void PushSliceTitle(int nSpriteID, int nWidth, int nHeight, float fx, float fy, float fBloodPos)
        UISpriteInfo sp = CAtlasMng.instance.GetSafeSpriteByID(nSpriteID);

        if (sp == null)
        int nAtlasID = sp.m_nAtlasID;
        int nStart   = m_aSprite.size;

        for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
            HUDVertex node = HUDVertex.QueryVertex();
            node.WorldPos  = m_vPos;
            node.ScreenPos = m_vScreenPos;
            node.SpriteID  = nSpriteID;
            node.AtlasID   = nAtlasID;
            node.Scale     = m_fScale;
            node.Offset.Set(fx, fy);
            node.Move.Set(0f, 0f);
            node.width  = (short)nWidth;
            node.height = (short)nHeight;
        SlicedFill(nSpriteID, nWidth, nHeight, nStart, fBloodPos);
Exemple #2
    static bool  IsChangeSprite(UISpriteInfo a, UISpriteInfo b)
        if (a == null || b == null)
            return(a == b);
        if (!IsSameRect(a.outer, b.outer))
        if (!IsSameRect(a.inner, b.inner))
        int nLeftA   = Mathf.RoundToInt(a.paddingLeft * a.outer.width);
        int nTopA    = Mathf.RoundToInt(a.paddingTop * a.outer.height);
        int nRightA  = Mathf.RoundToInt(a.paddingRight * a.outer.width);
        int nBottomA = Mathf.RoundToInt(a.paddingBottom * a.outer.height);

        int nLeftB   = Mathf.RoundToInt(b.paddingLeft * b.outer.width);
        int nTopB    = Mathf.RoundToInt(b.paddingTop * b.outer.height);
        int nRightB  = Mathf.RoundToInt(b.paddingRight * b.outer.width);
        int nBottomB = Mathf.RoundToInt(b.paddingBottom * b.outer.height);

        if (nLeftA != nLeftB || nTopA != nTopB || nRightA != nRightB || nBottomA != nBottomB)
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the sprite preview.
    /// </summary>

    public override void OnPreviewGUI(Rect rect, GUIStyle background)
        // 绘制预览面板
        if (mSprite == null || !mSprite.isValid)

        if (m_sprite == null)

        UISpriteInfo sp = AtlasMng_Editor.instance.GetSprite(mSprite.name);

        if (sp == null)

        UITexAtlas atlas = AtlasMng_Editor.instance.GetAltasBySpriteName(mSprite.name);

        if (atlas == null || atlas.m_material == null)
        Texture2D tex = atlas.m_material.mainTexture as Texture2D;

        if (tex == null)

        Rect outer = new Rect(sp.outer);
        Rect inner = new Rect(sp.inner);
        Rect uv    = outer;

        if (atlas.coordinates == UITexAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels)
            uv = HUDMath.ConvertToTexCoords(outer, tex.width, tex.height);
            outer = HUDMath.ConvertToPixels(outer, tex.width, tex.height, true);
            inner = HUDMath.ConvertToPixels(inner, tex.width, tex.height, true);
        HUDEditorTools.DrawSprite(tex, rect, outer, inner, uv, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
Exemple #4
    public void  InitSprite(int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0)
        ch      = '\0';
        AtlasID = -1;
        UISpriteInfo sp = CAtlasMng.instance.GetSafeSpriteByID(SpriteID);

        if (sp == null)

        AtlasID = sp.m_nAtlasID;
        width   = nWidth <= 0 ? (short)(sp.outer.width + 0.5f) : (short)nWidth;
        height  = nHeight <= 0 ? (short)(sp.outer.height + 0.5f) : (short)nHeight;
        Scale   = 1.0f;

        Rect       mOuterUV = sp.outer;
        UITexAtlas texAtlas = CAtlasMng.instance.GetAtlasByID(sp.m_nAtlasID);

        if (texAtlas != null && texAtlas.coordinates == UITexAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels)
            mOuterUV = HUDVertex.ConvertToTexCoords(mOuterUV, texAtlas.texWidth, texAtlas.texHeight);
        float fL = 0.0f;
        float fT = 0.0f;
        float fR = width;
        float fB = height;

        vecRU.Set(fR, fT);  // 右上角
        vecRD.Set(fR, fB);  // 右下角
        vecLD.Set(fL, fB);  // 左下角
        vecLU.Set(fL, fT);  // 左上角

        float uvR = mOuterUV.xMax;
        float uvL = mOuterUV.xMin;
        float uvB = mOuterUV.yMin;
        float uvT = mOuterUV.yMax;

        uvRU.Set(uvR, uvB);
        uvRD.Set(uvR, uvT);
        uvLD.Set(uvL, uvT);
        uvLU.Set(uvL, uvB);

        clrLD = clrLU = clrRD = clrRU = Color.white;
    public void PushIcon(HUDTilteType titleType, int nSpriteID)
        HudTitleAttribute titleAttrib = HudSetting.Instance.TitleSets[(int)titleType].GetTitle(0);

        UISpriteInfo sp      = CAtlasMng.instance.GetSafeSpriteByID(nSpriteID);
        int          nWidth  = 0;
        int          nHeight = 0;
        int          nStart  = m_aSprite.size;

        if (sp != null)
            nWidth  = (int)sp.outer.width;
            nHeight = (int)sp.outer.height;
            PushSprite(nSpriteID, nWidth, nHeight, 0.0f, titleAttrib.SpriteOffsetY);
        if (m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb] == null)
            m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb] = new HUDTilteLine();
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_nType       = titleType;
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_fWidth      = nWidth;
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_nHeight     = nHeight;
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_nStart      = nStart;
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_nEnd        = m_aSprite.size;
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_szText      = string.Empty;
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_nColorIndex = 0;
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_nLine       = m_nLines;
        m_TitleLine[m_nTitleNumb].m_nSpriteID   = nSpriteID;

        if (titleAttrib.AlignType == HUDAlignType.align_center)
            m_fCurLineWidth = nWidth;
        nHeight += titleAttrib.SpriteReduceHeight;
        if (nHeight < titleAttrib.LockMaxHeight && titleAttrib.LockMaxHeight > 0)
            nHeight = titleAttrib.LockMaxHeight;
        if (m_fCurLineHeight < nHeight)
            m_fCurLineHeight = nHeight;
Exemple #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the atlas and sprite selection fields.
    /// </summary>

    protected virtual bool DrawProperties()
        mSprite = target as MyUISpritePreView;
        // 属性绘制
        string spriteName = mSprite != null ? mSprite.name : "";

        if (m_sprite == null || m_sprite.name != spriteName)
            UISpriteInfo sprite = AtlasMng_Editor.instance.GetSprite(spriteName);
            if (m_bDirty)
                if (m_sprite != null)
                    UISpriteInfo oldSprite = AtlasMng_Editor.instance.GetSprite(m_sprite.name);
                    if (oldSprite != null)
                        oldSprite.Copy(m_sprite);                          // 自动取消修改
                m_bDirty = false;
            if (sprite != null)
                m_sprite = sprite.Clone();
        // Sprite selection drop-down list
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(spriteName))
                spriteName = "";
            GUILayout.Label(spriteName, GUILayout.Width(180f));

Exemple #7
 void OnDisable()
     if (m_bDirty)
         UISpriteInfo sprite = AtlasMng_Editor.instance.GetSprite(m_sprite.name);
         if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("提示", "你确定要保存当前的修改么?", "OK", "cancel"))
             // 修改吧
             if (sprite != null)
                 sprite.Copy(m_sprite);                      // 撤消修改
         m_bDirty = false;
    void UpdateMeridianNumber(int nMeridianNumb)
        // 必须是在最后
        if (0 == m_nMeridianIndex || m_nMeridianIndex != m_nTitleNumb - 1)
        // 先释放旧的吧
        HUDTilteLine title = m_TitleLine[m_nMeridianIndex];

        if (title.m_nType != HUDTilteType.HeadIcon)
        if (nMeridianNumb < 0)
            nMeridianNumb = 0;
        m_nMeridianNumb = nMeridianNumb;
        HudTitleAttribute titleAttrib = HudSetting.Instance.TitleSets[(int)HUDTilteType.HeadIcon].GetTitle(0);
        int nCharGap = titleAttrib.CharGap;

        int nPow = 1;

        while (nPow * 10 <= nMeridianNumb)
            nPow *= 10;

        int nWidth     = 0;
        int nHeight    = 0;
        int nMaxWidth  = 0;
        int nMaxHeight = 0;

        int[] PicID     = HudSetting.Instance.MeridianPic;
        int   nSpriteID = 0;
        int   nValue    = nMeridianNumb;
        int   nStart    = title.m_nStart;
        int   nEnd      = title.m_nEnd;
        int   nX        = 0;

        while (nPow > 0)
            int nIndex = nValue / nPow;
            nValue   %= nPow;
            nPow     /= 10;
            nSpriteID = PicID[nIndex];
            UISpriteInfo sp = CAtlasMng.instance.GetSafeSpriteByID(nSpriteID);
            nWidth     = (int)sp.outer.width;
            nHeight    = (int)sp.outer.height;
            nMaxWidth += nWidth + nCharGap;
            if (nMaxHeight < nHeight)
                nMaxHeight = nHeight;

            HUDVertex v = null;
            if (nStart < m_aSprite.size)
                v = m_aSprite[nStart];
                if (v.AtlasID != sp.m_nAtlasID)
                    if (v.hudMesh != null)
                    v.hudMesh = null;
                    v.AtlasID = sp.m_nAtlasID;
                v.SpriteID = nSpriteID;
                v.Offset.Set(nX, titleAttrib.SpriteOffsetY);
                v.InitSprite(nWidth, nHeight);
                v = PushSprite(nSpriteID, nWidth, nHeight, nX, titleAttrib.SpriteOffsetY);
            v.Scale = m_fScale;

            if (v.hudMesh == null)
                if (m_bInitHUDMesh)
                    v.hudMesh = m_pBatcher.m_MeshRender.QueryMesh(sp.m_nAtlasID);
            nX = nMaxWidth;

        title.m_nEnd = nStart;
        // 删除多余的
        for (--nEnd; nEnd >= nStart; --nEnd)
            HUDVertex v = m_aSprite[nEnd];
            if (v.hudMesh != null)
            v.hudMesh = null;

        nMaxWidth       -= nCharGap;
        title.m_fWidth   = nMaxWidth;
        title.m_nHeight  = nMaxHeight;
        nMaxHeight      += titleAttrib.SpriteReduceHeight;
        m_fCurLineWidth  = nMaxWidth;
        m_fCurLineHeight = nMaxHeight;
Exemple #9
    void  DrawEditData()
        Color blue  = new Color(0f, 0.7f, 1f, 1f);
        Color green = new Color(0.4f, 1f, 0f, 1f);

        // 绘制预览面板
        if (mSprite == null || !mSprite.isValid)
        if (m_sprite == null)
        UISpriteInfo sprite = AtlasMng_Editor.instance.GetSprite(mSprite.name);

        if (sprite == null)
        UITexAtlas atlas = AtlasMng_Editor.instance.GetAltasBySpriteName(mSprite.name);

        if (atlas == null)

        Rect inner = sprite.inner;
        Rect outer = sprite.outer;

        if (atlas.coordinates == UITexAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels)
            GUI.backgroundColor = green;

            // 渲染编辑对象
            outer = HUDEditorTools.IntRect("Dimensions", sprite.outer);

            Vector4 border = new Vector4(
                sprite.inner.xMin - sprite.outer.xMin,
                sprite.inner.yMin - sprite.outer.yMin,
                sprite.outer.xMax - sprite.inner.xMax,
                sprite.outer.yMax - sprite.inner.yMax);

            // 渲染编辑对象
            GUI.backgroundColor = blue;
            border = HUDEditorTools.IntPadding("Border", border);
            GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;

            inner.xMin = sprite.outer.xMin + border.x;
            inner.yMin = sprite.outer.yMin + border.y;
            inner.xMax = sprite.outer.xMax - border.z;
            inner.yMax = sprite.outer.yMax - border.w;
            // Draw the inner and outer rectangle dimensions
            GUI.backgroundColor = green;
            outer = EditorGUILayout.RectField("Outer Rect", sprite.outer);
            GUI.backgroundColor = blue;
            inner = EditorGUILayout.RectField("Inner Rect", sprite.inner);
            GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;

        if (outer.xMax < outer.xMin)
            outer.xMax = outer.xMin;
        if (outer.yMax < outer.yMin)
            outer.yMax = outer.yMin;

        if (outer != sprite.outer)
            float x = outer.xMin - sprite.outer.xMin;
            float y = outer.yMin - sprite.outer.yMin;

            inner.x += x;
            inner.y += y;

        // Sanity checks to ensure that the inner rect is always inside the outer
        inner.xMin = Mathf.Clamp(inner.xMin, outer.xMin, outer.xMax);
        inner.xMax = Mathf.Clamp(inner.xMax, outer.xMin, outer.xMax);
        inner.yMin = Mathf.Clamp(inner.yMin, outer.yMin, outer.yMax);
        inner.yMax = Mathf.Clamp(inner.yMax, outer.yMin, outer.yMax);

        bool changed = false;

        if (sprite.inner != inner || sprite.outer != outer)
            sprite.inner = inner;
            sprite.outer = outer;
            MarkSpriteAsDirty();              // 应用修改
            changed  = true;
            m_bDirty = true;


        if (atlas.coordinates == UITexAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels)
            int left   = Mathf.RoundToInt(sprite.paddingLeft * sprite.outer.width);
            int right  = Mathf.RoundToInt(sprite.paddingRight * sprite.outer.width);
            int top    = Mathf.RoundToInt(sprite.paddingTop * sprite.outer.height);
            int bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(sprite.paddingBottom * sprite.outer.height);

            HUDEditorTools.IntVector a = HUDEditorTools.IntPair("Padding", "Left", "Top", left, top);
            HUDEditorTools.IntVector b = HUDEditorTools.IntPair(null, "Right", "Bottom", right, bottom);

            if (changed || a.x != left || a.y != top || b.x != right || b.y != bottom)
                sprite.paddingLeft   = a.x / sprite.outer.width;
                sprite.paddingTop    = a.y / sprite.outer.height;
                sprite.paddingRight  = b.x / sprite.outer.width;
                sprite.paddingBottom = b.y / sprite.outer.height;
                MarkSpriteAsDirty();                  // 应用修改
                m_bDirty = true;
                changed  = true;
            // Create a button that can make the coordinates pixel-perfect on click
                GUILayout.Label("Correction", GUILayout.Width(75f));

                Rect corrected0 = outer;
                Rect corrected1 = inner;

                if (atlas.coordinates == UITexAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels)
                    corrected0 = HUDMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected0);
                    corrected1 = HUDMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected1);
                    corrected0 = HUDMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected0, atlas.texWidth, atlas.texHeight);
                    corrected1 = HUDMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected1, atlas.texWidth, atlas.texHeight);

                if (corrected0 == sprite.outer && corrected1 == sprite.inner)
                    GUI.color = Color.grey;
                    GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                else if (GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect"))
                    outer       = corrected0;
                    inner       = corrected1;
                    GUI.changed = true;
                    m_bDirty    = true;
                    changed     = true;

        if (changed)
            m_bDirty = IsChangeSprite(m_sprite, sprite);

        GUI.backgroundColor = m_bDirty ? Color.green : Color.white;
        if (GUILayout.Button("修改"))
            if (m_bDirty && m_sprite != null)
                MarkSpriteAsDirty();                  // 应用修改
                m_bDirty = false;
        if (GUILayout.Button("撤消"))
            MarkSpriteAsDirty();              // 应用修改
            m_bDirty = false;
        GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;

        if (HUDEditorTools.previousSelection != null)

            //GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;

            //if (GUILayout.Button("<< Return to " + NGUIEditorTools.previousSelection.name))
            //    NGUIEditorTools.SelectPrevious();
            //GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
Exemple #10
    protected void SlicedFill(int nSpriteID, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nStart, float fBloodPos)
        UISpriteInfo sp = CAtlasMng.instance.GetSafeSpriteByID(nSpriteID);

        if (sp == null)
        if (fBloodPos < 0.0)
            fBloodPos = 0.0f;
        if (fBloodPos > 1.0f)
            fBloodPos = 1.0f;
        int nBloodWidth = (int)(nWidth * fBloodPos + 0.5f);

        int  nAtlasID = sp.m_nAtlasID;
        Rect mOuterUV = sp.outer;
        Rect mInnerUV = sp.inner;
        int  nOuterW  = (int)(mOuterUV.width + 0.5f);
        int  nOuterH  = (int)(mOuterUV.height + 0.5f);
        //int nInnerW = (int)(mInnerUV.width + 0.5f);
        //int nInnerH = (int)(mInnerUV.height + 0.5f);
        int        nW1      = (int)(mInnerUV.xMin - mOuterUV.xMin + 0.5f);
        int        nH1      = (int)(mInnerUV.yMin - mOuterUV.yMin + 0.5f);
        int        nW2      = (int)(mOuterUV.xMax - mInnerUV.xMax + 0.5f);
        int        nH2      = (int)(mOuterUV.yMax - mInnerUV.yMax + 0.5f);
        UITexAtlas texAtlas = CAtlasMng.instance.GetAtlasByID(sp.m_nAtlasID);

        if (texAtlas != null && texAtlas.coordinates == UITexAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels)
            mOuterUV = HUDVertex.ConvertToTexCoords(mOuterUV, texAtlas.texWidth, texAtlas.texHeight);
            mInnerUV = HUDVertex.ConvertToTexCoords(mInnerUV, texAtlas.texWidth, texAtlas.texHeight);
        if (nOuterW > 0 && nW1 + nW2 > nBloodWidth)
            nW1 = nBloodWidth * nW1 / nOuterW;
            nW2 = nBloodWidth - nW1;
        if (nOuterH > 0 && nH1 + nH2 > nHeight)
            nH1 = nHeight * nH1 / nOuterH;
            nH2 = nHeight - nH1;
        //if (nOuterW > 0)
        //    nW1 = nW1 * nBloodWidth / nOuterW;
        //    nW2 = nW2 * nBloodWidth / nOuterW;
        //if (nOuterH > 0)
        //    nH1 = nH1 * nHeight / nOuterH;
        //    nH2 = nH2 * nHeight / nOuterH;

        int nMW = nBloodWidth - nW1 - nW2;
        int nMH = nHeight - nH1 - nH2;

        HUDVertex v0 = m_aSprite[nStart];
        HUDVertex v1 = m_aSprite[nStart + 1];
        HUDVertex v2 = m_aSprite[nStart + 2];
        HUDVertex v3 = m_aSprite[nStart + 3];
        HUDVertex v4 = m_aSprite[nStart + 4];
        HUDVertex v5 = m_aSprite[nStart + 5];
        HUDVertex v6 = m_aSprite[nStart + 6];
        HUDVertex v7 = m_aSprite[nStart + 7];
        HUDVertex v8 = m_aSprite[nStart + 8];

        //  (mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMin)
        //                              (mInnerUV.xMin, mInnerUV.yMin)
        //                                                                   (mInnerUV.yMin, mInnerUV.yMax)
        //                                                                                 (mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMax)
        // a6  a7   a8         a0   a1   a2
        // a3  a4   a5    ==>  a3   a4   a5
        // a0  a1   a2         a6   a7   a8
        float fIn_xMin = mInnerUV.xMin;
        float fIn_xMax = mInnerUV.xMax;
        float fIn_yMin = mInnerUV.yMin;
        float fIn_yMax = mInnerUV.yMax;
        float fOu_xMin = mOuterUV.xMin;
        float fOu_xMax = mOuterUV.xMax;
        float fOu_yMin = mOuterUV.yMin;
        float fOu_yMax = mOuterUV.yMax;

        float fX2 = nW1 + nMW;
        float fY2 = nH2 + nMH;

        v0.SlicedFill(nW1, nH2, 0f, 0f, fOu_xMin, fOu_yMin, fIn_xMin, fIn_yMin);
        v1.SlicedFill(nMW, nH2, nW1, 0f, fIn_xMin, fOu_yMin, fIn_xMax, fIn_yMin);
        v2.SlicedFill(nW2, nH2, fX2, 0f, fIn_xMax, fOu_yMin, fOu_xMax, fIn_yMin);

        v3.SlicedFill(nW1, nMH, 0f, nH2, fOu_xMin, fIn_yMin, fIn_xMin, fIn_yMax);
        v4.SlicedFill(nMW, nMH, nW1, nH2, fIn_xMin, fIn_yMin, fIn_xMax, fIn_yMax);
        v5.SlicedFill(nW2, nMH, fX2, nH2, fIn_xMax, fIn_yMin, fOu_xMax, fIn_yMax);

        v6.SlicedFill(nW1, nH1, 0f, fY2, fOu_xMin, fIn_yMax, fIn_xMin, fOu_yMax);
        v7.SlicedFill(nMW, nH1, nW1, fY2, fIn_xMin, fIn_yMax, fIn_xMax, fOu_yMax);
        v8.SlicedFill(nW2, nH1, fX2, fY2, fIn_xMax, fIn_yMax, fOu_xMax, fOu_yMax);

        v0.Scale = m_fScale;
        v1.Scale = m_fScale;
        v2.Scale = m_fScale;
        v3.Scale = m_fScale;
        v4.Scale = m_fScale;
        v5.Scale = m_fScale;
        v6.Scale = m_fScale;
        v7.Scale = m_fScale;
        v8.Scale = m_fScale;