/// <summary>Sets up the current batch based on the isolation settings requested by a property.</summary>
        /// <param name="property">The displayable property which wants the batch.</param>
        /// <param name="fontTexture">The font texture to use with this batch.</param>
        public void SetupBatch(DisplayableProperty property, TextureAtlas graphics, TextureAtlas font)
            if (property.Isolated)
                if (property.GotBatchAlready)
                    // The property already got a batch on this layout - it doesn't need another.

                // Isolated properties always get a new batch every time.
                CurrentBatch = UIBatchPool.Get(this);

                if (CurrentBatch == null)
                    CurrentBatch = new UIBatch(this);

                property.GotBatchAlready = true;

                // And push it to the active stack:

                // Make sure it knows it's isolated:
                if (CurrentBatch != null && !CurrentBatch.Isolated)
                    // Re-use existing batch?

                    if (font != null)
                        if (CurrentBatch.FontAtlas == null)
                            // Didn't have one assigned before. Assign now:
                        else if (font != CurrentBatch.FontAtlas)
                            // Font atlas changed. Can't share.
                            CurrentBatch = null;

                    if (graphics != null)
                        if (CurrentBatch.GraphicsAtlas == null)
                            // Didn't have one assigned before. Assign now:
                        else if (graphics != CurrentBatch.GraphicsAtlas)
                            // Atlas changed. Can't share.
                            CurrentBatch = null;

                    if (CurrentBatch != null)
                        // Yep - reuse it.

                // Pull a batch from the pool and set it to currentbatch. May need to generate a new one.
                CurrentBatch = UIBatchPool.Get(this);

                if (CurrentBatch == null)
                    CurrentBatch = new UIBatch(this);

                // And push it to the active stack:

                // Make sure it knows it's not isolated:
                CurrentBatch.NotIsolated(graphics, font);

            // Finally, prepare it for layout:
        /// <summary>Sets up the current batch as a 'globally isolated' batch. This acts like a hybrid between isolated
        /// and shared.</summary>
        /// <param name="property">The displayable property which wants the batch.</param>
        /// <param name="fontTexture">The font texture to use with this batch.</param>
        public void SetupBatchGI(DisplayableProperty property, TextureAtlas graphics, TextureAtlas font)
            if (!property.Isolated)
                // Ordinary non-isolated batch:
                SetupBatch(property, graphics, font);

            if (property.GotBatchAlready)
                // Re-use existing batch?

                if (font != null)
                    if (CurrentBatch.FontAtlas == null)
                        // Didn't have one assigned before. Assign now:
                    else if (font != CurrentBatch.FontAtlas)
                        // Font atlas changed. Can't share.
                        CurrentBatch = null;

                if (graphics != null)
                    if (CurrentBatch.GraphicsAtlas == null)
                        // Didn't have one assigned before. Assign now:
                    else if (graphics != CurrentBatch.GraphicsAtlas)
                        // Atlas changed. Can't share.
                        CurrentBatch = null;

                if (CurrentBatch != null)
                    // Yep - reuse it.

            // First timer or new one required - create:
            CurrentBatch = UIBatchPool.Get(this);

            if (CurrentBatch == null)
                CurrentBatch = new UIBatch(this);

            property.GotBatchAlready = true;

            // And push it to the active stack:

            // Use the global material, but set it as isolated
            // (note that we don't want to set CurrentBatch.IsolatedProperty as it may get unintentionally spammed):
            CurrentBatch.NotIsolated(graphics, font);
            CurrentBatch.Isolated = true;

            // Finally, prepare it for layout: