private void OnQuery_TARGET_CAPACITY()
     if (capacityPopup == null)
         capacityPopup = Realizes("ScrollablePopupList", GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_CAPACITY), false);
     if (!(capacityPopup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[capacityNames.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             if (MonoBehaviourSingleton <LoungeMatchingManager> .I.IsInLounge())
                 array[i] = (i >= createRequest.capacity - 2);
                 array[i] = true;
         int select_index = capacityIndex;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(capacityPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_CAPACITY), 6, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, capacityNames.ToArray(), array, select_index, delegate(int index)
             capacityIndex = index;
 private void ShowLevelPopup()
     //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     //IL_002a: Expected O, but got Unknown
     //IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     if (popup == null)
         popup = GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_FIELD).GetComponentInChildren <UIScrollablePopupList>(true).get_transform();
     if (!(popup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[fields.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = true;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(popup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_FIELD), 4, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, fields.ToArray(), array, popupIndex, delegate(int index)
             popupIndex = index;
 private void ShowEnemySpeciesPopup()
     if (speciesPopup == null)
         speciesPopup = Realizes("ScrollablePopupList", GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_ENEMY_TYPE), false);
     if (!(speciesPopup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[enemySpeciesNames.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = true;
         int select_index = 0;
         for (int j = 0; j < enemySpeciesNames.Count; j++)
             if (enemySpeciesNames[j] == searchRequest.targetEnemySpeciesName)
                 searchRequest.enemySpeciesIndex = j;
                 select_index = searchRequest.enemySpeciesIndex;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(speciesPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_ENEMY_TYPE), 8, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, enemySpeciesNames.ToArray(), array, select_index, delegate(int index)
             searchRequest.enemySpeciesIndex      = index;
             searchRequest.targetEnemySpeciesName = enemySpeciesNames[index];
 private void ShowMaxFloorPopup()
     if (maxFloorPopup == null)
         maxFloorPopup = Realizes(PopUpPrefabName, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_MAX_FLOOR), false);
     if (!(maxFloorPopup == null))
         int    currentSelectMaxFloorIndex = getCurrentSelectMaxFloorIndex();
         bool[] array = new bool[maxFloorList.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = (i >= getCurrentSelectMinFloorIndex());
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(maxFloorPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_MAX_FLOOR), 7, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, maxFloorList, array, currentSelectMaxFloorIndex, delegate(int index)
             searchParam.maxFloorQuestId = questIdList[index];
 private void ShowLevelPopup()
     if (levelPopup == null)
         levelPopup = Realizes("ScrollablePopupList", GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_LEVEL), false);
     if (!(levelPopup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[enemyLevelNames.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = (i <= maxLevelIndex);
         int enemyLevelIndex = challengeRequest.enemyLevelIndex;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(levelPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_LEVEL), 5, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, enemyLevelNames.ToArray(), array, enemyLevelIndex, delegate(int index)
             challengeRequest.enemyLevelIndex = index;
             challengeRequest.enemyLevel      = enemyLevelList[index];
 private void OnQuery_TARGET_LOCK()
     if (lockPopup == null)
         lockPopup = Realizes("ScrollablePopupList", GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_LOCK), false);
     if (!(lockPopup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[lockNames.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = true;
         int select_index = lockIndex;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(lockPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_LOCK), 2, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, lockNames.ToArray(), array, select_index, delegate(int index)
             lockIndex = index;
             createRequest.SetLockSetting(lockIndex == 1);
 private void OnQuery_TARGET_LABEL()
     if (labelPopup == null)
         labelPopup = Realizes("ScrollablePopupList", GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_LABEL), false);
     if (!(labelPopup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[labels.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = true;
         int select_index = labelIndex;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(labelPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_LABEL), 5, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, labels, array, select_index, delegate(int index)
             labelIndex = index;
 private void ShowMaxLevelPopup()
     if (maxLevelPopup == null)
         maxLevelPopup = Realizes("ScrollablePopupList", GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_MAX_LEVEL), false);
     if (!(maxLevelPopup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[levelNames.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = (i >= minLevelIndex);
         int select_index = maxLevelIndex;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(maxLevelPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_MAX_LEVEL), 8, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, levelNames.ToArray(), array, select_index, delegate(int index)
             maxLevelIndex = index;
 private void OnQuery_TARGET_LEVEL()
     if (levelPopup == null)
         levelPopup = Realizes("ScrollablePopupList", GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_MIN_LEVEL), false);
     if (!(levelPopup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[levelNames.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = true;
         int select_index = levelIndex;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(levelPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_MIN_LEVEL), levelNames.Count, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, levelNames.ToArray(), array, select_index, delegate(int index)
             levelIndex = index;
 private void ShowMaxLevelPopup()
     if (maxLevelPopup == null)
         maxLevelPopup = Realizes("ScrollablePopupList", GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_MAX_LEVEL), false);
     if (!(maxLevelPopup == null))
         bool[] array = new bool[enemyLevelNames.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             array[i] = (i >= searchRequest.enemyMinLevelIndex);
         int enemyMaxLevelIndex = searchRequest.enemyMaxLevelIndex;
         UIScrollablePopupList.CreatePopup(maxLevelPopup, GetCtrl(UI.POP_TARGET_MAX_LEVEL), 6, UIScrollablePopupList.ATTACH_DIRECTION.BOTTOM, true, enemyLevelNames.ToArray(), array, enemyMaxLevelIndex, delegate(int index)
             searchRequest.enemyMaxLevelIndex = index;
             searchRequest.enemyLevelMax      = enemyLevelList[index];