protected override void setPosition(System.Drawing.PointF position)
                // to position the border, first get the amount we'll be moving
                float deltaX = position.X - Label.GetX();
                float deltaY = position.Y - Label.GetY();


                // now adjust the border by only the difference
                if (UnderlineView != null)
                    UnderlineView.SetX(UnderlineView.GetX( ) + deltaX);
                    UnderlineView.SetY(UnderlineView.GetY( ) + deltaY);
            void UpdateUnderline()
                if (UnderlineView != null)
                    // first get the Y starting point of the font, relative to the control.
                    // (the control's top might start 5 pixels above the actual font, for example)
                    float fontYStart = (Label.LayoutParameters.Height - Label.TextSize) / 2;

                    // Update the Y position of the border here, because
                    // if the HEIGHT of the label changed, our starting Y position must change
                    // so we stay at the bottom of the label.
                    float borderYOffset = (fontYStart + Label.TextSize);

                    UnderlineView.SetY((int)Label.GetY( ) + (int)borderYOffset);

                    // Same for X
                    UnderlineView.LayoutParameters.Width = (int)((float)Label.LayoutParameters.Width * BORDER_WIDTH_SCALER);

                    float borderXOffset = (Label.LayoutParameters.Width - UnderlineView.LayoutParameters.Width) / 2;
                    UnderlineView.SetX((int)Label.GetX( ) + (int)borderXOffset);