private void Init(UITexture ui_tex, float fov, LOADER_TYPE loader_type = LOADER_TYPE.ITEM) { //IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (model == null) { uiTexture = ui_tex; uiRenderTexture = UIRenderTexture.Get(ui_tex, fov, false, -1); model = Utility.CreateGameObject("UIModel", uiRenderTexture.modelTransform, uiRenderTexture.renderLayer); switch (loader_type) { case LOADER_TYPE.PLAYER: playerLoader = model.get_gameObject().AddComponent <PlayerLoader>(); break; case LOADER_TYPE.NPC: npcLoader = model.get_gameObject().AddComponent <NPCLoader>(); break; case LOADER_TYPE.ITEM: itemLoader = model.get_gameObject().AddComponent <ItemLoader>(); break; case LOADER_TYPE.ENEMY: enemyLoader = model.get_gameObject().AddComponent <EnemyLoader>(); break; } modelLayer = uiRenderTexture.renderLayer; } }
public void LoadPlayer(PlayerLoadInfo load_info) { //IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0122: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (playerShadow == null) { playerShadow = PlayerLoader.CreateShadow(MonoBehaviourSingleton <StageManager> .I.stageObject, false, -1, false); playerShadow.get_transform().set_position(parameter.playerPos + new Vector3(0f, 0.005f, 0f)); } ShaderGlobal.lightProbe = false; if (!(playerLoader != null) || !playerLoader.loadInfo.Equals(load_info)) { if (renderTexture != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(renderTexture); } renderTexture = UIRenderTexture.Get(uiTexture, -1f, true, -1); renderTexture.Disable(); renderTexture.nearClipPlane = parameter.renderTextureNearClip; int num = -1; if (MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .IsValid()) { num = ((!MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.statusScene.isChangeHairShader) ? (-1) : MonoBehaviourSingleton <UserInfoManager> .I.userStatus.hairColorId); } playerLoader = renderTexture.modelTransform.get_gameObject().AddComponent <PlayerLoader>(); PlayerLoader obj = playerLoader; int use_hair_overlay = num; obj.StartLoad(load_info, renderTexture.renderLayer, PLAYER_ANIM_TYPE.GetStatus(MonoBehaviourSingleton <UserInfoManager>, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, SHADER_TYPE.NORMAL, delegate { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) playerLoader.get_transform().set_position(parameter.playerPos); playerLoader.get_transform().set_eulerAngles(new Vector3(0f, (viewMode != 0) ? parameter.avatarPlayerRot : parameter.playerRot, 0f)); if (MonoBehaviourSingleton <UserInfoManager> .IsValid()) { UserStatus userStatus = MonoBehaviourSingleton <UserInfoManager> .I.userStatus; float num2 = ( != 0) ? parameter.playerScaleFemale : parameter.playerScaleMale; playerLoader.get_transform().set_localScale(playerLoader.get_transform().get_localScale().Mul(new Vector3(num2, num2, num2))); } renderTexture.Enable(0.25f); }, true, use_hair_overlay); } }
public static StoryCharacter Initialize(int id, UITexture ui_tex, string _name, string _dir, string idle_anim) { //IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e3: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fe: Expected O, but got Unknown NPCTable.NPCData nPCData = Singleton <NPCTable> .I.GetNPCData(_name); if (nPCData == null) { return(null); } UIRenderTexture uIRenderTexture = UIRenderTexture.Get(ui_tex, -1f, true, -1); uIRenderTexture.Disable(); uIRenderTexture.nearClipPlane = 1f; uIRenderTexture.farClipPlane = 100f; Transform val = Utility.CreateGameObject("StoryModel", uIRenderTexture.modelTransform, uIRenderTexture.renderLayer); StoryCharacter storyCharacter = val.get_gameObject().AddComponent <StoryCharacter>(); storyCharacter.model = val; = id; storyCharacter.renderTex = uIRenderTexture; storyCharacter.uiTex = ui_tex; storyCharacter.charaName = _name; storyCharacter.aliasName = string.Empty; storyCharacter.SetStandPosition(_dir, false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idle_anim)) { storyCharacter.idleAnim = PlayerAnimCtrl.StringToEnum(nPCData.anim); } else { storyCharacter.idleAnim = PlayerAnimCtrl.StringToEnum(idle_anim); } storyCharacter.isLoading = true; ModelLoaderBase modelLoaderBase = nPCData.LoadModel(val.get_gameObject(), false, false, storyCharacter.OnModelLoadComplete, false); storyCharacter.npcLoader = (modelLoaderBase as NPCLoader); storyCharacter.CollectTween(ui_tex.get_transform()); return(storyCharacter); }
public void LoadModel(int index, CharaInfo user_info) { //IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (user_info == null) { if (index <= 3 && index >= 0) { userIndex = index; } DeleteModel(); userIndex = -1; userInfo = null; } else { userIndex = index; userInfo = user_info; if (index <= 3) { UITexture componentInChildren = this.GetComponentInChildren <UITexture>(); if (MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.questSelect.isRightDepthForward) { componentInChildren.depth = index; } else { componentInChildren.depth = 3 - index; } renderTexture = UIRenderTexture.Get(componentInChildren, -1f, false, -1); renderTexture.nearClipPlane = 4f; model = Utility.CreateGameObject("PlayerModel", renderTexture.modelTransform, -1); model.set_localPosition(new Vector3(0f, -1.1f, 8f)); model.set_eulerAngles(new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f)); this.StartCoroutine(Loading()); } } }
private IEnumerator RunScript() { Transform camera_t = MonoBehaviourSingleton <AppMain> .I.mainCameraTransform; for (int cmd_row = 0; cmd_row < scriptCommands.Count; cmd_row++) { string cmd = scriptCommands[cmd_row].cmd; string p0 = scriptCommands[cmd_row].p0; string p = scriptCommands[cmd_row].p1; string p2 = scriptCommands[cmd_row].p2; string p3 = scriptCommands[cmd_row].p3; string msg = scriptCommands[cmd_row].msg; switch (cmd) { case "WAIT": { float time = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p0)) ? float.Parse(p0) : 0f; while (true) { yield return((object)null); if (time > 0f) { time -= Time.get_deltaTime(); } else if (!MonoBehaviourSingleton <ResourceManager> .I.isLoading && !InstantiateManager.isBusy && !MonoBehaviourSingleton <TransitionManager> .I.isTransing && !(charas.Find((StoryCharacter o) => o.isMoving) != null) && !cameraPosAnim.IsPlaying()) { break; } } break; } case "FADE_IN": eventReceiver.FadeIn(); break; case "FADE_OUT": { Color c = Color.get_black(); switch (p0) { case "BLUE": c = Color.get_blue(); break; case "WHITE": c = Color.get_white(); break; case "RED": c = Color.get_red(); break; case "YELLOW": c = Color.get_yellow(); break; } eventReceiver.FadeOut(c); break; } case "CHR_EASE": { StoryCharacter.EaseDir type = (!(p == "L")) ? StoryCharacter.EaseDir.RIGHT : StoryCharacter.EaseDir.LEFT; bool forward = (!(p2 == "IN")) ? true : false; StoryCharacter chara = FindChara(p0); if (chara != null) { while (chara.isLoading) { yield return((object)null); } chara.PlayTween(type, forward, null); } break; } case "EFF_SHOW": { LoadObject load_obj = effectPrefabs.Get(p0); if (load_obj != null) { while (load_obj.isLoading) { yield return((object)null); } Transform effect = ResourceUtility.Realizes(load_obj.loadedObject, effectRenderTex.modelTransform, 1); Vector3 pos = Vector3.get_zero(); StoryCharacter chara2 = FindChara(p); if (chara2 != null) { pos = chara2.model.get_position(); } Vector3 position = camera_t.get_position(); pos.y = position.y; effect.set_position(pos); if (float.TryParse(p2, out float scale)) { effect.set_localScale(new Vector3(scale, scale, scale)); } } break; } case "SE_PLAY": { int se_id = int.Parse(p0); SoundManager.PlayOneShotUISE(se_id); break; } case "BGM_CHANGE": { int bgm_id = int.Parse(p0); MonoBehaviourSingleton <SoundManager> .I.requestBGMID = bgm_id; break; } case "CHR_SHOW": { StoryCharacter chara5 = FindChara(p0); if (chara5 != null) { while (chara5.isLoading) { yield return((object)null); } FadeCharacter(true, chara5); yield return((object)new WaitForSeconds(MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.storyScene.charaFadeTime)); } break; } case "CHR_HIDE": { StoryCharacter chara7 = FindChara(p0); if (chara7 != null) { while (chara7.isLoading) { yield return((object)null); } FadeCharacter(false, chara7); yield return((object)new WaitForSeconds(MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.storyScene.charaFadeTime)); } break; } case "CHR_ROT": { StoryCharacter chara8 = FindChara(p0); if (chara8 != null) { float angle; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)) { chara8.RotateDefault(); } else if (p == "F") { chara8.RotateFront(); } else if (float.TryParse(p, out angle)) { chara8.RotateAngle(angle); } } break; } case "CHR_POSE": { StoryCharacter chara9 = FindChara(p0); if (chara9 != null) { chara9.RequestPose(p); } break; } case "CHR_STAND": { StoryCharacter chara10 = FindChara(p0); if (chara10 != null) { chara10.SetStandPosition(p, true); } break; } case "CHR_SCALE": { StoryCharacter chara11 = FindChara(p0); if (chara11 != null) { Vector3 scale2 = new Vector3 { x = float.Parse(p), y = float.Parse(p), z = float.Parse(p) }; chara11.SetModelScale(scale2); } break; } case "CHR_FACE": { StoryCharacter chara12 = FindChara(p0); if (chara12 != null) { chara12.RequestFace(p, p2); } break; } case "CAM_SET": { int camIndex2 = int.Parse(p0); if (0 <= camIndex2 && cameraPositions.Length > camIndex2) { float x = float.Parse(p); float y = float.Parse(p2); float z = float.Parse(p3); cameraPositions[camIndex2] = new Vector3(x, y, z); } break; } case "CAM_MOV": { int camIndex = int.Parse(p0); if (0 <= camIndex && cameraPositions.Length > camIndex) { ((InterpolatorBase <Vector3>)cameraPosAnim).Set(0.3f, cameraPositions[camIndex], null, default(Vector3), null); cameraPosAnim.Play(); } break; } case "CAM_PAN": { StoryCharacter chara6 = FindChara(p0); if (chara6 != null) { int charaShowCount = GetCharaShowCount(); switch (charaShowCount) { case 1: { Vector3 position2 = chara6.model.get_position(); Vector3 pos3; pos3.x = position2.x; Transform chara_neck = (!(p == "F")) ? Utility.Find(chara6.model, "Neck") : Utility.Find(chara6.model, "Spine01"); if (chara_neck != null) { Vector3 position3 = chara_neck.get_position(); pos3.y = position3.y; } else { pos3.y = initCameraPos.y; } if (p == "N") { pos3.z = MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.storyScene.cameraPanNearZ; } else if (p == "F") { pos3.z = MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.storyScene.cameraPanFarZ; } else { pos3.z = MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.storyScene.cameraPanNormalZ; } ((InterpolatorBase <Vector3>)cameraPosAnim).Set(0.3f, pos3, null, default(Vector3), null); cameraPosAnim.Play(); break; } case 2: ((InterpolatorBase <Vector3>)cameraPosAnim).Set(0.3f, MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.storyScene.duoCameraPos, null, default(Vector3), null); cameraPosAnim.Play(); break; default: if (3 <= charaShowCount) { ((InterpolatorBase <Vector3>)cameraPosAnim).Set(0.3f, MonoBehaviourSingleton <OutGameSettingsManager> .I.storyScene.trioCameraPos, null, default(Vector3), null); cameraPosAnim.Play(); } break; } } else { Vector3 pos2; pos2.x = 0f; pos2.y = initCameraPos.y; pos2.z = 0f; ((InterpolatorBase <Vector3>)cameraPosAnim).Set(0.3f, pos2, null, default(Vector3), null); cameraPosAnim.Play(); } break; } case "CHR_ALIAS": { StoryCharacter chara4 = FindChara(p0); if (chara4 != null) { chara4.SetAliasName(p); } break; } case "MSG": { MSG_TYPE msg_type = MSG_TYPE.NORMAL; if (p == "M" || p == "MONOLOGUE") { msg_type = MSG_TYPE.MONOLOGUE; } waitMessage = true; StoryCharacter chara3 = FindChara(p0); msg = GetReplacedText(msg); eventReceiver.AddMessage((!(chara3 != null)) ? p0 : chara3.displayName, msg, (chara3 != null) ? chara3.dir : POS.NONE, msg_type); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p2)) { int voice_id = int.Parse(p2); SoundManager.PlayVoice(voice_id, 1f, 0u, null, null); } break; } case "BG": { bool isFirstLoad = false; LoadingQueue load_queue = new LoadingQueue(this); if (locationRednerTex != null) { locationRednerTex.Release(); } else { isFirstLoad = true; } int loc_image_id = int.Parse(p0); int loc_sky_id = int.Parse(p); ResourceManager.enableCache = false; LoadObject lo_loc_image = (loc_image_id <= 0) ? null : load_queue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.STORY_LOCATION_IMAGE, ResourceName.GetStoryLocationImage(loc_image_id), false); LoadObject lo_loc_sky = (loc_sky_id <= 0) ? null : load_queue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.STORY_LOCATION_SKY, ResourceName.GetStoryLocationSky(loc_sky_id), false); yield return((object)load_queue.Wait()); ResourceManager.enableCache = true; locationRednerTex = UIRenderTexture.Get(locationTex, -1f, false, 0); locationRednerTex.Disable(); locationRednerTex.orthographicSize = (float)locationTex.height * 0.5f * 0.01f; locationRednerTex.modelTransform.set_position(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 10f)); locationRoot = Utility.CreateGameObject("LocationRoot", locationRednerTex.modelTransform, locationRednerTex.renderLayer); locationRoot.set_localPosition(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 3f)); locationRoot.set_localScale(new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 1f)); if (lo_loc_image != null) { locationImageRoot = Utility.CreateGameObject("LocationImageRoot", locationRoot, locationRednerTex.renderLayer); locationImage = ResourceUtility.Realizes(lo_loc_image.loadedObject, locationImageRoot, locationRednerTex.renderLayer); } if (lo_loc_sky != null) { locationSky = ResourceUtility.Realizes(lo_loc_sky.loadedObject, locationRoot, locationRednerTex.renderLayer); locationSky.set_localPosition(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f)); } locationRednerTex.Enable(0.25f); if (isFirstLoad) { eventReceiver.EndLoadFirstBG(); } break; } } while (waitMessage) { yield return((object)null); } } isRunning = false; FocusChara(null); eventReceiver.EndStory(); }
private IEnumerator LoadScriptResources() { Transform camera_t = MonoBehaviourSingleton <AppMain> .I.mainCameraTransform; initCameraPos = camera_t.get_position(); cameraPosAnim.Set(initCameraPos); LoadingQueue load_queue = new LoadingQueue(this); for (int cmd_row = 0; cmd_row < scriptCommands.Count; cmd_row++) { string cmd = scriptCommands[cmd_row].cmd; string p4 = scriptCommands[cmd_row].p0; string p3 = scriptCommands[cmd_row].p1; string p2 = scriptCommands[cmd_row].p2; switch (cmd) { case "EFF_SHOW": { LoadObject load_obj = load_queue.LoadEffect(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.EFFECT_ACTION, p4, false); effectPrefabs.Add(p4, load_obj); if (effectRenderTex == null) { effectRenderTex = UIRenderTexture.Get(effectTex, -1f, true, 1); effectRenderTex.Enable(0.25f); } break; } case "SE_PLAY": try { int se_id = int.Parse(p4); load_queue.CacheSE(se_id, null); } catch { Log.Error(LOG.EXCEPTION, "{0}コマンドのSEIDに整数ではない値が指定されています。", cmd); } break; case "MSG": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p2)) { try { int voice_id = int.Parse(p2); load_queue.CacheVoice(voice_id, null); } catch { Log.Error(LOG.EXCEPTION, "{0}コマンドのボイスIDに整数ではない値が指定されています。", cmd); } } break; case "CHR_LOAD": { int id = -1; for (int i = 0; (float)i < 4f; i++) { if (charas.Find((StoryCharacter o) => == ((_003CLoadScriptResources_003Ec__IteratorC1) /*Error near IL_02d5: stateMachine*/)._003Ci_003E__11) == null) { id = i; break; } } if (id != -1) { UITexture ui_tex = eventReceiver.GetModelUITexture(id); if (ui_tex != null) { StoryCharacter chara = StoryCharacter.Initialize(id, ui_tex, p4, p3, p2); if (chara != null) { charas.Add(chara); } } } break; } } } while (MonoBehaviourSingleton <ResourceManager> .I.isLoading || InstantiateManager.isBusy) { yield return((object)null); } isLoading = false; }
private IEnumerator DoInitialize() { uint regionId = MonoBehaviourSingleton <FieldManager> .I.currentMapData.regionId; LoadingQueue loadQueue = new LoadingQueue(this); LoadObject loadedExploreMapFrame = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.WORLDMAP, "ExploreMapFrame", false); LoadObject loadedExploreMap = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.WORLDMAP, "ExploreMap_" + regionId.ToString("D3"), false); LoadObject loadedPlayerMarker = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.WORLDMAP, "ExplorePlayerMarker", false); LoadObject loadedCircle = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.WORLDMAP, "ExploreCircle", false); LoadObject loadedBattleIcon = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.WORLDMAP, "ExploreBattleMarker", false); LoadObject loadedFootprint = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.WORLDMAP, "ExploreTraceMarker", false); LoadObject loadedFindIcon = null; LoadObject loadedDirSonar = null; LoadObject loadedSonarTexture = null; if (openType == OPEN_MAP_TYPE.SONAR) { loadedFindIcon = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.WORLDMAP, "ExploreExclametionMarker", false); loadedDirSonar = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.EFFECT_UI, "ef_ui_sonar_02", false); loadedSonarTexture = loadQueue.Load(RESOURCE_CATEGORY.WORLDMAP, "ExploreSonarTexture", false); CacheAudio(loadQueue); } if (loadQueue.IsLoading()) { yield return((object)loadQueue.Wait()); } Transform exploreMapFrame = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedExploreMapFrame.loadedObject, base._transform, -1); Transform exploreMap = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedExploreMap.loadedObject, exploreMapFrame, -1); Transform map = exploreMap.FindChild("Map"); map.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); mapRoot_ = exploreMap.GetComponent <ExploreMapRoot>(); ExploreMapLocation[] locations = mapRoot_.locations; for (int k = 0; k < locations.Length; k++) { Transform active = locations[k].get_transform().FindChild("ExploreSpotActive"); Transform inactive = locations[k].get_transform().FindChild("ExploreSpotInactive"); Transform sonar = locations[k].get_transform().FindChild("ExploreSpotSonar"); active.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); inactive.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); List <FieldMapTable.FieldGimmickPointTableData> gimmicks = Singleton <FieldMapTable> .I.GetFieldGimmickPointListByMapID((uint)locations[k].mapId); if (gimmicks != null && sonar != null) { for (int i = 0; i < gimmicks.Count; i++) { if (gimmicks[i].gimmickType == FieldMapTable.FieldGimmickPointTableData.GIMMICK_TYPE.SONAR) { active.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); inactive.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); sonar.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); } } } } mapRoot_.UpdatePortals(false); ExploreMapFrame frame = exploreMapFrame.GetComponent <ExploreMapFrame>(); frame.SetMap(mapRoot_); RegionTable.Data regionData = Singleton <RegionTable> .I.GetData(regionId); if (regionData != null) { frame.SetCaption(regionData.regionName); } for (int j = 0; j < playerMarkers_.Length; j++) { playerMarkers_[j] = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedPlayerMarker.loadedObject, exploreMapFrame, -1); ExplorePlayerMarker marker = playerMarkers_[j].GetComponent <ExplorePlayerMarker>(); if (null != marker) { marker.SetIndex(j); } marker.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); } mapRoot_.SetMarkers(playerMarkers_, false); ExploreStatus.TraceInfo[] traceHistory = MonoBehaviourSingleton <QuestManager> .I.GetBossTraceHistory(); if (traceHistory != null && traceHistory.Length > 0) { Transform lastFootprint = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedFootprint.loadedObject, exploreMap, -1); ExploreStatus.TraceInfo lastInfo = traceHistory[traceHistory.Length - 1]; Vector3 lastPos = mapRoot_.GetPositionOnMap(lastInfo.mapId); lastFootprint.set_localPosition(new Vector3(lastPos.x + 22f, lastPos.y + 33f, lastPos.z)); lastFootprint.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); if (traceHistory.Length > 1) { Transform lastSecondFootprint = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedFootprint.loadedObject, exploreMap, -1); ExploreStatus.TraceInfo lastSecondInfo = traceHistory[traceHistory.Length - 2]; Vector3 lastSecondPos = mapRoot_.GetPositionOnMap(lastSecondInfo.mapId); lastSecondFootprint.set_localPosition(new Vector3(lastSecondPos.x + 22f, lastSecondPos.y + 33f, lastSecondPos.z)); lastSecondFootprint.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); } } redCircle = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedCircle.loadedObject, exploreMap, -1); redCircle.set_localScale(new Vector3(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f)); battleIcon = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedBattleIcon.loadedObject, exploreMap, -1); if (mapRoot_.showBattleMarker && openType != OPEN_MAP_TYPE.SONAR) { int bossMapId = MonoBehaviourSingleton <QuestManager> .I.GetExploreBossAppearMapId(); Vector3 pos = mapRoot_.GetPositionOnMap(bossMapId); redCircle.set_localPosition(pos); battleIcon.set_localPosition(new Vector3(pos.x + 22f, pos.y + 33f, pos.z)); TweenAlpha tweenAlpha = redCircle.GetComponent <TweenAlpha>(); if (null != tweenAlpha) { tweenAlpha.from =; } redCircle.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); battleIcon.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); } else { redCircle.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); battleIcon.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); } if (openType == OPEN_MAP_TYPE.SONAR) { tapToSkip = Utility.FindChild(exploreMapFrame, "TaptoSkip"); Transform backGround = Utility.FindChild(exploreMapFrame, "BG"); backGround.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); bgEventListener = UIEventListener.Get(backGround.get_gameObject()); Transform close = Utility.FindChild(exploreMapFrame, "CaptionRoot/Close"); if (close != null) { close.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); } findIcon = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedFindIcon.loadedObject, exploreMap, -1); findIcon.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); sonarTexture = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedSonarTexture.loadedObject, exploreMap, -1); UITexture uiTex = sonarTexture.get_gameObject().GetComponentInChildren <UITexture>(); UIRenderTexture renderTexture = UIRenderTexture.Get(uiTex, mapRoot_.GetSonarFov(), false, -1); renderTexture.modelTransform.set_localPosition(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 150f)); sonarDirEffect = ResourceUtility.Realizes(loadedDirSonar.loadedObject, renderTexture.modelTransform, renderTexture.renderLayer); sonarDirEffect.set_localScale(Vector2.op_Implicit(mapRoot_.GetSonarScale())); sonarDirEffect.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); renderTexture.Enable(0.25f); renderTexture.renderCamera.set_backgroundColor(mapRoot_.sonarBackGroundColor); mapRoot_.SetDirectionSonar(sonarDirEffect.get_gameObject()); } base.Initialize(); }