Exemple #1
        private void RegisterAllPanel()

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.FloatMessagePanel, null, "Common/FloatMessagePanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.FloatMessagePanel1, null, "Common/FloatMessagePanel1", true, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.MsgBoxPanel, null, "Common/MsgBoxPanel", true, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.HighlightMaskPanel, null, "Guide/HighlightMaskPanel", true, 0);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.GuideHandPanel, null, "Guide/GuideHandPanel", true, 0);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.MaskPanel, null, "Common/MaskPanel", true, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.ColorFadeTransition, null, "Common/ColorFadeTransition", true, 1);

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.RatePanel, null, "Common/RatePanel");

            //effect panel
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.UIParticalPanel, null, "Common/UIParticalPanel");


            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.GuideWordsPanel, null, "GuidePanel/GuideWordsPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.GuideUIClipPanel, null, "GuidePanel/GuideUIClipPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.GuideHandPanel, null, "GuidePanel/GuideHandPanel");

            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.OfflinePanel, null, "GamePanels/OfflineRewardPanel");
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.ShopPanel, null, "GamePanels/ShopPanel", true, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.SettingPanel, null, "GamePanels/SettingPanel/SettingPanel", true);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.MainGamePanel, null, "GamePanels/MainGamePanel/MainGamePanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.TopPanel, null, "GamePanels/TopPanel/TopPanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.OccupyOverPanel, null, "GamePanels/OccupyOverPanel/OccupyOverPanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.AdDynamicShowPanel, null, "GamePanels/AdDynamicShowPanel/AdDynamicShowPanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.AdStaticShowPanel, null, "GamePanels/AdStaticShowPanel/AdStaticShowPanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.UnlockSoldierPanel, null, "GamePanels/UnlockTipPanel/UnlockSoldierPanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.UnlockEnemyPanel, null, "GamePanels/UnlockTipPanel/UnlockEnemyPanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.UnlockWeaponPanel, null, "GamePanels/UnlockTipPanel/UnlockWeaponPanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.OfflinePanel, null, "GamePanels/OfflinePanel/OfflinePanel", true, 1);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.SettingPanel, null, "GamePanels/SettingPanel/SettingPanel");
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.MissionCompletePanel, null, "GamePanels/MissionCompletePanel/MissionCompletePanel");
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.MilestonePanel, null, "GamePanels/MilestonePanel/MilestonePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.ClassicModeGamePanel, null, "GamePanels/ClassicModePanel/GamePanel/ClassicModeGamePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.ClassicModeLevelCompletePanel, null, "GamePanels/ClassicModePanel/ClassicModeLevelCompletePanel/ClassicModeLevelCompletePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.ClassicModePausePanel, null, "GamePanels/PausePanel/ClassicModePausePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CubeModeGamePanel, null, "GamePanels/CubeModePanel/CubeModeGamePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CubeModeRevivePanel, null, "GamePanels/CubeModePanel/CubeModeRevivePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CubeModeGameOverPanel, null, "GamePanels/CubeModePanel/CubeModeGameOverPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CubeModeGameFinishPanel, null, "GamePanels/CubeModePanel/CubeModeGameFinishPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CubeModeToolPanel, null, "GamePanels/CubeModePanel/CubeModeToolPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CubeModeBombPanel, null, "GamePanels/CubeModePanel/CubeModeBombPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CubeModePausePanel, null, "GamePanels/CubeModePanel/CubeModePausePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.ClassicModeContinuePanel, null, "GamePanels/ContinuePanel/ClassicModeContinuePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CubeModeContinuePanel, null, "GamePanels/ContinuePanel/CubeModeContinuePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.ClaimPanel, null, "GamePanels/ClaimPanel/ClaimPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.GetBonusPanel, null, "GamePanels/GetBonusPanel/GetBonusPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.ClassicModeLevelFailedPanel, null, "GamePanels/ClassicModePanel/ClassicModeLevelFailedPanel/ClassicModeLevelFailedPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.GetRedPackPanel, null, "GamePanels/GetRedPackPanel/GetRedPackPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.ClassicModeGetPropPanel, null, "GamePanels/ClassicModePanel/ClassicModeGetPropPanel/ClassicModeGetPropPanel");
Exemple #2
        public static void RegisterStaticPanel()

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.LogoPanel, null, "LogoPanel/LogoPanel");
        public ActionResult getPersonList()
            string where = "";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "15";

            string GroupID = Request["GroupID"].ToString();

            where = " and b.GroupID='" + GroupID + "' ";

            UIDataTable udtTask = new UIDataTable();

            udtTask = FlowSystemMan.getPersonList(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #4
        public ActionResult RWAppExamineGrid()
            string where = "";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            UIDataTable udtTask = ProjectMan.getnproductExamineGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where, "getrwAppExamineProject");
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult AptitudeUserGrid()
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();

            string where = " and a.Unit = '" + account.UnitID + "'";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string UserName = Request["userName"].ToString();

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (UserName != "")
                where += " and b.UserName like '%" + UserName + "%'";
            UIDataTable udtTask = UserAptitudeMan.getNewAptitudeUserGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #6
        public ActionResult GetProductPlanGrid()
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;

            if (Request["curpage1"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage1"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";

            string JHID = Request["JHID"].ToString();

            UIDataTable udtTask = ProducePlanMan.GetProductPlan(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage1"]) - 1, JHID);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage1"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #7
        public ActionResult UMwebkeyGrid()
            string where = "";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string webkey = Request["webkey"].ToString();

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (webkey != "")
                where += " and a.BuType = '" + webkey + "'";
            UIDataTable udtTask = COM_ApprovalMan.getNewUMwebkeyGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult StaySettlementGrid()
            string where = " and DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),a.CPlanEndTime) <= 7";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string BusinessType = Request["businessType"].ToString();

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (BusinessType != "")
                where += " and a.BusinessType = '" + BusinessType + "'";
            UIDataTable udtTask = ContractMan.getNewContractGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult StandingBookGrid()
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            string      unit    = account.UnitID.ToString();

            string where = " and a.UnitID = '" + unit + "'";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string TracingType  = Request["TracingType"].ToString();
            string CheckCompany = Request["CheckCompany"].ToString();
            string StarTime     = Request["starTime"].ToString();
            string EndTime      = Request["endTime"].ToString();
            string OrderDate    = "";

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (TracingType != "")
                where += " and b.CheckWay = '" + TracingType + "'";
            if (CheckCompany != "")
                where += " and a.CheckCompany like '%" + CheckCompany + "%'";
            if (StarTime != "")
                where += " and b.CheckDate >= '" + StarTime + "' and b.CheckDate <= '" + EndTime + "' ";
            string Order = " order by m.ControlCode";

            if (Request["OrderDate"] != null)
                OrderDate = Request["OrderDate"].ToString();
            if (OrderDate != "")
                string[] arrLast = OrderDate.Split('@');
                Order = " order by m." + arrLast[0] + " " + arrLast[1] + "";
            UIDataTable udtTask = EquipMan.getNewStandingBookGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where, Order);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #10
        public ActionResult ExportDataTableToExcelUserAnaly(tk_CardSearch c)
            string name     = c.CustomerName;
            string sdate    = c.SS_Date;
            string edate    = c.ES_Date;
            string strWhere = "";

            if (name != null && name != "")
                strWhere += " and CustomerName like '%" + name + "%'";
            if (sdate != null && sdate != "" && edate != "" && edate != null)
                strWhere += " and  DATEPART(year,S_Date)>=" + sdate + " and  DATEPART(year,S_Date)<=" + edate;
                if (sdate != null && sdate != "")
                    strWhere += "and  DATEPART(year,S_Date)=" + sdate;
                if (edate != null && edate != "")
                    strWhere += "and  DATEPART(year,S_Date)=" + edate;

            UIDataTable udtTask = new UIDataTable();

            udtTask = FlowDAMan.LoadRepalceAnaly(strWhere);

            DataTable dt      = udtTask.DtData;
            string    strCols = "";

            if (name == "" || name == null)
                strCols = "仪表发生问题同年对比,问题数量,所占比例";
                if (name.Contains("贸易"))
                    strCols = "贸易,问题数量,所占比例";
                    strCols = "区域计量,问题数量,所占比例";

            System.IO.MemoryStream stream = ExcelHelper.ExportDataTableToExcelUserAnaly(dt, "问题数量", strCols.Split(','));
            stream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
            return(File(stream, "application/vnd.ms-excel", "问题数量.xls"));
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// 可以
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ActionResult ContractGrid(tk_ContractSearch ContractSearch)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         string where = "";
         Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
         string      unit    = account.UnitID.ToString();
         if (unit == "32" || unit == "46")
             where += "";
             where += " and a.Unit = '" + unit + "'";
         if (account.UserRole == "3")
             where += " and a.BusinessType = 'BT5'";
         string strCurPage;
         string strRowNum;
         string Cname      = ContractSearch.Cname;
         string ContractID = ContractSearch.ContractID;
         if (Request["curpage"] != null)
             strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
         if (Request["rownum"] != null)
             strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
             strRowNum = "10";
         if (Cname != "" && Cname != null)
             where += " and a.Cname like '%" + Cname + "%'";
         if (ContractID != "" && ContractID != null)
             where += " and a.ContractID like '%" + ContractID + "%'";
         UIDataTable udtTask = ContractMan.getNewContractGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
         string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);
         strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
         strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
         string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";
         jsonData += strjson + "}";
         return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
         return(Json(new { success = false, Msg = "查询条件验证不通过" }));
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ActionResult StayReturnCashGrid(tk_ContractSearch ContractSearch)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
         string      unit    = account.UnitID.ToString();
         string where = "";
         string time = ContractMan.getNewReturnTime();
         if (time == "")
             where = " and a.Unit = '" + unit + "' and a.state != '2' and DATEDIFF(MONTH,GETDATE(),a.CPlanEndTime) <= '2'";
             where = " and a.Unit = '" + unit + "' and a.state != '2' and DATEDIFF(MONTH,GETDATE(),a.CPlanEndTime) <= '" + time + "'";
         string strCurPage;
         string strRowNum;
         //string PayOrIncome = Request["payOrIncome"].ToString();
         string Cname      = ContractSearch.Cname;
         string ContractID = ContractSearch.ContractID;
         if (Request["curpage"] != null)
             strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
         if (Request["rownum"] != null)
             strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
             strRowNum = "10";
         //if (PayOrIncome != "")
         //    where += " and a.PayOrIncome = '" + PayOrIncome + "'";
         if (Cname != "" && Cname != null)
             where += " and a.Cname like '%" + Cname + "%'";
         if (ContractID != "" && ContractID != null)
             where += " and a.ContractID = '" + ContractID + "'";
         UIDataTable udtTask = ContractMan.getNewContractGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
         string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);
         strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
         strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
         string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";
         jsonData += strjson + "}";
         return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
         return(Json(new { success = false, Msg = "查询条件验证不通过" }));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult AptitudeWarnGrid()
            string where = "";
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();

            where = " and a.Unit = '" + account.UnitID + "'";
            string num = UserAptitudeMan.getNewAptitudeTime();

            if (num == "")
                where += " and DATEDIFF(MONTH,GETDATE(),a.CertificatDate) <= '2'";
                where += "  and DATEDIFF(MONTH,GETDATE(),a.CertificatDate) <= '" + num + "'";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string UserName     = Request["userName"].ToString();
            string BusinessType = Request["businessType"].ToString();
            string TecoName     = Request["tecoName"].ToString();

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (UserName != "")
                where += " and a.UserName like '%" + UserName + "%'";
            if (BusinessType != "")
                where += " and a.BusinessType = '" + BusinessType + "'";
            if (TecoName != "")
                where += " and a.TecoName like '%" + TecoName + "%'";
            UIDataTable udtTask = UserAptitudeMan.getNewAptitudeGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where, account.UnitID);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult TracingGrid()
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            string      unit    = account.UnitID.ToString();

            string where = " and a.UnitID = '" + unit + "'";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string XStarTime = Request["xstarTime"].ToString();
            string XEndTime  = Request["xendTime"].ToString();
            string JStarTime = Request["JStarTime"].ToString();
            string JEndTime  = Request["JEndTime"].ToString();
            string OrderDate = "";

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (XStarTime != "")
                where += " and a.LastDate >= '" + XStarTime + "' and a.LastDate <= '" + XEndTime + "' ";
            if (JStarTime != "")
                where += " and a.PlanDate >= '" + JStarTime + "' and a.PlanDate <= '" + JEndTime + "' ";
            string Order = " order by m.ControlCode";

            if (Request["OrderDate"] != null)
                OrderDate = Request["OrderDate"].ToString();
            if (OrderDate != "")
                string[] arrLast = OrderDate.Split('@');
                Order = " order by m." + arrLast[0] + " " + arrLast[1] + "";

            UIDataTable udtTask = EquipMan.getNewTracingGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where, Order);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult EquipWarnGrid()
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            string      unit    = account.UnitID.ToString();

            string where = " and a.state != '-1' and a.UnitID = '" + unit + "'";
            string ck1 = EquipMan.getNewCK1time();

            if (ck1 != "")
                where += " and (DATEDIFF(MONTH,GETDATE(),a.PlanDate)) <= '" + ck1 + "'";
                where += " and (DATEDIFF(MONTH,GETDATE(),a.PlanDate)) <= '2'";

            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string OrderDate = "";

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            string Order = " order by m.ControlCode";

            if (Request["OrderDate"] != null)
                OrderDate = Request["OrderDate"].ToString();
            if (OrderDate != "")
                string[] arrLast = OrderDate.Split('@');
                Order = " order by m." + arrLast[0] + " " + arrLast[1] + "";
            UIDataTable udtTask = EquipMan.getNewEquipGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where, Order, unit);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #16
        // 检测对比图-加载检测表列表
        public ActionResult LoadDetecList()
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "15";

            string RepairMethod = Request["RepairMethod"].ToString();
            string Caliber      = Request["Caliber"].ToString();
            string CustomerName = Request["CustomerName"].ToString();
            string Model        = Request["Model"].ToString();
            string strWhere     = "";

            if (RepairMethod != "")
                strWhere += " and b.RepairMethod ='" + RepairMethod + "'";
            if (Caliber != "")
                strWhere += " and b.Caliber ='" + Caliber + "'";
            if (CustomerName != "")
                strWhere += " and b.CustomerName like '%" + CustomerName + "%'";
            if (Model != "")
                strWhere += " and b.Model ='" + Model + "'";

            UIDataTable udtTask = new UIDataTable();

            udtTask = FlowDAMan.LoadDetecList(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, strWhere);
            string strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #17
        private void RegisterPanel()

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.StartPanel, "StartPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.LoadingPanel, "LoadingPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.CreateCharacterPanel, "CreateCharacterPanel");

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.GamePanel, "GamePanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.Inventorypanel, "Inventorypanel");

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.WorldUIPanel, "WorldUIPanel");
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ProjectGrid(tk_ProjectSearch ProjectSearch)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                string where = "";
                string strCurPage;
                string strRowNum;
                string ProID = ProjectSearch.ProID;
                string Pname = ProjectSearch.Pname;
                string start = ProjectSearch.StartDate;
                string end   = ProjectSearch.EndDate;

                if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                    strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
                if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                    strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                    strRowNum = "10";
                if (ProID != "" && ProID != null)
                    where += " and a.ProID like '%" + ProID + "%'";
                if (Pname != "" && Pname != null)
                    where += " and a.Pname like '%" + Pname + "%'";
                if (start != "" && start != null)
                    where += " and a.CreateTime >= '" + start + "' and a.CreateTime <= '" + end + "'";
                UIDataTable udtTask = ContractMan.getNewProjectGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
                string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);
                strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
                strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
                string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";
                jsonData += strjson + "}";
                return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(new { success = false, Msg = "查询条件验证不通过" }));
Exemple #19
        public static RectTransform FindTransformInPanel(string targetPanelName, string targetUINodePath)
            UIData data = UIDataTable.Get(targetPanelName);

            if (data == null)
            //string panelName = string.Format("{0}(Clone)", targetPanelName);
            int uiId = UIMgr.S.FindTopPanel <IConvertible>();//UIMgr.S.uiRoot.panelRoot.Find(targetPanelName);

            if (uiId != data.uiID)

            AbstractPanel panel = UIMgr.S.FindPanel(data.uiID);

            if (panel == null)

            Transform targetPanel = panel.transform;

            if (targetPanel == null)
                //Log.w("# FindTransformInPanel Not Find Panel:" + panelName);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetUINodePath))
                return(targetPanel as RectTransform);

            RectTransform result = targetPanel.Find(targetUINodePath) as RectTransform;

            if (result == null || !result.gameObject.activeSelf)
                //Log.w(string.Format("# FindTransformInPanel Not Find Node:{0}/{1}", panelName, targetUINodePath));

Exemple #20
        private void RegisterAllPanel()

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.FloatMessagePanel, null, "Common/FloatMessagePanel", true, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.MsgBoxPanel, null, "Common/MsgBoxPanel", true, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.HighlightMaskPanel, null, "Guide/HighlightMaskPanel", true, 0);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.GuideHandPanel, null, "Guide/GuideHandPanel", true, 0);
            //UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.MaskPanel, null, "Common/MaskPanel", true, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(EngineUI.ColorFadeTransition, null, "Common/ColorFadeTransition", true, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(SDKUI.AdDisplayer, null, "Common/AdDisplayer", false, 1);
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(SDKUI.OfficialVersionAdPanel, null, "OfficialVersionAdPanel");

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.WaitForStartPanel, null, "GamePanel/WaitForStartPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.GameOverPanel, null, "GamePanel/GameOverPanel");
            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.MainGamePanel, null, "GamePanel/MainGamePanel");
Exemple #21
        public ActionResult CashBackGrid()
            string where = "";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string CID = "";

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (Request["Cid"] != null)
                CID = Request["Cid"].ToString();
            if (CID != "")
                where += " and a.CID = '" + CID + "'";
            UIDataTable udtTask = new UIDataTable();

            if (where != "")
                udtTask = ContractMan.getNewCashBackGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult MandateGrid()
            string where = "";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string MCode   = Request["mcode"].ToString();
            string ProName = Request["ProName"].ToString();

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (MCode != "")
                where += " and a.MCode like '%" + MCode + "%'";
            if (ProName != "")
                where += " and a.ProName like '%" + ProName + "'";

            UIDataTable udtMandate = MandateInfoMan.getMandateGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string      strjson    = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtMandate.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{\"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ",\"total\":" + udtMandate.IntTotalPages + ",\"records\":" + udtMandate.IntRecords + ",\"rows\":";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #23
        public ActionResult LoadRepalceAnaly()
            string name  = Request["name"];
            string sdate = Request["sdate"];
            string edate = Request["edate"];

            string strWhere = "";

            if (name != "")
                strWhere += " and CustomerName like '%" + name + "%'";
            if (sdate != "" && edate != "")
                strWhere += " and  DATEPART(year,S_Date)>=" + sdate + " and  DATEPART(year,S_Date)<=" + edate;
                if (sdate != "")
                    strWhere += "and  DATEPART(year,S_Date)=" + sdate;
                if (edate != "")
                    strWhere += "and  DATEPART(year,S_Date)=" + edate;

            UIDataTable udtTask = new UIDataTable();

            udtTask = FlowDAMan.LoadRepalceAnaly(strWhere);
            string strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult DCheckInfoHistoryGrid()
            string where = "";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string Ecode    = Request["ecode"].ToString();
            string StarTime = Request["starTime"].ToString();
            string EndTime  = Request["endTime"].ToString();

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (Ecode != "")
                where += " and a.ECode = '" + Ecode + "'";
            if (StarTime != "")
                where += " and a.CheckDate >= '" + StarTime + "' and a.CheckDate <= '" + EndTime + "' ";
            UIDataTable udtTask = EquipMan.getNewDevicsBasGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #25
        public ActionResult BasMangeGrid()
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;

            string where = "";
            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            string type = Request["sel"].ToString();

            if (type != "")//在此处做判断
                where += " and a.Type ='" + type + "' ";
            UIDataTable udtTask = new UIDataTable();

            if (where != "")
                udtTask = SystemManage.getNewBasMangeGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult EntrustGrid()
            string where = "";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string TaskName   = Request["taskname"].ToString();
            string ProjectNum = Request["projectNum"].ToString();

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (TaskName != "")
                where += " and a.TaskName like '%" + TaskName + "%'";
            if (ProjectNum != "")
                where += " and a.ProjectNum like '%" + ProjectNum + "%'";
            UIDataTable udtTask = DeceteMan.getNewEntrustGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult RativeSourceGrid()
            string where = "";
            string strCurPage;
            string strRowNum;
            string RID          = Request["rID"].ToString();
            string Manufacturer = Request["manufacturer"].ToString();

            if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
            if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                strRowNum = "10";
            if (RID != "")
                where += " and a.RID like '%" + RID + "%'";
            if (Manufacturer != "")
                where += " and a.Manufacturer like '%" + Manufacturer + "%' ";
            UIDataTable udtTask = EquipMan.getNewRativeSourceGrid(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
            string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);

            strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
            strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
            string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";

            jsonData += strjson + "}";
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #28
        private void RegisterPanel()

            UIDataTable.AddPanelData(UIID.InventoryPanel, "Resources/UI/Panel/InventoryPanel");
Exemple #29
        public ActionResult GetProductPlan(ProduceList JH)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                string where = " ";
                string strCurPage;
                string strRowNum;

                if (Request["curpage"] != null)
                    strCurPage = Request["curpage"].ToString();
                if (Request["rownum"] != null)
                    strRowNum = Request["rownum"].ToString();
                    strRowNum = "10";

                string Name           = JH.Name;
                string Specifications = Request["Specifications"].ToString();

                string Starts = Request["Starts"].ToString();
                if (Starts != "")
                    Starts += " 00:00:00";

                string Starte = Request["Starte"].ToString();
                if (Starte != "")
                    Starte += " 23:59:59";

                string Type  = Request["Type"].ToString();
                string Type1 = Request["Type1"].ToString();
                string Type2 = Request["Type2"].ToString();
                string Type3 = Request["Type3"].ToString();
                string State = Request["State"].ToString();

                if (Request["Name"] != "")
                    where += " and b.Name like '%" + Request["Name"] + "%'";
                if (Specifications != "")
                    where += " and b.Specifications = '" + Specifications + "'";
                if (Starts != "" && Starte != "")
                    where += " and a.Specifieddate between '" + Starts + "' and '" + Starte + "'";
                if (Type != "" && Type2 != "")
                    where += " and a.Plannedyear between '" + Type + "' and '" + Type2 + "'";
                if (Type1 != "" && Type3 != "")
                    where += " and a.Plannedmonth between '" + Type1 + "' and '" + Type3 + "'";
                if (State != "")
                    where += " and a.State = '" + State + "'";

                //where = where.Substring(0, where.Length - 3);

                UIDataTable udtTask = ProducePlanMan.getPlanList(GFun.SafeToInt32(strRowNum), GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) - 1, where);
                string      strjson = GFun.Dt2Json("", udtTask.DtData);
                strjson = strjson.Substring(1);
                strjson = strjson.Substring(0, strjson.Length - 1);
                string jsonData = "{ \"page\":" + GFun.SafeToInt32(Request["curpage"]) + ", \"total\": " + udtTask.IntTotalPages + ", \"records\": " + udtTask.IntRecords + ", \"rows\": ";
                jsonData += strjson + "}";
                return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                //return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                return(Json(new { success = "false", Msg = "操作失败!" }));