Exemple #1
    // Set health and armor values, which are translated into fill amounts and text numbers
    public void SetHealthArmor(float healthCur, float healthMax, float armorCur, float armorMax, bool burnPossible)
        float healthRatio = healthCur / (Mathf.RoundToInt(healthMax) != 0 ? healthMax : 1);

        healthFill.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2((1 - healthRatio) * -rootWidth, healthFill.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y);

        foreach (Text text in healthText)
            text.text = StringFromFloat(healthCur) + "/" + StringFromFloat(healthMax);

        // Tooltip
        healthTooltip.SetText(!burnPossible ? "Burn Immune\nEven if this unit's health is below the burn threshold, it will not take burn damage over time." :
                              string.Format("Burn threshold: {0:0}\nIf health drops below this threshold, it will start taking {1:0} damage over every 10 seconds.", healthMax * gameRules.HLTH_burnThresh, (gameRules.HLTH_burnMin + gameRules.HLTH_burnMax) * 5));

        float armorRatio = armorCur / (Mathf.RoundToInt(armorMax) != 0 ? armorMax : 1);

        armorFill.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2((1 - armorRatio) * -rootWidth, armorFill.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y);

        foreach (Text text in armorText)
            text.text = StringFromFloat(armorCur) + "/" + StringFromFloat(armorMax);

        string armorToolotipText = Mathf.RoundToInt(armorMax) == 0 ? "This unit has no armor." :
                                   Mathf.FloorToInt(armorCur) < gameRules.ABLY_armorDrainGPSEnemy * 2 ? "Armor has been destroyed." :
                                   string.Format("Absorption limit: {0:0.0}\nCan take up to {0:0.0} damage in one shot before letting excess damage through to health.", (armorCur / armorMax) * gameRules.ARM_absorbScaling + gameRules.ARM_absorbFlat);

Exemple #2
    public void UpdateResCounter(int res, int rec)
        resText.text = res.ToString();
        recText.text = rec.ToString();

        // Tooltips
        resTooltip.SetText(string.Format("Resource points: {0}\nUsed primarily for calling in additional units.", res));
        recTooltip.SetText(string.Format("Raw materials: {0}\nRecovered from your destroyed units.", rec));
Exemple #3
    // Set visibility of the shield icon and set text number to be displayed next to the shield icon
    public void SetShields(float shieldsCur, float shieldsMax)
        if (Mathf.RoundToInt(shieldsMax) == 0)

        foreach (Text text in shieldsText)
            text.text = StringFromFloat(shieldsCur) + "/" + StringFromFloat(shieldsMax);

        shieldTooltip.SetText(Mathf.RoundToInt(shieldsMax) != 0 ?
                              string.Format("Current shield pool: {0:0.0} / {1:0.0}\nShields take damage before this unit's health pool and regenerate over time.", shieldsCur, shieldsMax) :
                              "This unit has no shields.");
Exemple #4
 // Set name to be displayed as the title of the EntityStats panel
 public void SetDisplayEntity(EntityType type)
     nameText.text = EntityUtils.GetDisplayName(type);
Exemple #5
 public void UpdateTime(float time)
     timeCur             = time;
     timeFill.fillAmount = minMaxFill.x + timeCur * (minMaxFill.y - minMaxFill.x);
     timeTooltip.SetText(string.Format("Next resource point in: {0:0.0}s\nEvery {1:0} seconds a raw material point is converted into a resource point.", (1 - time) * gameRules.RES_reclaimTime, gameRules.RES_reclaimTime));