private void _transport_OnMessageReceived(object sender, UasMessage arg)
            switch (arg.MessageId)
            case UasMessages.Statustext:
                var stat    = arg as UasStatustext;
                var message = new String(stat.Text);

                if (message.ToLower().Contains("calibration successful") || message.ToLower().Contains("calibration failed"))
                    IsDone   = true;
                    IsActive = false;
                    UserMessage = message;


            case UasMessages.CommandLong:
                var cmd = arg as UasCommandLong;
                if (cmd.Command == (ushort)MavCmd.AccelcalVehiclePos)
                    var pos = (AccelcalVehiclePos)cmd.Param1;
                    UserMessage = "Please place vehicle " + pos.ToString();

Exemple #2
        public void SendMessage(UasMessage msg)
            switch (msg.MessageId)
            case UasMessages.CommandLong:
                var cmd = msg as UasCommandLong;
                switch (cmd.Command)
                case 22:
                    DJISDKManager.Instance.ComponentManager.GetFlightControllerHandler(0, 0).StartTakeoffAsync();

                case 23:
                    DJISDKManager.Instance.ComponentManager.GetFlightControllerHandler(0, 0).StartAutoLandingAsync();


            case UasMessages.ManualControl:
                var cmd = msg as UasManualControl;
                DJISDKManager.Instance.VirtualRemoteController.UpdateJoystickValue(cmd.Z / 1000.0f, cmd.Y / 1000.0f, cmd.X / 1000.0f, cmd.R / 1000.0f);
        public override void SendMessage(UasMessage msg)

            // Signal send thread
 private void SendMessage(UasMessage msg)
     if (_connectedUasManager.Active != null)
Exemple #5
        private void DumpMsgMeta(UasMessage m)
            var md = m.GetMetadata();

            foreach (var f in md.Fields)
                WL("  {0}: {1}  ({2})", f.Name, GetFieldValue(f.Name, m), f.Description);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the buffer bytes to be sent on the wire for given message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="systemId"></param>
        /// <param name="componentId"></param>
        /// <param name="includeSignalMark">Whether to include the Packet signal in the buffer or not.</param>
        /// <param name="sequenceNumber">A sequence number for the message, if needed.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] SerializeMessage(
            UasMessage msg, byte systemId, byte componentId,
            bool includeSignalMark, byte sequenceNumber = 1)
            byte mark = includeSignalMark ? PacketSignalByte : (byte)0;

                       msg, systemId, componentId, sequenceNumber, mark));
Exemple #7
        private void PrintMessage(UasMessage m)
            UasMessageMetadata md = m.GetMetadata();

            foreach (UasFieldMetadata f in md.Fields) //==================================================================
                GetFieldValue(f.Name, m);             //============================================================
                //    //f.Name, GetFieldValue(f.Name, m), f.Description
Exemple #8
        private static void PrintStandardMessage(UasMessage m)
            UasMessageMetadata md = m.GetMetadata();

            WL("{0}: {1}", m, md.Description);

            foreach (UasFieldMetadata f in md.Fields)
                WL("  {0}: {1}  ({2})", f.Name, GetFieldValue(f.Name, m), f.Description);
        private void GetHeartbeat(UasMessage msg)
            var heartbeat = msg as UasHeartbeat;

            Type           = Convert.ToByte(heartbeat.Type);
            Autopilot      = Convert.ToByte(heartbeat.Autopilot);
            BaseMode       = Convert.ToByte(heartbeat.BaseMode);
            SystemStatus   = Convert.ToByte(heartbeat.SystemStatus);
            CustomMode     = heartbeat.CustomMode;
            MavlinkVersion = heartbeat.MavlinkVersion;
        private void GetVfrHud(UasMessage msg)
            var vfrHud = msg as UasVfrHud;

            Airspeed    = vfrHud.Airspeed;
            Groundspeed = vfrHud.Groundspeed;
            Heading     = vfrHud.Heading;
            Throttle    = vfrHud.Throttle;
            Alt         = vfrHud.Alt;
            Climb       = vfrHud.Climb;
        private void GetLocalPositionNed(UasMessage msg)
            var localPositionNed = msg as UasLocalPositionNed;

            TimeBootMs = localPositionNed.TimeBootMs;
            X          = localPositionNed.X;
            Y          = localPositionNed.Y;
            Z          = localPositionNed.Z;
            Vx         = localPositionNed.Vx;
            Vy         = localPositionNed.Vy;
            Vz         = localPositionNed.Vz;
        private void GetAltitude(UasMessage msg)
            var altitude = msg as UasAltitude;

            TimeUsec          = altitude.TimeUsec;
            AltitudeMonotonic = altitude.AltitudeMonotonic;
            AltitudeAmsl      = altitude.AltitudeAmsl;
            AltitudeLocal     = altitude.AltitudeLocal;
            AltitudeRelative  = altitude.AltitudeRelative;
            AltitudeTerrain   = altitude.AltitudeTerrain;
            BottomClearance   = altitude.BottomClearance;
        private void GetAttitude(UasMessage msg)
            var attitude = msg as UasAttitude;

            TimeBootMs = attitude.TimeBootMs;
            Roll       = attitude.Roll;
            Pitch      = attitude.Pitch;
            Yaw        = attitude.Yaw;
            Rollspeed  = attitude.Rollspeed;
            Pitchspeed = attitude.Pitchspeed;
            Yawspeed   = attitude.Yawspeed;
Exemple #14
        private static void PrintMessage(UasMessage m)
            if (m is UasCommandLong)
                PrintCommandLong(m as UasCommandLong);

        private void GetGpsRawInt(UasMessage msg)
            var gpsRawInt = msg as UasGpsRawInt;

            TimeUsec = gpsRawInt.TimeUsec;
            FixType  = gpsRawInt.FixType;
            Lat      = gpsRawInt.Lat;
            Lon      = gpsRawInt.Lon;
            Alt      = gpsRawInt.Alt;
            Eph      = gpsRawInt.Eph;
            Epv      = gpsRawInt.Epv;
            Vel      = gpsRawInt.Vel;
            Cog      = gpsRawInt.Cog;
        private void GetServoOutputRaw(UasMessage msg)
            var servoOutputRaw = msg as UasServoOutputRaw;

            TimeUsec  = servoOutputRaw.TimeUsec;
            Port      = servoOutputRaw.Port;
            Servo1Raw = servoOutputRaw.Servo1Raw;
            Servo2Raw = servoOutputRaw.Servo2Raw;
            Servo3Raw = servoOutputRaw.Servo3Raw;
            Servo4Raw = servoOutputRaw.Servo4Raw;
            Servo5Raw = servoOutputRaw.Servo5Raw;
            Servo6Raw = servoOutputRaw.Servo6Raw;
            Servo7Raw = servoOutputRaw.Servo7Raw;
            Servo8Raw = servoOutputRaw.Servo8Raw;
Exemple #17
        public void SendMessage(UasMessage msg)
            switch (msg.MessageId)
            case UasMessages.CommandLong:
                var cmd = msg as UasCommandLong;
                switch (cmd.Command)
                case 22:

                case 23:

            case UasMessages.GimbalControl:


            case UasMessages.ManualControl:
                var cmd = msg as UasManualControl;

                var x = cmd.R / 10;
                var y = cmd.X / 10;
                var r = cmd.Y / 10;
                var z = cmd.Z / 10;

                if (x != _lastX || y != _lastY || z != _lastZ || r != _lastR)
                    _drone.Tello.Controller.Set4ChannelRC(x, y, z, r);
                    _lastX = x;
                    _lastY = y;
                    _lastZ = z;
                    _lastR = r;
        private void GetSysStatus(UasMessage msg)
            var sysStatus = msg as UasSysStatus;

            OnboardControlSensorsPresent = Convert.ToUInt32(sysStatus.OnboardControlSensorsPresent);
            OnboardControlSensorsEnabled = Convert.ToUInt32(sysStatus.OnboardControlSensorsEnabled);
            OnboardControlSensorsHealth  = Convert.ToUInt32(sysStatus.OnboardControlSensorsHealth);
            Load             = sysStatus.Load;
            VoltageBattery   = sysStatus.VoltageBattery;
            CurrentBattery   = sysStatus.CurrentBattery;
            BatteryRemaining = sysStatus.BatteryRemaining;
            DropRateComm     = sysStatus.DropRateComm;
            ErrorsComm       = sysStatus.ErrorsComm;
            ErrorsCount1     = sysStatus.ErrorsCount1;
            ErrorsCount2     = sysStatus.ErrorsCount2;
            ErrorsCount3     = sysStatus.ErrorsCount3;
            ErrorsCount4     = sysStatus.ErrorsCount4;
Exemple #19
        private void GetBatteryStatus(UasMessage msg)
            var batteryStatus = msg as UasBatteryStatus;

            Id = batteryStatus.Id;
            BatteryFunction = batteryStatus.BatteryFunction;
            Type            = batteryStatus.Type;
            Temperature     = batteryStatus.Temperature;

            for (int i = 0; i < batteryStatus.Voltages.Length; i++)
                Voltages[i] = batteryStatus.Voltages[i];

            CurrentBattery   = batteryStatus.CurrentBattery;
            CurrentConsumed  = batteryStatus.CurrentConsumed;
            EnergyConsumed   = batteryStatus.EnergyConsumed;
            BatteryRemaining = batteryStatus.BatteryRemaining;
Exemple #20
        private void GetPositionTargetGlobalInt(UasMessage msg)
            var positionTargetGlobalInt = msg as UasPositionTargetGlobalInt;

            TimeBootMs      = positionTargetGlobalInt.TimeBootMs;
            CoordinateFrame = Convert.ToByte(positionTargetGlobalInt.CoordinateFrame);
            TypeMask        = positionTargetGlobalInt.TypeMask;
            LatInt          = positionTargetGlobalInt.LatInt;
            LonInt          = positionTargetGlobalInt.LonInt;
            Alt             = positionTargetGlobalInt.Alt;
            Vx      = positionTargetGlobalInt.Vx;
            Vy      = positionTargetGlobalInt.Vy;
            Vz      = positionTargetGlobalInt.Vz;
            Afx     = positionTargetGlobalInt.Afx;
            Afy     = positionTargetGlobalInt.Afy;
            Afz     = positionTargetGlobalInt.Afz;
            Yaw     = positionTargetGlobalInt.Yaw;
            YawRate = positionTargetGlobalInt.YawRate;
Exemple #21
        private static object GetFieldValue(string fieldName, UasMessage m)
            PropertyInfo p = m.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName);

            if (p == null)
                WL("MISSING FIELD: {0} on {1}", fieldName, m.GetType());

            object result = p.GetValue(m, null);

            if (result is char[])
                return(new String((char[])result));

Exemple #22
        private void GetFieldValue(string fieldName, UasMessage m)
            if (fieldName == "Roll")
                PropertyInfo p      = m.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName);
                Double       degree = Convert.ToDouble(p.GetValue(m, null).ToString()) * (180 / Math.PI);
                lblRoll.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => lblRoll.Text = degree.ToString()));
                //lblRoll.Text= p.GetValue(m, null).ToString();
            else if (fieldName == "Pitch")
                PropertyInfo p      = m.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName);
                Double       degree = Convert.ToDouble(p.GetValue(m, null).ToString()) * (180 / Math.PI);
                lblPitch.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => lblPitch.Text = degree.ToString()));
                //lblPitch.Text = p.GetValue(m, null).ToString();
            else if (fieldName == "Yaw")
                PropertyInfo p      = m.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName);
                Double       degree = Convert.ToDouble(p.GetValue(m, null).ToString()) * (180 / Math.PI);
                lblYaw.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => lblYaw.Text = degree.ToString()));
                //lblYaw.Text = p.GetValue(m, null).ToString();
            //if (fieldName != "Rxerrors" && fieldName != "TimeBootMs" && fieldName != "TimeUsec"&& fieldName != "Chan1Raw" && fieldName != "Fixed" && fieldName != "Chan2Raw" && fieldName!= "VtolState" && fieldName!= "Chan3Raw" && fieldName!= "Rssi" && fieldName!="Q" && fieldName!= "Chan4Raw")
            //    PropertyInfo p = m.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName);
            //    var resulti = p.GetValue(m,null);
            //    object result = p.GetValue(m, null);

            //if (p == null)
            //    WL("MISSING FIELD: {0} on {1}", fieldName, m.GetType());
            //    return "";

            //if (result is char[]) return new String((char[])result);

            //return result;
Exemple #23
        private void GetHighresImu(UasMessage msg)
            var highresImu = msg as UasHighresImu;

            TimeUsec      = highresImu.TimeUsec;
            Xacc          = highresImu.Xacc;
            Yacc          = highresImu.Yacc;
            Zacc          = highresImu.Zacc;
            Xgyro         = highresImu.Xgyro;
            Ygyro         = highresImu.Ygyro;
            Zgyro         = highresImu.Zgyro;
            Xmag          = highresImu.Xmag;
            Ymag          = highresImu.Ymag;
            Zmag          = highresImu.Zmag;
            AbsPressure   = highresImu.AbsPressure;
            DiffPressure  = highresImu.DiffPressure;
            PressureAlt   = highresImu.PressureAlt;
            Temperature   = highresImu.Temperature;
            FieldsUpdated = highresImu.FieldsUpdated;
 public override void SendMessage(UasMessage msg)
 private async Task SendMavlinkMessage(UasMessage msg)
     byte[] buffer = _mavLinkAsyncWalker.SerializeMessage(msg, SystemId, ComponentId, true);
     await _serialPort.WriteAsync(buffer);
 private void MavlinkReceived(UasMessage msg)
     MavlinkStatus      = "Mavlink Connected";
     IsMavlinkConnected = true;
 public void Update(UasMessage msg)
     _adapter.UpdateUas(this, msg);
 private void _telemeteryLink_MessageParsed(object sender, UasMessage msg)
Exemple #29
        public async Task <InvokeResult <TMavlinkPacket> > RequestDataAsync <TMavlinkPacket>(UasMessage msg, UasMessages incomingMessageId) where TMavlinkPacket : class
            await Task.Delay(1);

            return(InvokeResult <TMavlinkPacket> .FromError("Uknown"));
Exemple #30
 public override void SendMessage(UasMessage msg)
     // No messages are sent on this transport (only read from the logfile)