private void showSpeedCounter() { if (activatedSpeedCounter && speedCounterText != null) { if (Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle()) { if (trapStarted) { if (Tools.getSpeedInKmh(lastVehicle.Speed) < bombTriggerSpeedInKmh + 5) { speedCounterText.Color = Color.Red; } else if (Tools.getSpeedInKmh(lastVehicle.Speed) < bombTriggerSpeedInKmh + 10) { speedCounterText.Color = Color.Orange; } else { speedCounterText.Color = Color.Green; } } else { speedCounterText.Color = Color.WhiteSmoke; } speedCounterShadow.Caption = Tools.getVehicleSpeedInKmh(Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle); speedCounterShadow.Draw(); speedCounterText.Caption = Tools.getVehicleSpeedInKmh(Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle); speedCounterText.Draw(); } } }
private static void OnTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Main.IsConnected()) { VersionLabel.Draw(new Size()); } }
private void DrawChatboxInput() { if (Main.PlayerSettings.UseClassicChat) { var pos = GetInputboxPos(Main.PlayerSettings.ScaleChatWithSafezone); _mainScaleform.Render2DScreenSpace( new PointF(pos.X + Main.PlayerSettings.ChatboxXOffset, pos.Y + Main.PlayerSettings.ChatboxYOffset), new PointF(GTA.UI.Screen.Width, GTA.UI.Screen.Height)); return; } //float realSize = StringMeasurer.MeasureString(CurrentInput ?? ""); float realSize = UIResText.MeasureStringWidth(CurrentInput ?? "", Font.ChaletLondon, 0.45f); //realSize /= 0.35f; _inputboxBorderRectangle.Size = new SizeF(Math.Max(600 + borderWidth * 2, borderWidth * 2 + realSize + 20), 35 + borderWidth * 2); _inputboxBorderRectangle.Draw(); _inputboxRectangle.Size = new SizeF(Math.Max(600, realSize + 20), 35); _inputboxRectangle.Draw(); _inputboxText.Caption = (CurrentInput ?? "") + (_tick ? "|" : ""); _inputboxText.Draw(); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastTick).TotalMilliseconds > 800) { _lastTick = DateTime.Now; _tick = !_tick; } }
private void DrawPlayerName(Player player, float x, float y) { UIResText playerNameText = new UIResText(player.Name, new PointF(x, y), 0.45f); playerNameText.DropShadow = true; playerNameText.Draw(); }
private void DrawPlayerLevel(Player player, float x, float y) { int playerLVL = Level.GetPlayerLVL(player); UIResText playerNameText = new UIResText($"LVL {playerLVL}", new PointF(x, y), 0.45f, Color.FromArgb(255, 102, 178, 255)); playerNameText.DropShadow = true; playerNameText.Draw(); }
private void DrawMoneyText() { UIResText moneyText = new UIResText($"{MONEY} $", new PointF(320f, 1024f), 0.7f, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 153, 0), Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Left); moneyText.DropShadow = true; moneyText.Draw(); }
private void DrawLevelText() { UIResText levelText = new UIResText($"{Strings.LEVEL} {LVL}", new PointF(320f, 863f), 0.6f, Color.FromArgb(255, 102, 178, 255), Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Left); levelText.DropShadow = true; levelText.Draw(); }
public static void DrawSimpleText(String text, int x, int y, float scale = .4f, Color?_color = null) { var pt = new Point(x, y); Color color = (_color.HasValue) ? _color.Value : Color.White; var ui = new UIResText(text, pt, scale, color); ui.Draw(); }
private void DrawTitle() { UIResRectangle titleRec = new UIResRectangle(new PointF(POS_X, POS_Y), new SizeF(SCOREBOARD_LENGTH, TITLE_HEIGHT), Color.FromArgb(220, 0, 0, 0)); titleRec.Draw(); int playerAmount = Players.Count(); UIResText titleText = new UIResText($"{playerAmount} Players", new PointF(POS_X + 5f, POS_Y + 2f), 0.4f); titleText.Draw(); }
public Missions() { startMission(); Tick += new Func <Task>(async delegate { await Task.FromResult(0); Vector3 pos = Game.PlayerPed.Position; UIResText posText = new UIResText($"{pos.X} {pos.Y} {pos.Z}", new PointF(1280, 3), 0.5f); posText.Draw(); }); }
public void Draw() { if (!Visible) { return; } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_timeStarted).TotalMilliseconds >= Time) { Visible = false; return; } _bg.Size = new Size(410, 45 + 30 * (_text.Caption.Split('\n').Length - 1)); _bg.Draw(); _text.Draw(); }
private void DrawMoneyChangeText() { UIResText moneyChangeText = new UIResText("", new PointF(320f, 995f), 0.5f, Color.Empty, Font.Pricedown, UIResText.Alignment.Left); if (moneyChangeTextAmount > 0) { moneyChangeText.Caption = $"+ {moneyChangeTextAmount}$"; moneyChangeText.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 153, 0); } else { moneyChangeText.Caption = $"- {moneyChangeTextAmount * -1}$"; moneyChangeText.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 153, 0, 0); } moneyChangeText.Draw(); }
public void Update(bool invert, float minX, float maxX, float sensitivity) { if ((Game.Player.IsAiming || Game.Player.Character.IsShooting) && Rendering) { _artificalCrosshair.Position = new Point((int)(UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMantainRatio().Width / 2) - 5, (int)(UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMantainRatio().Height / 2) - 15); _artificalCrosshair.Draw(); } if (Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle != null) { _pivot.SetNoCollision(Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle, true); } // Move with the target. _pivot.Position = Game.Player.Character.Position + Game.Player.Character.Quaternion * PivotOffset; // Get the mouse x input axes. var xInput = Game.GetControlNormal(2, Control.LookUpDown); // NOTE: You could even go as far as to implement your own z axis rotation, as shown for the xInput axis. // Use the default sensitivity. _x -= xInput * sensitivity * Game.LastFrameTime; // Invert if we choose. if (invert) { _x = -_x; } // Clamp the x axis. _x = Mathf.Clamp(_x, minX, maxX); // Get the rotation. var rotation = new Vector3(_x, 0, GameplayCamera.Rotation.Z); // Rotate the pivot. _pivot.Rotation = rotation; _camera.Rotation = _pivot.Rotation; }
private void drawPosText() { Vector3 pos = Game.PlayerPed.Position; UIResText posText = new UIResText($"{pos.X} {pos.Y} {pos.Z}", new PointF(1280, 3), 0.5f); posText.Draw(); }
public override void Draw() { if (!Visible) { return; } base.Draw(); var res = Screen.ResolutionMaintainRatio; var alpha = Focused ? 120 : 30; var blackAlpha = Focused ? 200 : 100; var fullAlpha = Focused ? 255 : 150; var submenuWidth = (BottomRight.X - TopLeft.X); var itemSize = new Size(submenuWidth, 40); int i = 0; for (int c = _minItem; c < Math.Min(Items.Count, _maxItem); c++) { var hovering = Screen.IsMouseInBounds(SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(0, (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), itemSize); var hasLeftBadge = Items[c].LeftBadge != UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.None; var hasRightBadge = Items[c].RightBadge != UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.None; var hasBothBadges = hasRightBadge && hasLeftBadge; var hasAnyBadge = hasRightBadge || hasLeftBadge; new UIResRectangle(SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(0, (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), itemSize, (Index == c && Focused) ? Color.FromArgb(fullAlpha, Color.White) : Focused && hovering ? Color.FromArgb(100, 50, 50, 50) : Color.FromArgb(blackAlpha, Color.Black)).Draw(); new UIResText(Items[c].Text, SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point((hasBothBadges ? 60 : hasAnyBadge ? 30 : 6), 5 + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), 0.35f, Color.FromArgb(fullAlpha, (Index == c && Focused) ? Color.Black : Color.White)).Draw(); if (hasLeftBadge && !hasRightBadge) { new Sprite(UIMenuItem.BadgeToSpriteLib(Items[c].LeftBadge), UIMenuItem.BadgeToSpriteName(Items[c].LeftBadge, (Index == c && Focused)), SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(-2, 1 + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), new Size(40, 40), 0f, UIMenuItem.BadgeToColor(Items[c].LeftBadge, (Index == c && Focused))).Draw(); } if (!hasLeftBadge && hasRightBadge) { new Sprite(UIMenuItem.BadgeToSpriteLib(Items[c].RightBadge), UIMenuItem.BadgeToSpriteName(Items[c].RightBadge, (Index == c && Focused)), SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(-2, 1 + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), new Size(40, 40), 0f, UIMenuItem.BadgeToColor(Items[c].RightBadge, (Index == c && Focused))).Draw(); } if (hasLeftBadge && hasRightBadge) { new Sprite(UIMenuItem.BadgeToSpriteLib(Items[c].LeftBadge), UIMenuItem.BadgeToSpriteName(Items[c].LeftBadge, (Index == c && Focused)), SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(-2, 1 + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), new Size(40, 40), 0f, UIMenuItem.BadgeToColor(Items[c].LeftBadge, (Index == c && Focused))).Draw(); new Sprite(UIMenuItem.BadgeToSpriteLib(Items[c].RightBadge), UIMenuItem.BadgeToSpriteName(Items[c].RightBadge, (Index == c && Focused)), SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(25, 1 + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), new Size(40, 40), 0f, UIMenuItem.BadgeToColor(Items[c].RightBadge, (Index == c && Focused))).Draw(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Items[c].RightLabel)) { new UIResText(Items[c].RightLabel, SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(BottomRight.X - SafeSize.X - 5, 5 + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), 0.35f, Color.FromArgb(fullAlpha, (Index == c && Focused) ? Color.Black : Color.White), Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Right).Draw(); } if (Items[c] is UIMenuCheckboxItem) { string textureName = ""; if (c == Index && Focused) { textureName = ((UIMenuCheckboxItem)Items[c]).Checked ? "shop_box_tickb" : "shop_box_blankb"; } else { textureName = ((UIMenuCheckboxItem)Items[c]).Checked ? "shop_box_tick" : "shop_box_blank"; } new Sprite("commonmenu", textureName, SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(BottomRight.X - SafeSize.X - 60, -5 + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)), new Size(50, 50)).Draw(); } else if (Items[c] is UIMenuListItem) { var convItem = (UIMenuListItem)Items[c]; var yoffset = 5; var basePos = SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(BottomRight.X - SafeSize.X - 30, yoffset + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)); var arrowLeft = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowleft", basePos, new Size(30, 30)); var arrowRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowright", basePos, new Size(30, 30)); var itemText = new UIResText("", basePos, 0.35f, Color.White, Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Left) { TextAlignment = UIResText.Alignment.Right }; string caption = convItem.Items[convItem.Index].ToString(); float offset = Screen.GetTextWidth(caption, itemText.Font, itemText.Scale); var selected = c == Index && Focused; itemText.Color = convItem.Enabled ? selected ? Color.Black : Color.WhiteSmoke : Color.FromArgb(163, 159, 148); itemText.Caption = caption; arrowLeft.Color = convItem.Enabled ? selected ? Color.Black : Color.WhiteSmoke : Color.FromArgb(163, 159, 148); arrowRight.Color = convItem.Enabled ? selected ? Color.Black : Color.WhiteSmoke : Color.FromArgb(163, 159, 148); arrowLeft.Position = SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(BottomRight.X - SafeSize.X - 60 - (int)offset, yoffset + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)); if (selected) { arrowLeft.Draw(); arrowRight.Draw(); itemText.Position = SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(BottomRight.X - SafeSize.X - 30, yoffset + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)); } else { itemText.Position = SafeSize.AddPoints(new Point(BottomRight.X - SafeSize.X - 5, yoffset + (itemSize.Height + 3) * i)); } itemText.Draw(); } if (Focused && hovering && Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, Control.CursorAccept)) { bool open = Index == c; Index = (1000 - (1000 % Items.Count) + c) % Items.Count; if (!open) { Function.Call(Hash.PLAY_SOUND_FRONTEND, -1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 1); } else { if (Items[Index] is UIMenuCheckboxItem) { Function.Call(Hash.PLAY_SOUND_FRONTEND, -1, "SELECT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 1); ((UIMenuCheckboxItem)Items[Index]).Checked = !((UIMenuCheckboxItem)Items[Index]).Checked; ((UIMenuCheckboxItem)Items[Index]).CheckboxEventTrigger(); } else { Function.Call(Hash.PLAY_SOUND_FRONTEND, -1, "SELECT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 1); Items[Index].ItemActivate(null); } } } i++; } }
private void TickEvent(List <Events.TickNametagData> nametags) { // Get the current time var dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // Check if the player is connected if (playerLogged) { // Disable reloading Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 140, true); if (Vehicles.lastPosition != null) { if (Player.LocalPlayer.Vehicle == null) { Vehicles.RemoveSpeedometerEvent(null); } else { Vehicles.UpdateSpeedometer(); } } // Update the player's money each 450ms if (dateTime.Ticks - lastTimeChecked.Ticks >= 4500000) { // Check if the player is loaded var money = Player.LocalPlayer.GetSharedData(Constants.HAND_MONEY); if (money != null) { playerMoney = Convert.ToInt32(money) + "$"; lastTimeChecked = dateTime; } } if (Fishing.fishingState > 0) { Fishing.DrawFishingMinigame(); } // Draw the money UIResText.Draw(playerMoney, 1900, 60, Font.Pricedown, 0.5f, Color.DarkOliveGreen, UIResText.Alignment.Right, true, true, 0); // Check if the player if (Pad.IsControlJustPressed(0, (int)Control.VehicleSubPitchDownOnly) && Player.LocalPlayer.Vehicle != null) { Trucker.CheckPlayerStoredCrate(); } // Check if the player is handcuffed if (Police.handcuffed) { Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 12, true); Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 13, true); Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 14, true); Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 15, true); Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 16, true); Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 17, true); Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 22, true); Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 24, true); Pad.DisableControlAction(0, 25, true); } } // Detect if a key has been pressed var key = Keys.DetectPressedKey(dateTime.Ticks); if (key >= 0) { Keys.FireKeyPressed(key); } }