public InitData(FictitiousPlayMc solver)
                int playersCount = solver._at.PlayersCount;

                AtChildrenIndex = new UFTreeChildrenIndex(solver._at);
                RoundsCount = solver.CardCount.Length;
Exemple #2
        private void PrepareHero()
            _maxCard          = new int[PLAYERS_COUNT][];
            _chanceIndexSizes = new int[PLAYERS_COUNT][];
            _heroVarsInLeaves = new int[ActionTree.NodesCount][];

            _roundsCount = ChanceTree.CalculateRoundsCount();
            for (int p = 0; p < PLAYERS_COUNT; ++p)
                _maxCard[p]          = new int[_roundsCount].Fill(int.MinValue);
                _chanceIndexSizes[p] = new int[_roundsCount].Fill(int.MinValue);

            for (Int64 n = 1; n < ChanceTree.NodesCount; ++n)
                int round = (ChanceTree.GetDepth(n) - 1) / PLAYERS_COUNT;
                if (_maxCard[ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Position][round] < ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Card)
                    _maxCard[ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Position][round] = ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Card;

            for (int p = 0; p < PLAYERS_COUNT; ++p)
                _chanceIndexSizes[p][0] = _maxCard[p][0] + 1;
                for (int r = 1; r < _roundsCount; ++r)
                    _chanceIndexSizes[p][r] = _chanceIndexSizes[p][r - 1] * (_maxCard[p][r] + 1);

            _actionTreeIndex = new UFTreeChildrenIndex(ActionTree);

            for (Int64 n = 1; n < ActionTree.NodesCount; ++n)
                if (_actionTreeIndex.GetChildrenCount(n) == 0)
                    // This is a leaf
                    int round = ActionTree.Nodes[n].Round;
                    _heroVarsInLeaves[n] = new int[_chanceIndexSizes[HeroPosition][round]].Fill(-1);

            // Create hero variables
            WalkUFTreePP <StrategyTree, PrepareHeroVarsContext> wt = new WalkUFTreePP <StrategyTree, PrepareHeroVarsContext>();

            wt.OnNodeBegin = PrepareHero_OnNodeBegin;
            wt.Walk(Strategy, PLAYERS_COUNT);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a child of node with the given amount. A child pointed by hint is checked first.
        /// This allows to skip searching if the position of this child is known (for example from another
        /// tree for the same game).
        /// </summary>
        public long FindChildByAmount(long nodeIdx, double amount, UFTreeChildrenIndex index, int hintChildIdx)
            int chBegin, chCount;

            index.GetChildrenBeginIdxAndCount(nodeIdx, out chBegin, out chCount);
            if (hintChildIdx < chCount)
                int chIdx = index.GetChildIdx(chBegin + hintChildIdx);
                if (Nodes[chIdx].Amount == amount)
            return(FindChildByAmount(nodeIdx, amount, index));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a child of node with the given amount by looking up all children using the index..
        /// </summary>
        public long FindChildByAmount(long nodeIdx, double amount, UFTreeChildrenIndex index)
            int childCount, chBegin;

            index.GetChildrenBeginIdxAndCount(nodeIdx, out chBegin, out childCount);
            for (int ch = 0; ch < childCount; ++ch)
                int chIdx = index.GetChildIdx(chBegin + ch);
                if (Nodes[chIdx].Amount == amount)
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a node by an action path. Action path must not contain the root node and the blinds.
        /// This function is not speed-optimized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Int64 FindNode(IStrategicAction[] path)
            UFTreeChildrenIndex actionTreeIndex = new UFTreeChildrenIndex(this);
            Int64 curNode = PlayersCount;

            for (int a = 0; a < path.Length; ++a)
                int childCount, chBegin;
                actionTreeIndex.GetChildrenBeginIdxAndCount(curNode, out chBegin, out childCount);
                for (int ch = 0; ch < childCount; ++ch)
                    int chIdx = actionTreeIndex.GetChildIdx(chBegin + ch);
                    if (path[a].Position == Nodes[chIdx].Position)
                        if (Nodes[chIdx].IsDealerAction)
                            IDealerAction da = (IDealerAction)path[a];
                            if (da.Card == Nodes[chIdx].Card)
                                curNode = chIdx;
                                goto found;
                            IPlayerAction pa = (IPlayerAction)path[a];
                            if (pa.Amount == Nodes[chIdx].Amount)
                                curNode = chIdx;
                                goto found;
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Cannot find child at node {0} for action {1}",
                                                             curNode, path[a]));
Exemple #6
        private void Prepare()
            _playersCount   = Strategies.Length;
            _maxCard        = new int[_playersCount][];
            _spArrayLengths = new int[_playersCount][];
            _spArrays       = new double[_playersCount][][].Fill(i => new double[ActionTree.NodesCount][]);
            if (PrepareVis)
                _visLeaveValues = new double[_playersCount][][].Fill(i => new double[ActionTree.NodesCount][]);
            _gameValues = new double[_playersCount];

            _roundsCount = ChanceTree.CalculateRoundsCount();
            for (int p = 0; p < _playersCount; ++p)
                _maxCard[p]        = new int[_roundsCount].Fill(int.MinValue);
                _spArrayLengths[p] = new int[_roundsCount].Fill(int.MinValue);

            for (Int64 n = 1; n < ChanceTree.NodesCount; ++n)
                int round = (ChanceTree.GetDepth(n) - 1) / _playersCount;
                if (_maxCard[ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Position][round] < ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Card)
                    _maxCard[ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Position][round] = ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Card;

            for (int p = 0; p < _playersCount; ++p)
                _spArrayLengths[p][0] = _maxCard[p][0] + 1;
                for (int r = 1; r < _roundsCount; ++r)
                    _spArrayLengths[p][r] = _spArrayLengths[p][r - 1] * (_maxCard[p][r] + 1);

            _actionTreeIndex = new UFTreeChildrenIndex(ActionTree);

            for (Int64 n = 1; n < ActionTree.NodesCount; ++n)
                if (_actionTreeIndex.GetChildrenCount(n) == 0)
                    // This is a leaf
                    int round = ActionTree.Nodes[n].Round;
                    for (int p = 0; p < _playersCount; ++p)
                        _spArrays[p][n] = new double[_spArrayLengths[p][round]];
                        if (PrepareVis)
                            _visLeaveValues[p][n] = new double[_spArrayLengths[p][round]];

            for (_curPlayer = 0; _curPlayer < _playersCount; ++_curPlayer)
                WalkUFTreePP <StrategyTree, PrepareContext> wt = new WalkUFTreePP <StrategyTree, PrepareContext>();
                wt.OnNodeBegin = Prepare_OnNodeBegin;
Exemple #7
        void Initialize()
            _playerInfoProps = new Props();
            string strDir = _creationParams.Get("StrategyDir");

            _playerInfoProps.Set("StrategyDir", strDir);
            string propsFile = Path.Combine(strDir, "props.xml");
            Props  props     = XmlSerializerExt.Deserialize <Props>(propsFile);

            int rngSeed = int.Parse(_creationParams.GetDefault("RngSeed", "0"));

            if (rngSeed == 0)
                rngSeed = (int)DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            _checkBlinds = bool.Parse(_creationParams.GetDefault("CheckBlinds", "true"));

            string amountCompareMethodText = _creationParams.GetDefault("AmountSearchMethod", "Equal");

            if (amountCompareMethodText == "Equal")
                _amountSearchMethod = AmountSearchMethod.Equal;
            else if (amountCompareMethodText == "Closest")
                _amountSearchMethod = AmountSearchMethod.Closest;
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown amount compare method {0}", amountCompareMethodText));

            _relProbabIgnoreLevel = double.Parse(_creationParams.GetDefault("RelProbabIgnoreLevel", "0.0"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            _playerInfoProps.Set("RelProbabIgnoreLevel", _relProbabIgnoreLevel.ToString());

            // Use MersenneTwister because it is under our control on all platforms and
            // is probably better than System.Random.
            Random underlyingRng = new MersenneTwister(rngSeed);

            _moveSelector = new DiscreteProbabilityRng(underlyingRng);
            _playerInfoProps.Set("RngSeed", rngSeed.ToString());

            _deckDescr = XmlSerializerExt.Deserialize <DeckDescriptor>(props.Get("DeckDescriptor"));

            _chanceAbsrtractions = new IChanceAbstraction[0];

            // Create chance abstractions
            for (int pos = 0; ; pos++)
                string caPropName  = String.Format("ChanceAbstraction-{0}", pos);
                string relFileName = props.Get(caPropName);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relFileName))
                Array.Resize(ref _chanceAbsrtractions, _chanceAbsrtractions.Length + 1);

                string absFileName = Path.Combine(strDir, relFileName);
                _chanceAbsrtractions[pos] = ChanceAbstractionHelper.CreateFromPropsFile(absFileName);
                _playerInfoProps.Set(caPropName + ".Name", _chanceAbsrtractions[pos].Name);

            Dictionary <string, int> fileToPos = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            _strategies = new StrategyTree[0];
            _strIndexes = new UFTreeChildrenIndex[0];

            // Load strategies, reuse if file is the same
            for (int pos = 0; ; pos++)
                string strPropName = String.Format("Strategy-{0}", pos);
                string relFileName = props.Get(strPropName);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relFileName))
                Array.Resize(ref _strategies, _strategies.Length + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref _strIndexes, _strIndexes.Length + 1);

                string absFileName = Path.Combine(strDir, relFileName);
                int    existingPos;
                if (fileToPos.TryGetValue(absFileName, out existingPos))
                    _strategies[pos] = _strategies[existingPos];
                    _strIndexes[pos] = _strIndexes[existingPos];
                    fileToPos.Add(absFileName, pos);
                    _strategies[pos] = StrategyTree.ReadFDA <StrategyTree>(absFileName);
                    _strIndexes[pos] = new UFTreeChildrenIndex(_strategies[pos], Path.Combine(strDir, "strategy-idx.dat"), false);
                _playerInfoProps.Set(strPropName + ".Version", _strategies[pos].Version.ToString());

            // Read blinds
            for (int strPos = 0; strPos < _strategies.Length; ++strPos)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int playerPos = 0; playerPos < _strategies.Length; ++playerPos)
                    StrategyTreeNode stNode = new StrategyTreeNode();
                    _strategies[strPos].GetNode(playerPos + 1, &stNode);
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0:0.000000 }", stNode.Amount);
                _playerInfoProps.Set("Blinds." + strPos.ToString(), sb.ToString());
Exemple #8
        private void Prepare()

            _playersCount     = Strategies.Length;
            _maxCard          = new int[_playersCount][];
            _chanceIndexSizes = new int[_playersCount][];
            _strategicProbabs = new double[_playersCount][][].Fill(i => new double[ActionTree.NodesCount][]);
            if (PrepareVis)
                _visGameValues = new double[Strategies[HeroPosition].NodesCount];
                _visGameValues = null;

            _roundsCount = ChanceTree.CalculateRoundsCount();
            for (int p = 0; p < _playersCount; ++p)
                _maxCard[p]          = new int[_roundsCount].Fill(int.MinValue);
                _chanceIndexSizes[p] = new int[_roundsCount].Fill(int.MinValue);

            for (Int64 n = 1; n < ChanceTree.NodesCount; ++n)
                int round = (ChanceTree.GetDepth(n) - 1) / _playersCount;
                if (_maxCard[ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Position][round] < ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Card)
                    _maxCard[ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Position][round] = ChanceTree.Nodes[n].Card;

            for (int p = 0; p < _playersCount; ++p)
                _chanceIndexSizes[p][0] = _maxCard[p][0] + 1;
                for (int r = 1; r < _roundsCount; ++r)
                    _chanceIndexSizes[p][r] = _chanceIndexSizes[p][r - 1] * (_maxCard[p][r] + 1);

            _actionTreeIndex = new UFTreeChildrenIndex(ActionTree);

            for (Int64 n = 1; n < ActionTree.NodesCount; ++n)
                if (_actionTreeIndex.GetChildrenCount(n) == 0)
                    // This is a leaf
                    int round = ActionTree.Nodes[n].Round;
                    for (int p = 0; p < _playersCount; ++p)
                        if (p != HeroPosition)
                            _strategicProbabs[p][n] = new double[_chanceIndexSizes[p][round]];

            // Fill strategic probability for each player except the hero.
            for (_curPlayer = 0; _curPlayer < _playersCount; ++_curPlayer)
                if (_curPlayer == HeroPosition)
                WalkUFTreePP <StrategyTree, PrepareStrategicProbabsContext> wt = new WalkUFTreePP <StrategyTree, PrepareStrategicProbabsContext>();
                wt.OnNodeBegin = PrepareStrategicProbabs_OnNodeBegin;

            _chanceTreeNodes = new int[_roundsCount][][];

            for (int r = 0; r < _roundsCount; ++r)
                int oppChanceIndexSize = 1;
                for (int p = 0; p < _playersCount; ++p)
                    if (p == HeroPosition)
                    oppChanceIndexSize *= _chanceIndexSizes[p][r];
                int size = _chanceIndexSizes[HeroPosition][r];
                _chanceTreeNodes[r] = new int[size][];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                    _chanceTreeNodes[r][i] = new int[oppChanceIndexSize];

            WalkUFTreePP <ChanceTree, PrepareChanceIndexContext> wt1 = new WalkUFTreePP <ChanceTree, PrepareChanceIndexContext>();

            wt1.OnNodeBegin = PrepareChanceIndex_OnNodeBegin;