public void UartTest_LoopbackOut31In32()
            //// TODO should use the hardware from the captured connection
            IResourceManager rManager = new ResourceManager(Hardware.IOIO0003);
            IOIOConnection   ourConn  = this.CreateGoodSerialConnection();

            ObserverTxStatusUart bufferObserver = new ObserverTxStatusUart();

            // add our own handler so we don't have to grovel aroudn in there
            IOIOProtocolIncoming fooIn  = new IOIOProtocolIncoming(ourConn.GetInputStream(), HandlerObservable_);
            IOIOProtocolOutgoing fooOut = new IOIOProtocolOutgoing(ourConn.GetOutputStream());

            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); // wait for us to get the hardware ids

            UartConfigureCommand commandCreate = new UartConfigureCommand(
                new DigitalInputSpec(32), new DigitalOutputSpec(31), 38400, UartParity.NONE, UartStopBits.ONE);


            string helloWorld = "Hello World";

            byte[] helloWorldBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(helloWorld);

            LOG.Debug("Sending Hello World");
            UartSendDataCommand commandSend = new UartSendDataCommand(commandCreate.UartDef, helloWorldBytes);


            LOG.Debug("Closing Uart");
            UartCloseCommand commandClose = new UartCloseCommand(commandCreate.UartDef);


            // IUartFrom is the parent interface for all messages coming from the UARt
            Assert.AreEqual(1 + 1 + helloWorldBytes.Count() + 1, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartFrom>().Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartOpenFrom>().Count(), "didn't get IUartOpenFrom");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartReportTxStatusFrom>().Count(), "didn't get IUartReportTXStatusFrom");

            IEnumerable <IUartDataFrom> readValues = this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartDataFrom>();

            Assert.AreEqual(helloWorldBytes.Count(), readValues.Count(), "Didn't find the number of expected IUartFrom: " + readValues.Count());
            // logging the messages with any other string doesn't show the messages themselves !?
            LOG.Debug("Captured " + +this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartCloseFrom>().Count());
            // should verify close command in the resource
        public void UartTest_BigBufferOut31In32()
            //// TODO should use the hardware from the captured connection
            IOIOConnection ourConn = this.CreateGoodSerialConnection(false);

            // MUST use IOIOImpl to get "send" notifications for buffer management
            // add our own handler so we don't have to grovel around in there
            IOIO ourImpl = CreateIOIOImplAndConnect(ourConn,
                                                    new List <IObserverIOIO>()
                this.CapturedConnectionState_, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_, this.CapturedLogs_

            LOG.Debug("Setup Complete");
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); // wait for us to get the hardware ids

            UartConfigureCommand commandCreate = new UartConfigureCommand(
                new DigitalInputSpec(32), new DigitalOutputSpec(31), 19200, UartParity.NONE, UartStopBits.ONE);


            // create byte buffer
            // only 64 can be sent in a single message
            StringBuilder builder    = new StringBuilder();
            int           numBlock10 = 3;

            for (int i = 0; i < numBlock10; i++)
            string helloWorld = builder.ToString();

            // should overrun the internal buffer to make sure observer flow control is working
            // buffer is 256 so cnt=4 means get one buffer update : cnt=7 means more than one full buffer
            char hack          = 'A';
            int  numBufferSend = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < numBufferSend; i++)
                byte[] helloWorldBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(helloWorld + hack);
                LOG.Debug("Sending long string " + i + ":" + helloWorldBytes.Length);
                UartSendDataCommand commandSend = new UartSendDataCommand(commandCreate.UartDef, helloWorldBytes);
            // message posts will possibly block if IOIO UART ran out of buffer space
            // but it may still run before all data sent from IOIO buffers to the UART pins
            // really node for this since we wait for UART close

            LOG.Debug("Closing Uart");
            UartCloseCommand commandClose = new UartCloseCommand(commandCreate.UartDef);


            // either sleep for some time
            // or wait until we get the close ack
            int maxTimeMsec = 5000;

            while (this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartCloseFrom>().Count() == 0)
                Assert.IsTrue(maxTimeMsec > 0, "Did not receive IUartCloseFrom in the expected amount of time");
                maxTimeMsec -= 10;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartOpenFrom>().Count(), "didn't get IUartOpenFrom");
            // we should have counted bytes,  count is first buffer size + each update at the 130 mark
            int expectedNumberTxMessages = 1 + ((numBufferSend * numBlock10 * 10) / 130);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedNumberTxMessages, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartReportTxStatusFrom>().Count(), "didn't get IUartReportTXStatusFrom");

            int expectedDataPacketsReceived        = (numBlock10 * 10 + 1) * numBufferSend;
            IEnumerable <IUartDataFrom> readValues = this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartDataFrom>();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDataPacketsReceived, readValues.Count(), "Didn't find the number of expected IUartFrom: " + readValues.Count());

            // logging the messages with any other string doesn't show the messages themselves !?
            LOG.Debug("Captured " + +this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartCloseFrom>().Count());
            // should verify close command in the Resource manager

            // We get back one packet for each character sent that was looped back + uart open, TX buffer status uart close
            int expectedNumDataPackets = expectedDataPacketsReceived;

            Assert.AreEqual(1 + expectedNumberTxMessages + expectedNumDataPackets + 1, this.CapturedSingleQueueAllType_.OfType <IUartFrom>().Count());