Exemple #1
            public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
                if (destinationType == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationType");

                if (culture == null)
                    culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

                UIDim dim = (UIDim)value;

                if (destinationType == typeof(string) && dim != null)
                    string        separator   = culture.TextInfo.ListSeparator + " ";
                    TypeConverter converter   = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(float));
                    string[]      stringArray = new string[2];

                    stringArray[0] = converter.ConvertToString(context, culture, dim.scale);
                    stringArray[1] = converter.ConvertToString(context, culture, dim.offest);

                    return(String.Join(separator, stringArray));

                return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType));
        protected internal override bool OnMouseMove(GUIMouseEventArgs e)
            bool ret = base.OnMouseMove(e);

            if (isBeingDragged)
                Vector2 delta = e.Position - dragPosition;
                dragPosition = e.Position;

                if (horzFree)
                    UIDim newX = this.X;
                    newX.offest += delta.x;

                    // limit value to within currently set range
                    newX.offest = (newX.offest < horzMin) ? horzMin : (newX.offest > horzMax) ? horzMax : newX.offest;

                    if (newX != this.X)
                        this.X = newX;
                        // send notification as required
                        if (hotTrack)
                            OnPositionChanged(new WindowEventArgs(this));

                if (vertFree)
                    UIDim newY = this.Y;
                    newY.offest += delta.y;

                    // limit new position to within currently set range
                    newY.offest = (newY.offest < vertMin) ? vertMin : (newY.offest > vertMax) ? vertMax : newY.offest;

                    if (newY != this.Y)
                        this.Y = newY;
                        // send notification as required
                        if (hotTrack)
                            OnPositionChanged(new WindowEventArgs(this));
        protected internal override bool OnMouseMove(GUIMouseEventArgs e)
            bool ret = base.OnMouseMove(e);

            if (SizingEnabled && isBeingSized && sizingLocation != SizingLocation.None)
                Vector2 deltaVector = e.Position - dragStartPosition;
                dragStartPosition = e.Position;

                // 左边
                UIDim xOffest = new UIDim(0, deltaVector.x);
                UIDim yOffest = new UIDim(0, deltaVector.y);
                if (sizingLocation == SizingLocation.Left ||
                    sizingLocation == SizingLocation.TopLeft ||
                    sizingLocation == SizingLocation.BottomLeft)
                    this.X     += xOffest;
                    this.Width -= xOffest;
                // 右边
                if (sizingLocation == SizingLocation.Right ||
                    sizingLocation == SizingLocation.TopRight ||
                    sizingLocation == SizingLocation.BottomRight)
                    this.Width += xOffest;
                // 上方
                if (sizingLocation == SizingLocation.Top ||
                    sizingLocation == SizingLocation.TopLeft ||
                    sizingLocation == SizingLocation.TopRight)
                    this.Y      += yOffest;
                    this.Height -= yOffest;
                // 下方
                if (sizingLocation == SizingLocation.Bottom ||
                    sizingLocation == SizingLocation.BottomLeft ||
                    sizingLocation == SizingLocation.BottomRight)
                    this.Height += yOffest;

 public CommandSetWindowDimCenterX(Window wnd)
     TargetWindow = wnd;
     OldDimX      = TargetWindow.X;
     OldDimWidth  = TargetWindow.Width;
 public CommandSetWindowDimX(Window wnd, UIDim newX)
     TargetWindows = wnd;
     OldDim        = TargetWindows.X;
     TargetDim     = newX;
 public CommandSetWindowDimY(Window wnd, UIDim newY)
     TargetWindows = wnd;
     OldDim        = TargetWindows.Y;
     TargetDim     = newY;
 public CommandSetWindowDimFullY(Window wnd)
     TargetWindows = wnd;
     OldDimY       = TargetWindows.Y;
     OldDimHeight  = TargetWindows.Height;
 public CommandSetWindowDimCenterY(Window wnd)
     TargetWindow = wnd;
     OldDimY      = TargetWindow.Y;
     OldDimHeight = TargetWindow.Height;