Exemple #1
        private void BtnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check if at least one item is selected
            if (LsvWorksets.CheckedItems.Count == 0)
                UI.Info.Form_Info1.infoMsgMain = "Selection";
                UI.Info.Form_Info1.infoMsgBody = "Select one or more worksets from the list.";
                using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new Info.Form_Info1())
                // collect selected worksets
                List <string> selectedWorksets = new List <string>();
                foreach (ListViewItem item in LsvWorksets.CheckedItems)

                // check if workset name is in use
                usedNames = GetUsedNames(m_doc, selectedWorksets);
                if (usedNames.Any())
                    using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning())
                // proceed if workset names are unique
                    using (TransactionGroup tg = new TransactionGroup(m_doc, "Transfer Worksets"))
                        createdWorksets.Clear(); // clear results list for when running the command more than once.
                        foreach (string WorksetName in selectedWorksets)
                            using (Transaction t = new Transaction(m_doc, "Single Transaction"))
                                Workset newWorkset = null;
                                newWorkset = Workset.Create(m_doc, WorksetName);
                    // show Results Form
                    using (UI.Info.Form_Results thisForm = new Info.Form_Results())
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Exemple #2
        public static SortedDictionary <string, List <Definition> > GetParameterByType(Application app)
            SortedDictionary <string, List <Definition> > DefinitionsByType = new SortedDictionary <string, List <Definition> >();

            DefinitionFile definitionFile = null;

            // definition file exists?
                definitionFile = app.OpenSharedParameterFile();
            catch (Exception)

            if (definitionFile is null)
                exceptionMessage = "DefinitionFile of Shared Parameters File does not exist." +
                                   " Something went wrong when trying to open the Shared Parameter File.";
                using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning())

                // iterate all groups
                foreach (DefinitionGroup gr in definitionFile.Groups)
                    // create sorted list of Definitions
                    List <Definition> defList = new List <Definition>();
                    foreach (Definition def in gr.Definitions)
                    List <Definition> sortedList = defList.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();

                    // itereate sorted list and populate dictionary
                    foreach (Definition def in sortedList)
                        // By Type
                        if (!DefinitionsByType.ContainsKey(def.ParameterType.ToString()))
                            DefinitionsByType.Add(def.ParameterType.ToString(), sortedList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                exceptionMessage = "Parameters could not be loaded: " + ex.Message;
                using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning())
Exemple #3
 public void InplaceReplacement(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.UI.Events.BeforeExecutedEventArgs arg)
     UI.Info.Form_Warning.warningMsgHead = "Stop!";
     UI.Info.Form_Warning.warningMsgMain = "Are you trying to create an In-Place Component?";
     UI.Info.Form_Warning.warningMsgBody = "That is not usually the best practice.\n" +
                                           "I´m sure you that can use a loadable family instead!\n" +
                                           "Please reconsider your actions...";
     using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
Exemple #4
 public void ImportReplacement(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.UI.Events.BeforeExecutedEventArgs arg)
     UI.Info.Form_Warning.warningMsgHead = "Stop!";
     UI.Info.Form_Warning.warningMsgMain = "Are you trying to import a CAD?";
     UI.Info.Form_Warning.warningMsgBody = "That is not the best practice.\n" +
                                           "You should use 'Link CAD' instead!\n" +
                                           "Please reconsider your actions...";
     using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
Exemple #5
        public static void MoveRoomToCentroid(Document doc, List <Room> modelRooms)
            SpatialElementGeometryCalculator geomCalculator = new SpatialElementGeometryCalculator(doc);
            bool NotEnclosedRooms = false;  //declare variable to detect Not Enclosed rooms

            foreach (Room r in modelRooms)
                if (r.Area == 0) //are there not enclosed rooms?
                    NotEnclosedRooms = true;
                if (r.Area > 0) //hadle exception for Not Enclosed rooms when trying to calculate SpatialElementGeometry
                    Location      rLoc            = r.Location;
                    LocationPoint currentLoc      = (LocationPoint)r.Location;
                    XYZ           currentLocPoint = currentLoc.Point;

                    SpatialElementGeometryResults geomResults = geomCalculator.CalculateSpatialElementGeometry(r);
                    Solid roomSolid    = geomResults.GetGeometry();
                    XYZ   roomCentroid = roomSolid.ComputeCentroid();

                    XYZ moveVector = new XYZ(roomCentroid.X - currentLocPoint.X, roomCentroid.Y - currentLocPoint.Y, roomCentroid.Z - currentLocPoint.Z);

                    // don´t move if centroid is outside of a room
                    if (r.IsPointInRoom(roomCentroid))

            if (NotEnclosedRooms == true)   //warn the user about not enclosed rooms
                Form.Form_Main.warningMsgMain = "Warning";
                Form.Form_Main.warningMsgBody = string.Format("There are 'Not Enclosed' rooms in this project.{0}{0}" +
                                                              " This application have ignored them," +
                                                              " but I strongly recommend you to revise them and amend as appropriate."
                                                              , Environment.NewLine);

                using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning())
Exemple #6
        public static void MoveModelTags(Document doc, List <RoomTag> rTagList)
            bool NotEnclosedRooms = false;  //declare variable to detect Not Enclosed rooms

            foreach (RoomTag rt in rTagList)
                if (rt.Room.Area == 0) //are there not enclosed rooms?
                    NotEnclosedRooms = true;
                if (rt.Room.Area > 0) //proceed only with enclosed rooms
                    Location tLoc = rt.Location;

                    // get room location
                    LocationPoint rLoc   = rt.Room.Location as LocationPoint;
                    XYZ           rPoint = rLoc.Point;

                    // get tag location
                    LocationPoint tagLoc   = (LocationPoint)rt.Location;
                    XYZ           tagPoint = tagLoc.Point;

                    XYZ moveVector = new XYZ(rPoint.X - tagPoint.X, rPoint.Y - tagPoint.Y, rPoint.Z - tagPoint.Z);

            if (NotEnclosedRooms == true)   //warn the user about not enclosed rooms
                Form.Form_Main.warningMsgMain = "Warning";
                Form.Form_Main.warningMsgBody = string.Format("There are 'Not Enclosed' rooms in this project.{0}{0}" +
                                                              " This application have ignored them," +
                                                              " but I strongly recommend you to revise them and amend as appropriate."
                                                              , Environment.NewLine);

                using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning())
Exemple #7
        } = 0;                                                      // number of schedules exported

        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            // add event handler for when the app does not find the ArpUtilies.dll assembly
            //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve);

            #region variables
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = uiapp.Application;
            UIDocument uidoc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc   = uidoc.Document;

            // element selection
            ICollection <ElementId> selIds = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

            // excel export settings
            ViewScheduleExportOptions export_options = new ViewScheduleExportOptions();

            // paths to check Excel install
            string excelPaths_FileName = "OpenInExcel_UserPaths.txt";
            string assemblyPath        = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            string excelPaths_FilePath = Path.Combine(assemblyPath, excelPaths_FileName);

            // paths to export schedule
            string temp_folder = Path.GetTempPath();

            // check if file exists
            if (!Data.Helpers.CheckFileExists(excelPaths_FilePath))
                warningMsgMain = "File missing";
                warningMsgBody = string.Format("Could not find the File: {0}{0}{1} in {2}{0}{0}Contact [email protected] for help.",
                using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning())

            // check if excel is installed in usual paths
            if (!Data.Helpers.CheckExcelInstall(excelPaths_FilePath))
                warningMsgMain = "Excel not found";
                warningMsgBody = string.Format("Could not find Excel installed in the usual paths.{0}{0}" +
                                               "Please install Excel or add your Excel path to the OpenInExcel_UserPaths.txt " +
                                               "(located in {1}) and try again.{0}{0}" +
                                               "Contact [email protected] for help.", Environment.NewLine, assemblyPath);

                using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning())

            // if there are not schedules selected or open throw a message
            if (!Data.Helpers.GetSelectedSchedules(doc, selIds).Any())
                using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1())

            // go ahead and export the selected schedules
            if (Data.Helpers.GetSelectedSchedules(doc, selIds).Any())
                // start counters. For this application Use Time and Execution time will be the same.

                Random randomNumber = new Random();

                // create excel name with schedule name + random number
                foreach (View v in Data.Helpers.GetSelectedSchedules(doc, selIds))
                    Ana_NoOfExports += 1;   // count number of schedules exported

                    string scheduleName       = Data.Helpers.ReplaceIllegalCharaters(v.Name);
                    string txtFileName        = scheduleName + "_" + randomNumber.Next(1000) + ".txt";
                    string scheduleExportPath = Path.Combine(temp_folder, txtFileName);

                    // export schedule to .txt
                    ViewSchedule viewSchedule = v as ViewSchedule;
                    viewSchedule.Export(temp_folder, txtFileName, export_options);

                    // open .txt schedule with excel
                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
                    excelApp.Visible = true; // make the running excel instance visible
                    Workbook wb = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(scheduleExportPath);
                UseTimeElapseS  = useTime.Elapsed.Seconds.ToString();
                ExecTimeElapseS = UseTimeElapseS;
            //    Utilities.GetAnalyticsCSV(doc, app);
            //    Data.Helpers.ScheduleToExcelAnalytics(doc, app, UseTimeElapseS, ExecTimeElapseS, Ana_NoOfExports);
            //catch (Exception)
Exemple #8
        private void BtnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // show message if both boxes are unchecked
            if (!CbxRoomCentroid.Checked && !CbxRoomTag.Checked)
                infoMsgMain = "Hey!";
                infoMsgBody = "Choose an action from the menu.";
                using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1())

            // show message if there are neither tags not rooms
            if ((CbxRoomCentroid.Checked || CbxRoomTag.Checked) &&
                !Data.Helpers.GetModelRooms(m_doc).Any() &&
                !Data.Helpers.GetModelRoomTags(m_doc).Any() &&
                // show dialog
                infoMsgMain = "Missing elements";
                infoMsgBody = "There are not placed rooms or room tags in this project.";
                using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }

            else // if there are tags or rooms
                if (CbxRoomCentroid.Checked)
                    if (RbtProject.Checked)                           // if "Entire Project" is checked
                        if (!Data.Helpers.GetModelRooms(m_doc).Any()) // show message if there are no rooms
                            // show dialog
                            infoMsgMain = "Missing elements";
                            infoMsgBody = "There are not placed rooms in this project.";
                            using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                        else // move room insertion point to centroid
                            using (Transaction t = new Transaction(m_doc, "Room Insertion Point to Centroid"))
                                Data.Helpers.MoveRoomToCentroid(m_doc, Data.Helpers.GetModelRooms(m_doc));
                            // show dialog
                            infoMsgMain = "Result";
                            infoMsgBody = "Room location points have been moved to centroid.";
                            using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

                    if (RbtActiveView.Checked)                               // if "Active View" is checked
                        if (!Data.Helpers.GetModelRoomsActView(m_doc).Any()) // show message if there are no rooms in active view
                            // show dialog
                            infoMsgMain = "Missing elements";
                            infoMsgBody = "There are not placed rooms in this view.";
                            using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                        else // move room insertion point to centroid
                            using (Transaction t = new Transaction(m_doc, "Room Insertion Point to Centroid"))
                                Data.Helpers.MoveRoomToCentroid(m_doc, Data.Helpers.GetModelRoomsActView(m_doc));
                            // show dialog
                            infoMsgMain = "Result";
                            infoMsgBody = "Room location points have been moved to centroid.";
                            using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

                if (CbxRoomTag.Checked)
                    if (RbtActiveView.Checked)                                  // if "Active View" is checked
                        if (!Data.Helpers.GetModelRoomTagsActView(m_doc).Any()) // show message if there are no tags
                            // show dialog
                            infoMsgMain = "Missing elements";
                            infoMsgBody = "There are not room tags in this active view, or they are tagging rooms from a linked model.";
                            using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                        else // move tag to room insertion point
                            using (Transaction t = new Transaction(m_doc, "Tags to Room Insertion Point"))
                                Data.Helpers.MoveModelTags(m_doc, Data.Helpers.GetModelRoomTagsActView(m_doc));
                            // show dialog
                            infoMsgMain = "Result";
                            infoMsgBody = "Room tags have been moved to room location point.";
                            using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

                    if (RbtProject.Checked)                                 // if "Entire Project" is checked
                        if (CbxLinkedRoomTag.Checked && CbxRoomTag.Checked) // if "Include tags of linked rooms" is checked
                            if (!Data.Helpers.GetLinkRoomTags(m_doc).Any())
                                // show dialog
                                infoMsgMain = "Missing elements";
                                infoMsgBody = "There are not room tags tagging linked rooms in the model.";
                                using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                            else // move all tags
                                using (Transaction t = new Transaction(m_doc, "Tags to Room Insertion Point"))
                                    Data.Helpers.MoveModelTags(m_doc, Data.Helpers.GetModelRoomTags(m_doc)); // move model tags
                                    // show dialog
                                    infoMsgMain = "Result";
                                    infoMsgBody = "Room tags have been moved to room location point.";
                                    using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                                        foreach (RoomTag rt in Data.Helpers.GetLinkRoomTags(m_doc)) // move linked tags
                                            Data.Helpers.MoveLinkTags(m_doc, rt);
                                        // show dialog
                                        infoMsgMain = "Result";
                                        infoMsgBody = "Tags of linked rooms have been moved to room insertion point.";
                                        using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                                    catch (Exception)
                                        // show dialog
                                        warningMsgMain = "For your information";
                                        warningMsgBody = string.Format("Some tags of linked rooms were not moved " +
                                                                       "because one or more links containing tagged rooms are unloaded.{0}{0}" +
                                                                       "Please, reload links and try again.", Environment.NewLine);
                                        using (UI.Info.Form_Warning thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Warning()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }
                                        DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
                                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

                        if (!CbxLinkedRoomTag.Checked) // if "Include tags of linked rooms" is unchecked
                            if (!Data.Helpers.GetModelRoomTags(m_doc).Any())
                                // show dialog
                                infoMsgMain = "Missing elements";
                                infoMsgBody = "There are not room tags in the model, or they are tagging rooms from a linked model.";
                                using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }

                            else // move model tags
                                using (Transaction t = new Transaction(m_doc, "Tags to Room Insertion Point"))
                                    Data.Helpers.MoveModelTags(m_doc, Data.Helpers.GetModelRoomTags(m_doc));
                                // show dialog
                                infoMsgMain = "ResultAA";
                                infoMsgBody = "Room tags have been moved to room insertion point.";
                                using (UI.Info.Form_Info1 thisForm = new UI.Info.Form_Info1()) { thisForm.ShowDialog(); }

                                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;