public FBGAModule(RingBufferDouble ringBuffer)
     this.ringBuffer     = ringBuffer;
     this.mwlsModule     = new MWLSModule();
     this.fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.NOT_INITIALIZED;
     this.lockObject     = new System.Object();
 public virtual void startAcquisition(bool trigger)
         //if (fbgaMwlsStatus == USBDeviceStateEnum.INITIALIZED)
         if (DLL_Start_Continuously_Acquire_Spectra(trigger))
             acquisition = true;
             thread      = new Thread(doProcessing);
             fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.TRANSFERING;
             throw new FBGAException("FBGA start acquisition failed: FBGA module can not start continuous acquisition");
         //else throw new FBGAException("FBGA start acquisition failed: FBGA module is not initialized properly");
     catch (Exception ex) {
         throw ex;
 public USBEventArgs(int index, USBDeviceStateEnum statue)
     DeviceIndex = index;
     this.Status = statue;
        protected void doProcessing()
            int wProcessCode;
            int dwLineIndex, dwLineCount, dwPreviousLineCount;

            int[]    pdwLineStamp = new int[2], wPeakCount = new int[2], dwLineStamp = new int[2];
            double[] dblTemp      = new double[2];
            double[] pdblWL       = new double[512], pdblPwr = new double[512], pdblPeakWL = new double[512], pdblPeakPwr = new double[512], pdblPeakFWHM = new double[512], m_pdblBackground = new double[512];

            wPeakCount[0]       = 0;
            wProcessCode        = 0;
            dwLineIndex         = 0;
            dwLineCount         = 0;
            dwPreviousLineCount = 0;
                while (acquisition)

                    dwLineCount = DLL_Get_TotalSpectrumCount();
                    if (dwPreviousLineCount > dwLineCount)
                        if (DLL_Start_Continuously_Acquire_Spectra(false))
                            wPeakCount[0]       = 0;
                            wProcessCode        = 0;
                            dwLineIndex         = 0;
                            dwLineCount         = 0;
                            dwPreviousLineCount = 0;
                    dwPreviousLineCount = dwLineCount;
                    while (dwLineIndex < dwLineCount)
                        if (DLL_Get_SpectrumInformation(dwLineIndex, wProcessCode, m_pdblBackground, 0.0, null,
                                                        dwLineStamp, dblTemp, pdblWL, pdblPwr, wPeakCount, pdblPeakWL, pdblPeakPwr, pdblPeakFWHM))
                            //pdwLineStamp[dwLineIndex] = dwLineStamp[0];
                            if (dwLineIndex == dwLineCount - 1)
                                ringBuffer.Write(pdblPwr, 512);
                            //if (dwLineIndex >= 65535)
                            //reverse = false;
                            if (saveToFile)
                                lock (lockObject)
                                    byte[] byteArray;
                                    byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(dwLineStamp[0]);
                                    binaryWriter.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
                                    for (int j = 0; j < 512; j++)
                                        byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(pdblPwr[j]);
                                        binaryWriter.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
                if ((fbgaMwlsStatus != USBDeviceStateEnum.NOT_INITIALIZED) && dllLibOpened)
                fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.INITIALIZED;
                if (binaryWriter != null)
        public void TryInitialize(SettingFBGA fbgaSetting)
            int a;

            int[]         pdwHW        = new int[2];
            int[]         pdwFW        = new int[2];
            StringBuilder stringlpszSN = new StringBuilder(10);

            string lpszSystemFileDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.NOT_INITIALIZED;

            if (22002082 != DLL_Get_DLL_Version())

            a = DLL_Connect_System(lpszSystemFileDirectory);
            if (a != 0)
            dllLibOpened = true;

            /* if (!DLL_Is_Device_OK())
             * {
             *   return;
             * }
             * if (!DLL_Get_Device_SN(stringlpszSN)) return;
             * if (!DLL_Get_HW_FW_REV(pdwHW, pdwFW)) return;
             * if (512 != DLL_Get_Pixel_Count())
             * {
             *   return;
             * }
             * //set device sensor mode to 0(HighSensitive) 1(High Dynamic)
             * if (fbgaSetting.HighDynamicRange)
             * {
             *   if (!DLL_Set_Sensor_Mode(1)) return;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *   if (!DLL_Set_Sensor_Mode(0)) return;
             * }
             * //set device sample integration time (1000us) and sample rate (500Hz) Tsr>Tint
             * if (!DLL_Set_IntegrationTime_SampleRate(500, 500)) return;
             *   mwlsModule.InitSLED(fbgaSetting.SLEDPower);
             * }
             * catch (InitMWLSException ex){
             *  fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.INITIALIZED;
             *  return;
             * }
             * catch (TurnOnMWLSException ex){
             *  fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.INITIALIZED_OFF;
             *  return;
             * }*/
            fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.INITIALIZED;
        public void Initialize(SettingFBGA fbgaSetting)
            int a;

            int[]         pdwHW        = new int[2];
            int[]         pdwFW        = new int[2];
            StringBuilder stringlpszSN = new StringBuilder(10);

            string lpszSystemFileDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.NOT_INITIALIZED;

            if (22002082 != DLL_Get_DLL_Version())
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: DLL version is not verified");

            a = DLL_Connect_System(lpszSystemFileDirectory);
            switch (a)
            case 0:

            case 1:
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Device is acquiring spectrum in continuous mode");

            case 2:
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Create USB instance failed");

            case 3:
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: No or multiple FBGA connected");

            case 4:
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Initialize device failed");

            case 5:
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Wrong sensor type");

            case 6:
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Allocate memory failed");

            case 7:
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Load system configuration file faile");

            case 8:
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Load calibration data file faile");

                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Device not detected");
            if (!DLL_Is_Device_OK())
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Device not OK");

            if (!DLL_Get_Device_SN(stringlpszSN))
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Get device serial number error");
            if (!DLL_Get_HW_FW_REV(pdwHW, pdwFW))
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Get HW FW error");
            if (512 != DLL_Get_Pixel_Count())
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Device pixel count != 512");
            //set device sensor mode to 0(HighSensitive) 1(High Dynamic)
            if (fbgaSetting.HighDynamicRange)
                if (!DLL_Set_Sensor_Mode(1))
                    throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Set sensor mode error");
                if (!DLL_Set_Sensor_Mode(0))
                    throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Set sensor mode error");
            //set device sample integration time (1000us) and sample rate (500Hz) Tsr>Tint
            if (!DLL_Set_IntegrationTime_SampleRate(fbgaSetting.IntegrationTime, 5000))
                throw new FBGAException("FBGA initialization failed: Set integrationTime/samplingRate error");
            fbgaMwlsStatus = USBDeviceStateEnum.INITIALIZED;