public void ConstructorShouldSetDatabaseName() { // Arrange var entities = new UMoviesEntities(); string dbName; // Act dbName = entities.Database.Connection.Database; // Assert Assert.AreEqual("UMovies", dbName); }
private async Task InitializeSignalR(string url) { _hubConnection?.Stop(); _hubConnection = new HubConnection(url); _soulstoneHub = _hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("umoviesHub"); _soulstoneHub.On <string>("Welcome", (message) => { try { ConsoleLog(message); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleLog("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message); } }); _soulstoneHub.On <string, string>("PlayMovie", (folderName, fileName) => { try { KillProcess(); InvokeConsoleLog(fileName); var movieFilePath = Path.Combine(_videoRootFolder, Path.Combine(folderName, fileName)); var arguments = $@"""{movieFilePath}"" /fullscreen"; InvokeConsoleLog(arguments); var processStart = new ProcessStartInfo(_videoPlayerPath, arguments); _process = Process.Start(processStart); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleLog("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message); } }); _soulstoneHub.On <int>("PlayAllMovieFiles", (movieId) => { try { KillProcess(); var entities = new UMoviesEntities(); var movie = entities.Movies.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == movieId); if (movie != null) { var movieFilePath = string.Empty; foreach (var movieFile in movie.MovieFiles) { movieFilePath += $@"""{Path.Combine(_videoRootFolder, Path.Combine(movie.MovieFolder, movieFile.FileName))}"" "; } var arguments = $@"/add /play {movieFilePath} /fullscreen"; InvokeConsoleLog(arguments); var processStart = new ProcessStartInfo(_videoPlayerPath, arguments); _process = Process.Start(processStart); } else { ConsoleLog($"Movie with id:{movieId} not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleLog("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message); } }); _soulstoneHub.On("PlayPause", () => { try { ConsoleLog("Play/Pause"); var input = new InputSimulator(); input.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL); input.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.VK_P); input.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleLog("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message); } }); _soulstoneHub.On("SkipBack", () => { try { ConsoleLog("Skip Back"); var input = new InputSimulator(); input.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL); input.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.VK_L); input.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleLog("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message); } }); _soulstoneHub.On("SkipForward", () => { try { ConsoleLog("Skip Forward"); var input = new InputSimulator(); input.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL); input.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.VK_R); input.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleLog("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message); } }); _soulstoneHub.On("PlayFromBeginning", () => { try { ConsoleLog("Play from the beginning"); var input = new InputSimulator(); input.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL); input.Keyboard.KeyPress(VirtualKeyCode.VK_B); input.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleLog("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message); } }); _soulstoneHub.On("ClosePlayer", () => { try { ConsoleLog("Closing Player"); KillProcess(); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleLog("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message); } }); try { await _hubConnection.Start(); } catch { InvokeConsoleLog("SignalR connection could not be established"); } if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Connected) { InvokeConsoleLog("SignalR connection established"); } _timer.Start(); }