internal UipTransition(UipNode node, string navigateValue, UipNode nextNode)
			Verify.ArgumentNotNull(node, "node");
			Verify.ArgumentNotNull(navigateValue, "navigateValue");
			_node = node;
			_navigateValue = navigateValue;
			_nextNode = nextNode;
Exemple #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Perform the navigation to the next UI node
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nextNode">The next UI node to navigate to.</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This process is slightly complicated by the fact that both the controller and
		/// the view can initiate a navigation inside their constructor and/or their initialization
		/// sequence (for example if they implement <see cref="ISupportInitialize"/>).
		/// </remarks>
		private void DoNavigate(UipNode nextNode)
			if (nextNode != null)
				UipNode prevNode = _currentNode;
				_currentNode = nextNode;

				// signal task started
				if (prevNode == null)
					// the task has just started 
					_raiseTaskStarted = true;
					// tell the previous node that it is no longer current

				// Tell the node that it is now the current node. This needs to happen
				// after calling ExitNode on the previous node, just in case the previous node
				// and the current node are actually the same node.

				// Create the controller for the new current node. It is possible for
				// a controller to request navigation inside its constructor, and if this happens
				// the navigateValue variable will be set, and we will continue through this loop again.
				_currentController = _currentNode.GetOrCreateController();

				if (_navigateValue != null)
					// if the controller navigated during its constructor, stop now without
					// creating the current view

				// Create the view for the new current node. It is possible for a view to
				// request navigation inside its constructor, and if this happens the navigateValue
				// variable will be set, and we will continue through this loop again.
				_currentView = _currentNode.GetOrCreateView();
Exemple #3
		private void NavigateHelper()
			_inNavigateMethod = true;
			bool showModalView = false;
				UipNode nextNode = GetNextNode();
				if (nextNode != null)
					using (var viewTransition = ViewManager.BeginTransition(this))
							// We wait until now to register with the view manager so that all calls
							// to the view manager occur withing a BeginTransition/EndTransition pair
							if (!_registeredWithViewManager)
								_registeredWithViewManager = true;

								// Perform the navigation. This call
								// can result in a recursive call back into this function,
								// hence the test using the <c>inNavigateMethod</c> variable.

								// If there was a recursive call to this function, then this
								// will return non-null.
								nextNode = GetNextNode();
							} while (nextNode != null);

							if (!_endTaskRequested && _currentNode != null)
								// Finished navigating to a new node, display the new view.
								if (_currentView != null)
									if (_currentNode.IsViewModal)
										// We can't block and show a modal view here
										// because the _inNavigateMethod member is set to 
										// true and this will prevent any navigation from
										// within the modal view. For this reason set a variable
										// to remind us to show the modal view before leaving this
										// method.
										showModalView = true;
										// It is possible for the view to navigate while it is
										// in the process of showing the view. It is a bit difficult
										// to handle this here, as there is cleanup to perform. This
										// code could all do with a good refactor, but for now the way
										// this is handled is by the loop in the Navigate method.
						catch (Exception ex)
							Log.Error("Unexpected exception in transition: " + ex.Message, ex);

				if (_endTaskRequested)
					using (_viewManager.BeginTransition(this))
						if (_currentNode != null)

					_currentNode = null;
					_currentController = null;
					_currentView = null;
					_navigateValue = null;
					_taskComplete = true;
					_raiseTaskComplete = true;
				_inNavigateMethod = false;

			if (showModalView)
				using (var transition = CurrentNode.GetViewDeck(createIfNecessary: true).BeginTransition(this))
				CurrentNode.GetModalWindow(createIfNecessary: true).ShowModal(false);