private void OriginalCall(SignIn model) { /************************************************************** * LoginUtils.VacationsRedirect(Request.Url.Host.ToLower()); *************************************************************/ if (Request.Url.Host.ToLower() == "") { Response.Redirect(""); } else if (Request.Url.Host.ToLower() == "") { Response.Redirect(""); } else if (Request.Url.Host.ToLower() == "" | Request.Url.Host.ToLower() == "") { Response.Redirect(""); } // (LoginUtils.IsBgvfsReferrer(referrer) if (Request.Url.ToString().ToLower().Contains("signoff=true")) { // BlueGreenContext.DigestRequest() if (Request.Cookies["OwnerInfo"] != null) { model.OwnerId = Request.Cookies["OwnerInfo"]["OwnerId"]; model.OwnerType = Request.Cookies["OwnerInfo"]["OwnerType"]; model.TPStatus = Request.Cookies["OwnerInfo"]["TPStatus"]; } // BlueGreenContext.DigestRequest(); System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); foreach (string cookie in Request.Cookies.AllKeys) { Request.Cookies.Remove(cookie); } bxgOwner = (BGO.OwnerWS.Owner)Session["BXGOwnerMedallia"]; // BlueGreenContext.DigestRequest() if ((bxgOwner != null)) { HasOwnerInformation = true; model.OwnerId = bxgOwner.Arvact; if (bxgOwner.User[0].isSampler) { model.OwnerType = "SAMPLER"; } else { if ((string)Session["OwnerContractType"] == "Vacation Club") { model.OwnerType = "VACCLUB"; } else { model.OwnerType = "TRADITIONAL"; } } if (bxgOwner.TravelerPlusMembership.IsTravelerPlusEligible) { if (bxgOwner.TravelerPlusMembership.AccountExpired) { model.TPStatus = "EXPIRED"; } else { model.TPStatus = "ACTIVE"; } } else { model.TPStatus = "NOTELIGIBLE"; } } } // this.SetPostData() string tutorialRedirect = (string)Session["ReferrerURL"]; if (tutorialRedirect != null) { if (tutorialRedirect.Contains("/tutorials/default.aspx")) { model.IsTutorialTransfer = "True"; } } //Check for user redirected for login. Assign the path info to //a variable to re-assign to session variable in case of session values cleared //If Session("_path_info") <> "" Then // path_info = Session("_path_info") //End If if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"])) { path_info = Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"]; path_info = path_info.Replace("%2f", "/"); } model.sMessage = ""; model.IsTravelerPlusLogin = ""; model.IsEncoreRewardsLogin = ""; //Sales users that are logged in go to the sales login page if ((string)Session["SalesUser"] == "BLUEGREEN") { Response.Redirect("SalesLogin.aspx", true); } HandleRedirects(model); string email_id = null; string pass = null; email_id = (string)Session["email_id"]; pass = (string)Session["password"]; //Allow Owner support agents to login as the owner from their application if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["AgentID"])) { string sURL = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_REFERER"] + ""; if (Request.Form["AgentID"] == "SALESKIOSK" & sURL.ToLower().IndexOf("saleskiosk") > -1) { email_id = "*****@*****.**"; pass = "******"; } else if (Request.Form["AgentID"] == "SALESKIOSKVC" & sURL.ToLower().IndexOf("saleskioskvc") > -1) { email_id = "*****@*****.**"; pass = "******"; } else { email_id = Request.Form["AgentLoginEmail"]; pass = Request.Form["AgentLoginPassword"]; } model.AgentLoginID = Request.Form["AgentID"]; } sEmail = ""; sPass = ""; bxgOwner = (BGO.OwnerWS.Owner)Session["BXGOwnerMedallia"]; string ownerContractType = (string)Session["OwnerContractType"]; Session.Clear(); Session["BXGOwnerMedallia"] = bxgOwner; Session["OwnerContractType"] = ownerContractType; //re-assign path info to session variable Session["_path_info"] = path_info; if (!IsPostBack) { try { //Allow logins from elsewhere to feed into this page if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email_id) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pass)) { sEmail = email_id; sPass = pass; } } catch { } } //Display message for session timeouts if (Request.QueryString["sess"] == "timeout") { model.sMessage = UiUtils.BuildMessage("Either you are requesting a page that requires sign in for access, or your previous Bluegreen Online session timed out after 20 minutes of inactivity. Please sign in below."); } //Display message for blocked accounts if (Request.QueryString["acctstat"] == "block") { model.sMessage = UiUtils.BuildMessage("Your account does not qualify for online access at this time. <BR>Please contact us at 800.456.CLUB(2582) and select option 2 to learn how to enable your account."); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ErrMessage"])) { model.sMessage = UiUtils.BuildMessage("Oasis Lakes owners: <font color='#000000'>The association news page has moved. To access it, please sign in below and click on the picture of The Fountains/Oasis Lakes clubhouse at the top of the home page. Then click on the <strong style='font-size:8pt'>Association Owners</strong> link on the left side of the Resort Detail page. If you have not yet enrolled in Bluegreen Online, click on the <strong style='font-size:8pt'>Not registered?</strong> link to do so.</font>"); } //Display an error at the top of the login page if the Login was unsuccessful if (Request.QueryString["error"] == "NoConn") { model.sMessage = UiUtils.BuildMessage("We have encountered an unexpected error. Please wait a few minutes and try to log in again. We apologize for the inconvenience."); } if (Request.QueryString["lo"] == "1" | Request.QueryString["error"] == "NoACK") { Session.Clear(); Session.Abandon(); Session.RemoveAll(); if (Request.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"] != null) { Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Value = string.Empty; Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-20); } } }