private async Task SendEmailAsync(User user) { Application.Current.Properties["CurrentToken"] = _currentToken = Ultilities.RandomNumber(6); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"<p>Dear {user.Name}, <br/>"); sb.AppendLine($"This is the token to verify your email: <b>{_currentToken}</b>. <br/>"); sb.AppendLine("Please do follow instruction to active your email. <br/>"); sb.AppendLine("Thank you. <br/>"); sb.AppendLine("--------------------------------------- <br/>"); sb.AppendLine("Best regards from Thunder Market. </p>"); string messageBody = sb.ToString(); if (await _helper.SendEmailAsync(_currentEmail, "Verification Account - Thunder Market", messageBody)) { SendDisplayAlert("Notification", "An email sent to your inbox!"); return; } SendDisplayAlert("Error", "We can't send email to your email address, click resend to try again!"); }