); UndirectedGraph undirectedGraph = new UndirectedGraph(new WeightedMatrixRepresentation(n)); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { string[] tokens = lines[i + 1].Split(' '); int from = int.Parse(tokens[0]); int to = int.Parse(tokens[1]); double cost = double.Parse(tokens[2]); undirectedGraph.AddEdge(new Edge(from, to, cost)); } PrimMST primMST = new PrimMST(); undirectedGraph.MSTSolver = primMST; var mst = undirectedGraph.GetMinimumSpanningTree(); if (mst.Count != n - 1) { Assert.Fail(); } int totalCost = 0; foreach (Edge baseEdge in mst) { totalCost += (int)baseEdge.Cost; } if (totalCost != mstCost) { Assert.Fail(); } }
private static void AddNewEdge(Pixel p1, Pixel p2, Color cA, Color cB, UndirectedGraph<Pixel, TaggedUndirectedEdge<Pixel, EdgeTag>> graph) { TaggedUndirectedEdge<Pixel, EdgeTag> e; TaggedUndirectedEdge<Pixel, EdgeTag> e1; TaggedUndirectedEdge<Pixel, EdgeTag> e2; bool b = !cA.Equals(cB); graph.TryGetEdge(p1, p2, out e1); graph.TryGetEdge(p2, p1, out e2); p1.color = cA; p1.colorB = cB; p2.color = cA; p2.colorB = cB; if (e1 == null && e2 == null && b) // adicionado o "b" para adicionar apenas arestas visiveis ao grafo { e = new TaggedUndirectedEdge<Pixel, EdgeTag>(p1, p2, new EdgeTag(cA, cB, b)); graph.AddEdge(e); if (b) //conta valencia apenas se for visivel { p1.valence++; p2.valence++; } } }
public static UndirectedGraph CreateUndirectedGraph36() { var g = new UndirectedGraph(12); #region add path //first component g.AddEdge(0, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 4); g.AddEdge(4, 8); g.AddEdge(4, 9); g.AddEdge(8, 9); //second component //node F is alone //third component g.AddEdge(2, 3); g.AddEdge(2, 6); g.AddEdge(2, 7); g.AddEdge(3, 7); g.AddEdge(6, 7); g.AddEdge(6, 10); g.AddEdge(7, 10); g.AddEdge(7, 11); #endregion return g; }
public void InitializeGraph(String goPath) { AdjacencyGraph<Int32, Edge<Int32>> graph = null; String line, goNamespace = null; Int32 currentTerm = 0; Int32 parentTerm = 0; using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(goPath)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line.StartsWith("[Typedef]")) { reader.ReadToEnd(); } else if (line.StartsWith("id:")) { currentTerm = Int32.Parse(line.Substring(7,7)); } else if (line.StartsWith("namespace:")) { goNamespace = line.Substring(11); } else if (line.StartsWith("is_a:")) { if (!graphs.ContainsKey(goNamespace)) { graphs.Add(goNamespace, new AdjacencyGraph<Int32, Edge<Int32>>()); } graph = graphs[goNamespace]; graph.AddVertex(currentTerm); parentTerm = Int32.Parse(line.Substring(10,7)); graph.AddVertex(parentTerm); graph.AddEdge(new Edge<Int32>(currentTerm,parentTerm)); } } } foreach(String ns in graphs.Keys) { var g = graphs[ns]; var newGraph = new UndirectedGraph<Int32, UndirectedEdge<Int32>>(); foreach (Edge<Int32> e in g.Edges) { newGraph.AddVertex(e.Source); newGraph.AddVertex(e.Target); newGraph.AddEdge(new UndirectedEdge<Int32>(e.Source, e.Target)); } undirectedGraphs.Add(ns, newGraph); } }
public void Initialize() { _graph = new UndirectedGraph<string, string>(); _vertex1 = _graph.CreateVertex("Penis"); _vertex2 = _graph.CreateVertex("Tomato"); _vertex3 = _graph.CreateVertex("Isa"); _vertex4 = _graph.CreateVertex("Robin"); _vertex5 = _graph.CreateVertex("Außenseiter"); _edge1 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex1, _vertex2); _edge2 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex2, _vertex3); _edge3 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex3, _vertex4); _edge4 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex1, _vertex4); }
public void InitializePathfindingGraph() { _graph = new UndirectedGraph<string, string>(); _vertex1 = _graph.CreateVertex("A"); _vertex2 = _graph.CreateVertex("B"); _vertex3 = _graph.CreateVertex("C"); _vertex4 = _graph.CreateVertex("D"); _vertex5 = _graph.CreateVertex("E"); _vertex6 = _graph.CreateVertex("F"); _vertex7 = _graph.CreateVertex("G"); _vertex8 = _graph.CreateVertex("H"); _vertex9 = _graph.CreateVertex("K"); _edge1 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex1, _vertex2, 10, "AB"); _edge2 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex2, _vertex3, 10, "BC"); _edge3 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex1, _vertex4, 10, "AD"); _edge4 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex1, _vertex5, 15, "AE"); _edge5 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex4, _vertex5, 10, "DE"); _edge6 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex4, _vertex8, 15, "DH"); _edge7 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex2, _vertex5, 10, "BE"); _edge8 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex5, _vertex6, 10, "EF"); _edge9 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex5, _vertex8, 10, "EH"); _edge10 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex5, _vertex3, 15, "EC"); _edge11 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex5, _vertex9, 15, "EK"); _edge12 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex3, _vertex6, 10, "CF"); _edge13 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex3, _vertex7, 50, "CG"); _edge14 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex8, _vertex9, 10, "HK"); _edge15 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex9, _vertex6, 10, "KF"); _edge16 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex9, _vertex7, 20, "KG"); }
public static UndirectedGraph CreateUndirectedGraph32() { var g = new UndirectedGraph(10); #region add path g.AddEdge(0, 1); g.AddEdge(0, 2); g.AddEdge(0, 3); g.AddEdge(1, 4); g.AddEdge(1, 5); g.AddEdge(2, 5); g.AddEdge(3, 6); g.AddEdge(3, 7); g.AddEdge(4, 8); g.AddEdge(4, 9); g.AddEdge(6, 7); g.AddEdge(8, 9); #endregion return g; }
public static void createTables() { // Create graph var graph = new UndirectedGraph<int, Edge<int>>(); // Add vertices to the graph for (var i = 0; i < FormMain.nodes.Count; i++) graph.AddVertex(i); // Create edges var edgeCost = new Dictionary<Edge<int>, double>(); for (var i = 0; i < FormMain.edges.Count; i++) { var quickGraphEdge = new Edge<int>(FormMain.nodes.IndexOf(FormMain.edges[i].nodes[0]), FormMain.nodes.IndexOf(FormMain.edges[i].nodes[1])); graph.AddEdge(quickGraphEdge); edgeCost.Add(quickGraphEdge, FormMain.edges[i].Weight); } // Initialize tables distanceTable = new double[FormMain.nodes.Count, FormMain.nodes.Count]; pathTable = new List<int>[FormMain.nodes.Count, FormMain.nodes.Count]; for (var i = 0; i < FormMain.nodes.Count; i++) for (var j = 0; j < FormMain.nodes.Count; j++) { distanceTable[i, j] = double.PositiveInfinity; pathTable[i, j] = new List<int>(); } // Create tables for (var source = 0; source < FormMain.nodes.Count; source++) { // We want to use Dijkstra on this graph var dijkstra = new UndirectedDijkstraShortestPathAlgorithm<int, Edge<int>>(graph, edge => edgeCost[edge]); // attach a distance observer to give us the shortest path distances var distObserver = new UndirectedVertexDistanceRecorderObserver<int, Edge<int>>(edge => edgeCost[edge]); distObserver.Attach(dijkstra); // Attach a Vertex Predecessor Recorder Observer to give us the paths var predecessorObserver = new UndirectedVertexPredecessorRecorderObserver<int, Edge<int>>(); predecessorObserver.Attach(dijkstra); // Run the algorithm for current Node dijkstra.Compute(source); // Add values to table foreach (var target in distObserver.Distances) { distanceTable[source, target.Key] = target.Value; IEnumerable<Edge<int>> path; if (predecessorObserver.TryGetPath(target.Key, out path)) pathTable[source, target.Key].AddRange(path.Select(edge => edge.Source).Concat(path.Select(edge => edge.Target)).Distinct().OrderBy(next => distObserver.Distances[next])); } } // Create route tables foreach (var source in FormMain.nodes) source.routeTable = FormMain.nodes.ToDictionary(target => target, target => ( from edge in FormMain.edges where edge.nodes.Contains(source) let adjacent = edge.nodes[0] != source ? edge.nodes[0] : edge.nodes[1] where !pathTable[adjacent.ID, target.ID].Contains(source.ID) orderby edge.Weight + distanceTable[adjacent.ID, target.ID] ascending select adjacent ).ToList()); TablesRequired = false; }
public void InitializeTwoGraphGraph() { _graph = new UndirectedGraph<string, string>(); _vertex1 = _graph.CreateVertex("A"); _vertex2 = _graph.CreateVertex("B"); _vertex3 = _graph.CreateVertex("C"); _vertex4 = _graph.CreateVertex("D"); _vertex5 = _graph.CreateVertex("E"); _edge1 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex1, _vertex2); _edge3 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex3, _vertex4); _edge4 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex4, _vertex5); _edge5 = _graph.AddEdge(_vertex5, _vertex3); }
public static UndirectedGraph CreateUndirectedGraph41() { var g = new UndirectedGraph(6); g.AddEdge('A', 'B'); g.AddEdge('A', 'S'); g.AddEdge('B', 'C'); g.AddEdge('C', 'S'); g.AddEdge('D', 'E'); g.AddEdge('D', 'S'); g.AddEdge('E', 'S'); return g; }