Exemple #1
        public static void Deserialize(ulong sender, int msgCode, ByteStream stream)

            //read the entity header
            int prefabId   = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPrefabs);
            int networkId  = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxNetworkIds);
            int owner      = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);
            int controller = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);

            //pass it down to the Behaviour to process further
            Core.net.GetPrefabNetworkGameObject(prefabId).Deserialize(stream, prefabId, networkId, owner, controller);
            //what happens if we get here and we CAN"T find the entity? It's already been destroyed locally?
            //we won't know the state, and we won't know how much data to read.
            //and we can't just throw away the packet.. because it might have important data AFTER this message
            //so we need a way to know the message size even if the entity doesn't exisit.

            //we could send the message size but that's another 8 bits at least.. and that would kind of be a waste.
            //cause use the prefabs template peek because it could have a different size (delta compressed)

            //can we use a static deserialize (on the prefab template)
            //that will read anything conditional? I guess

            //Debug.Log("Deserialize: " + prefabId + " : " + networkId + " : " + owner + " : " + controller);

            //process is called the next level down (prefab's behaviour's deserialize)
            //Core.net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, prefabId, networkId, owner, controller);
Exemple #2
        public static void Serialize(ulong receiver, ByteStream stream, params object[] args)
            int arg0 = (int)args[0]; //the connectionIndex of the player who sent you this message (the host)
            int arg1 = (int)args[1]; //the connectionIndex of you assigned by the host

            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, arg0, 0, 255);
            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, arg1, 0, 255);
Exemple #3
        public static void Deserialize(ulong sender, int msgCode, ByteStream stream)
            int arg0 = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, 255);
            int arg1 = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, 255);

            //no need for a null check, can't have a deserializer without a processor.
            //I mean, you can, but it wouldn't do anything with the data you just received
            Core.net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, arg0, arg1);
Exemple #4
        public static void Deserialize(ulong sender, int msgCode, ByteStream stream)
            //Remember to call Core.Net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, args...) here!
            //Core.net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
            int   zone = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxZones);
            float x    = SerializerUtils.ReadFloat(stream, Core.net.minWorldPos.x, Core.net.maxWorldPos.x, Core.net.worldPosPrecision);
            float y    = SerializerUtils.ReadFloat(stream, Core.net.minWorldPos.y, Core.net.maxWorldPos.y, Core.net.worldPosPrecision);
            float z    = SerializerUtils.ReadFloat(stream, Core.net.minWorldPos.z, Core.net.maxWorldPos.z, Core.net.worldPosPrecision);

            Core.net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, zone, x, y, z);
Exemple #5
        public static void Deserialize(ulong sender, int msgCode, ByteStream stream)
            int prefabId   = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPrefabs);
            int networkId  = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxNetworkIds);
            int owner      = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);
            int controller = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);

            //no need for a null check, can't have a deserializer without a processor.
            //I mean, you can, but it wouldn't do anything with the data you just received
            Core.net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, prefabId, networkId, owner, controller);
Exemple #6
        public static void Serialize(ulong receiver, ByteStream stream, params object[] args)
            int   zone = (int)args[0];
            float x    = (float)args[1];
            float y    = (float)args[2];
            float z    = (float)args[3];

            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, zone, 0, Core.net.maxZones);
            SerializerUtils.WriteFloat(stream, x, Core.net.minWorldPos.x, Core.net.maxWorldPos.x, Core.net.worldPosPrecision);
            SerializerUtils.WriteFloat(stream, y, Core.net.minWorldPos.y, Core.net.maxWorldPos.y, Core.net.worldPosPrecision);
            SerializerUtils.WriteFloat(stream, z, Core.net.minWorldPos.z, Core.net.maxWorldPos.z, Core.net.worldPosPrecision);
Exemple #7
        public static void Serialize(ulong receiver, ByteStream stream, params object[] args)
            int prefabId   = (int)args[0];
            int networkId  = (int)args[1];
            int owner      = (int)args[2];
            int controller = (int)args[3];

            //Debug.Log("NetworkID :: " + networkId);
            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, prefabId, 0, Core.net.maxPrefabs);
            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, networkId, 0, Core.net.maxNetworkIds);
            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, owner, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);
            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, controller, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);
Exemple #8
        public static void Deserialize(ulong sender, int msgCode, ByteStream stream)
            //read the entity header
            int prefabId   = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPrefabs);
            int networkId  = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxNetworkIds);
            int owner      = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);
            int controller = SerializerUtils.ReadInt(stream, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);

            //pass it down to the Behaviour to process further
            //Core.net.GetPrefabNetworkGameObject(prefabId).Deserialize(stream, prefabId, networkId, owner, controller);

            //Core.net.ProcessEntityMessage(prefabId, networkId, owner, controller);
            Core.net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, prefabId, networkId, owner, controller);
Exemple #9
        public static void Serialize(ulong receiver, ByteStream stream, params object[] args)
            //Debug.Log("Serialize: " + args[0] + " : " + args[1] + " : " + args[2] + " : " + args[3]);
            //Debug.Log("Serialize: " + args[0]);
            int prefabId   = (int)args[0];
            int networkId  = (int)args[1];
            int owner      = (int)args[2];
            int controller = (int)args[3];

            //Debug.Log("NetworkID :: " + networkId);

            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, prefabId, 0, Core.net.maxPrefabs);
            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, networkId, 0, Core.net.maxNetworkIds);
            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, owner, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);
            SerializerUtils.WriteInt(stream, controller, 0, Core.net.maxPlayers);

Exemple #10
 public static void Deserialize(ulong sender, int msgCode, ByteStream stream)
     //Remember to call Core.Net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, args...) here!
     //Core.net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
Exemple #11
 public static void Serialize(ulong receiver, ByteStream stream, params object[] args)
Exemple #12
 public static void Deserialize(ulong sender, int msgCode, ByteStream stream)
     Core.net.MessageProcessors[msgCode](sender, msgCode);