public LoadMoreElement (string normalCaption, string loadingCaption, Action<LoadMoreElement> tapped, UIFont font, UIColor textColor) : base ("") { this.NormalCaption = normalCaption; this.LoadingCaption = loadingCaption; this.tapped = tapped; this.font = font; cell = new UITableViewCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "loadMoreElement"); activityIndicator = new UIActivityIndicatorView () { ActivityIndicatorViewStyle = UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.Gray, Hidden = true }; activityIndicator.StopAnimating (); caption = new UILabel () { Font = font, Text = this.NormalCaption, TextColor = textColor, BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear, TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = false, }; Layout (); cell.ContentView.AddSubview (caption); cell.ContentView.AddSubview (activityIndicator); }
public HeaderView() : base(new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 60f)) { BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; SeperatorColor = UIColor.FromRGB(199, 199, 204); _titleFont = TitleFont.WithSize(TitleFont.PointSize * Theme.CurrentTheme.FontSizeRatio); if (_titleFont == null) _titleFont = TitleFont; _subtitleFont = SubtitleFont.WithSize(SubtitleFont.PointSize * Theme.CurrentTheme.FontSizeRatio); if (_subtitleFont == null) _subtitleFont = SubtitleFont; _yPad = YPad; if (Theme.CurrentTheme.FontSizeRatio > 1.0f) { _yPad -= ((Theme.CurrentTheme.FontSizeRatio * 1.2f * YPad) - YPad); } // Layer.MasksToBounds = false; // Layer.ShadowColor = UIColor.Gray.CGColor; // Layer.ShadowOpacity = 0.4f; // Layer.ShadowOffset = new SizeF(0, 1f); }
public static float ContentSize(string text, float width, UIFont font) { var stringToSize = new NSString (text); var size = stringToSize.StringSize (font, new SizeF (width, float.MaxValue), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap); return size.Height; }
static void Load () { mLoaded = true; mPartial = EditorPrefs.GetString("NGUI Partial"); mFontName = EditorPrefs.GetString("NGUI Font Name"); mAtlasName = EditorPrefs.GetString("NGUI Atlas Name"); mFontData = GetObject("NGUI Font Asset") as TextAsset; mFontTexture = GetObject("NGUI Font Texture") as Texture2D; mFont = GetObject("NGUI Font") as UIFont; mAtlas = GetObject("NGUI Atlas") as UIAtlas; mAtlasPadding = EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI Atlas Padding", 1); mAtlasTrimming = EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI Atlas Trimming", true); mAtlasPMA = EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI Atlas PMA", true); mUnityPacking = EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI Unity Packing", true); mForceSquare = EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI Force Square Atlas", true); mPivot = (UIWidget.Pivot)EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI Pivot", (int)mPivot); mLayer = EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI Layer", -1); mDynFont = GetObject("NGUI DynFont") as Font; mDynFontSize = EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI DynFontSize", 16); mDynFontStyle = (FontStyle)EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI DynFontStyle", (int)FontStyle.Normal); if (mLayer < 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayerMask.LayerToName(mLayer))) mLayer = -1; if (mLayer == -1) mLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); if (mLayer == -1) mLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("GUI"); if (mLayer == -1) mLayer = 5; EditorPrefs.SetInt("UI Layer", mLayer); LoadColor(); }
public SplitElement(Row row) : base(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "splitelement") { Value = row; BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; _font = Font.WithSize(Font.PointSize * Element.FontSizeRatio); }
public static UIImage AddText(this UIImage image, string text, PointF point, UIFont font, UIColor color, UITextAlignment alignment = UITextAlignment.Left) { //var labelRect = new RectangleF(point, new SizeF(image.Size.Width - point.X, image.Size.Height - point.Y)); var h = text.StringHeight(font, image.Size.Width); var labelRect = new RectangleF(point, new SizeF(image.Size.Width - point.X, h)); var label = new UILabel(labelRect) { Font = font, Text = text, TextColor = color, TextAlignment = alignment, BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear }; var labelImage = label.ToNativeImage(); using (var context = image.Size.ToBitmapContext()) { var rect = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), image.Size); context.DrawImage(rect, image.CGImage); context.DrawImage(labelRect, labelImage.CGImage); context.StrokePath(); return UIImage.FromImage(context.ToImage()); } }
static void CreateFont(UIFont font, int create, Material mat) { if (create == 1) { // New dynamic font font.atlas = null; font.dynamicFont = NGUISettings.dynamicFont; font.dynamicFontSize = NGUISettings.dynamicFontSize; font.dynamicFontStyle = NGUISettings.dynamicFontStyle; } else { // New bitmap font font.dynamicFont = null; BMFontReader.Load(font.bmFont, NGUITools.GetHierarchy(font.gameObject), NGUISettings.fontData.bytes); if (create == 2) { font.atlas = null; font.material = mat; } else if (create == 3) { font.spriteName =; font.atlas = NGUISettings.atlas; } } }
UIFont font = null; //UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(20); #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Font(string fontname,int fontsize) { font =UIFont.FromName(fontname,fontsize); if(font==null)font=UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(fontsize); maxcharheight =(int)font.LineHeight; //if (gbmp == null) { // gdata = new byte[128 * 128 * 4]; // var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB(); // gbmp = new CGBitmapContext(gdata, 128, 128, // 8, 128 * 4, colorSpace, CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedLast); //gbmp =new Bitmap(128,128); //gfont = Graphics.FromImage(gbmp); //gfont.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit; //gfont.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; } //GdiFont = new System.Drawing.Font(fontname, fontsize,GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //maxcharheight = GdiFont.Height; //设置文本输出质量 //g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit; //g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; //Font newFont = new Font("Times New Roman", 48); }
private void InitFonts() { _font1 = UIFont.FromName ("HelveticaNeue", 18f); _font2 = UIFont.FromName ("HelveticaNeue-Medium", 18f); _font3 = UIFont.FromName ("HelveticaNeue-Bold", 18f); _roubleFont = UIFont.FromName("Ruble", 18f); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the panel's controls. /// </summary> /// <param name="titleFont">The font to use for the settings panel title.</param> /// <param name="labelTemplate">The template to use for all settings labels.</param> public void Initialize(UIFont titleFont, UILabel labelTemplate) { this.backgroundSprite = "MenuPanel"; this.isVisible = false; this.canFocus = true; this.isInteractive = true; this.height = TitleBarHeight + 8f; this.width = PanelWidth; this.CreatePanelTitle(titleFont); this.CreateDragHandle(); this.CreateCloseButton(); this.CreateControlPanel(); int zOrder = 1; this.defaultVisibilityCheckBox = this.CreateSettingsControl( CityVitalsWatch.Settings.DefaultPanelVisibility, "Default Visibility", true, labelTemplate, ref zOrder); this.transparentUnhoveredCheckBox = this.CreateSettingsControl( CityVitalsWatch.Settings.TransparentUnhovered, "Transparent Unhovered", true, labelTemplate, ref zOrder); this.statControlMap = new Dictionary<CityVitalsWatchStat, UICheckBox>(); foreach (CityVitalsWatchStat stat in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CityVitalsWatchStat)).Cast<CityVitalsWatchStat>()) { this.statControlMap[stat] = this.CreateSettingsControl( CityVitalsWatch.Settings.StatDisplayed(stat), StatLocaleIdMap[stat], false, labelTemplate, ref zOrder); } }
public AddLoadMoreElement (string _placeholder, Action<AddLoadMoreElement> tapped) : base ("") { placeholder = _placeholder; Tapped += tapped; Font = font; }
public static void RegisterFont(UIFont font) { if (font.UseDynamicFont && !_fontList.Contains(font.dynamicFont)) { _fontList.Add(font.dynamicFont); font.dynamicFont.textureRebuildCallback += OnFontRebuilt; } }
public LoadMoreElement (string normalCaption, string loadingCaption, Action<LoadMoreElement> tapped, UIFont font, UIColor textColor) : base ("") { NormalCaption = normalCaption; LoadingCaption = loadingCaption; Tapped += tapped; Font = font; TextColor = textColor; }
public CustomFontMultilineElement(string caption, string value, int fontSize, FontStyle fontStyle, FontStyle detailFontStyle) : base(caption, value) { _font = GetFontFromStyle (fontStyle, fontSize); TextColor = ApplicationColors.TABLE_FONT; _detailFont = GetFontFromStyle (detailFontStyle, fontSize); DetailColor = ApplicationColors.TABLE_DETAIL_FONT; }
public static void OnFontRebuilt(UIFont font) { UILabel[] list = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(UILabel)) as UILabel[]; foreach (UILabel label in list) { if (label.font == font) label.MarkAsChanged(); } }
static CustomCell() { if (font == null) font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(UIFont.SystemFontSize); if (background == null) background = UIImage.FromFile(@"Images/cell-background.png"); if (textColor == null) textColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(255, 255, 255, 32); }
public LoadMoreElement (string normalCaption, string loadingCaption, Action<LoadMoreElement> tapped, UIFont font, UIColor textColor) : base (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, key.ToString()) { NormalCaption = normalCaption; LoadingCaption = loadingCaption; Tapped += tapped; Font = font; TextColor = textColor; }
protected virtual float GetLineHeight(UIFont font) { if (Math.Abs(font.PointSize - AppDelegate.Font16pt) < 0.5) { return 26; } return 15; }
public UIFont ResizeProportionalAndAlternative (UIFont font) { var attributes = new UIFontAttributes ( new UIFontFeature (CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers), new UIFontFeature ((CTFontFeatureCharacterAlternatives.Selector)1)); var newDesc = font.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes (attributes); return UIFont.FromDescriptor (newDesc, 40); }
void OnSelectFont(Object obj) { // Undo doesn't work correctly in this case... so I won't bother. //NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Change"); //NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Change", mFont); mFont.replacement = obj as UIFont; mReplacement = mFont.replacement; NGUITools.SetDirty(mFont); }
public NameTimeStringElement() : base(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "nametimestringelement") { Lines = 9999; BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; _dateFont = DateFont.WithSize(DateFont.PointSize * Element.FontSizeRatio); _userFont = UserFont.WithSize(UserFont.PointSize * Element.FontSizeRatio); _descFont = DescFont.WithSize(DescFont.PointSize * Element.FontSizeRatio); }
public FinanceElement(string caption, double amount, float captionFontSize, float amountFontSize) : base(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "financeElement") { this.Label = caption; this.Amount = amount; captionFont = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (captionFontSize); amountFont = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (amountFontSize); SetUp (); }
public static float MonoStringHeight(this string s, UIFont font, float maxWidth) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return 0f; using (var str = new NSString (s)) { return str.StringSize(font, new SizeF(maxWidth, 1000), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap).Height; } }
public static float MonoStringLength(this string s, UIFont font) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return 0f; using (var str = new NSString (s)) { return str.StringSize(font).Width; } }
private void SetText(UILabel label, UIFont font, RoubleType type) { char roubleSym = Roubles.GetRoubleSymbFor (type); NSMutableAttributedString attrString = new NSMutableAttributedString(); attrString.Append(new NSAttributedString(Text, font: font, foregroundColor: UIColor.Black)); attrString.Append(new NSAttributedString(roubleSym.ToString(), font: _roubleFont, foregroundColor: UIColor.Black)); label.AttributedText = attrString; }
public ChatBubbleCell (bool isLeft, bool isAttaPresent, bool delivered) : base (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, isLeft ? KeyLeft : KeyRight){ var rect = new RectangleF (0, 0, 1, 1); this.isLeft = isLeft; view = new UIView (rect); if(delivered){ imageView = new UIImageView (isLeft ? left : right); }else imageView = new UIImageView (sendfalied); view.AddSubview (imageView); font = UIFont.PreferredBody; infoFont = UIFont.PreferredCaption1; label = new UILabel (rect) { LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, Lines = 0, Font = font, TextColor = (isLeft ? UIColor.Black : UIColor.White), BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear }; view.AddSubview (label); senderLabel = new UILabel (rect) { Lines = 1, TextAlignment = (isLeft ? UITextAlignment.Left : UITextAlignment.Right), Font = infoFont, TextColor = UIColor.Gray, BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear }; view.AddSubview (senderLabel); icon = UIImage.FromFile("Images/lock_30.png"); var imgRect = new RectangleF (0, 0, 15, 15); imgView = new UIImageView(icon); imageView.Frame = imgRect; view.AddSubview (imgView); undelivered = new UIButton (UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure); this.undelivered.TouchDown += (sender, e) => new UIAlertView("Error", "Error sending message", null, "OK", null).Show(); undelivered.TintColor = UIColor.Red; undelivered.Hidden = true; view.AddSubview (undelivered); ContentView.Add (view); canDelete = true; }
void OnSelectFont (MonoBehaviour obj) { // Undo doesn't work correctly in this case... so I won't bother. //NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Change"); //NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Change", mFont); mFont.replacement = obj as UIFont; mReplacement = mFont.replacement; UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(mFont); if (mReplacement == null) mType = FontType.Normal; }
public AddLoadMoreWithImageElement (string _placeholder, UIImage image, Action<AddLoadMoreWithImageElement> tapped) : base ("") { activityImage = image; BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; placeholder = _placeholder; Tapped += tapped; Font = font; }
public static float StringHeight(this string text, UIFont font, float width) { var nativeString = new NSString(text); var rect = nativeString.GetBoundingRect( new System.Drawing.SizeF(width, float.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, new UIStringAttributes() { Font = font }, null); return rect.Height; }
public UIButtonElementRenderer(outki.UIButtonElement element) { m_element = element; if (m_element.Style != null) { m_f0 = new UIFill(m_element.Style.Normal); m_f1 = new UIFill(m_element.Style.Highlight); m_f2 = new UIFill(m_element.Style.Pressed); if (m_element.Style.FontStyle != null) m_font = new UIFont(m_element.Style.FontStyle.Font); } }
internal static NSAttributedString ToNSAttributedString(this F9PFormattedString formattedString, UIFont baseFont, UIColor baseColor) //, EllipsePlacement ellipsePlacement = EllipsePlacement.None, int secondToLastEnd = -1, int lastLineStart = 0, int lastLineEnd = -1, int startLastVisible = -1, int midLastVisible = -1, bool twice=false) { { var text = formattedString?.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return(null); } if (formattedString is HTMLMarkupString hTMLMarkupString) { text = hTMLMarkupString.UnmarkedText; } var result = new NSMutableAttributedString(text); result.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.Font, baseFont, new NSRange(0, text.Length)); result.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, baseColor, new NSRange(0, text.Length)); #region Layout font-spans (MetaFonts) var metaFonts = new List <MetaFont>(); var baseMetaFont = new MetaFont( baseFont.FamilyName, (float)baseFont.PointSize, (baseFont.FontDescriptor.Traits.SymbolicTrait & UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits.Bold) > 0, (baseFont.FontDescriptor.Traits.SymbolicTrait & UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits.Italic) > 0); MathMetaFont = MathMetaFont ?? new MetaFont("STIXGeneral", (float)baseFont.PointSize); for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { if (i + 1 < text.Length && text[i] == '\ud835' && text[i + 1] >= '\udc00' && text[i + 1] <= '\udeff') { metaFonts.Add(new MetaFont(MathMetaFont)); metaFonts.Add(new MetaFont(MathMetaFont)); // there are two because we're using a double byte unicode character i++; } else { metaFonts.Add(new MetaFont(baseMetaFont)); } } #endregion #region Apply non-font Spans foreach (var span in formattedString._spans) { int spanStart = span.Start; int spanEnd = span.End; spanEnd++; if (spanEnd > result.Length) { spanEnd = (int)result.Length - 1; } NSDictionary attr; switch (span.Key) { #region Spans that change UIFont attributes case FontFamilySpan.SpanKey: for (int i = spanStart; i < spanEnd; i++) { metaFonts[i].Family = ((FontFamilySpan)span).FontFamilyName; } break; case FontSizeSpan.SpanKey: for (int i = spanStart; i < spanEnd; i++) { float size = ((FontSizeSpan)span).Size; metaFonts[i].Size = (size < 0 ? metaFonts[i].Size * (-size) : size); } break; case BoldSpan.SpanKey: for (int i = spanStart; i < spanEnd; i++) { metaFonts[i].Bold = true; } break; case ItalicsSpan.SpanKey: for (int i = spanStart; i < spanEnd; i++) { metaFonts[i].Italic = true; } break; case SuperscriptSpan.SpanKey: for (int i = spanStart; i < spanEnd; i++) { metaFonts[i].Baseline = FontBaseline.Superscript; } break; case SubscriptSpan.SpanKey: for (int i = spanStart; i < spanEnd; i++) { metaFonts[i].Baseline = FontBaseline.Subscript; } break; case NumeratorSpan.SpanKey: for (int i = spanStart; i < spanEnd; i++) { metaFonts[i].Baseline = FontBaseline.Numerator; } break; case DenominatorSpan.SpanKey: for (int i = spanStart; i < spanEnd; i++) { metaFonts[i].Baseline = FontBaseline.Denominator; } break; case ActionSpan.SpanKey: attr = new NSMutableDictionary { [UIStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor] = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Blue.ToUIColor(), [UIStringAttributeKey.UnderlineColor] = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Blue.ToUIColor(), [UIStringAttributeKey.StrikethroughColor] = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Blue.ToUIColor() }; var uAttr = new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle, NSUnderlineStyle.Single); attr[UIStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle] = uAttr[UIStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle]; result.AddAttributes(attr, new NSRange(spanStart, spanEnd - spanStart)); break; #endregion #region Font Color case FontColorSpan.SpanKey: var fontColorSpan = span as FontColorSpan; attr = new NSMutableDictionary { [UIStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor] = fontColorSpan.Color.ToUIColor(), [UIStringAttributeKey.UnderlineColor] = fontColorSpan.Color.ToUIColor(), [UIStringAttributeKey.StrikethroughColor] = fontColorSpan.Color.ToUIColor() }; result.AddAttributes(attr, new NSRange(spanStart, spanEnd - spanStart)); break; #endregion #region Background Color case BackgroundColorSpan.SpanKey: var backgroundColorSpan = span as BackgroundColorSpan; attr = new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BackgroundColor, backgroundColorSpan.Color.ToUIColor()); result.AddAttributes(attr, new NSRange(spanStart, spanEnd - spanStart)); break; #endregion #region Underline case UnderlineSpan.SpanKey: attr = new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle, NSUnderlineStyle.Single); result.AddAttributes(attr, new NSRange(spanStart, spanEnd - spanStart)); break; #endregion #region Strikethrough case StrikethroughSpan.SpanKey: attr = new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.StrikethroughStyle, NSUnderlineStyle.Single); result.AddAttributes(attr, new NSRange(spanStart, spanEnd - spanStart)); break; #endregion } } #endregion #region Apply MetaFonts // run through MetaFonts to see if we need to set new Font attributes var lastMetaFont = baseMetaFont; int startIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < metaFonts.Count; i++) { var metaFont = metaFonts[i]; if (lastMetaFont != metaFont) { // we are at the start of a new span if (i > 0 && lastMetaFont != baseMetaFont) { // and we've been inside of a metaFont span var font = FontExtensions.BestFont(lastMetaFont, baseFont); var size = lastMetaFont.Size; var range = new NSRange(startIndex, i - startIndex); switch (lastMetaFont.Baseline) { case FontBaseline.Superscript: result.AddAttributes(new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, size / 2.22f, UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font), range); break; case FontBaseline.Subscript: result.AddAttributes(new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, -size / 6f, UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font), range); break; case FontBaseline.Numerator: result.AddAttributes(new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, size / 4f, UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font), range); break; //case FontBaseline.Denominator: // result.AddAttributes(new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, -size / 6f, UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font), range); // break; default: result.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font, range); break; } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\tRANGE["+range.Location+","+range.Length+"]"); } lastMetaFont = metaFont; startIndex = i; } } if (lastMetaFont != baseMetaFont) { // and we've been inside of a metaFont span var font = FontExtensions.BestFont(lastMetaFont, baseFont); var size = lastMetaFont.Size; var range = new NSRange(startIndex, metaFonts.Count - startIndex); switch (lastMetaFont.Baseline) { case FontBaseline.Superscript: result.AddAttributes(new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, size / 2.22f, UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font), range); break; case FontBaseline.Subscript: result.AddAttributes(new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, -size / 6f, UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font), range); break; case FontBaseline.Numerator: result.AddAttributes(new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, size / 4f, UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font), range); break; //case FontBaseline.Denominator: // result.AddAttributes(new NSDictionary(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, -size / 6f, UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font), range); // break; default: result.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font, range); break; } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\tRANGE[" + range.Location + "," + range.Length + "]"); } #endregion return(result); }
void AddNativeControls(NestedNativeControlGalleryPage page) { if (page.NativeControlsAdded) { return; } StackLayout sl = page.Layout; // Create and add a native UILabel var originalText = "I am a native UILabel"; var longerText = "I am a native UILabel with considerably more text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."; var uilabel = new UILabel { MinimumFontSize = 14f, Text = originalText, Lines = 0, LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 24f) }; sl?.Children.Add(uilabel); // Create and add a native Button var uibutton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.System); uibutton.SetTitle("Toggle Text Amount", UIControlState.Normal); uibutton.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); uibutton.TouchUpInside += (sender, args) => { uilabel.Text = uilabel.Text == originalText ? longerText : originalText; uilabel.SizeToFit(); }; sl?.Children.Add(uibutton.ToView()); // Create some control which we know don't behave correctly with regard to measurement var difficultControl0 = new BrokenNativeControl { MinimumFontSize = 14f, Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f), Lines = 0, LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, Text = "Doesn't play nice with sizing. That's why there's a big gap around it." }; var difficultControl1 = new BrokenNativeControl { MinimumFontSize = 14f, Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f), Lines = 0, LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, Text = "Custom size fix specified. No gaps." }; var explanation0 = new UILabel { MinimumFontSize = 14f, Text = "The next control is a customized label with a bad SizeThatFits implementation.", Lines = 0, LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 24f) }; var explanation1 = new UILabel { MinimumFontSize = 14f, Text = "The next control is the same broken class as above, but we pass in an override to the GetDesiredSize method.", Lines = 0, LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 24f) }; // Add a misbehaving control sl?.Children.Add(explanation0); sl?.Children.Add(difficultControl0); // Add the misbehaving control with a custom delegate for FixSize sl?.Children.Add(explanation1); sl?.Children.Add(difficultControl1, FixSize); page.NativeControlsAdded = true; }
public void loadOptionView() { //PrecisionButton precisionButton = new UIButton(); precisionButton.SetTitle("Standard", UIControlState.Normal); precisionButton.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); precisionButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Black, UIControlState.Normal); precisionButton.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Center; precisionButton.Layer.CornerRadius = 8; precisionButton.Layer.BorderWidth = 2; precisionButton.TouchUpInside += ShowPicker1; precisionButton.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB(246, 246, 246).CGColor; //TooltipButton toolTipButton = new UIButton(); toolTipButton.SetTitle("None", UIControlState.Normal); toolTipButton.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); toolTipButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Black, UIControlState.Normal); toolTipButton.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Center; toolTipButton.Layer.CornerRadius = 8; toolTipButton.Layer.BorderWidth = 2; toolTipButton.TouchUpInside += ShowPicker2; toolTipButton.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB(246, 246, 246).CGColor; //DoneButton doneButton.SetTitle("Done\t", UIControlState.Normal); doneButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Black, UIControlState.Normal); doneButton.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Right; doneButton.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); doneButton.TouchUpInside += HidePicker; doneButton.Hidden = true; doneButton.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(240, 240, 240); //Picker precisionPicker = new UIPickerView(); toolTipPicker = new UIPickerView(); model = new PickerModel(precisionList); precisionPicker.Model = model; model1 = new PickerModel(toottipplace); toolTipPicker.Model = model1; model.PickerChanged += SelectedIndexChanged; model1.PickerChanged += SelectedIndexChanged1; precisionPicker.ShowSelectionIndicator = true; precisionPicker.Hidden = true; toolTipPicker.Hidden = true; precisionPicker.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray; toolTipPicker.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray; toolTipPicker.ShowSelectionIndicator = true; //ItemCountTextField itemCountTextfield = new UITextView(); itemCountTextfield.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; itemCountTextfield.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor; itemCountTextfield.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(246, 246, 246); itemCountTextfield.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.NumberPad; itemCountTextfield.Text = "5"; itemCountTextfield.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); itemCountTextfield.Changed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { if (itemCountTextfield.Text.Length > 0) { rating1.ItemCount = int.Parse(itemCountTextfield.Text); } else { rating1.ItemCount = 5; } UpdateText(); }; //adding to controlView controlView.AddSubview(rating1); controlView.AddSubview(rating2); controlView.AddSubview(movieRateLabel); controlView.AddSubview(walkLabel); controlView.AddSubview(timeLabel); controlView.AddSubview(descriptionLabel); controlView.AddSubview(rateLabel); controlView.AddSubview(valueLabel); controlView.AddSubview(image1); controlView.AddSubview(itemCountTextfield); this.AddSubview(controlView); //Adding to content view contentView.AddSubview(precisionLabel); contentView.AddSubview(toolTipLabel); contentView.AddSubview(precisionButton); contentView.AddSubview(itemCountLabel); contentView.AddSubview(toolTipButton); contentView.AddSubview(precisionPicker); contentView.AddSubview(toolTipPicker); contentView.AddSubview(doneButton); contentView.AddSubview(itemCountTextfield); contentView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(240, 240, 240); //PropertyLabel propertiesLabel = new UILabel(); propertiesLabel.Text = " OPTIONS"; //ShowpropertyButton showPropertyButton = new UIButton(); showPropertyButton.Hidden = true; showPropertyButton.SetTitle("OPTIONS\t", UIControlState.Normal); showPropertyButton.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Left; showPropertyButton.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(230, 230, 230); showPropertyButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Black, UIControlState.Normal); showPropertyButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { subView.Hidden = false; showPropertyButton.Hidden = true; }; this.AddSubview(showPropertyButton); //CloseButton closeButton = new UIButton(); closeButton.SetTitle("X\t", UIControlState.Normal); closeButton.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Left; closeButton.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(230, 230, 230); closeButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Black, UIControlState.Normal); closeButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { subView.Hidden = true; showPropertyButton.Hidden = false; }; //AddingGesture UITapGestureRecognizer tapgesture = new UITapGestureRecognizer(() => { subView.Hidden = true; showPropertyButton.Hidden = false; } ); propertiesLabel.UserInteractionEnabled = true; propertiesLabel.AddGestureRecognizer(tapgesture); //Adding to subvieww subView = new UIScrollView(); subView.ContentSize = new CGSize(Frame.Width, 350); subView.AddSubview(contentView); subView.AddSubview(propertiesLabel); subView.AddSubview(closeButton); subView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(230, 230, 230); this.AddSubview(subView); }
void OnSelectNewFont(MonoBehaviour obj) { mNewFont = obj as UIFont; Repaint(); }
public static UIFont ToNSFont(this Font self) #endif { var size = (float)self.FontSize; if (self.UseNamedSize) { switch (self.NamedSize) { case NamedSize.Micro: size = 12; break; case NamedSize.Small: size = 14; break; case NamedSize.Medium: size = 17; // as defined by iOS documentation break; case NamedSize.Large: size = 22; break; default: size = 17; break; } } var bold = self.FontAttributes.HasFlag(FontAttributes.Bold); var italic = self.FontAttributes.HasFlag(FontAttributes.Italic); if (self.FontFamily != null) { try { #if __MOBILE__ var descriptor = new UIFontDescriptor().CreateWithFamily(self.FontFamily); if (bold || italic) { var traits = (UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits)0; if (bold) { traits = traits | UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits.Bold; } if (italic) { traits = traits | UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits.Italic; } descriptor = descriptor.CreateWithTraits(traits); return(UIFont.FromDescriptor(descriptor, size)); } #else var descriptor = new NSFontDescriptor().FontDescriptorWithFamily(self.FontFamily); if (bold || italic) { var traits = (NSFontSymbolicTraits)0; if (bold) { traits = traits | NSFontSymbolicTraits.BoldTrait; } if (italic) { traits = traits | NSFontSymbolicTraits.ItalicTrait; } descriptor = descriptor.FontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits(traits); return(NSFont.FromDescription(descriptor, size)); } return(NSFont.FromFontName(self.FontFamily, size)); #endif } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.WriteLine("Could not load font named: {0}", self.FontFamily); if (bold) { return(UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(size)); } if (italic) { return(UIFont.ItalicSystemFontOfSize(size)); } return(UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(size)); } } if (bold && italic) { var defaultFont = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(size); #if __MOBILE__ var descriptor = defaultFont.FontDescriptor.CreateWithTraits(UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits.Bold | UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits.Italic); return(UIFont.FromDescriptor(descriptor, 0)); } if (italic) { return(UIFont.ItalicSystemFontOfSize(size)); } #else var descriptor = defaultFont.FontDescriptor.FontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits( NSFontSymbolicTraits.BoldTrait | NSFontSymbolicTraits.ItalicTrait); return(NSFont.FromDescription(descriptor, 0)); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the UI. /// </summary> /// <param name="view"> /// The view. /// </param> private void UpdateUi(ExtendedLabel view) { // Prefer font set through Font property. if (view.Font == Font.Default) { if (view.FontSize > 0) { this.Control.Font = UIFont.FromName(this.Control.Font.Name, (float)view.FontSize); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.FontName)) { var fontName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(view.FontName); var font = UIFont.FromName(fontName, this.Control.Font.PointSize); if (font != null) { this.Control.Font = font; } } #region ======= This is for backward compatability with obsolete attrbute 'FontNameIOS' ======== if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.FontNameIOS)) { var font = UIFont.FromName(view.FontNameIOS, (view.FontSize > 0) ? (float)view.FontSize : 12.0f); if (font != null) { this.Control.Font = font; } } #endregion ====== End of obsolete section ========================================================== } //Do not create attributed string if it is not necesarry //if (!view.IsUnderline && !view.IsStrikeThrough && !view.IsDropShadow) //{ // return; //} var underline = view.IsUnderline ? NSUnderlineStyle.Single : NSUnderlineStyle.None; var strikethrough = view.IsStrikeThrough ? NSUnderlineStyle.Single : NSUnderlineStyle.None; NSShadow dropShadow = null; if (view.IsDropShadow) { dropShadow = new NSShadow { ShadowColor = view.DropShadowColor.ToUIColor(), ShadowBlurRadius = 1.4f, ShadowOffset = new CoreGraphics.CGSize(new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(0.3f, 0.8f)) }; } // For some reason, if we try and convert Color.Default to a UIColor, the resulting color is // either white or transparent. The net result is the ExtendedLabel does not display. // Only setting the control's TextColor if is not Color.Default will prevent this issue. if (view.TextColor != Color.Default) { this.Control.TextColor = view.TextColor.ToUIColor(); } this.Control.AttributedText = new NSMutableAttributedString(view.Text, this.Control.Font, underlineStyle: underline, strikethroughStyle: strikethrough, shadow: dropShadow);; }
/// <summary> /// Refill the text label based on what's currently visible. /// </summary> protected void UpdateVisibleText() { if (textLabel != null) { UIFont font = textLabel.bitmapFont; if (font != null) { int lines = 0; int maxLines = maxHeight > 0 ? Mathf.FloorToInt(maxHeight / (textLabel.fontSize * textLabel.bitmapFont.pixelSize)) : 100000; int offset = Mathf.RoundToInt(mScroll); // Don't let scrolling to exceed the visible number of lines if (maxLines + offset > mTotalLines) { offset = Mathf.Max(0, mTotalLines - maxLines); mScroll = offset; } if (style == Style.Chat) { offset = Mathf.Max(0, mTotalLines - maxLines - offset); } StringBuilder final = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, imax = mParagraphs.Count; i < imax; ++i) { Paragraph p = mParagraphs[i]; for (int b = 0, bmax = p.lines.Length; b < bmax; ++b) { string s = p.lines[b]; if (offset > 0) { --offset; } else { if (final.Length > 0) { final.Append("\n"); } final.Append(s); ++lines; if (lines >= maxLines) { break; } } } if (lines >= maxLines) { break; } } textLabel.text = final.ToString(); } } }
public static void ApplyMovieAttributeValue(UITextView label) { label.TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB(0, 0, 0); label.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(12); }
public static void ApplyMovieAttributeLabel(UILabel label) { label.TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB(160, 160, 150); label.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(10); }
/// <summary> /// Draw the UI for this tool. /// </summary> void OnGUI() { Object fnt = NGUISettings.ambigiousFont; UIFont uiFont = (fnt as UIFont); NGUIEditorTools.SetLabelWidth(80f); GUILayout.Space(3f); NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Input", true); NGUIEditorTools.BeginContents(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); mType = (FontType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type", mType, GUILayout.MinWidth(200f)); GUILayout.Space(18f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); Create create = Create.None; if (mType == FontType.ImportedBitmap) { NGUISettings.fontData = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Font Data", NGUISettings.fontData, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; NGUISettings.fontTexture = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Texture", NGUISettings.fontTexture, typeof(Texture2D), false, GUILayout.Width(140f)) as Texture2D; NGUIEditorTools.EndContents(); // Draw the atlas selection only if we have the font data and texture specified, just to make it easier EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(NGUISettings.fontData == null || NGUISettings.fontTexture == null); { NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Output", true); NGUIEditorTools.BeginContents(); ComponentSelector.Draw <UIAtlas>(NGUISettings.atlas, OnSelectAtlas, false); NGUIEditorTools.EndContents(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); if (NGUISettings.fontData == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("To create a font from a previously exported FNT file, you need to use BMFont on " + "Windows or your choice of Glyph Designer or the less expensive bmGlyph on the Mac.\n\n" + "Either of these tools will create a FNT file for you that you will drag & drop into the field above.", MessageType.Info); } else if (NGUISettings.fontTexture == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("When exporting your font, you should get two files: the FNT, and the texture. Only one texture can be used per font.", MessageType.Info); } else if (NGUISettings.atlas == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You can create a font that doesn't use a texture atlas. This will mean that the text " + "labels using this font will generate an extra draw call.\n\nIf you do specify an atlas, the font's texture will be added to it automatically.", MessageType.Info); } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(NGUISettings.fontData == null || NGUISettings.fontTexture == null); { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20f); if (GUILayout.Button("Create the Font")) { create = Create.Import; } GUILayout.Space(20f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (NGUIEditorTools.DrawPrefixButton("Source")) { ComponentSelector.Show <Font>(OnUnityFont, new string[] { ".ttf", ".otf" }); } Font ttf = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(NGUISettings.ambigiousFont as Font, typeof(Font), false) as Font; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { NGUISettings.fontSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Size", NGUISettings.fontSize, GUILayout.Width(120f)); if (mType == FontType.Dynamic) { NGUISettings.fontStyle = (FontStyle)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(NGUISettings.fontStyle); GUILayout.Space(18f); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Choose the font style if there are multiple faces present if (mType == FontType.GeneratedBitmap) { if (!FreeType.isPresent) { string filename = (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ? "FreeType.dll" : "FreeType.dylib"; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Assets/NGUI/Editor/" + filename + " is missing", MessageType.Error); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20f); if (GUILayout.Button("Find " + filename)) { string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Find " + filename, NGUISettings.currentPath, (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ? "dll" : "dylib"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { if (System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path) == filename) { NGUISettings.currentPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path); NGUISettings.pathToFreeType = path; } else { Debug.LogError("The library must be named '" + filename + "'"); } } } GUILayout.Space(20f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (ttf != null) { string[] faces = FreeType.GetFaces(ttf); if (faces != null) { if (mFaceIndex >= faces.Length) { mFaceIndex = 0; } if (faces.Length > 1) { GUILayout.Label("Style", EditorStyles.boldLabel); for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; ++i) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10f); if (DrawOption(i == mFaceIndex, " " + faces[i])) { mFaceIndex = i; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } GUILayout.Label("Characters", EditorStyles.boldLabel); CharacterMap cm = characterMap; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(100f)); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUI.changed = false; if (DrawOption(cm == CharacterMap.Numeric, " Numeric")) { cm = CharacterMap.Numeric; } if (DrawOption(cm == CharacterMap.Ascii, " ASCII")) { cm = CharacterMap.Ascii; } if (DrawOption(cm == CharacterMap.Latin, " Latin")) { cm = CharacterMap.Latin; } if (DrawOption(cm == CharacterMap.Custom, " Custom")) { cm = CharacterMap.Custom; } if (GUI.changed) { characterMap = cm; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(cm != CharacterMap.Custom); { if (cm != CharacterMap.Custom) { string chars = ""; if (cm == CharacterMap.Ascii) { for (int i = 33; i < 127; ++i) { chars += System.Convert.ToChar(i); } } else if (cm == CharacterMap.Numeric) { chars = "01234567890"; } else if (cm == CharacterMap.Latin) { for (int i = 33; i < 127; ++i) { chars += System.Convert.ToChar(i); } for (int i = 161; i < 256; ++i) { chars += System.Convert.ToChar(i); } } NGUISettings.charsToInclude = chars; } GUI.changed = false; string text = NGUISettings.charsToInclude; if (cm == CharacterMap.Custom) { text = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(text,, GUILayout.Height(80f), GUILayout.Width(Screen.width - 100f)); } else { GUILayout.Label(text,, GUILayout.Height(80f), GUILayout.Width(Screen.width - 100f)); } if (GUI.changed) { string final = ""; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; ++i) { char c = text[i]; if (c < 33) { continue; } string s = c.ToString(); if (!final.Contains(s)) { final += s; } } if (final.Length > 0) { char[] chars = final.ToCharArray(); System.Array.Sort(chars); final = new string(chars); } else { final = ""; } NGUISettings.charsToInclude = final; } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } NGUIEditorTools.EndContents(); if (mType == FontType.Dynamic) { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(ttf == null); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20f); if (GUILayout.Button("Create the Font")) { create = Create.Dynamic; } GUILayout.Space(20f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); #if UNITY_3_5 EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Dynamic fonts require Unity 4.0 or higher.", MessageType.Error); #else // Helpful info if (ttf == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You don't have to create a UIFont to use dynamic fonts. You can just reference the Unity Font directly on the label.", MessageType.Info); } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Please note that dynamic fonts can't be made a part of an atlas, and using dynamic fonts will result in at least one extra draw call.", MessageType.Warning); #endif } else { bool isBuiltIn = (ttf != null) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(ttf)); // Draw the atlas selection only if we have the font data and texture specified, just to make it easier EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(ttf == null || isBuiltIn || !FreeType.isPresent); { NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Output", true); NGUIEditorTools.BeginContents(); ComponentSelector.Draw <UIAtlas>(NGUISettings.atlas, OnSelectAtlas, false); NGUIEditorTools.EndContents(); if (ttf == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You can create a bitmap font by specifying a dynamic font to use as the source.", MessageType.Info); } else if (isBuiltIn) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You chose an embedded font. You can't create a bitmap font from an embedded resource.", MessageType.Warning); } else if (NGUISettings.atlas == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You can create a font that doesn't use a texture atlas. This will mean that the text " + "labels using this font will generate an extra draw call.\n\nIf you do specify an atlas, the font's texture will be added to it automatically.", MessageType.Info); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20f); if (GUILayout.Button("Create the Font")) { create = Create.Bitmap; } GUILayout.Space(20f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } } if (create == Create.None) { return; } // Open the "Save As" file dialog #if UNITY_3_5 string prefabPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save As", NGUISettings.currentPath, "New Font.prefab", "prefab"); #else string prefabPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save As", "New Font.prefab", "prefab", "Save font as..."); #endif if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefabPath)) { return; } NGUISettings.currentPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(prefabPath); // Load the font's prefab GameObject go = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; Object prefab = null; string fontName; // Font doesn't exist yet if (go == null || go.GetComponent <UIFont>() == null) { // Create a new prefab for the atlas prefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(prefabPath); fontName = prefabPath.Replace(".prefab", ""); fontName = fontName.Substring(prefabPath.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + 1); // Create a new game object for the font go = new GameObject(fontName); uiFont = go.AddComponent <UIFont>(); } else { uiFont = go.GetComponent <UIFont>(); fontName =; } if (create == Create.Dynamic) { uiFont.atlas = null; uiFont.dynamicFont = NGUISettings.dynamicFont; uiFont.dynamicFontStyle = NGUISettings.fontStyle; uiFont.defaultSize = NGUISettings.fontSize; } else if (create == Create.Import) { Material mat = null; if (NGUISettings.atlas != null) { // Add the font's texture to the atlas UIAtlasMaker.AddOrUpdate(NGUISettings.atlas, NGUISettings.fontTexture); } else { // Create a material for the font string matPath = prefabPath.Replace(".prefab", ".mat"); mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(matPath, typeof(Material)) as Material; // If the material doesn't exist, create it if (mat == null) { Shader shader = Shader.Find("Unlit/Transparent Colored"); mat = new Material(shader); // Save the material AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, matPath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); // Load the material so it's usable mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(matPath, typeof(Material)) as Material; } mat.mainTexture = NGUISettings.fontTexture; } uiFont.dynamicFont = null; BMFontReader.Load(uiFont.bmFont, NGUITools.GetHierarchy(uiFont.gameObject), NGUISettings.fontData.bytes); if (NGUISettings.atlas == null) { uiFont.atlas = null; uiFont.material = mat; } else { uiFont.spriteName =; uiFont.atlas = NGUISettings.atlas; } NGUISettings.fontSize = uiFont.defaultSize; } else if (create == Create.Bitmap) { // Create the bitmap font BMFont bmFont; Texture2D tex; if (FreeType.CreateFont( NGUISettings.dynamicFont, NGUISettings.fontSize, mFaceIndex, NGUISettings.charsToInclude, out bmFont, out tex)) { uiFont.bmFont = bmFont; = fontName; if (NGUISettings.atlas != null) { // Add this texture to the atlas and destroy it UIAtlasMaker.AddOrUpdate(NGUISettings.atlas, tex); NGUITools.DestroyImmediate(tex); NGUISettings.fontTexture = null; tex = null; uiFont.atlas = NGUISettings.atlas; uiFont.spriteName = fontName; } else { string texPath = prefabPath.Replace(".prefab", ".png"); string matPath = prefabPath.Replace(".prefab", ".mat"); byte[] png = tex.EncodeToPNG(); FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(texPath); fs.Write(png, 0, png.Length); fs.Close(); // See if the material already exists Material mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(matPath, typeof(Material)) as Material; // If the material doesn't exist, create it if (mat == null) { Shader shader = Shader.Find("Unlit/Transparent Colored"); mat = new Material(shader); // Save the material AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, matPath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); // Load the material so it's usable mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(matPath, typeof(Material)) as Material; } else { AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); } // Re-load the texture tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texPath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; // Assign the texture mat.mainTexture = tex; NGUISettings.fontTexture = tex; uiFont.atlas = null; uiFont.material = mat; } } else { return; } } if (prefab != null) { // Update the prefab PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(go, prefab); DestroyImmediate(go); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); // Select the atlas go = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; uiFont = go.GetComponent <UIFont>(); } if (uiFont != null) { NGUISettings.ambigiousFont = uiFont; } MarkAsChanged(); Selection.activeGameObject = go; }
override public void OnInspectorGUI() { mFont = target as UIFont; EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(80f); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); //UNISIP if (mFont.dynamicFont != null) { mType = FontType.Dynamic; } if (mFont.replacement != null) { mType = FontType.Reference; mReplacement = mFont.replacement; } FontType after = (FontType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Font Type", mType); if (mType != after) { if (after == FontType.Normal) { OnSelectFont(null); } else { mType = after; } //UNISIP if (mType != FontType.Dynamic && mFont.dynamicFont != null) { mFont.dynamicFont = null; } } //UNISIP if (mType == FontType.Dynamic) { //UNISIP - Draw settings for dynamic font bool changed = false; Font f = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Font", mFont.dynamicFont, typeof(Font), false) as Font; if (f != mFont.dynamicFont) { mFont.dynamicFont = f; changed = true; } Material mat = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material", mFont.dynamicFontMaterial, typeof(Material), false) as Material; if (mat != mFont.dynamicFontMaterial) { mFont.dynamicFontMaterial = mat; changed = true; } if (mFont.dynamicFontMaterial == null) { GUILayout.Label("Warning: no coloring or clipping when using default font material"); } int i = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Size", mFont.dynamicFontSize); if (i != mFont.dynamicFontSize) { mFont.dynamicFontSize = i; changed = true; } float ttfSize = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("TTF Size", mFont.ttfSize); if (ttfSize != mFont.ttfSize) { mFont.ttfSize = ttfSize; changed = true; } float fontConstYOffset = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Const Offset", mFont.fontConstYOffset); if (fontConstYOffset != mFont.fontConstYOffset) { mFont.fontConstYOffset = fontConstYOffset; changed = true; } FontStyle style = (FontStyle)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Style", mFont.dynamicFontStyle); if (style != mFont.dynamicFontStyle) { mFont.dynamicFontStyle = style; changed = true; } if (changed) { //force access to material property as it refreshes the texture assignment Debug.Log("font changed..."); Material fontMat = mFont.material; if (fontMat.mainTexture == null) { Debug.Log("font material texture issue..."); } UIFont.OnFontRebuilt(mFont); } NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); // Font spacing GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(0f); GUILayout.Label("Spacing", GUILayout.Width(60f)); GUILayout.Label("X", GUILayout.Width(12f)); int x = EditorGUILayout.IntField(mFont.horizontalSpacing); GUILayout.Label("Y", GUILayout.Width(12f)); int y = EditorGUILayout.IntField(mFont.verticalSpacing); EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(80f); if (mFont.horizontalSpacing != x || mFont.verticalSpacing != y) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Spacing", mFont); mFont.horizontalSpacing = x; mFont.verticalSpacing = y; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (mType == FontType.Reference) { ComponentSelector.Draw <UIFont>(mFont.replacement, OnSelectFont); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); GUILayout.Label("You can have one font simply point to\n" + "another one. This is useful if you want to be\n" + "able to quickly replace the contents of one\n" + "font with another one, for example for\n" + "swapping an SD font with an HD one, or\n" + "replacing an English font with a Chinese\n" + "one. All the labels referencing this font\n" + "will update their references to the new one."); if (mReplacement != mFont && mFont.replacement != mReplacement) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Change", mFont); mFont.replacement = mReplacement; UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(mFont); } return; } if (mType != FontType.Dynamic) { NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); ComponentSelector.Draw <UIAtlas>(mFont.atlas, OnSelectAtlas); if (mFont.atlas != null) { if (mFont.bmFont.isValid) { NGUIEditorTools.AdvancedSpriteField(mFont.atlas, mFont.spriteName, SelectSprite, false); } } else { // No atlas specified -- set the material and texture rectangle directly Material mat = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material", mFont.material, typeof(Material), false) as Material; if (mFont.material != mat) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Material", mFont); mFont.material = mat; } } // For updating the font's data when importing from an external source, such as the texture packer bool resetWidthHeight = false; if (mFont.atlas != null || mFont.material != null) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); TextAsset data = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Import Data", null, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; GUILayout.Space(44f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (data != null) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Import Font Data", mFont); BMFontReader.Load(mFont.bmFont, NGUITools.GetHierarchy(mFont.gameObject), data.bytes); mFont.MarkAsDirty(); resetWidthHeight = true; Debug.Log("Imported " + mFont.bmFont.glyphCount + " characters"); } } if (mFont.bmFont.isValid) { Color green = new Color(0.4f, 1f, 0f, 1f); Texture2D tex = mFont.texture; if (tex != null) { if (mFont.atlas == null) { // Pixels are easier to work with than UVs Rect pixels = NGUIMath.ConvertToPixels(mFont.uvRect, tex.width, tex.height, false); // Automatically set the width and height of the rectangle to be the original font texture's dimensions if (resetWidthHeight) { pixels.width = mFont.texWidth; pixels.height = mFont.texHeight; } // Font sprite rectangle GUI.backgroundColor = green; pixels = EditorGUILayout.RectField("Pixel Rect", pixels); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; // Create a button that can make the coordinates pixel-perfect on click GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label("Correction", GUILayout.Width(75f)); Rect corrected = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(pixels); if (corrected == pixels) { GUI.color = Color.grey; GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect"); GUI.color = Color.white; } else if (GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect")) { pixels = corrected; GUI.changed = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Convert the pixel coordinates back to UV coordinates Rect uvRect = NGUIMath.ConvertToTexCoords(pixels, tex.width, tex.height); if (mFont.uvRect != uvRect) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Pixel Rect", mFont); mFont.uvRect = uvRect; } } // Font spacing GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(0f); GUILayout.Label("Spacing", GUILayout.Width(60f)); GUILayout.Label("X", GUILayout.Width(12f)); int x = EditorGUILayout.IntField(mFont.horizontalSpacing); GUILayout.Label("Y", GUILayout.Width(12f)); int y = EditorGUILayout.IntField(mFont.verticalSpacing); GUILayout.Space(62f); EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(80f); if (mFont.horizontalSpacing != x || mFont.verticalSpacing != y) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Spacing", mFont); mFont.horizontalSpacing = x; mFont.verticalSpacing = y; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (mFont.atlas == null) { mView = View.Font; mUseShader = false; float pixelSize = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Pixel Size", mFont.pixelSize, GUILayout.Width(120f)); if (pixelSize != mFont.pixelSize) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Change", mFont); mFont.pixelSize = pixelSize; } } else { GUILayout.Space(4f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { mView = (View)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Preview", mView); GUILayout.Label("Shader", GUILayout.Width(45f)); mUseShader = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(mUseShader, GUILayout.Width(20f)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } if (mFont.atlas != null) { NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Symbols and Emoticons"); List <BMSymbol> symbols = mFont.symbols; for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count;) { BMSymbol sym = symbols[i]; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(sym.sequence, GUILayout.Width(40f)); if (NGUIEditorTools.SimpleSpriteField(mFont.atlas, sym.spriteName, ChangeSymbolSprite)) { mSelectedSymbol = sym; } if (GUILayout.Button("Edit", GUILayout.Width(40f))) { if (mFont.atlas != null) { EditorPrefs.SetString("NGUI Selected Sprite", sym.spriteName); NGUIEditorTools.Select(mFont.atlas.gameObject); } } GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("X", GUILayout.Width(22f))) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Remove symbol", mFont); mSymbolSequence = sym.sequence; mSymbolSprite = sym.spriteName; symbols.Remove(sym); mFont.MarkAsDirty(); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(4f); ++i; } if (symbols.Count > 0) { NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); mSymbolSequence = EditorGUILayout.TextField(mSymbolSequence, GUILayout.Width(40f)); NGUIEditorTools.SimpleSpriteField(mFont.atlas, mSymbolSprite, SelectSymbolSprite); bool isValid = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mSymbolSequence) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mSymbolSprite); GUI.backgroundColor = isValid ? : Color.grey; if (GUILayout.Button("Add", GUILayout.Width(40f)) && isValid) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Add symbol", mFont); mFont.AddSymbol(mSymbolSequence, mSymbolSprite); mFont.MarkAsDirty(); mSymbolSequence = ""; mSymbolSprite = ""; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (symbols.Count == 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Want to add an emoticon to your font? In the field above type ':)', choose a sprite, then hit the Add button.", MessageType.Info); } else { GUILayout.Space(4f); } } } } }
override public void OnInspectorGUI() { mFont = target as UIFont; EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(80f); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); if (mFont.replacement != null) { mType = FontType.Reference; mReplacement = mFont.replacement; } FontType after = (FontType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Font Type", mType); if (mType != after) { if (after == FontType.Normal) { OnSelectFont(null); } else { mType = FontType.Reference; } } if (mType == FontType.Reference) { ComponentSelector.Draw <UIFont>(mFont.replacement, OnSelectFont); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); GUILayout.Label("You can have one font simply point to\n" + "another one. This is useful if you want to be\n" + "able to quickly replace the contents of one\n" + "font with another one, for example for\n" + "swapping an SD font with an HD one, or\n" + "replacing an English font with a Chinese\n" + "one. All the labels referencing this font\n" + "will update their references to the new one."); if (mReplacement != mFont && mFont.replacement != mReplacement) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Change", mFont); mFont.replacement = mReplacement; UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(mFont); } return; } NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); ComponentSelector.Draw <UIAtlas>(mFont.atlas, OnSelectAtlas); if (mFont.atlas != null) { if (mFont.bmFont.LegacyCheck()) { Debug.Log( + " uses a legacy font data structure. Upgrading, please save."); EditorUtility.SetDirty(mFont); } if (mFont.bmFont.isValid) { NGUIEditorTools.AdvancedSpriteField(mFont.atlas, mFont.spriteName, SelectSprite, false); } } else { // No atlas specified -- set the material and texture rectangle directly Material mat = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material", mFont.material, typeof(Material), false) as Material; if (mFont.material != mat) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Material", mFont); mFont.material = mat; } } bool resetWidthHeight = false; if (mFont.atlas != null || mFont.material != null) { TextAsset data = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Import Font", null, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; if (data != null) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Import Font Data", mFont); BMFontReader.Load(mFont.bmFont, NGUITools.GetHierarchy(mFont.gameObject), data.bytes); mFont.MarkAsDirty(); resetWidthHeight = true; Debug.Log("Imported " + mFont.bmFont.glyphCount + " characters"); } } if (mFont.bmFont.isValid) { Color green = new Color(0.4f, 1f, 0f, 1f); Texture2D tex = mFont.texture; if (tex != null) { if (mFont.atlas == null) { // Pixels are easier to work with than UVs Rect pixels = NGUIMath.ConvertToPixels(mFont.uvRect, tex.width, tex.height, false); // Automatically set the width and height of the rectangle to be the original font texture's dimensions if (resetWidthHeight) { pixels.width = mFont.texWidth; pixels.height = mFont.texHeight; } // Font sprite rectangle GUI.backgroundColor = green; pixels = EditorGUILayout.RectField("Pixel Rect", pixels); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; // Create a button that can make the coordinates pixel-perfect on click GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label("Correction", GUILayout.Width(75f)); Rect corrected = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(pixels); if (corrected == pixels) { GUI.color = Color.grey; GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect"); GUI.color = Color.white; } else if (GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect")) { pixels = corrected; GUI.changed = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Convert the pixel coordinates back to UV coordinates Rect uvRect = NGUIMath.ConvertToTexCoords(pixels, tex.width, tex.height); if (mFont.uvRect != uvRect) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Pixel Rect", mFont); mFont.uvRect = uvRect; } } // Font spacing GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(0f); GUILayout.Label("Spacing", GUILayout.Width(60f)); GUILayout.Label("X", GUILayout.Width(12f)); int x = EditorGUILayout.IntField(mFont.horizontalSpacing); GUILayout.Label("Y", GUILayout.Width(12f)); int y = EditorGUILayout.IntField(mFont.verticalSpacing); EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(80f); if (mFont.horizontalSpacing != x || mFont.verticalSpacing != y) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Font Spacing", mFont); mFont.horizontalSpacing = x; mFont.verticalSpacing = y; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { mView = (View)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Preview", mView); GUILayout.Label("Shader", GUILayout.Width(45f)); mUseShader = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(mUseShader, GUILayout.Width(20f)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } }
public static void TitleLabel(UILabel v) { v.Font = UIFont.FromName("HelveticaNeue", 17f); v.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; v.TextColor = Color.DarkGray; }
protected void OnBindingContextChanged(Cell cell) { var context = cell.BindingContext as MessageTable; if (context != null) { const int totalPadding = 20; // Width Padding cell.Height = Convert.ToDouble(EstimateHeight(context.Text, Convert.ToInt32(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width) - totalPadding, UIFont.FromName("Helvetica Neue", 14))); } }
private Decimal EstimateHeight(String text, Int32 width, UIFont font) { var size = ((NSString)text).StringSize(font, new SizeF(width, float.MaxValue), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap); return((Decimal)size.Height + 40); // The +40 is for extra height padding }
public SunburstChart() { var Data = new ObservableCollection <SunburstModel>(); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q1", Month = "Jan", Sales = 11 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q1", Month = "Feb", Sales = 8 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q1", Month = "Mar", Sales = 5 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q2", Month = "Apr", Sales = 13 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q2", Month = "May", Sales = 12 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q2", Month = "Jun", Sales = 17 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q3", Month = "Jul", Sales = 5 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q3", Month = "Aug", Sales = 4 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q3", Month = "Sep", Sales = 5 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q4", Month = "Oct", Sales = 7 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q4", Month = "Nov", Sales = 18 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q4", Month = "Dec", Week = "W1", Sales = 5 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q4", Month = "Dec", Week = "W2", Sales = 5 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q4", Month = "Dec", Week = "W3", Sales = 5 }); Data.Add(new SunburstModel() { Quarter = "Q4", Month = "Dec", Week = "W4", Sales = 5 }); chart = new SfSunburstChart(); chart.ItemsSource = Data; chart.Radius = 0.95; chart.ValueMemberPath = "Sales"; var levels = new SunburstLevelCollection() { new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "Quarter" }, new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "Month" }, new SunburstHierarchicalLevel() { GroupMemberPath = "Week" }, }; chart.Levels = levels; chart.Title.IsVisible = true; chart.Title.Text = "Sales Performance"; chart.Title.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(20); chart.Title.Margin = new UIEdgeInsets(10, 5, 5, 5); chart.Legend.IsVisible = true; chart.Legend.LegendPosition = SunburstDockPosition.Bottom; chart.Legend.LabelStyle.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(16); chart.Legend.IconHeight = 12; chart.Legend.IconWidth = 12; chart.DataLabel.ShowLabel = true; chart.EnableAnimation = true; chart.TooltipSettings = new CustomTooltip(); chart.TooltipSettings.ShowTooltip = true; this.AddSubview(chart); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); StackView = new UIStackView(); var titleLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 20, View.Bounds.Width - 10, 30)); titleLabel.Text = "BHASVIC"; titleLabel.Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(25); StackView.AddArrangedSubview(titleLabel); var nameLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 0, View.Bounds.Width - 10, 200)); nameLabel.Text = NewsItem.Name; nameLabel.Lines = 0; nameLabel.Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(30); nameLabel.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap; StackView.AddArrangedSubview(nameLabel); var dateLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 100, View.Bounds.Width - 10, 30)); DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(NewsItem.DatePublished, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); dateLabel.Text = dt.ToShortDateString(); StackView.AddArrangedSubview(dateLabel); var contentLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 120, View.Bounds.Width - 20, 300)); string noHTML = Regex.Replace(NewsItem.Content, @"<[^>]+>| ", "").Trim(); string noHTMLNormalised = Regex.Replace(noHTML, @"\s{2,}", " "); contentLabel.Text = noHTMLNormalised; contentLabel.Lines = 0; contentLabel.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap; StackView.AddArrangedSubview(contentLabel); var dateoELabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 80, View.Bounds.Width - 10, 30)); //DateTime dtt = DateTime.ParseExact(NewsItem.DateOfEvent, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); dateLabel.Text = NewsItem.DateOfEvent; Console.WriteLine(NewsItem.DateOfEvent); StackView.AddArrangedSubview(dateoELabel); var dateNLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 130, View.Bounds.Width - 10, 30)); //DateTime dtt = DateTime.ParseExact(NewsItem.DateOfEvent, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); dateLabel.Text = NewsItem.NotificationDate; Console.WriteLine(NewsItem.NotificationDate); StackView.AddArrangedSubview(dateNLabel); //var image = new UIImage(); ////image = this.LoadImage("some image url"); //var imageView = new UIImageView(); //imageView.Image = image; //View.AddSubview(imageView); //var categoryLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 80, View.Bounds.Width, 30)); ////DateTime dtt = DateTime.ParseExact(NewsItem.DateOfEvent, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //dateLabel.Text = NewsItem.Category; //scrollView.AddSubview(categoryLabel); View.AddSubview(StackView); // NavigationController.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); //this.NavigationController.PopToRootViewController(true); }
void OnSelectOldFont(MonoBehaviour obj) { mOldFont = obj as UIFont; Repaint(); }
public override void LayoutSubviews() { base.LayoutSubviews(); _view.BackgroundColor = NativeCell.IsIncoming ? NativeCell.IncomingColor.ToUIColor() : NativeCell.OutgoingColor.ToUIColor(); var frame = ContentView.Frame; var sizeForMessage = GetSizeForText(this, MessageText.Text, UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(NativeCell.TextFontSize)) + BubblePadding; var sizeForDate = GetSizeForText(this, DateText.Text, UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(NativeCell.InfoFontSize)) + BubblePadding; _view.SetNeedsDisplay(); var noBubbleSize = sizeForMessage - BubblePadding; var bubbleSize = sizeForMessage + BubblePadding; if (NativeCell.IsIncoming) { int nameHeight = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NameText.Text) ? 0 : 20); float bubleWidth = bubbleSize.Width; if (sizeForDate.Width > bubbleSize.Width) { bubleWidth = sizeForDate.Width + BubblePadding.Width; } _view.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X + BubblePadding.Width, frame.Y, bubleWidth, bubbleSize.Height + nameHeight); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NameText.Text)) { NameText.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X + BubblePadding.Width, frame.Y + 5, bubleWidth, 20); } MessageText.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X + BubblePadding.Width, frame.Y + 6 + nameHeight, noBubbleSize.Width, noBubbleSize.Height); DateText.Frame = new CGRect(bubleWidth - sizeForDate.Width, bubbleSize.Height - sizeForDate.Height + nameHeight, sizeForDate.Width, sizeForDate.Height); } else { var sizeForStatus = GetSizeForText(this, StatusText.Text, UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(NativeCell.InfoFontSize)) + BubblePadding; var infoLineSize = sizeForStatus + sizeForDate; float bubleWidth = bubbleSize.Width; if (infoLineSize.Width > bubbleSize.Width) { bubleWidth = infoLineSize.Width; } _view.Frame = new CGRect(frame.GetMaxX() - bubleWidth - BubblePadding.Width, frame.Y, bubleWidth, bubbleSize.Height); MessageText.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X + BubblePadding.Width, frame.Y + 6, noBubbleSize.Width, noBubbleSize.Height); DateText.Frame = new CGRect(bubleWidth - sizeForDate.Width, bubbleSize.Height - sizeForDate.Height, sizeForDate.Width, sizeForDate.Height); StatusText.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X + BubblePadding.Width, bubbleSize.Height - sizeForStatus.Height, sizeForStatus.Width, sizeForStatus.Height); } }
protected SizeF calculateHeightOfTextForWidth(string text, UIFont font, float width, UILineBreakMode lineBreakMode) { return(text == null? new SizeF(0, 0) : this.StringSize(text, font, new SizeF(width, 300), lineBreakMode)); }
/* Creates the container view here: create the dialog, then add the custom content and buttons */ private UIView createContainerView() { var screenSize = CountScreenSize(); var dialogSize = new CGSize( 300, 230 + kDatePickerDialogDefaultButtonHeight + kDatePickerDialogDefaultButtonSpacerHeight); // For the black background Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height); // This is the dialog's container; we attach the custom content and the buttons to this one var dialogContainer = new UIView(new CGRect((screenSize.Width - dialogSize.Width) / 2, (screenSize.Height - dialogSize.Height) / 2, dialogSize.Width, dialogSize.Height)); // First, we style the dialog to match the iOS8 UIAlertView >>> var gradient = new CAGradientLayer(); gradient.Frame = dialogContainer.Bounds; gradient.Colors = new[] { UIColor.FromRGB(218, 218, 218).CGColor, UIColor.FromRGB(233, 233, 233).CGColor, UIColor.FromRGB(218, 218, 218).CGColor }; var cornerRadius = kDatePickerDialogCornerRadius; gradient.CornerRadius = cornerRadius; dialogContainer.Layer.InsertSublayer(gradient, 0); dialogContainer.Layer.CornerRadius = cornerRadius; dialogContainer.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB(198, 198, 198).CGColor; dialogContainer.Layer.BorderWidth = 1; dialogContainer.Layer.ShadowRadius = cornerRadius + 5; dialogContainer.Layer.ShadowOpacity = 0.1f; dialogContainer.Layer.ShadowOffset = new CGSize(0 - (cornerRadius + 5) / 2, 0 - (cornerRadius + 5) / 2); dialogContainer.Layer.ShadowColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor; dialogContainer.Layer.ShadowPath = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(dialogContainer.Bounds, dialogContainer.Layer.CornerRadius).CGPath; // There is a line above the button var lineView = new UIView(new CGRect(0, dialogContainer.Bounds.Size.Height - kDatePickerDialogDefaultButtonHeight - kDatePickerDialogDefaultButtonSpacerHeight, dialogContainer.Bounds.Size.Width, kDatePickerDialogDefaultButtonSpacerHeight)); lineView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(198, 198, 198); dialogContainer.AddSubview(lineView); // ˆˆˆ //Title _titleLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 10, 280, 30)); _titleLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; _titleLabel.Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(17); _titleLabel.Text = _title; dialogContainer.AddSubview(_titleLabel); _datePicker = new UIDatePicker(new CGRect(0, 30, 0, 0)); _datePicker.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin; _datePicker.Frame = new CGRect(_datePicker.Frame.Location, new CGSize(300, _datePicker.Frame.Size.Height)); _datePicker.Mode = _datePickerMode; _datePicker.Date = (NSDate)_defaultDate; if (_maximumDate.HasValue) { _datePicker.MaximumDate = (NSDate)_maximumDate.Value; } if (_minimumDate.HasValue) { _datePicker.MinimumDate = (NSDate)_minimumDate.Value; } dialogContainer.AddSubview(_datePicker); AddButtonsToView(dialogContainer); return(dialogContainer); }
public override void PreferredContentSizeChanged() { UIFontDescriptor descriptor = textView.Font.FontDescriptor; textView.Font = UIFont.GetPreferredFontForTextStyle(descriptor.FontAttributes.TextStyle); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); this.flexGrid.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.Cell; this.flexGrid.IsReadOnly = true; this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaderFont = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(this.flexGrid.Font.PointSize); this.flexGrid.AutoSizeMode = GridAutoSizeMode.Both; this.flexGrid.AllowMerging = GridAllowMerging.All; string[] weekdays = new string[] { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }; foreach (string s in weekdays) { this.flexGrid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { Header = s, WidthType = GridColumnWidth.Star, Width = 1, DataType = Xuni.iOS.Core.XuniDataType.String, MinWidth = 120, HorizontalAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, HeaderHorizontalAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, AllowMerging = true }); } string[] timespans = new string[] { "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18" }; foreach (string s in timespans) { GridRow newRow = new GridRow(); this.flexGrid.Rows.Add(newRow); this.flexGrid.RowHeaders[this.flexGrid.Rows.IndexOf(newRow), 0] = new NSString(s + ":00"); } this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaders.Rows.Insert(0, new GridRow() { AllowMerging = true }); this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaders[0, 0] = "Weekday"; this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaders[0, 1] = "Weekday"; this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaders[0, 2] = "Weekday"; this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaders[0, 3] = "Weekday"; this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaders[0, 4] = "Weekday"; this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaders[0, 5] = "Weekend"; this.flexGrid.ColumnHeaders[0, 6] = "Weekend"; this.flexGrid[0, 0] = "Walker"; this.flexGrid[0, 1] = "Morning Show"; this.flexGrid[0, 2] = "Morning Show"; this.flexGrid[0, 3] = "Sports"; this.flexGrid[0, 4] = "Weather"; this.flexGrid[0, 5] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[0, 6] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[1, 5] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[1, 6] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[2, 5] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[2, 6] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[3, 5] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[3, 6] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[4, 5] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[4, 6] = "N/A"; this.flexGrid[1, 0] = "Today Show"; this.flexGrid[1, 1] = "Today Show"; this.flexGrid[2, 0] = "Today Show"; this.flexGrid[2, 1] = "Today Show"; this.flexGrid[1, 2] = "Sesame Street"; this.flexGrid[1, 3] = "Football"; this.flexGrid[2, 3] = "Football"; this.flexGrid[1, 4] = "Market Watch"; this.flexGrid[2, 2] = "Kids Zone"; this.flexGrid[2, 4] = "Soap Opera"; this.flexGrid[3, 0] = "News"; this.flexGrid[3, 1] = "News"; this.flexGrid[3, 2] = "News"; this.flexGrid[3, 3] = "News"; this.flexGrid[3, 4] = "News"; this.flexGrid[4, 0] = "News"; this.flexGrid[4, 1] = "News"; this.flexGrid[4, 2] = "News"; this.flexGrid[4, 3] = "News"; this.flexGrid[4, 4] = "News"; this.flexGrid[5, 0] = "Wheel of Fortune"; this.flexGrid[5, 1] = "Wheel of Fortune"; this.flexGrid[5, 2] = "Wheel of Fortune"; this.flexGrid[5, 3] = "Jeopardy"; this.flexGrid[5, 4] = "Jeopardy"; this.flexGrid[5, 5] = "Movie"; this.flexGrid[6, 5] = "Movie"; this.flexGrid[5, 6] = "Golf"; this.flexGrid[6, 6] = "Golf"; this.flexGrid[6, 0] = "Night Show"; this.flexGrid[6, 1] = "Night Show"; this.flexGrid[6, 2] = "Sports"; this.flexGrid[6, 3] = "Big Brother"; this.flexGrid[6, 4] = "Big Brother"; this.flexGrid.AutoSizeColumn(0, true); this.flexGrid.SelectionChanged += (object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) => { string thisShow = this.flexGrid[(int)e.Range.Row, (int)e.Range.Col].ToString(); this.tvShowName.Text = thisShow; string timeTable = ""; for (int cc = 0; cc < weekdays.Length; cc++) { string day = weekdays[cc]; string spanStart = null, spanEnd = null; for (int cr = 0; cr < timespans.Length; cr++) { string candidate = this.flexGrid[cr, cc].ToString(); if (candidate.Equals(thisShow)) { if (spanStart == null) { spanStart = timespans[cr]; } } else { if (spanStart != null) { spanEnd = timespans[cr]; break; } } } if (spanStart != null && spanEnd == null) { spanEnd = "19"; } if (spanStart != null && spanEnd != null) { timeTable = timeTable + day + ": " + spanStart + ":00-" + spanEnd + ":00\r"; } } this.tvShowTimeTable.Text = timeTable; }; }
protected async override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); var view = NativeView; var viewController = ViewController; // Get the device's display for width and height. RectangleF screen = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds; // create top label - "Scan QR code to swap contact info" var topLabel = new UILabel(new RectangleF( 0, 0, screen.Width, 30) ); topLabel.Text = "Scan QR code to swap contact info"; topLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; topLabel.TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB(38, 173, 230); topLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName(Fonts.OpenSansBold, 12); view.Add(topLabel); // create the QR code scanner & add to view SIBarcodePicker scanner = new SIBarcodePicker("EeQ6GjLtEeSWsF/zcFfsWC8RqIt/+skbdZJ/MWpLIR8"); var scannerDelegate = new QrCodeScannerDelegate() { qrScanner = scanner }; scanner.OverlayController.Delegate = scannerDelegate; // disable all codes except QR for scanning scanner.Set1DScanningEnabled(false); scanner.Set2DScanningEnabled(false); scanner.SetCode128Enabled(false); scanner.SetCode39Enabled(false); scanner.SetCode93Enabled(false); scanner.SetDataMatrixEnabled(false); scanner.SetEan13AndUpc12Enabled(false); scanner.SetEan8Enabled(false); scanner.SetItfEnabled(false); scanner.SetMicroDataMatrixEnabled(false); scanner.SetUpceEnabled(false); /* - * - * - * - * - * - * - */ scanner.SetQrEnabled(true); /* - * - * - * - * - * - * - */ // Set the scanner size scanner.Size = new SizeF( screen.Size.Width, screen.Size.Height * 0.45f ); scanner.View.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, topLabel.Frame.Height, screen.Size.Width, screen.Size.Height * 0.45f ); scanner.View.Frame = new RectangleF( 0, topLabel.Frame.Height, screen.Size.Width, screen.Size.Height * 0.45f ); scanner.OverlayController.SetViewfinderSize(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); scanner.OverlayController.SetTorchEnabled(false); view.Add(scanner.View); scanner.StartScanning(); /* Creating the lower label - "Share your contact info" */ var lowerLabel = new UILabel(new RectangleF( 0, (scanner.View.Frame.Location.Y + scanner.View.Frame.Height), screen.Width, 20) ); lowerLabel.Text = "Share your contact info"; lowerLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; lowerLabel.TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB(38, 173, 230); lowerLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName(Fonts.OpenSansBold, 12); view.Add(lowerLabel); /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* Generating QR code */ var qrWidthHeight = 0; if (screen.Height == 480) // iPhone 4 & 4S -- shorter screens { qrWidthHeight = 150; } else // iPhone 5, 5C, & 5S -- longer screens { qrWidthHeight = 175; } IBarcodeWriter barcodeWriter = new BarcodeWriter { Format = BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, Options = new ZXing.Common.EncodingOptions { Width = qrWidthHeight, Height = qrWidthHeight } }; // TODO: temp code - move to view model var service = TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <CouchbaseConnect2014.Services.ICouchbaseService> (); var contactId = service.GetUserId(); var repo = TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <CouchbaseConnect2014.Services.IRepository> (); var localUser = await repo.GetProfile(); // end of temp code var qrContent = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", contactId, localUser.First, localUser.Last); var result = barcodeWriter.Write(qrContent); var qrImageView = new UIImageView(new RectangleF( 0, (lowerLabel.Frame.Location.Y + lowerLabel.Frame.Height), result.Size.Width, result.Size.Height )); qrImageView.Image = result; qrImageView.Center = new PointF( view.Center.X, qrImageView.Center.Y ); /* - * - * - * - * - * - * - */ view.Add(qrImageView); }
/// <summary> /// Views the did load. /// </summary> public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); //base.StyleNavigationBar(); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; Title = "Login"; var mainView = new UIView() { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, }; Add(mainView); _usernameTextField = new UITextField() { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Placeholder = "Username", }; _passwordTextField = new UITextField() { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Placeholder = "Password", SecureTextEntry = true, }; var errorLabel = new UILabel() { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 20f), TextColor = iOSColorPalette.Red, }; _loginButton = new UIButton() { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Font = UIFont.FromName("Alfa Slab One", 20f), BackgroundColor = iOSColorPalette.Blue }; _loginButton.SetTitle("Login", UIControlState.Normal); _loginButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.White, UIControlState.Normal); var activityIndicatorView = new CustomIndicatorView() { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Color = UIColor.Black, Hidden = true, }; mainView.Add(_usernameTextField); mainView.Add(_passwordTextField); mainView.Add(errorLabel); mainView.Add(_loginButton); mainView.Add(activityIndicatorView); var views = new DictionaryViews() { { "mainView", mainView }, }; var mainViews = new DictionaryViews() { { "usernameTextField", _usernameTextField }, { "passwordTextField", _passwordTextField }, { "errorLabel", errorLabel }, { "loginButton", _loginButton }, { "activityIndicatorView", activityIndicatorView } }; View.AddConstraints( NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("V:|[mainView]|", NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeftToRight, null, views) .Concat(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("H:|[mainView]|", NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllTop, null, views)) .ToArray()); mainView.AddConstraints( NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("V:|-140-[usernameTextField]-40-[passwordTextField]-40-[loginButton]-40-[errorLabel]-40-[activityIndicatorView(60)]", NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeftToRight, null, mainViews) .Concat(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("H:[usernameTextField(300)]", NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllTop, null, mainViews)) .Concat(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("H:[passwordTextField(300)]", NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllTop, null, mainViews)) .Concat(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("H:[loginButton(300)]", NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllTop, null, mainViews)) .Concat(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("H:[errorLabel(300)]", NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllTop, null, mainViews)) .Concat(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("H:[activityIndicatorView(60)]", NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllTop, null, mainViews)) .Concat(new[] { NSLayoutConstraint.Create(_usernameTextField, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, mainView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1f, 0) }) .Concat(new[] { NSLayoutConstraint.Create(_passwordTextField, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, mainView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1f, 0) }) .Concat(new[] { NSLayoutConstraint.Create(_loginButton, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, mainView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1f, 0) }) .Concat(new[] { NSLayoutConstraint.Create(errorLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, mainView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1f, 0) }) .Concat(new[] { NSLayoutConstraint.Create(activityIndicatorView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, mainView, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1f, 0) }) .ToArray()); // create the binding set //var set = this.CreateBindingSet<LoginPage, LoginPageViewModel>(); //set.Bind(usernameTextField).To(vm => vm.Username); //set.Bind(passwordTextField).To(vm => vm.Password); //set.Bind(_loginButton).To(vm => vm.LoginCommand); //set.Bind(errorLabel).To(vm => vm.ErrorMessage); //set.Bind(errorLabel).For("Hidden").To(vm => vm.IsError).WithConversion("NotValueConverter", false); //set.Bind(activityIndicatorView).For("IsRunning").To(vm => vm.IsLoading); //set.Apply(); this.WhenActivated(d => { this.Bind(ViewModel, x => x.Username, x => x._usernameTextField.Text); this.Bind(ViewModel, x => x.Password, x => x._passwordTextField.Text); this.BindCommand(ViewModel, x => x.LoginCommand, x => x._loginButton); }); }
public void mainPageDesign() { customView = new UIView(); customView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(165, 165, 165); //Image image1 = new UIImageView(); image1.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("Images/walk.png"); //PrecisionLabell precisionLabel = new UILabel(); precisionLabel.Text = "Precision"; precisionLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); precisionLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; precisionLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; //ToolTipLabell toolTipLabel = new UILabel(); toolTipLabel.Text = "ToolTip Placement"; toolTipLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); toolTipLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; toolTipLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; //ItemCountLabell itemCountLabel = new UILabel(); itemCountLabel.Text = "Item Count"; itemCountLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); itemCountLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; itemCountLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; //MovieRateLabell movieRateLabel = new UILabel(); movieRateLabel.Text = "Movie Rating"; movieRateLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; movieRateLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; movieRateLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 22f); //WalkLabell walkLabel = new UILabel(); walkLabel.Text = "The Walk (2015)"; walkLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; walkLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; walkLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 18f); //TimeLabell timeLabel = new UILabel(); timeLabel.Text = "PG | 2 h 20 min"; timeLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; timeLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; timeLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12f); //DescriptionLabell descriptionLabel = new UILabel(); descriptionLabel.Text = "In 1974, high-wire artist Philippe Petit recruits a team of people to help him realize his dream: to walk the immense void between the world Trade Centre towers."; descriptionLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; descriptionLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; descriptionLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); descriptionLabel.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap; descriptionLabel.Lines = 0; //RateLabell rateLabel = new UILabel(); rateLabel.Text = "Rate"; rateLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; rateLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; rateLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 18f); //ValueLabell valueLabel = new UILabel(); valueLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Black; valueLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; valueLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 14f); UpdateText(); }
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e); try { CustomEntry element = Element as CustomEntry; if (Control != null) { // do whatever you want to the UITextField here //var element = Element as CustomEntry; Control.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.Line; Control.Layer.CornerRadius = 0; Control.ExclusiveTouch = true; //Control.MinimumFontSize = 15f; Control.AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true; Control.TextColor = UIColor.Black; //for place holder //var entry1 = new Entry(); //Control.Layer.BorderColor = Color.FromHex("#0000").ToCGColor(); //Control.Layer.BorderWidth = 0; //entry1.Layer.BorderWidth = 1f; //Control.TintColor = UIColor.Gray; //Control.TintColor = Color.FromHex(element.BorderColors).ToUIColor(); Control.TintColor = UIColor.Gray; Control.Layer.BorderWidth = 1f; //Control.Layer.BorderColor = Color.FromHex(element.BorderColors).ToCGColor(); if (element.BorderColors == "#ff0000") { Control.Layer.BorderColor = Color.Red.ToCGColor(); } else if (element.BorderColors == "#6C6C6C") { Control.Layer.BorderColor = Color.Gray.ToCGColor(); } //Control.Layer.BorderColor = Color.FromHex("F78F1E").ToCGColor(); //Control.Layer.BorderWidth = 0.1f; //Control.TintColor = Color.FromHex("#F78F1E").ToUIColor(); if (element.CustomFontFamily == "Avenir65") { Control.Font = UIFont.FromName("AvenirLTStd-Medium.ttf", 20.0f); } else if (element.CustomFontFamily == "Avenir45") { Control.Font = UIFont.FromName("AvenirLTStd-Book.ttf", 20.0f); } else { } if (element.CustomFontSize != 0) { UIFont font = Control.Font.WithSize(element.CustomFontSize); Control.Font = font; } else { } } } catch (Exception ex) { var msg = ex.Message; } }
public TurnOnLocalitationView(CGSize size) { nfloat lx = (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width - size.Width); nfloat ly = (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height - size.Height); this.Frame = new CGRect(new CGPoint(lx, ly), size); effectView.Alpha = 0; var attributes = new UIStringAttributes { Font = UIFont.FromName("System Semibold", 20f), ForegroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(75, 171, 229) }; var titleText = new NSAttributedString("Open Settings", attributes); nfloat btnHeight = 50; nfloat oopsHeight = 40; nfloat enable_location_height = 80; nfloat goSettings_height = 120; this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; btnClose.SetAttributedTitle(titleText, UIControlState.Normal); btnClose.SetTitleColor(UIColor.FromRGB(75, 171, 229), UIControlState.Normal); btnClose.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB(75, 171, 229).CGColor; btnClose.Layer.BorderWidth = 2f; btnClose.Layer.CornerRadius = 25; btnClose.Frame = new CGRect(this.Frame.Width / 2 - 100, this.Frame.Height / 2 - btnHeight / 2, 200, btnHeight); goSettings.Frame = new CGRect(this.Frame.Width / 2 - 150, this.Frame.Height / 2 - btnHeight - goSettings_height / 2 - 40, 300, goSettings_height); enable_location.Frame = new CGRect(this.Frame.Width / 2 - 125, this.Frame.Height / 2 - btnHeight - goSettings_height / 2 - enable_location_height - 20, 250, goSettings_height); oops.Frame = new CGRect(this.Frame.Width / 2 - 125, this.Frame.Height / 2 - btnHeight - goSettings_height / 2 - enable_location_height - oopsHeight - 20, 250, oopsHeight); Console.WriteLine(this.Frame.Width); btnClose.TouchUpInside += delegate { UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(UIApplication.OpenSettingsUrlString)); //Close(); }; oops.Text = "Oops"; oops.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica-Bold", 25f); oops.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; oops.TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB(112, 112, 112); enable_location.Text = "In order to use Srendip you need to enable your location"; enable_location.Lines = 2; enable_location.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; enable_location.TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB(112, 112, 112); goSettings.Text = "Go to settings > Srendip > Location > Enable Location While Using the App"; goSettings.Lines = 3; goSettings.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; goSettings.TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB(112, 112, 112); //goSettings.Frame = new CGRect(0, this.Frame.Height / 2 - btnHeight - goSettings_height / 2, this.Frame.Width, goSettings_height); this.AddSubview(btnClose); this.AddSubview(enable_location); this.AddSubview(goSettings); this.AddSubview(oops); }
void OnSelectColorFont(MonoBehaviour obj) { mColorFont = obj as UIFont; Repaint(); }
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) { //check if the table data has changed before redrawing the table cells UITableViewCell BusinessCell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(this.firstTimeID); if (BusinessCell == null) { BusinessCell = new UITableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle, this.firstTimeID); } this.application.cellFirstMeeting = BusinessCell; this.favouritesIndicator = new UILabel(); this.favouritesIndicator.Text = "\ud83d\udc9d"; //this.favouritesIndicator.Text = "⭐"; this.favouritesIndicator.MinimumFontSize = 24.0f; this.favouritesIndicator.AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true; this.favouritesIndicator.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 20, 40, 40); BusinessCell.TextLabel.Text = this.firstTimeDict[indexPath.Row]; BusinessCell.DetailTextLabel.Text = this.firstTimeTranslated[indexPath.Row]; BusinessCell.DetailTextLabel.TextColor = UIColor.Gray; BusinessCell.DetailTextLabel.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(12.5f); if (BusinessCell.EditingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyle.Insert) { this.application.cellFirstMeeting.AccessoryView = null; this.application.cellFirstMeeting.EditingAccessoryView = null; } if (this.application.localizedTextMeeting.Count == 0) { this.application.cellFirstMeeting.AccessoryView = null; this.application.cellFirstMeeting.EditingAccessoryView = null; } else if (this.application.localizedTextMeeting.Count >= 1) { if (this.application.localizedTextMeeting.Count == 1) { if (this.application.tabBarID == 1) { BusinessCell.AccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; BusinessCell.EditingAccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; } else { BusinessCell.AccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; BusinessCell.EditingAccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; } } //try this code first if (indexPath.Row == this.application.indexTableFirstTimeMeeting.Row) { Console.WriteLine("index chosen"); BusinessCell.AccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; BusinessCell.EditingAccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; } else if (this.application.indexIntFirstTimeMeeting.Contains(indexPath.Row) == false) { Console.WriteLine("Index is not found"); BusinessCell.AccessoryView = null; BusinessCell.EditingAccessoryView = null; } else if (this.application.indexIntFirstTimeMeeting.Contains(indexPath.Row) == true) { Console.WriteLine("Index table chosen _ 1"); if (indexPath.Row != this.application.indexTableFirstTimeMeeting.Row) { Console.WriteLine("Index table chosen _ 2"); BusinessCell.AccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; BusinessCell.EditingAccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; } } //the previously listed indices have accessory views labelled //this takes the final index path instead of a range /* if (indexPath.Row == this.application.indexInt.Find((int obj) => obj >= indexPath.Row)) { * Console.WriteLine("wtf?"); * BusinessCell.AccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; * }*/ //try this code. Using logic operators /*if(this.application.indexTableFavourite.Row == 0 || this.application.indexTableFavourite.Row == 1) { * BusinessCell.AccessoryView = this.favouritesIndicator; * return BusinessCell; * } * else { * BusinessCell.AccessoryView = null; * return BusinessCell; * }*/ return(BusinessCell); } return(BusinessCell); }