Exemple #1
 public void InventoryDidStop(UgiInventory.InventoryResults result)
     if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.LostConnection)
         if (result != UgiInventory.InventoryResults.Ok)
             if (inventorySwitch.On)
                 inventorySwitch.On      = false;
                 batteryButton.Enabled   = true;
                 configureButton.Enabled = true;
                 commissionButton.Hidden = true;
                 readButton.Hidden       = true;
                 writeButton.Hidden      = true;
             String message;
             if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.BatteryTooLow)
                 message = "Battery level too low\nPlease charge the Grokker";
             else if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.TemperatureTooHigh)
                 message = "Temperature too high\nAllow the Grokker to cool down";
             else if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.NotProvisioned)
                 message = "Grokker is not provisioned";
             else if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.RegionNotSet)
                 message = "Region is not set";
             else if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.ErrorSending)
                 message = "Error communicating with Grokker";
                 message = "Grokker error: " + result;
             ShowOkCancel("Inventory Error", message, "", null, null, null);
Exemple #2
 public void InventoryDidStop(UgiInventory.InventoryResults result)
     if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.LostConnection)
         if (result != UgiInventory.InventoryResults.Ok)
             ToggleButton inventoryToggle = FindViewById <ToggleButton>(Resource.Id.inventoryToggleButton);
             if (inventoryToggle.Checked)
                 inventoryToggle.Checked = false;
                 FindViewById <View>(Resource.Id.line4).Visibility               = ViewStates.Invisible;
                 FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.batteryButton).Enabled       = true;
                 FindViewById <View>(Resource.Id.configureButton).Enabled        = true;
                 FindViewById <View>(Resource.Id.audioReconfigureButton).Enabled = true;
             String message;
             if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.BatteryTooLow)
                 message = "Battery level too low\nPlease charge the Grokker";
             else if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.TemperatureTooHigh)
                 message = "Temperature too high\nAllow the Grokker to cool down";
             else if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.NotProvisioned)
                 message = "Grokker is not provisioned";
             else if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.RegionNotSet)
                 message = "Region is not set";
             else if (result == UgiInventory.InventoryResults.ErrorSending)
                 message = "Error communicating with Grokker";
                 message = "Grokker error: " + result;
             ShowOkCancel("Inventory Error", message, "", null, null, null);
Exemple #3
 public void InventoryDidStop(UgiInventory.InventoryResults result)
     Console.WriteLine("Inventory Did Stop");