void Awake()
     if (this.slot == null)
         this.slot = this.GetComponent <UISpellSlot>();
		public void OnUnassignSpellSlot(UISpellSlot slot)
			if (this.enabled && this.m_TargetGraphic != null)
				this.m_TargetGraphic.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, this.m_UnassignedSize.x);
				this.m_TargetGraphic.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, this.m_UnassignedSize.y);
		public void OnSpellClick(UISpellSlot slot)
			// Make sure we have the cast bar component and the slot is assigned
			if (this.m_CastBar == null || !slot.IsAssigned())
			// Check if we are already casting
			if (this.m_CastBar.IsCasting)
			// Get the spell info from the slot
			UISpellInfo spellInfo = slot.GetSpellInfo();
			// Make sure we have spell info
			if (spellInfo == null)
			// Check if we are on cooldown
			if (spellInfo.Cooldown > 0f && slot.cooldownComponent != null && slot.cooldownComponent.IsOnCooldown)
			// Check if the spell is not insta cast
			if (!spellInfo.Flags.Has(UISpellInfo_Flags.InstantCast))
				// Start casting
				this.m_CastBar.StartCasting(spellInfo, spellInfo.CastTime, Time.time + spellInfo.CastTime);
			// Handle cooldown just for the demonstration
			if (slot.cooldownComponent != null && spellInfo.Cooldown > 0f)
				// Start the cooldown on all the slots with the specified spell id
				foreach (UISpellSlot s in UISpellSlot.GetSlots())
					if (s.IsAssigned() && s.GetSpellInfo() != null && s.cooldownComponent != null)
						// If the slot IDs match
						if (s.GetSpellInfo().ID == spellInfo.ID)
							// Start the cooldown
							s.cooldownComponent.StartCooldown(spellInfo.ID, spellInfo.Cooldown);
	void Awake()
		if (this.slot == null)
			this.slot = this.GetComponent<UISpellSlot>();
		/// <summary>
		/// Raises the assign spell event.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="spellSlot">The spell slot.</param>
		public void OnAssignSpell(UISpellSlot spellSlot)
			// Return if the slot is not valid
			if (spellSlot == null || spellSlot.GetSpellInfo() == null)

			// Get the spell info
			UISpellInfo spellInfo = spellSlot.GetSpellInfo();

			// Check if this spell still has cooldown
			if (spellCooldowns.ContainsKey(spellInfo.ID))
				float cooldownTill = spellCooldowns[spellInfo.ID].endTime;
				// Check if the cooldown isnt expired
				if (cooldownTill > Time.time)
					// Resume the cooldown
					// Cooldown already expired, remove the record
		/// <summary>
		/// Raises the unassign event.
		/// </summary>
		public void OnUnassignSpell(UISpellSlot spellSlot)