Exemple #1
            public TextMenu(int id) : base(new ResText("Caption", new Point(1920 / 2, 1080 / 2), 0.325f), $"TEXT #{id}")
                var x = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("X", "", 0, 1920, 1).WithTextEditing();

                x.Value         = Text.Position.X;
                x.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    Text.Position = new Point(x.Value, Text.Position.Y);

                var y = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Y", "", 0, 1080, 1).WithTextEditing();

                y.Value         = Text.Position.Y;
                y.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    Text.Position = new Point(Text.Position.X, y.Value);

                var scale = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <float>("Scale", "", 0.0f, 100.0f, 0.01f)
                    Formatter = v => v.ToString("0.00")

                scale.Value         = Text.Scale;
                scale.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    Text.Scale = scale.Value;

                AddItems(x, y, scale);
                this.WithFastScrollingOn(x, y, scale);
Exemple #2
            public RectMenu(int id) : base(new ResRectangle(new Point(1920 / 2, 1080 / 2), new Size(100, 100), Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 0, 0)), $"RECT #{id}")
                var x = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("X", "", 0, 1920, 1).WithTextEditing();

                x.Value         = Rect.Position.X;
                x.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    Rect.Position = new Point(x.Value, Rect.Position.Y);

                var y = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Y", "", 0, 1080, 1).WithTextEditing();

                y.Value         = Rect.Position.Y;
                y.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    Rect.Position = new Point(Rect.Position.X, y.Value);

                var w = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Width", "", 0, 5000, 1).WithTextEditing();

                w.Value         = Rect.Size.Width;
                w.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    Rect.Size = new Size(w.Value, Rect.Size.Height);

                var h = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Height", "", 0, 5000, 1).WithTextEditing();

                h.Value         = Rect.Size.Height;
                h.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    Rect.Size = new Size(Rect.Size.Width, h.Value);

                AddItems(x, y, w, h);
                this.WithFastScrollingOn(x, y, w, h);
            public ButtonMenu(InstructionalButton button) : base(Plugin.MenuTitle, "INSTRUCTIONAL BUTTONS: " + button.Text.ToUpper())

                this.button = button;

                var text = new UIMenuItem("Text", "")
                    Enabled = true
                .WithTextEditing(() => buttonText,
                                 s =>
                    buttonText         = s;
                    this.button.Button = s;

                var control = new UIMenuListScrollerItem <GameControl>("Control", "", (GameControl[])System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(GameControl)))
                    Enabled      = false,
                    SelectedItem = buttonControl

                control.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    buttonControl      = control.SelectedItem;
                    this.button.Button = control.SelectedItem;

                var rawId = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <uint>("Raw ID", "", 0, 2048, 1)
                    Enabled = false,
                    Value   = buttonRawId

                rawId.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    buttonRawId        = rawId.Value;
                    this.button.Button = rawId.Value;

                var instructionalKey = new UIMenuListScrollerItem <InstructionalKey>("Instructional Key", "", ((InstructionalKey[])System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(InstructionalKey))).Distinct())
                    Enabled      = false,
                    SelectedItem = buttonInstructionalKey

                instructionalKey.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    buttonInstructionalKey = instructionalKey.SelectedItem;
                    this.button.Button     = instructionalKey.SelectedItem;

                var type = new UIMenuListScrollerItem <string>("Type", "", new[] { "Text", "Control", "Raw ID", "Instructional Key" });

                type.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    const int TextIdx = 0, ControlIdx = 1, RawIdIdx = 2, InstructionalKeyIdx = 3;

                    text.Enabled             = n == TextIdx;
                    control.Enabled          = n == ControlIdx;
                    rawId.Enabled            = n == RawIdIdx;
                    instructionalKey.Enabled = n == InstructionalKeyIdx;

                    this.button.Button = n switch
                        TextIdx => buttonText,
                        ControlIdx => buttonControl,
                        RawIdIdx => buttonRawId,
                        InstructionalKeyIdx => buttonInstructionalKey,
                        _ => buttonText

                var remove = new UIMenuItem("Remove");

                remove.Activated += (m, s) =>
                    UIMenu     parentMenu = ParentMenu;
                    UIMenuItem parentItem = ParentItem;




                    foreach (UIMenu child in parentMenu.Children.Values)

                AddItems(type, text, control, rawId, instructionalKey, remove);
        private void CreateMenuItems()
            var bg = Util.NewColorsItem("Background", $"Modifies the ~b~{nameof(RAGENativeUI.Elements.InstructionalButtons)}.{nameof(RAGENativeUI.Elements.InstructionalButtons.BackgroundColor)}~s~ property.");

            bg.SelectedItem = HudColor.PanelLight;
            InstructionalButtons.BackgroundColor = HudColor.PanelLight.GetColor();
            bg.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                Color c = bg.SelectedItem.GetColor();
                InstructionalButtons.BackgroundColor = c;
                foreach (UIMenu child in Children.Values)
                    child.InstructionalButtons.BackgroundColor = c;

            var maxWidth = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <float>("Max Width", $"Modifies the ~b~{nameof(RAGENativeUI.Elements.InstructionalButtons)}.{nameof(RAGENativeUI.Elements.InstructionalButtons.MaxWidth)}~s~ property.",
                                                                 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.01f)
                Formatter = v => v.ToString("0.00"),

            maxWidth.Value         = InstructionalButtons.MaxWidth;
            maxWidth.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                float v = maxWidth.Value;
                InstructionalButtons.MaxWidth = v;
                foreach (UIMenu child in Children.Values)
                    child.InstructionalButtons.MaxWidth = v;

            var addButton = new UIMenuItem("Add Button");

            addButton.Activated += (m, s) =>
                var button     = new InstructionalButton("A", "Slot #" + slotId++);
                var buttonMenu = new ButtonMenu(button);
                buttonMenu.InstructionalButtons.BackgroundColor = bg.SelectedItem.GetColor();
                buttonMenu.InstructionalButtons.MaxWidth        = maxWidth.Value;

                var bindItem = new UIMenuItem(button.Text);
                BindMenuToItem(buttonMenu, bindItem);

                foreach (UIMenu child in Children.Values)

            AddItems(bg, maxWidth, addButton);
Exemple #5
        private void CreateMenuItems()
                var visible = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Visible", false);
                visible.CheckboxEvent += (s, v) =>
                    if (v)
                        tbPool.Add(text, progressBar, checkpoints, icons);


            UIMenuItem textBindItem        = new UIMenuItem("Text", $"Demonstrates the ~b~{nameof(TextTimerBar)}~s~ class.");
            UIMenuItem progressBarBindItem = new UIMenuItem("Progress Bar", $"Demonstrates the ~b~{nameof(BarTimerBar)}~s~ class.");
            UIMenuItem checkpointsBindItem = new UIMenuItem("Checkpoints", $"Demonstrates the ~b~{nameof(CheckpointsTimerBar)}~s~ class.");
            UIMenuItem iconsBindItem       = new UIMenuItem("Icons", $"Demonstrates the ~b~{nameof(IconsTimerBar)}~s~ class.");

            UIMenu textMenu        = new UIMenu(TitleText, SubtitleText + ": TEXT");
            UIMenu progressBarMenu = new UIMenu(TitleText, SubtitleText + ": PROGRESS BAR");
            UIMenu checkpointsMenu = new UIMenu(TitleText, SubtitleText + ": CHECKPOINTS");
            UIMenu iconsMenu       = new UIMenu(TitleText, SubtitleText + ": ICONS");

            Plugin.Pool.Add(textMenu, progressBarMenu, checkpointsMenu, iconsMenu);

            AddItems(textBindItem, progressBarBindItem, checkpointsBindItem, iconsBindItem);

            BindMenuToItem(textMenu, textBindItem);
            BindMenuToItem(progressBarMenu, progressBarBindItem);
            BindMenuToItem(checkpointsMenu, checkpointsBindItem);
            BindMenuToItem(iconsMenu, iconsBindItem);

            // text
                var textItem = new UIMenuItem(nameof(TextTimerBar.Text), "Select to edit the timer bar text.")
                               .WithTextEditing(() => text.Text,
                                                s => text.Text = s);

                AddCommonMenuItems(textMenu, text);

            // progressBar
                var percentage = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <float>(nameof(BarTimerBar.Percentage), "", 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.01f)
                percentage.Value         = progressBar.Percentage;
                percentage.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    progressBar.Percentage = percentage.Value;

                var foreground = NewColorsItem(nameof(BarTimerBar.ForegroundColor), "");
                progressBar.ForegroundColor = (foreground.SelectedItem = HudColor.Red).GetColor();
                foreground.IndexChanged    += (s, o, n) =>
                    progressBar.ForegroundColor = foreground.SelectedItem.GetColor();

                var background = NewColorsItem(nameof(BarTimerBar.BackgroundColor), "");
                progressBar.BackgroundColor = (background.SelectedItem = HudColor.RedDark).GetColor();
                background.IndexChanged    += (s, o, n) =>
                    progressBar.BackgroundColor = background.SelectedItem.GetColor();

                var markers = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Markers", false);
                markers.CheckboxEvent += (m, v) =>
                    if (v)
                        progressBar.Markers.Add(new TimerBarMarker(0.25f));
                        progressBar.Markers.Add(new TimerBarMarker(0.50f));
                        progressBar.Markers.Add(new TimerBarMarker(0.75f));

                progressBarMenu.AddItems(percentage, foreground, background, markers);
                AddCommonMenuItems(progressBarMenu, progressBar);

            // checkpoints
                var state = new UIMenuListScrollerItem <TimerBarCheckpointState>("State", "", (TimerBarCheckpointState[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(TimerBarCheckpointState)));
                state.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    foreach (var cp in checkpoints.Checkpoints)
                        cp.State = state.SelectedItem;

                var crossedOut = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Crossed Out", false);
                crossedOut.CheckboxEvent += (s, v) =>
                    foreach (var cp in checkpoints.Checkpoints)
                        cp.IsCrossedOut = v;

                var color = NewColorsItem("Color", "");
                color.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    Color c = color.SelectedItem.GetColor();
                    foreach (var cp in checkpoints.Checkpoints)
                        cp.Color = c;

                var num = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Number of Checkpoints", "", 0, 16, 1)
                num.Value         = checkpoints.Checkpoints.Count;
                num.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) =>
                    if (checkpoints.Checkpoints.Count > num.Value)
                        checkpoints.Checkpoints = checkpoints.Checkpoints.Take(num.Value).ToList();
                        Color c = color.SelectedItem.GetColor();
                        for (int i = checkpoints.Checkpoints.Count; i < num.Value; i++)
                            var cp = new TimerBarCheckpoint();
                            cp.Color        = c;
                            cp.IsCrossedOut = crossedOut.Checked;
                            cp.State        = state.SelectedItem;

                checkpointsMenu.AddItems(num, state, crossedOut, color);
                AddCommonMenuItems(checkpointsMenu, checkpoints);

            // icons
                var num  = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Number of Icons", "", 0, 8, 1).WithTextEditing();
                var type = new UIMenuListScrollerItem <(string Name, Func <TimerBarIcon> Creator)>("Type", "", new (string, Func <TimerBarIcon>)[]
Exemple #6
        public VehicleOptionsMenu() : base(SubMenuTitle("VEHICLE OPTIONS"))
            repair            = new UIMenuItem("Repair");
            repair.Activated += (s, i) => { if (CurrentVehicle)

            driveForce = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <float>("Drive Force", "", 0.0f, 1000.0f, 0.01f)
                Value = 0.0f
            driveForce.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) => { if (CurrentVehicle)
                                                          CurrentVehicle.DriveForce = driveForce.Value;

            topSpeed = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <float>("Top Speed (m/s)", "", 0.0f, 1000.0f, 0.01f)
                Value = 0.0f
            topSpeed.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) => { if (CurrentVehicle)
                                                        CurrentVehicle.TopSpeed = topSpeed.Value;

            dirtLevel = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <float>("Dirt Level", "", 0.0f, 15.0f, 0.01f)
                Value = 0.0f
            dirtLevel.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) => { if (CurrentVehicle)
                                                         CurrentVehicle.DirtLevel = dirtLevel.Value;

            doors = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Doors", "Select which door to open and close.", -1, 0, 1)
                Value = DoorIdAll
            doors.Formatter = i => doors.Maximum == DoorIdNone ? "" : i switch
                DoorIdAll => "All",
                _ => Game.GetLocalizedString($"PM_DPV{i}") ?? i.ToString()
            doors.IndexChanged += (s, o, n) => doors.Description = doors.Maximum == DoorIdNone ? "" : doors.Value switch
                DoorIdAll => "Select to open all doors.",
                DoorIdNone => "Select to close all doors.",
                _ => "Select which door to open and close."
            doors.Activated += (s, i) => DoorActivated(doors.Value);

            speedBomb            = new UIMenuItem("Speed Bomb");
            speedBomb.Activated += (s, i) =>
                if (!CurrentVehicle)

                speedBomb.Enabled = false;
                speedBombFiber    = GameFiber.StartNew(SpeedBombRoutine);

            AddItems(repair, driveForce, topSpeed, dirtLevel, doors, speedBomb);
            this.WithFastScrollingOn(driveForce, topSpeed, dirtLevel);
Exemple #7
        private static void Main()
            // create the pool that handles drawing and processing the menus
            pool = new MenuPool();

            // create the main menu
            mainMenu = new UIMenu("RAGENativeUI", "EXAMPLE");

            // create the menu items
                var cb = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Checkbox", false, "A checkbox menu item.");
                // show a message when toggling the checkbox
                cb.CheckboxEvent += (item, isChecked) => Game.DisplaySubtitle($"The checkbox is {(isChecked ? "" : "~r~not~s~ ")}checked");

                var spawnCar = new UIMenuItem("Spawn car", "Spawns a random car after 5 seconds.");
                spawnCar.Activated += (menu, item) =>
                    // disable the item so the user cannot activate it again until the car has spawned
                    spawnCar.Enabled = false;

                    GameFiber.StartNew(() =>
                        // 5 second countdown
                        for (int sec = 5; sec > 0; sec--)
                            // show the countdown in the menu description
                            mainMenu.DescriptionOverride = $"The car will spawn in ~b~{sec}~s~ second(s).";

                            GameFiber.Sleep(1000); // sleep for 1 second

                        // remove the countdown from the description
                        mainMenu.DescriptionOverride = null;

                        // spawn the random car
                        new Vehicle(m => m.IsCar, Game.LocalPlayer.Character.GetOffsetPositionFront(5.0f)).Dismiss();

                        // wait a bit and re-enable the item
                        spawnCar.Enabled = true;

                // a numeric scroller from -50 to 50 in intervals of 5
                var numbers = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Numbers", "A numeric scroller menu item.", -50, 50, 5);
                numbers.IndexChanged += (item, oldIndex, newIndex) => Game.DisplaySubtitle($"{oldIndex} -> {newIndex}| Selected number = {numbers.Value}");

                // a list scroller with strings
                var strings = new UIMenuListScrollerItem <string>("Strings", "A list scroller menu item with strings.", new[] { "Hello", "World", "Foo", "Bar" });
                strings.IndexChanged += (item, oldIndex, newIndex) => Game.DisplaySubtitle($"{oldIndex} -> {newIndex}| Selected string = {strings.SelectedItem}");

                // item in which the user can choose the cash amount to give or remove when activated
                var cash = new UIMenuNumericScrollerItem <int>("Cash", "Give or remove cash.", -10_000, 10_000, 50);
                // custom formatter that adds the dollar sign, the positive/negative sign and
                // colors it green when positive and red when negative (and keeps it the default color when selected, for readability)
                cash.Formatter = n => cash.Selected ? $"{n:+$#;-$#;$0}" : $"{n:~g~+$#;~r~-$#;$0}";
                // reformat the item when the menu selection changes since the formatter depends on the Selected property, and it could have changed
                mainMenu.OnIndexChange += (menu, itemIndex) => cash.Reformat();
                cash.Activated         += (menu, item) =>
                    if (cash.Value == 0)

                    // give cash to the player
                    uint stat = Game.LocalPlayer.Model.Hash switch
                        0x0D7114C9 /*player_zero*/ => Game.GetHashKey("SP0_TOTAL_CASH"),
                        0x9B22DBAF /*player_one*/ => Game.GetHashKey("SP1_TOTAL_CASH"),
                        0x9B810FA2 /*player_two*/ => Game.GetHashKey("SP2_TOTAL_CASH"),
                        _ => 0

                    if (stat != 0)
                        NativeFunction.Natives.STAT_GET_INT(stat, out int totalCash, -1);
                        NativeFunction.Natives.STAT_SET_INT(stat, totalCash + cash.Value, true);

                // add the items to the menu
                mainMenu.AddItems(cb, spawnCar, numbers, strings, cash);

            // create a child menu
            UIMenu childMenu = new UIMenu("RAGENativeUI", "CHILD MENU");

            // create a new item in the main menu and bind the child menu to it
                UIMenuItem bindItem = new UIMenuItem("Go to child menu");

                mainMenu.BindMenuToItem(childMenu, bindItem);

                bindItem.RightBadge     = UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Star;
                mainMenu.OnIndexChange += (menu, index) => mainMenu.MenuItems[index].RightBadge = UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.None;

            // create the child menu items
            childMenu.AddItems(Enumerable.Range(1, 50).Select(i => new UIMenuItem($"Item #{i}")));

            ConfirmationMenu exitMenu = new ConfirmationMenu(mainMenu.TitleText, "EXIT", "Are you sure you want to exit this example menu?");

            exitMenu.Back        += (s, e) => mainMenu.Visible = true;
            mainMenu.OnMenuClose += s => exitMenu.Visible = true;

            // add all the menus to the pool
            pool.Add(mainMenu, childMenu, exitMenu);

            // start the fiber which will handle drawing and processing the menus

            // continue with the plugin...
            Game.Console.Print($"  Press {KeyBinding} to open the menu.");
            Game.DisplayHelp($"Press ~{KeyBinding.GetInstructionalId()}~ to open the menu.");