public void ExecuteAttack()
        float      weaponRange = 1.0f;
        Ray        ray         = new Ray(this.transform.position, player.transform.position - this.transform.position);
        RaycastHit hit         = new RaycastHit();

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, weaponRange))
            if (hit.transform.Equals(this.transform))
                Debug.Log("you've hit yourself ? " +;
                if ( == "Gronk")
                    MusicController.LastAttackCounter = 30.0f;                   //Thirty more seconds of combat music
                    UWCharacter playerUW = hit.transform.GetComponent <UWCharacter>();
        //	Debug.Log ("MISS");
    /// <summary>
    /// NPC hits player
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="playerUW">Player U.</param>
    /// <param name="npc">Npc.</param>
    public static void NPC_Hits_PC(UWCharacter playerUW, NPC npc)
        int PlayerDefence = 0;

        if (playerUW.PlayerCombat.currWeapon != null)
            PlayerDefence = playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(Skills.SkillDefense) + (playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(playerUW.PlayerCombat.currWeapon.GetSkill() + 1) / 2);
            PlayerDefence = playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(Skills.SkillDefense) + (playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(Skills.SkillUnarmed) / 2);
        int toHit = Mathf.Max(PlayerDefence - npc.GetAttack(), 0);
        int roll  = Random.Range(-1, 31);

        if ((_RES == GAME_UW1) && (npc.objInt().item_id == 124))
            roll = 30;                    //Slasher will always hit.
        int BaseDamage = npc.GetDamage(); //get the damage of the current attack

        if (((roll >= toHit) || (roll >= 30)) && (roll > -1))
            int PlayerArmourScore = playerUW.playerInventory.getArmourScore();
            int ReducedDamage     = Mathf.Max(1, BaseDamage - PlayerArmourScore);
            playerUW.ApplyDamage(Random.Range(1, ReducedDamage + 1), npc.gameObject);
            //reduce damage by protection
            if (BaseDamage > PlayerArmourScore)
                //apply equipment damage to a random piece of armour
                playerUW.playerInventory.ApplyArmourDamage((short)Random.Range(0, npc.GetArmourDamage() + 1));
            if (npc.PoisonLevel() > 0)
            {                    //roll for poisoning.
                if (!UWCharacter.Instance.isPoisonResistant())
                {                //Player has resistence against poisoning
                    int PoisonRoll = Random.Range(1, 30);
                    if (PoisonRoll < npc.PoisonLevel())
                        int PoisonToAdd   = Random.Range(1, npc.PoisonLevel() + 1);
                        int newPlayPoison = (short)Mathf.Min(playerUW.play_poison + PoisonToAdd, 15);
                        UWCharacter.Instance.play_poison = (short)newPlayPoison;
                        if (UWCharacter.Instance.poison_timer == 0)
                            UWCharacter.Instance.poison_timer = 30f;

            MusicController.LastAttackCounter = 10.0f;                   //Ten more seconds of combat music
            if (ObjectInteraction.PlaySoundEffects)
                UWCharacter.Instance.aud.clip = GameWorldController.instance.getMus().SoundEffects[MusicController.SOUND_EFFECT_MELEE_HIT_1];
    /// <summary>
    /// NPC hits player
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="playerUW">Player U.</param>
    /// <param name="npc">Npc.</param>
    public static void NPC_Hits_PC(UWCharacter playerUW, NPC npc)
        int flankingbonus = 0;

        flankingbonus = CalcFlankingBonus(npc.objInt().heading, playerUW.currentHeading);
        int attackScore = npc.CurrentAttackScore + (npc.EquipDamage >> 1) + Random.Range(0, 5) + 7 + flankingbonus; //+Maybe Npc Level

        //Player defence
        //defence skill + sum of all armour+(skill with current weapon >>1) + unknownbonus(stored in critterdata)
        int DefenderScore = playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(Skills.SkillDefense) + playerUW.playerInventory.ArmourProtection;

        if (playerUW.PlayerCombat.currWeapon != null)
            DefenderScore += (playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(playerUW.PlayerCombat.currWeapon.GetSkill()) >> 1);
            DefenderScore += (playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(Skills.SkillUnarmed) >> 1);

        Skills.SkillRollResult rollresult = Skills.SkillRoll(attackScore, DefenderScore);
        if ((_RES == GAME_UW1) && (npc.item_id == 124) && (rollresult == Skills.SkillRollResult.CriticalFailure || rollresult == Skills.SkillRollResult.Failure))
            rollresult = Skills.SkillRollResult.Success;//Slasher of veils will always hit.

        short Damage = 0;

        Damage = (short)(npc.CurrentAttackDamage + (npc.Strength / 5));
        Damage = (short)Mathf.Max(Damage, 2);
        int baseDamage = Damage;

        bool CriticalHit = RollForCritDamage(ref Damage, rollresult);

        // damage % 6 no of 1D6s to calculate the actual damage and then add the remainder as a final roll 1-remainder
        Damage = (short)(DamageRoll((short)(Damage / 6), 6) + DamageRoll(1, (short)(Damage % 6)));

        //TODO: damage for NPCS is scaled based on a lookup table and a property in their mobile data. This is similar to the player attack charge. (values stored in segment_60 in UW2 exe)
        //Lookup appears to be based on the value in the object at 0xF ( bits 12 to 15)
        //For now just scale it randomly
        Damage = (short)Random.Range(2, Damage + 1);

        switch (rollresult)
        case Skills.SkillRollResult.CriticalSuccess:
        case Skills.SkillRollResult.Success:
            Debug.Log("Base Damage = " + (short)(baseDamage) + " Final Damage = " + Damage);
            playerUW.ApplyDamage(Damage, npc.gameObject);

            //TODO: restore equipment damage and poisoning.

            //Ten more seconds of combat music
            MusicController.LastAttackCounter = 10.0f;
            if (ObjectInteraction.PlaySoundEffects)
                UWCharacter.Instance.aud.clip = MusicController.instance.SoundEffects[MusicController.SOUND_EFFECT_MELEE_HIT_1];

        case Skills.SkillRollResult.Failure:
        case Skills.SkillRollResult.CriticalFailure:
            //a miss.

        ////////    int PlayerDefence = 0;
        ////////    if (playerUW.PlayerCombat.currWeapon != null)
        ////////    {
        ////////        PlayerDefence = playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(Skills.SkillDefense) + (playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(playerUW.PlayerCombat.currWeapon.GetSkill() + 1) / 2);
        ////////    }
        ////////    else
        ////////    {
        ////////        PlayerDefence = playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(Skills.SkillDefense) + (playerUW.PlayerSkills.GetSkill(Skills.SkillUnarmed) / 2);
        ////////    }
        ////////    int toHit = Mathf.Max(PlayerDefence - npc.Dexterity, 0);
        ////////    int roll = Random.Range(-1, 31);
        ////////    if ((_RES == GAME_UW1) && (npc.item_id == 124))
        ////////    {
        ////////        roll = 30;//Slasher will always hit.
        ////////    }
        ////////    int BaseDamage = npc.CurrentAttackDamage;//get the damage of the current attack
        ////////    if (((roll >= toHit) || (roll >= 30)) && (roll > -1))
        ////////    {
        ////////        int PlayerArmourScore = playerUW.playerInventory.getArmourScore();
        ////////        int ReducedDamage = Mathf.Max(1, BaseDamage - PlayerArmourScore);
        ////////        //Hit
        ////////        playerUW.ApplyDamage(Random.Range(1, ReducedDamage + 1), npc.gameObject);
        ////////        //reduce damage by protection
        ////////        if (BaseDamage > PlayerArmourScore)
        ////////        {
        ////////            //apply equipment damage to a random piece of armour
        ////////            playerUW.playerInventory.ApplyArmourDamage((short)Random.Range(0, npc.ArmourDamage + 1));
        ////////        }
        ////////        if (npc.PoisonLevel() > 0)
        ////////        {//roll for poisoning.
        ////////            if (!UWCharacter.Instance.isPoisonResistant())
        ////////            {//Player has resistence against poisoning
        ////////                int PoisonRoll = Random.Range(1, 30);
        ////////                if (PoisonRoll < npc.PoisonLevel())
        ////////                {
        ////////                    int PoisonToAdd = Random.Range(1, npc.PoisonLevel() + 1);
        ////////                    int newPlayPoison = (short)Mathf.Min(playerUW.play_poison + PoisonToAdd, 15);
        ////////                    UWCharacter.Instance.play_poison = (short)newPlayPoison;
        ////////                    if (UWCharacter.Instance.poison_timer == 0)
        ////////                    {
        ////////                        UWCharacter.Instance.poison_timer = 30f;
        ////////                    }
        ////////                }
        ////////            }

        ////////        }

        ////////        MusicController.LastAttackCounter = 10.0f; //Ten more seconds of combat music
        ////////        if (ObjectInteraction.PlaySoundEffects)
        ////////        {
        ////////            UWCharacter.Instance.aud.clip = MusicController.instance.SoundEffects[MusicController.SOUND_EFFECT_MELEE_HIT_1];
        ////////            UWCharacter.Instance.aud.Play();
        ////////        }
        ////////    }