public void buildReport() { Root = new RootElement (""); var v = new UIView (); v.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 600, 10); var dummy = new Section (v); Root.Add (dummy); var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (18), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Owner Fee Target Progress" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 20, 800, 48); view.Add (headerLabel); Root.Add (new Section (view)); // NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false).NumberFormat; for (int i = 0; i < report.branches.Count; i++) { Branch branch = report.branches [i]; Section s = new Section (; //var t1 = new StringElement( + " Branch Totals"); //s.Add(t1); Root.Add (s); for (int j = 0; j < branch.owners.Count; j++) { Owner o = branch.owners [j]; Section ownerSection = new Section (; ownerSection.Add (new BigFinanceElement ("Invoiced MTD Total: ", o.invoicedMTDTotal)); StyledStringElement recMTD = new StyledStringElement ("Recorded MTD"); recMTD.BackgroundColor = UIColor.LightGray; recMTD.TextColor = UIColor.White; ownerSection.Add (recMTD); ownerSection.Add (getElement (o.recordedMTD.achieved, "Achieved: ")); ownerSection.Add (getElement (o.recordedMTD.estimatedTarget, "Estimated Target: ")); ownerSection.Add (getElement (o.recordedMTD.invoicedDebits, "Invoiced Debits: ")); ownerSection.Add (getElement (o.recordedMTD.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); ownerSection.Add (getElement (, "Total: ")); // StyledStringElement recYTD = new StyledStringElement ("Recorded YTD"); recYTD.BackgroundColor = UIColor.LightGray; recYTD.TextColor = UIColor.White; ownerSection.Add (recYTD); ownerSection.Add (getElement (o.recordedYTD.achieved, "Achieved: ")); ownerSection.Add (getElement (o.recordedYTD.estimatedTarget, "Estimated Target: ")); ownerSection.Add (getElement (o.recordedYTD.invoiced, "Invoiced: ")); ownerSection.Add (getElement (o.recordedYTD.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); ownerSection.Add (getElement (, "Total: ")); Root.Add (ownerSection); } } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Root.Add (new Section (" ")); } }
public void buildReport() { Root = new RootElement (""); var v = new UIView (); v.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 600, 10); var dummy = new Section (v); Root.Add (dummy); var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (18), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Branch Matter Analysis" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 20, 800, 48); view.Add (headerLabel); Root.Add (new Section (view)); // for (int i = 0; i < report.branches.Count; i++) { Branch branch = report.branches [i]; Section s = new Section ( + " Branch Totals"); Root.Add (s); // if (branch.branchTotals.matterActivity != null) { var matterActivitySection = new Section (); var mTitle = new TitleElement ("Matter Activity"); matterActivitySection.Add (mTitle); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (, "Active Matters: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement ( branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.deactivated, "Deactivated Matters: " )); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.newWork, "New Work: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.workedOn, "Worked On: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.noActivity, "No Activity: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new StringElement ("No Activity Duration: " + branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.noActivityDuration)); Root.Add (matterActivitySection); } // if (branch.branchTotals.matterBalances != null) { var matterBalancesSection = new Section (); var mTitle = new TitleElement ("Matter Balances"); matterBalancesSection.Add (mTitle); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.BUSINESS) + ": ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.TRUST_BALANCE) + ": ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.matterBalances.investment, S.GetText (S.INVESTMENTS) + ": ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.matterBalances.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.matterBalances.pendingDisbursements, "Pending Disb.: ")); Root.Add (matterBalancesSection); } } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Root.Add (new Section (" ")); } }
public void buildReport() { Root = new RootElement (""); var v = new UIView (); v.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 600, 10); var dummy = new Section (v); Root.Add (dummy); var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (18), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Owner Matter Analysis" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48); view.Add (headerLabel); Root.Add (new Section (view)); //NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false).NumberFormat; for (int i = 0; i < report.branches.Count; i++) { Branch branch = report.branches [i]; Section s = new Section (; Root.Add (s); for (int j = 0; j < branch.owners.Count; j++) { Owner o = branch.owners [j]; Section seco = new Section (; var recMTD = new TitleElement ("Matter Activity"); seco.Add (recMTD); seco.Add (new NumberElement (, "Active: ")); seco.Add (new NumberElement (o.matterActivity.deactivated, "Deactivated: ")); seco.Add (new NumberElement (o.matterActivity.newWork, "New Work: ")); seco.Add (new NumberElement (o.matterActivity.workedOn, "Worked On: ")); seco.Add (new NumberElement (o.matterActivity.noActivity, "No Activity: ")); seco.Add (new StringElement ("No Activity Duration: " + o.matterActivity.noActivityDuration)); // var recYTD = new TitleElement ("Matter Balances"); seco.Add (recYTD); seco.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.BUSINESS) + ": ")); seco.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.TRUST) + ": ")); seco.Add (getElement (o.matterBalances.investment, S.GetText (S.INVESTMENTS) + ": ")); seco.Add (getElement (o.matterBalances.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); seco.Add (getElement (o.matterBalances.pendingDisbursements, "Pending Disb: ")); Root.Add (seco); } } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Root.Add (new Section (" ")); } }
/* * "practiceTotals":{"invoicedMTDTotal":0.0, "matterActivity":{"active":581,"workedOn":529,"newWork":581,"deactivated":0,"noActivity":0,"noActivityDuration":"6 Months"}, "matterBalances":{"unbilled":107253.15,"pendingDisbursements":500.0,"investment":-1000.0,"trust":-5852921.0,"business":704265.82}}}} */ public void buildFeeTargetReport() { //NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false).NumberFormat; Root = new RootElement (""); var v = new UIView (); v.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 600, 10); var dummy = new Section (v); Root.Add (dummy); var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (18), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Practice Matter Analysis" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48); view.Add (headerLabel); Root.Add (new Section (view)); PracticeTotals totals =; var totSection = new Section ("Practice Totals"); Root.Add (totSection); if (totals.matterActivity != null) { var matterActivitySection = new Section (); var mTitle = new TitleElement ("Matter Activity"); matterActivitySection.Add (mTitle); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (, "Active: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (totals.matterActivity.deactivated, "Deactivated: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (totals.matterActivity.newWork, "New Work: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (totals.matterActivity.workedOn, "Worked On: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (totals.matterActivity.noActivity, "No Activity: ")); matterActivitySection.Add (new StringElement ("No Activity Duration: " + totals.matterActivity.noActivityDuration)); Root.Add (matterActivitySection); } // if (totals.matterBalances != null) { var matterBalancesSection = new Section (); var mTitle = new TitleElement ("Matter Balances"); matterBalancesSection.Add (mTitle); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.BUSINESS) + ": ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.TRUST_BALANCE) + ": ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (totals.matterBalances.investment, S.GetText (S.INVESTMENTS) + ": ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (totals.matterBalances.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (totals.matterBalances.pendingDisbursements, "Pending Disb.: ")); Root.Add (matterBalancesSection); } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Root.Add (new Section (" ")); } }
public void buildReport() { Root = new RootElement (""); var v = new UIView (); v.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 600, 10); var dummy = new Section (v); Root.Add (dummy); var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (18), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Branch Fee Target Progress" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 20, 800, 48); view.Add (headerLabel); Root.Add (new Section (view)); for (int i = 0; i < report.branches.Count; i++) { Branch branch = report.branches [i]; Section s = new Section (; var t2 = new BigFinanceElement ("Invoiced MTD Total: ", branch.branchTotals.InvoicedMTDTotal); s.Add (t2); // Section s2 = new Section ( + " Recorded MTD"); s2.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.recordedMTD.achieved, "Achieved: ")); s2.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.recordedMTD.estimatedTarget, "Estimated Target: ")); s2.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.recordedMTD.invoicedDebits, "Invoiced Debits: ")); s2.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.recordedMTD.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); s2.Add (getElement (, "Total: ")); // Section s21 = new Section ( + " Recorded YTD"); s21.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.recordedYTD.achieved, "Achieved: ")); s21.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.recordedYTD.estimatedTarget, "Estimated Target: ")); s21.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.recordedYTD.invoiced, "Invoiced: ")); s21.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.recordedYTD.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); s21.Add (getElement (, "Total: ")); Root.Add (s); Root.Add (s2); Root.Add (s21); } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Root.Add (new Section (" ")); } }
private void BuildHeaderLabel() { string s = "Post Fee"; if (isUnbillable) { s = "Post Unbillable Fee"; } headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 480, 40)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (20), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = s }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 480, 40); view.Add (headerLabel); var topSection = new Section (view); Root.Add (topSection); String name = ""; if (matter != null) { name = matter.matterName; } var sec = new Section (name); var timeBased = new BooleanElement (S.GetText (S.TIME_BASED_ACTIVITY), isTimeBased); timeBased.ValueChanged += delegate { if (isBusy) { Busy (); return; } selectedTariff = null; feeAmount.Value = null; if (timeBased.Value == true) { isTimeBased = true; if (IsTariffCacheFilled ()) { RefreshFromCache (); BuildInterface (); } else { GetTariffCodes (100, DataUtil.TARIFF_CODE_TYPE_FEES); } } else { isTimeBased = false; if (IsTariffCacheFilled ()) { RefreshFromCache (); BuildInterface (); } else { GetTariffCodes (0, DataUtil.TARIFF_CODE_TYPE_FEES); } } }; sec.Add (timeBased); Root.Add (sec); }
private void BuildSections() { var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 370, 40)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (20), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Post Note" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 370, 40); view.Add (headerLabel); var topSection = new Section (view); Root.Add (topSection); string name = ""; if (matter != null) { name = matter.matterName; } var sec = new Section (name); // addBusySection (); var tarSec = new Section (); if (tariffList != null && tariffList.Count > 0) { btnTar = new StyledStringElement ("Select Activity Code"); btnTar.TextColor = ColorHelper.GetGPLightPurple (); btnTar.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center; btnTar.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator; btnTar.Tapped += delegate { if (tariffList == null) { } else { string[] btns = new string[tariffList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < tariffList.Count; i++) { btns [i] = tariffList [i].name; } actionSheet = new UIActionSheet ("Activity Codes", null, "Cancel", null, btns) { Style = UIActionSheetStyle.Default }; actionSheet.Clicked += delegate (object sender, UIButtonEventArgs args) { if (args.ButtonIndex == tariffList.Count) { //ignored - cancelled } else { narration.Value = tariffList [args.ButtonIndex].narration; selectedTariff = tariffList [args.ButtonIndex]; BuildInterface (); } }; actionSheet.ShowInView (View); } }; tarSec.Add (btnTar); } // var narrSec = new Section ("Note Narration"); if (selectedTariff == null) { narration = new EntryElement ("Narration", "Narration", null); } else { narrSec = new Section (; narration = new EntryElement ("Narration", "Narration", selectedTariff.narration); } narration.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.Default; narrSec.Add (narration); // picker = new UIDatePicker (); //picker.Frame = new RectangleF (10f, 10f, 320f, 320f); picker.Mode = UIDatePickerMode.Date; picker.Date = DateTime.Now; var pickerSection = new Section (picker); Root.Add (sec); Root.Add (tarSec); Root.Add (narrSec); Root.Add (pickerSection); BuildButtons (); }
private void buildInterface() { Console.WriteLine ("ProvisionDialog - building user interface"); Root = new RootElement ("GhostPractice Device Activation"); Section sec1 = new Section (); var welcome = new StyledStringElement ("Welcome to GhostPractice!", ""); welcome.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center; welcome.Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (30); welcome.TextColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (); sec1.Add (welcome); //Root.Add (sec1); // var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 700, 40)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (20), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Welcome to GhostPractice Mobile!" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 700, 40); view.Add (headerLabel); var topSection = new Section (view); Root.Add (topSection); // for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Root.Add (new Section (" ")); } var label = new Section ("Please enter the activation code that was given or sent to you by GhostPractice Support and send it to the office."); var sec2 = new Section (" "); Root.Add (sec2); Root.Add (label); // var sec3 = new Section (); activationCode = new EntryElement ("Activation Code", "Enter Activation Code", String.Empty); sec3.Add (activationCode); btn = new StyledStringElement ("Send Activation Code") { Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DetailDisclosureButton }; btn.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center; btn.BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (); btn.TextColor = UIColor.White; btn.Tapped += delegate() { if (!isBusy) { validate (); } else { Wait (); } }; btn.AccessoryTapped += delegate { if (!isBusy) { validate (); } else { Wait (); } }; sec4 = new Section (" "); sec4.Add (btn); Root.Add (sec3); Root.Add (sec4); }
public void BuildInterface() { Root.Clear (); var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 300, 40)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (20), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Practice Reports" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 300, 40); view.Add (headerLabel); var topSection = new Section (view); Root.Add (topSection); Root.Add (new Section (" ")); addBusySection (); // Root.Add (new Section (NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.StringForKey ("userName"))); var getReportsSection = new Section ("Report Selection"); btnFinance = new StyledStringElement ("Financial Status Report", null, UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle) { DetailColor = UIColor.Gray }; btnFinance.Tapped += delegate() { CheckIfBusy (FINANCIAL_STATUS); }; btnFinance.AccessoryTapped += delegate() { CheckIfBusy (FINANCIAL_STATUS); }; getReportsSection.Add (btnFinance); //getReportsSection.Add (new StringElement (" ")); // btnFeeTarget = new StyledStringElement ("Fee Target Progress Report", null, UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle) { DetailColor = UIColor.Gray }; btnFeeTarget.Tapped += delegate() { CheckIfBusy (FEE_TARGET); }; btnFeeTarget.AccessoryTapped += delegate() { CheckIfBusy (FEE_TARGET); }; getReportsSection.Add (btnFeeTarget); //getReportsSection.Add (new StringElement (" ")); // btnMatterAnalysis = new StyledStringElement ("Matter Analysis Report"); btnMatterAnalysis = new StyledStringElement ("Matter Analysis Report", null, UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle) { DetailColor = UIColor.Gray }; btnMatterAnalysis.Tapped += delegate() { CheckIfBusy (MATTER_ANALYSIS); }; btnMatterAnalysis.AccessoryTapped += delegate() { CheckIfBusy (MATTER_ANALYSIS); }; getReportsSection.Add (btnMatterAnalysis); //getReportsSection.Add (new StringElement (" ")); // Root.Add (getReportsSection); addImageSection (); }
public void BuildInterface() { if (Root == null) { Root = new RootElement (""); } Root.Clear (); String name = ""; if (searchResult != null) { name = searchResult.matterName; } headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (40, 10, 620, 40)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (20), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = name }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (40, 10, 620, 40); view.Add (headerLabel); var topSection = new Section (view); Root.Add (topSection); // var sec = new Section (""); matterName = new TitleElement ("Matter Details"); if (searchResult != null) { ownerName = new StringsElement ("Owner", searchResult.currentOwner); matterID = new NumberElement ( Convert.ToInt16 (searchResult.matterID), "Matter ID"); if (searchResult.matterLegacyAccount == null || searchResult.matterLegacyAccount.Trim () == "") { //ignore } else { legacy = new StringsElement ( "Legacy Account", searchResult.matterLegacyAccount ); } clientName = new StringsElement ("Client", "" + searchResult.clientName); } // var sec2 = new Section (""); if (matter == null) { busBal = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.BUSINESS_BALANCE) + ":", 0.00); currBal = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.CURRENT_BALANCE) + ":", 0.00); trustBal = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.TRUST_BALANCE) + ":", 0.00); reserveTrust = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.RESERVE_TRUST) + ":", 0.00); unbilled = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.UNBILLED_BALANCE) + ":", 0.00); pending = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.PENDING_DISBURSEMENTS) + ":", 0.00); investTrust = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.INVESTMENT_TRUST) + ":", 0.00); } else { busBal = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.BUSINESS_BALANCE) + ":", matter.businessBalance, deviceType); currBal = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.CURRENT_BALANCE) + ":", matter.currentBalance, deviceType); unbilled = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.UNBILLED_BALANCE) + ":", matter.unbilledBalance, deviceType); trustBal = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.TRUST_BALANCE) + ":", matter.trustBalance, deviceType); reserveTrust = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.RESERVE_TRUST) + ":", matter.reserveTrust, deviceType); pending = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.PENDING_DISBURSEMENTS) + ":", matter.pendingDisbursementBalance, deviceType); investTrust = new FinanceElement (S.GetText (S.INVESTMENT_TRUST) + ":", matter.investmentTrustBalance, deviceType ); } // sec.Add (matterName); sec.Add (clientName); sec.Add (ownerName); sec.Add (matterID); Root.Add (sec); // sec2.Add (busBal); sec2.Add (trustBal); sec2.Add (investTrust); sec2.Add (currBal); sec2.Add (reserveTrust); sec2.Add (unbilled); sec2.Add (pending); if (legacy != null) { sec2.Add (legacy); } Root.Add (sec2); }
public void buildFeeTargetReport() { //NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false).NumberFormat; Root = new RootElement ("Fee Target Progress"); var v = new UIView (); v.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 600, 10); var dummy = new Section (v); Root.Add (dummy); var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (18), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Practice Fee Target Progress" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 20, 800, 48); view.Add (headerLabel); Root.Add (new Section (view)); PracticeTotals totals =; var ptLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 24)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (24), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), Text = "Practice Totals" }; var totSection = new Section ("Practice Totals"); var tot1 = new BigFinanceElement ("Invoiced MTD Total: ", totals.invoicedMTDTotal); totSection.Add (tot1); Root.Add (totSection); if (totals.recordedMTD != null) { var mtdSection = new Section ("Recorded MTD"); mtdSection.Add (getElement (totals.recordedMTD.achieved, "Achieved: ")); mtdSection.Add (getElement (totals.recordedMTD.estimatedTarget, "Estimated Target: ")); mtdSection.Add (getElement (totals.recordedMTD.invoicedDebits, "Invoiced Debits: ")); mtdSection.Add (getElement (totals.recordedMTD.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); mtdSection.Add (getElement (, "Total: ")); Root.Add (mtdSection); } if (totals.recordedYTD != null) { var mtdSection = new Section ("Recorded YTD"); mtdSection.Add (getElement (totals.recordedYTD.achieved, "Achieved: ")); mtdSection.Add (getElement (totals.recordedYTD.estimatedTarget, "Estimated Target: ")); mtdSection.Add (getElement (totals.recordedYTD.invoiced, "Invoiced: ")); mtdSection.Add (getElement (totals.recordedYTD.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); mtdSection.Add (getElement (, "Total: ")); Root.Add (mtdSection); } if (totals.matterActivity != null) { var matterActivitySection = new Section ("Matter Activity"); var tot2 = new NumberElement (, "Active Matters: "); matterActivitySection.Add (tot2); var tot3 = new NumberElement (totals.matterActivity.deactivated, "Deactivated Matters: "); matterActivitySection.Add (tot3); var tot4 = new NumberElement (totals.matterActivity.newWork, "New Work: "); matterActivitySection.Add (tot4); var tot5 = new NumberElement (totals.matterActivity.noActivity, "No Activity: "); matterActivitySection.Add (tot5); var tot6 = new StringElement ("No Activity Duration: " + totals.matterActivity.noActivityDuration); matterActivitySection.Add (tot6); Root.Add (matterActivitySection); } // if (totals.matterBalances != null) { var matterBalancesSection = new Section ("Matter Balances"); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (, "Business: ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (totals.matterBalances.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (, "Trust Balance: ")); matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (totals.matterBalances.investment, "Investments: ")); Root.Add (matterBalancesSection); } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Root.Add (new Section (" ")); } }
public void buildReport() { Root = new RootElement (""); var v = new UIView (); v.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 600, 10); var dummy = new Section (v); Root.Add (dummy); var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (18), BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = UIColor.White, Text = "Branch Financial Status" }; var view = new UIViewBordered (); view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 20, 800, 48); view.Add (headerLabel); var topSection = new Section (view); Root.Add (topSection); //branch name view var branchLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 24)) { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (24), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, TextColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (), Text = }; var bs = new Section (; Root.Add (bs); var business = new Section (); business.Add (getElement (branch.businessStatus.businessDebtors, S.GetText (S.BUSINESS_DEBTORS) + ": ")); business.Add (getElement (branch.businessStatus.businessCreditors, S.GetText (S.BUSINESS_CREDITORS) + ": ")); business.Add (getElement (branch.businessStatus.banksTotal, "Banks Total: ")); business.Add (getElement (branch.businessStatus.pendingDisbursements, S.GetText (S.PENDING_DISBURSEMENTS) + ": ")); business.Add (getElement (branch.businessStatus.unbilled, "Unbilled: ")); business.Add (getElement (branch.businessStatus.vat, S.GetText (S.VAT) + ": ")); business.Add (getElement (branch.businessStatus.availableForTransfer, "Available for Transfer: ")); for (var i = 0; i < branch.businessStatus.banks.Count; i++) { var bn = new TitleElement (branch.businessStatus.banks [i].name); business.Add (bn); Bank bank = branch.businessStatus.banks [i]; business.Add (getElement (bank.balance, "Balance: ")); business.Add (getElement (bank.receiptsForPeriod, "Receipts: ")); business.Add (new StringElement ("Date Reconciled: " + bank.dateReconciled)); business.Add (getElement (bank.reconciledAmount, "Reconciled Amount: ")); } Root.Add (business); // var trust = new Section (S.GetText (S.TRUST_STATUS)); trust.Add (getElement (branch.trustStatus.banksTotal, "Banks Total: ")); trust.Add (getElement (branch.trustStatus.trustCreditors, S.GetText (S.TRUST_CREDITORS) + ": ")); trust.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.INVESTMENTS) + ": ")); for (var i = 0; i < branch.trustStatus.banks.Count; i++) { var bn = new TitleElement (branch.trustStatus.banks [i].name); trust.Add (bn); Bank bank = branch.trustStatus.banks [i]; trust.Add (getElement (bank.balance, "Balance: ")); trust.Add (getElement (bank.receiptsForPeriod, "Receipts: ")); trust.Add (new StringElement ("Date Reconciled: " + bank.dateReconciled)); trust.Add (getElement (bank.reconciledAmount, "Reconciled Amount: ")); } Root.Add (trust); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Root.Add (new Section (" ")); } }