public async Task <ActionResult> proc() { var json = new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEnd(); var model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JGN_Blogs>(json); if (model.title != null && model.title.Length < 5) { return(Ok(new { status = "error", message = "Please enter title" })); } if (model.description == null || model.description == "" || model.description.Length < 10) { return(Ok(new { status = "error", message = "Please enter proper description" })); } // validate tags if (model.tags != null && Jugnoon.Settings.Configs.FeatureSettings.enable_tags) { if (!TagsBLL.Validate_Tags(model.tags)) { return(Ok(new { status = "error", message = "Tags not validated" })); } // Process tags if (model.tags != "") { TagsBLL.Process_Tags(_context, model.tags, TagsBLL.Types.Blogs, 0); } } var b_settings = new Jugnoon.Blogs.Settings.General(); // process categories int _isapproved = 1; // enable it bydefault if (b_settings.blogPostModeration == 1) { // Moderator Review Required _isapproved = 0; } //XSS CLEANUP string content = ""; if (model.description != null && model.description != "") { content = UGeneral.SanitizeText(model.description); } // normal tags if (b_settings.tag_Processing) { content = BlogScripts.Generate_Auto_Tag_Links(_context, content); } // normal category if (b_settings.category_Processing) { content = BlogScripts.Generate_Auto_Category_Links(_context, content); } // blog banner upload functionality if (model.cover_url != null && model.cover_url != "") { if (model.cover_url.StartsWith("data:image")) { // base 64 image var image_url = model.cover_url.Replace("data:image/png;base64,", ""); byte[] image = Convert.FromBase64String(image_url); // create image name var _title = UtilityBLL.ReplaceSpaceWithHyphin(model.title); if (_title.Length > 15) { _title = _title.Substring(0, 15); } string thumbFileName = _title + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 8) + ".png"; var path = SiteConfig.Environment.ContentRootPath + DirectoryPaths.BlogsPhotoDirectoryPath; if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "" + thumbFileName)) { System.IO.File.Delete(path + "" + thumbFileName); } // local storage System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path + "" + thumbFileName, image); model.cover_url = await Jugnoon.Helper.Aws.UploadPhoto(_context, thumbFileName, path, Jugnoon.Blogs.Configs.AwsSettings.midthumb_directory_path); } } // normal blog posts upload string _publish_path = ""; // Add information in table var filename = new StringBuilder(); if (model.files.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in model.files) { if (filename.ToString().Length > 0) { filename.Append(","); } filename.Append(item.filename); } } if (filename.ToString() != "") { _publish_path = AwsCloud.UploadPostCover(filename.ToString(), model.userid); } else { _publish_path = filename.ToString(); } if ( == 0) { var blg = new JGN_Blogs(); blg.categories = model.categories; blg.userid = model.userid; if (model.title != null) { blg.title = model.title; if (blg.title.Length > 100) { blg.title = blg.title.Substring(0, 99); } } blg.description = content; if (model.tags != null) { blg.tags = model.tags; if (blg.tags.Length > 300) { blg.tags = blg.tags.Substring(0, 299); } } blg.isenabled = 1; // enabled in start blg.isapproved = (byte)_isapproved; blg.picture_caption = model.picture_caption; blg.picture_url = _publish_path; // filename blg.cover_url = model.cover_url; blg = await BlogsBLL.Add(_context, blg); Setup_Item(blg); return(Ok(new { status = "success", record = blg, message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_record_created"].Value })); } else { var blg = new JGN_Blogs(); =; blg.userid = model.userid; if (model.title != null) { blg.title = model.title; } blg.description = content; if (model.tags != null) { blg.tags = model.tags; } blg.isapproved = (byte)_isapproved; blg.categories = model.categories; blg.picture_caption = model.picture_caption; blg.picture_url = _publish_path; Setup_Item(blg); await BlogsBLL.Update(_context, blg); return(Ok(new { status = "success", record = blg, message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_record_updated"].Value })); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> proc() { var json = new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEnd(); var model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JGN_ForumTopics>(json); // new topic posted if (model.replyid == 0) { // check title if (model.title.Length < 5) { return(Ok(new { status = "error", message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_invalid_title"].Value })); } } // Add information in table var topics = new JGN_ForumTopics(); if ( > 0) { =; } string content = UGeneral.SanitizeText(model.description); topics.description = content; topics.title = model.title; if (topics.title.Length > 200) { topics.title = topics.title.Substring(0, 199); } topics.tags = model.tags; topics.forumid = model.forumid; topics.userid = model.userid; int isapproved = 1; topics.isapproved = (byte)isapproved; topics.isenabled = 1; topics.replyid = model.replyid; topics = await ForumTopicBLL.Process(_context, topics, true); if (model.tags != "" && model.replyid == 0 && == 0) { // Process tags TagsBLL.Process_Tags(_context, model.tags, TagsBLL.Types.Forums, 0); } // Mail Procesing Section if ( == 0 && model.replyid == 0) { // ProcessMail(tid, topics.replyid, topics.username, model.GroupID, model.Description, model.Title); // add newly added topic id in struct for user activity and group posting // =; } topics.url = Forum_Urls.Prepare_Topic_Url(, topics.title, true); topics.author_url = UserUrlConfig.ProfileUrl(, Jugnoon.Settings.Configs.RegistrationSettings.uniqueFieldOption); return(Ok(new { status = "success", record = topics, message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_record_created"].Value })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> post(PostTopicViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // new topic posted if (model.ReplyID == 0) { // check title if (model.Title.Length < 10) { model.Message = SiteConfig.forumLocalizer["_forum_post_msg_09"].Value; return(View(model)); } if (UtilityBLL.isLongWordExist(model.Title) || UtilityBLL.isLongWordExist(model.Title)) { model.Message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_invalid_title"]; return(View(model)); } } // Add information in table var topics = new JGN_ForumTopics(); if (model.TopicID > 0) { = model.TopicID; } topics.forumid = model.ForumID; string content = UGeneral.SanitizeText(model.Description); // Process Contents -> links, bbcodes etc // content = UtilityBLL.Process_Content_Text(content); // Generate Album Preview //content = AlbumsBLL.Generate_Blog_Gallery_Previews(content); topics.description = content; if (model.ReplyID > 0) { var _lst = await ForumTopicBLL.LoadItems(_context, new ForumTopicEntity() { id = model.TopicID, loadall = true }); if (_lst.Count > 0) { topics.tags = _lst[0].tags; topics.title = _lst[0].title; topics.forumid = _lst[0].forumid; if (topics.title.Length > 200) { topics.title = topics.title.Substring(0, 199); } } } else { if (model.Tags != null) { topics.tags = model.Tags; if (topics.tags.Length > 300) { topics.tags = topics.tags.Substring(0, 299); } } topics.title = model.Title; } topics.userid = model.UserName; int isapproved = 1; if (Jugnoon.Settings.Configs.GeneralSettings.content_approval == 0 && !model.isAdmin && model.ReplyID == 0) { isapproved = 0; // manual approval } topics.isapproved = (byte)isapproved; topics.isenabled = 1; topics.replyid = model.ReplyID; topics = await ForumTopicBLL.Process(_context, topics, model.isAdmin); if (model.Tags != "") { // Process tags TagsBLL.Process_Tags(_context, model.Tags, TagsBLL.Types.Forums, 0); } // Mail Procesing Section if (model.TopicID == 0 && model.ReplyID == 0) { ProcessMail(, topics.replyid, topics.userid, model.GroupID, model.Description, model.Title); // add newly added topic id in struct for user activity and group posting //topics.topicid = topics.topicid; } if (model.ReplyID > 0) { // topic is posted in reply // redirect to topic return(Redirect(Forum_Urls.Prepare_Topic_Url(topics.replyid, topics.title, model.isAdmin) + "?status=posted")); } return(Redirect(Forum_Urls.Prepare_Topic_Url(, topics.title, model.isAdmin) + "?status=posted")); } // initialize values if (model.ForumID == 0) { model.ForumList = await ForumBLLC.LoadItems(_context, new ForumEntity() { loadall = true, iscache = true }); } model.Message = "Validation Error"; return(View(model)); }