private void Update() { if (bPlay) { fCurrentTimePos += Time.fixedDeltaTime; if (fCurrentTimePos >= fMaxTimePos) { fCurrentTimePos = 0.0f; bPlay = false; UIActionSequence current_seq = CurrentSelected.GetComponent <UIActionSequence>(); if (current_seq != null) { current_seq.ReSet(); } } GUI.changed = true; Repaint(); } }
private void OnGUI() { CurrentSelected = Selection.activeGameObject; if (CurrentSelected == null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Please Select Sequence Object!"); return; } UIActionSequence current_seq = CurrentSelected.GetComponent <UIActionSequence>(); if (current_seq == null) { return; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); fCurrentTimePos = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(fCurrentTimePos, GUILayout.Width(30), GUILayout.Height(20)); if (bPreview) { ctrlTime.Speed = 1.0f; ctrlTime.Play(); using (new BackgroundColorScope( bPreview = GUILayout.Toggle(bPreview, bPreview ? "PreView" : "None", "button", GUILayout.Width(60), GUILayout.Height(20)); } else { ctrlTime.Speed = 0.0f; ctrlTime.Stop(); bPreview = GUILayout.Toggle(bPreview, bPreview ? "PreView" : "None", "button", GUILayout.Width(60), GUILayout.Height(20)); } if (bPlay) { ctrlTime.Speed = 1.0f; ctrlTime.Play(); using (new BackgroundColorScope( bPlay = GUILayout.Toggle(bPlay, bPlay ? "Playing" : "Stop", "button", GUILayout.Width(60), GUILayout.Height(20)); } else { ctrlTime.Speed = 0.0f; ctrlTime.Stop(); bPlay = GUILayout.Toggle(bPlay, bPlay ? "Playing" : "Stop", "button", GUILayout.Width(60), GUILayout.Height(20)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //선택된 시퀸스 오브젝트의 계층정보 보는곳 EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); vScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(vScrollPos, false, true, GUILayout.Width(200)); for (int i = 0; i < current_seq.Actions.Count; ++i) { var act = current_seq.Actions[i]; EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(, GUILayout.Height(20)); var have = act.gameObject.GetComponents <UIActionBaseInfo>(); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; for (int j = 0; j < have.Length; ++j) { var child = have[j]; EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(child.GetType().ToString(), GUILayout.Height(20)); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); vTimeLineScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(vTimeLineScrollPos, true, true); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space(10.0f); fCurrentTimePos = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(fCurrentTimePos, fMinTimePos, fMaxTimePos, "box", "box", GUILayout.Height(2000), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); ctrlTime.SetMinMaxTime(fMinTimePos, fMaxTimePos); var timeLen = ctrlTime.MaxTime - ctrlTime.MinTime; var gridline = timeLen * 10.0f; var sliderRect = new Rect(0.0f, 10.0f, 1400.0f - 200.0f, 2000.0f); for (int i = 0; i < gridline + 1; ++i) { float cur = (timeLen / gridline * i); var x = GetXFromIdx(i, sliderRect.width, gridline); if (i < gridline) { Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(sliderRect.x + x, sliderRect.y), new Vector2(sliderRect.x + x, sliderRect.y + sliderRect.height)); } if (cur % 1.0f == 0 && i != 0) { Handles.Label(new Vector2(sliderRect.x + x - 5.0f, sliderRect.y - 10.0f), cur.ToString("0")); } } for (int i = 0; i < current_seq.Actions.Count; ++i) { var act = current_seq.Actions[i]; var have = act.gameObject.GetComponents <UIActionBaseInfo>(); float sizey = (20.0f * have.Length) + 30.0f; for (int j = 0; j < have.Length; ++j) { var child = have[j]; //딜레이부터 총 길이만큼 그려줘야함 float x = GetXFromTime(child.Delay, sliderRect.width, gridline); float y = 20.0f + 20.0f * j + sizey * i; float w = GetXFromTime(child.During, sliderRect.width, gridline); Rect area = new Rect(new Vector2(sliderRect.x + x, sliderRect.y + y), new Vector2(w - 5.0f, 5.0f)); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(sliderRect.x + x, sliderRect.y + y), new Vector2(sliderRect.x + x + w, sliderRect.y + y)); //재생 방식과 반복 횟수에 따라 사각형 길이가 달라짐. //기본은 한블럭 //반복 재생은 횟수만큼 추가로 더 그려준다. (-1 : 무한대)의 경우 그냥 길게 쭉 그려주면됨 //기본을 제외하고 나머지는 during*2만큼 길어진게 한블럭 Color colSolid = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); Color colOutLine =; int loop = child.MaxLoop == -1 ? 99999 : child.MaxLoop; switch (child.LoopType) { case UIActionBaseInfo.UIActionLoopType.UIActionLoop_Looping: colOutLine =; area.width = w * loop; break; case UIActionBaseInfo.UIActionLoopType.UIActionLoop_Pingpong: colOutLine =; area.width = (w * 2.0f) * loop; break; } Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(area, colSolid, colOutLine); if (bPreview || bPlay) { child.IsStart = true; float real_start = fCurrentTimePos - child.Delay; if (real_start >= 0.0f) { child.SetCurrentTimePosition(real_start); } } else { child.ReSet(); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }