public void DeleteOfTrainersAsUsers(DataClasses1DataContext db, int userID, int courseID, int trainerID) { TRAINER_PER_COURSE tRainerPerCourse = new TRAINER_PER_COURSE(); TrainerPerCourse trainerPerCourse = new TrainerPerCourse(); TRAINER tRainer = new TRAINER(); Trainer trainer = new Trainer(); USERR user = new USERR(); if (trainerID < 1) { DeleteUser(user, userID, db); } else if (trainerID > 0 && courseID < 1) { trainer.DeleteTrainer(db, tRainer, trainerID); DeleteUser(user, userID, db); } else if (trainerID > 0 && courseID > 0) { trainerPerCourse.DeleteTrainersGeneral(trainerID, tRainerPerCourse, db); trainer.DeleteTrainer(db, tRainer, trainerID); DeleteUser(user, userID, db); } Console.WriteLine("\n\tDeleted Succesfully!!!"); }
public void DeleteOfStudentsAsUsers(DataClasses1DataContext db, int studentID, int userID, int courseID, int assignmentIDThisUser) { ASSIGNMENT_PER_STUDENT assignmnetPerStudent = new ASSIGNMENT_PER_STUDENT(); STUDENT_PER_COURSE sTudentPerCourse = new STUDENT_PER_COURSE(); StudentPerAssignment studentPerAssignment = new StudentPerAssignment(); StudentPerCourse studentPerCourse = new StudentPerCourse(); STUDENT sTudent = new STUDENT(); Student student = new Student(); USERR user = new USERR(); if (studentID < 1) { DeleteUser(user, userID, db); } else if (studentID > 0 && courseID < 1 && assignmentIDThisUser < 1) { student.DeleteStudent(db, sTudent, studentID); DeleteUser(user, userID, db); } else if (studentID > 0 && courseID > 0 && assignmentIDThisUser < 1) { studentPerCourse.DeleteCourses(studentID, sTudentPerCourse, db); student.DeleteStudent(db, sTudent, studentID); DeleteUser(user, userID, db); } else if (studentID > 0 && courseID > 0 && assignmentIDThisUser > 0) { studentPerAssignment.DeleteAssignemnts(studentID, assignmnetPerStudent, db); studentPerCourse.DeleteCourses(studentID, sTudentPerCourse, db); student.DeleteStudent(db, sTudent, studentID); DeleteUser(user, userID, db); } Console.WriteLine("\n\tDeleted Succesfully!!!"); }
public void DeleteUser(USERR user, int userID, DataClasses1DataContext db) { user = db.USERRs.Single(i => i.USERR_ID == userID); db.USERRs.DeleteOnSubmit(user); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public int CreateUser(DataClasses1DataContext db) { Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); USERR uSer = new USERR(); string password; Console.WriteLine("\n\tWe must first create a new User!\n\t" + "--------------------------------"); Console.Write("\tEnter Username: "******"\n\tUsername shouldn't be empty!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Username: "******"\tEnter Password: "******"\n\tPassword shouldn't be empty!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Password: "******"\tEncrypted Password: {" + $"{hashedpass}" + "}"); Console.Write("\tEnter User Role between {STUDENT - TRAINER - HEADMASTER}: "); string role = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); while (!role.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(role)) { Console.Write("\n\tUser role should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new User role: "); role = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); } uSer.ROLEE = check_ID.CheckRole(role); Console.Write("\tEnter User ID (Only Integer!): "); string userId = Console.ReadLine(); int userIDOut; while (!int.TryParse(userId, out userIDOut) || userIDOut <= 0) { Console.Write("\n\tUser ID should be Only Integer and not Zero!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new User ID: "); userId = Console.ReadLine(); } int userIDAfterCheck = check_ID.positiveInteger(userIDOut); uSer.USERR_ID = check_ID.UniqueUserID(userIDAfterCheck, db); db.USERRs.InsertOnSubmit(uSer); db.SubmitChanges(); ReadUser(uSer.USERR_ID, db); return(uSer.USERR_ID); }
public void Selection(DataClasses1DataContext db) { STUDENT student = new STUDENT(); TRAINER trainer = new TRAINER(); USERR uSer = new USERR(); string selection; string newSelection; int choiceCategory; bool iWantTocontinue = true; while (iWantTocontinue) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + " SELECTION MENU" + "\n\t" + " ------------------"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Course Press {1}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Student Press {2}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Assignment Press {3}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Trainer Press {4}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For User Press (Only Delete) {5}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Student Per Course Press {6}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Trainer Per Course Press {7}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Assignment Per Course Press {8}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Schedule Per Course Press {9}"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a choise between {1 - 8}: "); selection = Console.ReadLine(); int choice; while (!int.TryParse(selection, out choice) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(selection) || choice < 1 || choice > 9) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give choice again Only Integer between {1 - 9}!!!: "); selection = Console.ReadLine(); } choiceCategory = choice; switch (choiceCategory) { case (int)SelectionCategory.course: Course course = new Course(); course.MenuCourse(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.student: Student sTudent = new Student(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); sTudent.MenuStudent(db, student, sTudent, check_ID); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.assignment: Assignment assignment = new Assignment(); assignment.MenuAssignment(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.trainer: Trainer tRainer = new Trainer(); tRainer.MenuTrainer(db, trainer); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.user: User user = new User(); user.MenuUser(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.student_per_course: StudentPerCourse studentPerCourse = new StudentPerCourse(); studentPerCourse.MenuStudentPerCourse(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.trainer_per_course: TrainerPerCourse trainerPerCourse = new TrainerPerCourse(); trainerPerCourse.MenuTrainerPerCourse(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.assgnment_per_course: AssignmentPerCourse assignmentPerCourse = new AssignmentPerCourse(); assignmentPerCourse.MenuAssignmentPerCourse(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.schedule_per_course: SchedulePerCourse schedulePerCourse = new SchedulePerCourse(); schedulePerCourse.MenuSchedulePerCourse(db); break; } Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Do you want a new selection?"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "If yes press --> {Y} or {y}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "If no press --> {N} or {n}"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new selection: "); newSelection = Console.ReadLine(); while (newSelection != "Y" && newSelection != "y" && newSelection != "N" && newSelection != "n") { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + " Wrong Choise" + "\n\t" + " ---------------"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "If yes press --> {Y} or {y}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "If no press --> {N} or {n}"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give again a new selection: "); newSelection = Console.ReadLine(); } if (newSelection == "Y" || newSelection == "y") { iWantTocontinue = true; } else if (newSelection == "N" || newSelection == "n") { iWantTocontinue = false; } Console.WriteLine(); } }