public void performActions()
            long time = 0, i = 0;
            long numIterations = 1000;

            double numBytesToWrite;
            double numBytesToRead;

            byte[] writeArray = { 0x70, 0x70 };
            byte[] readArray  = { 0 };

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                time = Environment.TickCount;

                for (i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                    numBytesToWrite = 2;
                    numBytesToRead  = 2;

                    //Raw Out
                    LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.RAW_OUT, 0, ref numBytesToWrite, writeArray);

                    //Raw In
                    LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.RAW_IN, 0, ref numBytesToRead, readArray);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            // Display the results
            time = Environment.TickCount - time;

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Milleseconds per iteration = {0:0.###}\n", (double)time / (double)numIterations);

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure and start the stream on the LabJack
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if successful and false otherwise</returns>
        private bool StartStreaming()
            //Read and display the UD version.
            dblValue            = LJUD.GetDriverVersion();
            versionDisplay.Text = String.Format("{0:0.000}", dblValue);

                //Open the first found LabJack UE9.
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB

                //Read and display the hardware version of this UE9.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.HARDWARE_VERSION, ref dblValue, 0);
                hardwareDisplay.Text = String.Format("{0:0.000}", dblValue);

                //Read and display the firmware version of this UE9.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.FIRMWARE_VERSION, ref dblValue, 0);
                firmwareDisplay.Text = String.Format("{0:0.000}", dblValue);

                //Configure the analog input range on channel 0 for bipolar +-5 volts.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, 0, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0, 0);

                //Configure the stream:
                //Set the scan rate.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_SCAN_FREQUENCY, scanRate, 0, 0);

                //Give the driver a 5 second buffer (scanRate * 2 channels * 5 seconds).
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, scanRate * 2 * 5, 0, 0);

                //Configure reads to retrieve whatever data is available without waiting (wait mode LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.NONE).
                //See comments below to change this program to use LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.SLEEP mode.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_WAIT_MODE, (double)LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.NONE, 0, 0);

                //Define the scan list as AIN0 then AIN1.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.CLEAR_STREAM_CHANNELS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 1, 0, 0, 0);

                //Execute the list of requests.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            try { LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e) { ShowErrorMessage(e); }
            bool finished = false;

            while (!finished)
                try { LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        finished = true;

            //Start the stream.
            try { LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.START_STREAM, 0, ref dblValue, 0); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //The actual scan rate is dependent on how the desired scan rate divides into
            //the LabJack clock.  The actual scan rate is returned in the value parameter
            //from the start stream command.
            scanDisplay.Text   = String.Format("{0:0.000}", dblValue);
            sampleDisplay.Text = String.Format("{0:0.000}", 2 * dblValue);          // # channels * scan rate

            // The stream started successfully
Exemple #3
        public void performActions()
            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            // Variables to pass to and from the driver object
            long ainResolution = 12;

            UE9.IO      IOType  = (UE9.IO) 0;
            UE9.CHANNEL channel = (UE9.CHANNEL) 0;
            double      val     = 0;
            double      dblVal  = 0;    // Temporary variable required by GetFirstResult
            int         intVal  = 0;    // Temporary variable required by GetFirstResult

            // General variable settings
            long numIterations = 1000;
            long numChannels   = 6;            //Number of AIN channels, 0-16.

            // Variables to store results
            double ValueDIPort = 0;

            double[] ValueAIN = new double[16];

                // Set DAC0 to 2.5 volts
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, UE9.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 2.5, 0, 0);

                // Set DAC1 to 3.5 volts
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, UE9.IO.PUT_DAC, 1, 3.5, 0, 0);

                //Write all digital I/O.  Doing a bunch of bit instructions, rather than
                //the following port instruction, should not make a noticable difference
                //in the overall execution time.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, UE9.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_PORT, 0, 0, 23, 0);

                //Configure the desired resolution.  Note that depending on resolution and
                //number of analog inputs, numIterations might need to be reduced from the
                //default above so the program does not take too long to execute.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, UE9.IO.PUT_CONFIG, UE9.CHANNEL.AIN_RESOLUTION, ainResolution, 0, 0);

                //Add analog input requests.
                for (int j = 0; j < numChannels; j++)
                    LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, UE9.IO.GET_AIN, j, 0, 0, 0);

                //Request a read of all digital I/O.  Doing a bunch of bit instructions,
                //rather than the following port instruction, should not make a noticable
                //difference in the overall execution time.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, UE9.IO.GET_DIGITAL_PORT, 0, 0, 23, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            // Get the current tick count for a reference frame
            double time = System.Environment.TickCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                    //Execute the requests.

                    //Get all the results.  The input measurement results are stored.  All other
                    //results are for configuration or output requests so we are just checking
                    //whether there was an error.
                    LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref IOType, ref channel, ref val, ref intVal, ref dblVal);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)

                // Get results until there is no more data available
                bool isFinished = false;
                while (!isFinished)
                    switch (IOType)
                    case LJUD.IO.GET_AIN:
                        ValueAIN[(int)channel] = val;

                    case LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_PORT:
                        ValueDIPort = val;

                        LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref IOType, ref channel, ref val, ref intVal, ref dblVal);
                    catch (LabJackUDException e)
                        // If we get an error, report it.  If there is no more data available we are done
                        if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                            isFinished = true;

            // Determine how long it took to perform the above tasks and display the millisecounds per iteration along with the readings
            time = System.Environment.TickCount - time;

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Milleseconds per iteration = " + ((double)time / (double)numIterations) + "\n");

            Console.Out.WriteLine("\nDigital Input = " + ValueDIPort + "\n");

            Console.Out.WriteLine("\nAIN readings from last iteration:\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < numChannels; j++)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("{0:0.###}\n", ValueAIN[j]);

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for the user
        /// <summary>
        /// Actually performs actions on the UE9 and updates the displaye
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that executed this method</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event parameters</param>
        private void goButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            double dblDriverVersion;

            LJUD.IO      ioType = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0;
            double       Value2 = 0, Value3 = 0;
            double       ValueDIBit = 0, ValueDIPort = 0, ValueCounter = 0;

            // dummy variables to satisfy certian method signatures
            double dummyDouble = 0;
            int    dummyInt    = 0;

            //Read and display the UD version.
            dblDriverVersion    = LJUD.GetDriverVersion();
            versionDisplay.Text = String.Format("{0:0.000}", dblDriverVersion);

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
            catch (LabJackUDException exc)

                //First some configuration commands.  These will be done with the ePut
                //function which combines the add/go/get into a single call.

                //Configure for 16-bit analog input measurements.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.AIN_RESOLUTION, 16, 0);

                //Configure the analog input range on channels 2 and 3 for bipolar 5v.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0);
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0);

                //Enable Counter0 which will appear on FIO0 (assuming no other
                //program has enabled any timers or Counter1).
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 1, 0);

                //Now we add requests to write and read I/O.  These requests
                //will be processed repeatedly by go/get statements in every
                //iteration of the while loop below.

                //Request AIN2 and AIN3.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_AIN, 2, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_AIN, 3, 0, 0, 0);

                //Set DAC0 to 2.5 volts.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 2.5, 0, 0);

                //Read digital input FIO1.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_BIT, 1, 0, 0, 0);

                //Read digital inputs FIO2 through FIO3.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_PORT, 2, 0, 2, 0);
                // LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_PORT, 2, 0, 3, 0); would request through FIO4

                //Request the value of Counter0.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_COUNTER, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException exc)

                //Execute the requests.

                //Get all the results.  The input measurement results are stored.  All other
                //results are for configuration or output requests so we are just checking
                //whether there was an error.
                LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
            catch (LabJackUDException exc)

            bool isFinished = false;

            while (!isFinished)
                switch (ioType)
                case LJUD.IO.GET_AIN:
                    switch ((int)channel)
                    case 2:
                        Value2 = dblValue;

                    case 3:
                        Value3 = dblValue;

                case LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_BIT:
                    ValueDIBit = dblValue;

                case LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_PORT:
                    ValueDIPort = dblValue;

                case LJUD.IO.GET_COUNTER:
                    ValueCounter = dblValue;
                try { LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                catch (LabJackUDException exc)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (exc.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

            // Display results
            ain2Display.Text     = String.Format("{0:0.###}", Value2);
            ain3Display.Text     = String.Format("{0:0.###}", Value3);
            fio1Display.Text     = String.Format("{0:0.###}", ValueDIBit);
            fio2Display.Text     = String.Format("{0:0.###}", ValueDIPort);         //Will read 30 (binary 11) if both lines are pulled-high as normal.
            counter0Display.Text = String.Format("{0:0.###}", ValueCounter);
Exemple #5
        public void performActions()
            LJUD.IO      ioType  = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel = 0;
            double       numSPIBytesToTransfer;

            byte[] dataArray = new byte[50];

            // Variables to satisfy certain method signatures
            int    dummyInt    = 0;
            double dummyDouble = 0;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //First, configure the SPI communication.

                //Enable automatic chip-select control.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SPI_AUTO_CS, 1, 0, 0);

                //Do not disable automatic digital i/o direction configuration.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SPI_DISABLE_DIR_CONFIG, 0, 0, 0);

                //Mode A:  CPHA=1, CPOL=1.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SPI_MODE, 0, 0, 0);

                //125kHz clock.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SPI_CLOCK_FACTOR, 0, 0, 0);

                //MOSI is FIO2
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SPI_MOSI_PIN_NUM, 2, 0, 0);

                //MISO is FIO3
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SPI_MISO_PIN_NUM, 3, 0, 0);

                //CLK is FIO0
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SPI_CLK_PIN_NUM, 0, 0, 0);

                //CS is FIO1
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SPI_CS_PIN_NUM, 1, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.  The driver will use a
                //single low-level TimerCounter command to handle all the requests above.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            // Get results until there is no more data available for error checking
            bool isFinished = false;

            while (!isFinished)
                try { LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dummyDouble, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

            //This example transfers 4 test bytes.
            numSPIBytesToTransfer = 4;
            dataArray[0]          = 170;
            dataArray[1]          = 240;
            dataArray[2]          = 170;
            dataArray[3]          = 240;

            //Transfer the data.  The write and read is done at the same time.
            try { LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SPI_COMMUNICATION, 0, ref numSPIBytesToTransfer, dataArray); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e) { showErrorMessage(e); }

            //Display the read data.
            Console.Out.WriteLine("dataArray[0] = {0:0.#}\n", dataArray[0]);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("dataArray[1] = {0:0.#}\n", dataArray[1]);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("dataArray[2] = {0:0.#}\n", dataArray[2]);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("dataArray[3] = {0:0.#}\n", dataArray[3]);

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
        public void performActions()
            //	long lngGetNextIteration;
            //	LJUD.IO ioType=0, channel=0;
            //	double dblValue=0;

            long   i      = 0;
            double pinNum = 0;              //0 means the LJTick-DAC is connected to FIO0/FIO1.

            int[]    achrUserMem  = new int[64];
            double[] adblCalMem   = new double[4];
            double   serialNumber = 0;
            Random   random       = new Random();

            // Dummy variables to satisfy certain method signatures
            double dummyDouble = 0;

            //Open the LabJack.
                device = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //Specify where the LJTick-DAC is plugged in.
                //This is just setting a parameter in the driver, and not actually talking
                //to the hardware, and thus executes very fast.
                LJUD.ePut(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TDAC_SCL_PIN_NUM, pinNum, 0);

                //Set DACA to 1.2 volts.  If the driver has not previously talked to an LJTDAC
                //on the specified pins, it will first retrieve and store the cal constants.  The
                //low-level I2C command can only update 1 DAC channel at a time, so there
                //is no advantage to doing two updates within a single add-go-get block.
                LJUD.ePut(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.TDAC_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.TDAC_UPDATE_DACA, 1.2, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA set to 1.2 volts\n\n");

                //Set DACB to 2.3 volts.
                LJUD.ePut(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.TDAC_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.TDAC_UPDATE_DACB, 2.3, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB set to 2.3 volts\n\n");

                //Now for more advanced operations.

                //If at this point you removed that LJTDAC and plugged a different one
                //into the same pins, the driver would not know and would use the wrong
                //cal constants on future updates.  If we do a cal constant read,
                //the driver will store the constants from the new read.
                LJUD.eGet(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.TDAC_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.TDAC_READ_CAL_CONSTANTS, ref dummyDouble, adblCalMem);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA Slope = {0:0.0} bits/volt\n", adblCalMem[0]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA Offset = {0:0.0} bits\n", adblCalMem[1]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB Slope = {0:0.0} bits/volt\n", adblCalMem[2]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB Offset = {0:0.0} bits\n\n", adblCalMem[3]);

                //Read the serial number.
                LJUD.eGet(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.TDAC_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.TDAC_SERIAL_NUMBER, ref serialNumber, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("LJTDAC Serial Number = {0:0}\n\n", serialNumber);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user	return;
        public void performActions()
            LJUD.IO      ioType   = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel  = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0;
            double       valueAIN = 0;        //Analog Voltage Value
            long         time     = 0;

            LJUD.CHANNEL tempChannel   = 0;            //Channel which the TC/LJTIA is on (AIN0).
            long         ainResolution = 17;

            // Variables to satisfy certain method signatures
            double dummyDouble = 0;
            int    dummyInt    = 0;

            double tcVolts = 0, cjTempK = 0, pTCTempK = 0;

            //Set the temperature sensor to a k type thermocouple
            //Possible Thermocouple types are:
            //LJUD.THERMOCOUPLETYPE.B = 6001
            //LJUD.THERMOCOUPLETYPE.E = 6002
            //LJUD.THERMOCOUPLETYPE.J = 6003
            //LJUD.THERMOCOUPLETYPE.K = 6004
            //LJUD.THERMOCOUPLETYPE.N = 6005
            //LJUD.THERMOCOUPLETYPE.R = 6006
            //LJUD.THERMOCOUPLETYPE.S = 6007
            //LJUD.THERMOCOUPLETYPE.T = 6008

            //Offset calibration:  The nominal voltage offset of the LJTick is
            //0.4 volts.  For improved accuracy, though, you should measure the
            //overall system offset.  We know that if the end of the TC is at the
            //same temperature as the cold junction, the voltage should be zero.
            //Put the end of the TC near the LJTIA to make sure they are at the same
            //temperature, and note the voltage measured by AIN0.  This is the actual
            //offset that can be entered below.
            double offsetVoltage         = 0.4;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
            //Configure the desired resolution.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.AIN_RESOLUTION, ainResolution, 0, 0);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Press any key to quit\n");

            //Constantly acquire temperature readings until a key is pressed
            bool keyPressed = false;

            while (!keyPressed)
                ioType   = 0;
                channel  = 0;
                time     = 0;
                tcVolts  = 0;
                cjTempK  = 0;
                pTCTempK = 0;

                //Add analog input requests.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_AIN, tempChannel, 0, 0, 0);

                //Add request for internal temperature reading -- Internal temp sensor uses
                //analog input channel 133.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_AIN, 133, 0, 0, 0);

                //Execute all requests on the labjack ue9.ljhandle.

                //Get all the results.  The first result should be the voltage reading of the
                //temperature channel.
                LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);

                //Get the rest of the results.  There should only be one more on the request
                bool finished = false;
                while (!finished)
                    if (ioType == LJUD.IO.GET_AIN)
                        if (channel == tempChannel)
                            valueAIN = dblValue;

                        if (channel == (LJUD.CHANNEL) 133)
                            cjTempK = dblValue;

                    try { LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                    catch (LabJackUDException e)
                        if (e.LJUDError == LJUD.LJUDERROR.NO_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                            finished = true;
                        else if (e.LJUDError > LJUD.LJUDERROR.MIN_GROUP_ERROR)
                            finished = true;

                //Display Voltage Reading
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Analog {0:0}:           {1:0.######}\n", (int)tempChannel, valueAIN);

                //Display the internal temperature sensor reading.  This example uses
                //that value for cold junction compensation.
                Console.Out.WriteLine("UE9 internal sensor:{0:0.0} deg K\n", (double)cjTempK);

                //To get the thermocouple voltage we subtract the offset from the AIN
                //voltage and divide by the LJTIA gain.
                tcVolts = (valueAIN - offsetVoltage) / 51;

                //Convert TC voltage to temperature.
                LJUD.TCVoltsToTemp(tcType, tcVolts, cjTempK, ref pTCTempK);

                //Display Temperature
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Thermocouple sensor:{0:0.0} deg K\n\n", pTCTempK);

                Thread.Sleep(1500);                      // Short pause

                keyPressed = Win32Interop._kbhit() != 0; // If a key was hit break out of the loop
Exemple #8
        public void performActions()
            double dblValue = 0;
            int    intValue = 0;

            LJUD.RANGES range;
            int         intResolution;
            int         intBinary;

            int[] aintEnableTimers   = new int[6];
            int[] aintEnableCounters = new int[2];
            int   intTimerClockBaseIndex;
            int   intTimerClockDivisor;

            int[]    aintTimerModes = new int[6];
            double[] adblTimerValues = new double[6];
            int[]    aintReadTimers = new int[6];
            int[]    aintUpdateResetTimers = new int[6];
            int[]    aintReadCounters = new int[2];
            int[]    aintResetCounters = new int[2];
            double[] adblCounterValues = { 0, 0 };
            double   highTime, lowTime, dutyCycle;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //Take a measurement from AIN3.
                range         = LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V;
                intResolution = 17;
                intBinary     = 0;
                LJUD.eAIN(ue9.ljhandle, 3, 0, ref dblValue, (int)range, (int)intResolution, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("AIN3 = {0:0.###}\n", dblValue);

                //Set DAC0 to 3.0 volts.
                dblValue  = 3.0;
                intBinary = 0;
                LJUD.eDAC(ue9.ljhandle, 0, dblValue, intBinary, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("DAC0 set to {0:0.###} volts\n", dblValue);

                //Read state of FIO2.
                LJUD.eDI(ue9.ljhandle, 2, ref intValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO2 = {0:0.###}\n", intValue);

                //Set the state of FIO3.
                intValue = 0;
                LJUD.eDO(ue9.ljhandle, 3, intValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO3 set to = {0:0.###}\n\n", intValue);

                //Timers and Counters example.
                //First, a call to eTCConfig.  Fill the arrays with the desired values, then make the call.
                intTimerClockBaseIndex = (int)LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.KHZ750;      //Choose 750 kHz base clock.
                intTimerClockDivisor   = 3;                                 //Divide by 3, thus timer clock is 250 kHz.
                aintEnableTimers[0]    = 1;                                 //Enable Timer0 (uses FIO0).
                aintEnableTimers[1]    = 1;                                 //Enable Timer1 (uses FIO1).
                aintEnableTimers[2]    = 1;                                 //Enable Timer2 (uses FIO2).
                aintEnableTimers[3]    = 1;                                 //Enable Timer3 (uses FIO3).
                aintEnableTimers[4]    = 0;                                 //Disable Timer4.
                aintEnableTimers[5]    = 0;                                 //Disable Timer5.
                aintTimerModes[0]      = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.PWM8;          //Timer0 is 8-bit PWM output.  Frequency is 250k/256 = 977 Hz.
                aintTimerModes[1]      = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.DUTYCYCLE;     //Timer1 is duty cyle input.
                aintTimerModes[2]      = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.FIRMCOUNTER;   //Timer2 is firmware counter input.
                aintTimerModes[3]      = (int)LJUD.TIMERMODE.RISINGEDGES16; //Timer3 is 16-bit period measurement.
                aintTimerModes[4]      = 0;                                 //Timer4 not enabled.
                aintTimerModes[5]      = 0;                                 //Timer5 not enabled.
                adblTimerValues[0]     = 16384;                             //Set PWM8 duty-cycle to 75%.
                adblTimerValues[1]     = 0;
                adblTimerValues[2]     = 0;
                adblTimerValues[3]     = 0;
                adblTimerValues[4]     = 0;
                adblTimerValues[5]     = 0;
                aintEnableCounters[0]  = 1;                //Enable Counter0 (uses FIO4).
                aintEnableCounters[1]  = 1;                //Enable Counter1 (uses FIO5).
                LJUD.eTCConfig(ue9.ljhandle, aintEnableTimers, aintEnableCounters, 0, (int)intTimerClockBaseIndex, intTimerClockDivisor, aintTimerModes, adblTimerValues, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timers and Counters enabled.\n");

                Thread.Sleep(1000);                 //Wait 1 second.

                //Now, a call to eTCValues.
                aintReadTimers[0]        = 0;          //Don't read Timer0 (output timer).
                aintReadTimers[1]        = 1;          //Read Timer1;
                aintReadTimers[2]        = 1;          //Read Timer2;
                aintReadTimers[3]        = 1;          //Read Timer3;
                aintReadTimers[4]        = 0;          //Timer4 not enabled.
                aintReadTimers[5]        = 0;          //Timer5 not enabled.
                aintUpdateResetTimers[0] = 1;          //Update Timer0;
                aintUpdateResetTimers[1] = 1;          //Reset Timer1;
                aintUpdateResetTimers[2] = 1;          //Reset Timer2;
                aintUpdateResetTimers[3] = 1;          //Reset Timer3;
                aintUpdateResetTimers[4] = 0;          //Timer4 not enabled.
                aintUpdateResetTimers[5] = 0;          //Timer5 not enabled.
                aintReadCounters[0]      = 1;          //Read Counter0;
                aintReadCounters[1]      = 1;          //Read Counter1;
                aintResetCounters[0]     = 1;          //Reset Counter0.
                aintResetCounters[1]     = 1;          //Reset Counter1.
                adblTimerValues[0]       = 32768;      //Change Timer0 duty-cycle to 50%.
                adblTimerValues[1]       = 0;
                adblTimerValues[2]       = 0;
                adblTimerValues[3]       = 0;
                adblTimerValues[4]       = 0;
                adblTimerValues[5]       = 0;
                LJUD.eTCValues(ue9.ljhandle, aintReadTimers, aintUpdateResetTimers, aintReadCounters, aintResetCounters, adblTimerValues, adblCounterValues, 0, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer1 value = {0:0.###}", adblTimerValues[1]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer2 value = {0:0.###}", adblTimerValues[2]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Timer3 value = {0:0.###}", adblTimerValues[3]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Counter0 value = {0:0.###}", adblCounterValues[0]);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Counter1 value = {0:0.###}", adblCounterValues[1]);

                //Convert Timer1 value to duty-cycle percentage.
                //High time is LSW
                highTime = (double)(((ulong)adblTimerValues[1]) % (65536));
                //Low time is MSW
                lowTime = (double)(((ulong)adblTimerValues[1]) / (65536));
                //Calculate the duty cycle percentage.
                dutyCycle = 100 * highTime / (highTime + lowTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("\nHigh clicks Timer1 = {0:0.###}", highTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Low clicks Timer1 = {0:0.###}", lowTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Duty cycle Timer1 = {0:0.###}", dutyCycle);

                //Disable all timers and counters.
                aintEnableTimers[0]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[1]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[2]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[3]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[4]   = 0;
                aintEnableTimers[5]   = 0;
                aintEnableCounters[0] = 0;
                aintEnableCounters[1] = 0;
                LJUD.eTCConfig(ue9.ljhandle, aintEnableTimers, aintEnableCounters, 0, intTimerClockBaseIndex, intTimerClockDivisor, aintTimerModes, adblTimerValues, 0, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            // Pause for the user
Exemple #9
        public void performActions()
            long i = 0, k = 0;

            LJUD.IO      ioType = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0, dblCommBacklog = 0;

            // Dummy variables to satisfy certain method signatures
            double dummyDouble = 0;
            int    dummyInt    = 0;

            double[] dummyDoubleArray = { 0.0 };

            //The actual scan rate is determined by the external clock, but we need
            //an idea of how fast the scan rate will be so that we can make
            //the buffers big enough.  Also, the driver needs to have an idea of the
            //expected scan rate to help it decide how big of packets to transfer.
            double scanRate = 1000;
            int    delayms  = 1000;
            double numScans = 2000;              //2x the expected # of scans (2*scanRate*delayms/1000)
            double numScansRequested;

            double[] adblData = new double[12000];              //Max buffer size (#channels*numScansRequested)

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //Make sure the UE9 is not streaming.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.STOP_STREAM, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 0, ref dummyDouble, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
                // If the error indicates that the stream could not be stopped it is because the stream has not started yet and can be ignored
                if (e.LJUDError != LJUD.LJUDERROR.UNABLE_TO_STOP_STREAM)

                //Disable all timers and counters to put everything in a known initial state.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0);

                //First we will configure Timer0 as system timer low and configure Timer1 to
                //output a 1000 Hz square wave.

                //Use the fixed 750kHz timer clock source.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_BASE, (double)LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.KHZ750, 0, 0);

                //Set the divisor to 3 so the actual timer clock is 250 kHz.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_DIVISOR, 3, 0, 0);

                //Enable 2 timers.  They will use FIO0-FIO1.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 2, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer0 as system timer low.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 0, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.SYSTIMERLOW, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer1 as frequency output.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 1, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.FREQOUT, 0, 0);

                //Set the frequency output on Timer1 to 1000 Hz (250000/(2*125) = 1000).
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, 1, 125, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.  The driver will use a
                //single low-level TimerCounter command to handle all the requests above.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            bool isFinished = false;

            try { LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e) { showErrorMessage(e); }
            while (!isFinished)
                    LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

                //Configure the stream:
                //Configure resolution for all analog inputs.  Since the test external clock
                //is at 1000 Hz, and we are scanning 6 channels, we will have a
                //sample rate of 6000 samples/second.  That means the maximum resolution
                //we could use is 13-bit.  We will use 12-bit in this example.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.AIN_RESOLUTION, 12, 0, 0);
                //Configure the analog input range on channel 0 for bipolar +-5 volts.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, 0, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0, 0);
                //Configure the analog input range on channel 1 for bipolar +-5 volts.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, 1, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0, 0);
                //Give the driver a 5 second buffer (scanRate * 6 channels * 5 seconds).
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, scanRate * 6 * 5, 0, 0);
                //Configure reads to retrieve whatever data is available without waiting (wait mode LJ_swNONE).
                //See comments below to change this program to use LJ_swSLEEP mode.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_WAIT_MODE, (double)LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.NONE, 0, 0);
                //Configure for external triggering.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER, 1, 0, 0);
                //Define the scan list.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.CLEAR_STREAM_CHANNELS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 0, 0, 0, 0);                  //AIN0
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 1, 0, 0, 0);                  //AIN1
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 193, 0, 0, 0);                //EIO_FIO
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 194, 0, 0, 0);                //MIO_CIO
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 200, 0, 0, 0);                //Timer0 LSW
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 224, 0, 0, 0);                //Timer0 MSW

                //Execute the list of requests.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            try { LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e) { showErrorMessage(e); }
            isFinished = false;
            while (!isFinished)
                    LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

                //Start the stream.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.START_STREAM, 0, ref dblValue, 0);

                //Read data
                while (Win32Interop._kbhit() == 0)                      //Loop will run until any key is hit
                    //Since we are using wait mode LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.NONE, we will wait a little, then
                    //read however much data is available.  Thus this delay will control how
                    //fast the program loops and how much data is read each loop.  An
                    //alternative common method is to use wait mode LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.SLEEP where the
                    //stream read waits for a certain number of scans.  In such a case
                    //you would not have a delay here, since the stream read will actually
                    //control how fast the program loops.
                    //To change this program to use sleep mode,
                    //	-change numScans to the actual number of scans desired per read,
                    //	-change wait mode addrequest value to LJ_swSLEEP,
                    //	-comment out the following Sleep command.

                    Thread.Sleep(delayms);                      //Remove if using LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.SLEEP

                    //init array so we can easily tell if it has changed
                    for (k = 0; k < numScans * 2; k++)
                        adblData[k] = 9999.0;

                    //Read the data.  We will request twice the number we expect, to
                    //make sure we get everything that is available.
                    //Note that the array we pass must be sized to hold enough SAMPLES, and
                    //the Value we pass specifies the number of SCANS to read.
                    numScansRequested = numScans;
                    LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_STREAM_DATA, LJUD.CHANNEL.ALL_CHANNELS, ref numScansRequested, adblData);
                    //This displays the number of scans that were actually read.
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("\nIteration # {0:0.###}\n", i);
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Number read = {0:0.###}\n", numScansRequested);
                    //This displays just the first scan.
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("First scan = {0:0.###},{0:0.###},{0:0.###},{0:0.###},{0:0.###},{0:0.###}\n", adblData[0], adblData[1], adblData[2], adblData[3], adblData[4], adblData[5]);
                    //Retrieve the current Comm backlog.  The UD driver retrieves stream data from
                    //the UE9 in the background, but if the computer is too slow for some reason
                    //the driver might not be able to read the data as fast as the UE9 is
                    //acquiring it, and thus there will be data left over in the UE9 buffer.
                    LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_BACKLOG_COMM, ref dblCommBacklog, 0);
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Comm Backlog = {0:0.###}\n", dblCommBacklog);

                //Stop the stream
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.STOP_STREAM, 0, ref dummyDouble, 0);

                //Disable the timers.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
Exemple #10
        public void performActions()
            LJUD.IO      ioType      = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel     = 0;
            double       dblValue    = 0;
            int          dummyInt    = 0;
            double       dummyDouble = 0;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Disable all timers and counters to put everything in a known initial state.
            //Disable the timer and counter, and the FIO lines will return to digital I/O.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0);

            //Output a PWM output on Timer0 (FIO0) and measure
            //the duty cycle on Timer1 FIO1 and Timer2 FIO2.

            //Use the fixed 750kHz timer clock source.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_BASE, (double)LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.KHZ750, 0, 0);

            //Set the divisor to 3 so the actual timer clock is 250kHz.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_DIVISOR, 3, 0, 0);

            //Enable 2 timers.  They will use FIO0 and FIO1.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 3, 0, 0);

            //Configure Timer0 as 8-bit PWM.  Frequency will be 250k/256 = 977 Hz.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 0, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.PWM8, 0, 0);

            //Set the PWM duty cycle to 50%.  The passed value is the low time.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, 0, 32768, 0, 0);

            //Configure Timer1 and Timer2 as duty cycle measurement.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 1, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.DUTYCYCLE, 0, 0);
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 2, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.DUTYCYCLE, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.  The driver will use a
            //single low-level TimerCounter command to handle all the requests above.

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
            bool isFinished = false;

            while (!isFinished)
                    LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

            //Set the PWM duty cycle to 25%.  The passed value is the low time.
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, 0, 49152, 0);
            //Now we will reset the duty cycle input timers, so we are sure the
            //reads we do are not old values from before the PWM output was updated.
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 1, 0, 0);
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, 0, 0);

            //Wait a little so we are sure a duty cycle measurement has occured.

            //Read from Timer1.
            ReadDutyCycle(ue9.ljhandle, 1);

            //Read from Timer2.
            ReadDutyCycle(ue9.ljhandle, 2);

            //Set the PWM duty cycle to 0%.  The passed value is the low time.
            //We are specifying 65535 out of 65536 clicks to be low.  Since
            //this is 8-bit PWM, we actually get 255 low clicks out of 256 total
            //clicks, so the minimum duty cycle is 0.4%.
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, 0, 65535, 0);
            //Now we will reset the duty cycle input timers, so we are sure the
            //reads we do are not old values from before the PWM output was updated.
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 1, 0, 0);
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, 0, 0);

            //Wait a little so we are sure a duty cycle measurement has occured.

            //Read from Timer1.
            ReadDutyCycle(ue9.ljhandle, 1);

            //Read from Timer2.
            ReadDutyCycle(ue9.ljhandle, 2);

            //Set the PWM duty cycle to 100%.  The passed value is the low time.
            //We are specifying 0 out of 65536 clicks to be low, so the signal
            //will be high the entire time, meaning there are no edges
            //for the input timers to detect, and no measurement should be made.
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, 0, 0, 0);
            //Now we will reset the duty cycle input timers, so we are sure the
            //reads we do are not old values from before the PWM output was updated.
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 1, 0, 0);
            LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, 0, 0);

            //Wait a little so we are sure a duty cycle measurement has been attempted.

            //Read from Timer1.
            ReadDutyCycle(ue9.ljhandle, 1);

            //Read from Timer2.
            ReadDutyCycle(ue9.ljhandle, 2);

            //Disable all timers and counters, and the FIO lines will return to digital I/O.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0);

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
Exemple #11
        public void performActions()
            LJUD.IO      ioType   = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel  = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0;

            double numI2CBytesToWrite;
            double numI2CBytesToRead;

            byte[] writeArray = new byte[128];
            byte[] readArray = new byte[128];
            long   i = 0;
            long   serialNumber = 0;
            double slopeDACA = 0, offsetDACA = 0, slopeDACB = 0, offsetDACB = 0;
            double writeACKS = 0, expectedACKS = 0;

            byte[] bytes;

            // Dummy variables to satify certain method signatures
            double dummyDouble = 0;
            int    dummyInt    = 0;

            // Setup random number generator
            Random random = new Random();

            //Open the LabJack.
                device = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Configure the I2C communication.
            //The address of the EEPROM on the LJTick-DAC is 0xA0.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_ADDRESS_BYTE, 160, 0, 0);

            //SCL is FIO0
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_SCL_PIN_NUM, 0, 0, 0);

            //SDA is FIO1
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_SDA_PIN_NUM, 1, 0, 0);

            //See description of low-level I2C function.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_OPTIONS, 0, 0, 0);

            //See description of low-level I2C function.  0 is max speed of about 130 kHz.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_SPEED_ADJUST, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            LJUD.GetFirstResult(device.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
            bool finished = false;

            while (!finished)
                try{ LJUD.GetNextResult(device.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    if (e.LJUDError == LJUD.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        finished = true;

            //Initial read of EEPROM bytes 0-3 in the user memory area.
            //We need a single I2C transmission that writes the address and then reads
            //the data.  That is, there needs to be an ack after writing the address,
            //not a stop condition.  To accomplish this, we use Add/Go/Get to combine
            //the write and read into a single low-level call.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 1;
            writeArray[0]      = 0;         //Memory address.  User area is 0-63.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            numI2CBytesToRead = 4;
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, numI2CBytesToRead, readArray, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            //When the GoOne processed the read request, the read data was put into the readArray buffer that
            //we passed, so this GetResult is also just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, ref dummyDouble);

            //Display the first 4 elements.
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Read User Mem [0-3] = {0:0.#}, {1:0.#}, {2:0.#}, {3:0.#}\n", readArray[0], readArray[1], readArray[2], readArray[3]);

            //Write EEPROM bytes 0-3 in the user memory area, using the page write technique.  Note
            //that page writes are limited to 16 bytes max, and must be aligned with the 16-byte
            //page intervals.  For instance, if you start writing at address 14, you can only write
            //two bytes because byte 16 is the start of a new page.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 5;
            writeArray[0]      = 0;         //Memory address.  User area is 0-63.

            //Create 4 new pseudo-random numbers to write.
            for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                writeArray[i] = (byte)random.Next(256);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            //Delay to allow the EEPROM to complete the write cycle.  Datasheet says 1.5 ms max.

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Write User Mem [0-3] = {0:0.#}, {1:0.#}, {2:0.#}, {3:0.#}\n", writeArray[1], writeArray[2], writeArray[3], writeArray[4]);

            //Final read of EEPROM bytes 0-3 in the user memory area.
            //We need a single I2C transmission that writes the address and then reads
            //the data.  That is, there needs to be an ack after writing the address,
            //not a stop condition.  To accomplish this, we use Add/Go/Get to combine
            //the write and read into a single low-level call.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 1;
            writeArray[0]      = 0;         //Memory address.  User area is 0-63.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            numI2CBytesToRead = 4;
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, numI2CBytesToRead, readArray, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            //When the GoOne processed the read request, the read data was put into the readArray buffer that
            //we passed, so this GetResult is also just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, ref dummyDouble);

            //Display the first 4 elements.
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Read User Mem [0-3] = {0:0.#}, {1:0.#}, {2:0.#}, {3:0.#}\n\n", readArray[0], readArray[1], readArray[2], readArray[3]);

            //Read cal constants and serial number.
            //We need a single I2C transmission that writes the address and then reads
            //the data.  That is, there needs to be an ack after writing the address,
            //not a stop condition.  To accomplish this, we use Add/Go/Get to combine
            //the write and read into a single low-level call.
            //64-71   DACA Slope
            //72-79   DACA Offset
            //80-87   DACB Slope
            //88-95   DACB Offset
            //96-99   Serial Number
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 1;
            writeArray[0]      = 64;         //Memory address.  Cal constants start at 64.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            numI2CBytesToRead = 36;
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, numI2CBytesToRead, readArray, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            //When the GoOne processed the read request, the read data was put into the readArray buffer that
            //we passed, so this GetResult is also just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, ref dummyDouble);

            //Convert fixed point values to floating point doubles.
            slopeDACA  = BitConverter.ToInt64(readArray, 0) / (double)4294967296;
            offsetDACA = BitConverter.ToInt64(readArray, 8) / (double)4294967296;
            slopeDACB  = BitConverter.ToInt64(readArray, 16) / (double)4294967296;
            offsetDACB = BitConverter.ToInt64(readArray, 24) / (double)4294967296;
            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA Slope = {0:0.0} bits/volt\n", slopeDACA);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA Offset = {0:0.0} bits\n", offsetDACA);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB Slope = {0:0.0} bits/volt\n", slopeDACB);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB Offset = {0:0.0} bits\n", offsetDACB);

            //Convert serial number bytes to long.
            serialNumber = (int)readArray[32] + ((int)readArray[33] << 8) + ((int)readArray[34] << 16) + ((int)readArray[35] << 24);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Serial Number = {0:0.#}\n\n", serialNumber);

            //Update both DAC outputs.

            //Set the I2C address in the UD driver so that we not talk to the DAC chip.
            //The address of the DAC chip on the LJTick-DAC is 0x24.
            LJUD.ePut(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_ADDRESS_BYTE, 36, 0);

            ///Set DACA to 2.3 volts.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 3;
            writeArray[0]      = 48;                                                            //Write and update DACA.
            writeArray[1]      = Convert.ToByte((ulong)((2.3 * slopeDACA) + offsetDACA) / 256); //Upper byte of binary DAC value.
            writeArray[2]      = Convert.ToByte((ulong)((2.3 * slopeDACA) + offsetDACA) % 256); //Lower byte of binary DAC value.

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA set to 2.3 volts\n\n");

            //Set DACB to 1.5 volts.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 3;
            writeArray[0]      = 49;                                                            //Write and update DACB.
            writeArray[1]      = Convert.ToByte((ulong)((1.5 * slopeDACB) + offsetDACB) / 256); //Upper byte of binary DAC value.
            writeArray[2]      = Convert.ToByte((ulong)((1.5 * slopeDACB) + offsetDACB) % 256); //Lower byte of binary DAC value.

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB set to 1.5 volts\n");

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user	return;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the LabJack, gets the UD driver version, and
        /// configures the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that called this event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event details</param>
        private void TimedWindow_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            double dblDriverVersion;

            LJUD.IO      ioType   = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel  = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0;

            // dummy variables to satisfy certian method signatures
            double dummyDouble = 0;
            int    dummyInt    = 0;

            // Create the event timer but do not start it yet
            updateTimer          = new System.Timers.Timer();
            updateTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(TimerEvent);
            updateTimer.Interval = TIMER_INTERVAL;

            // Disable the start button while the device is loading
            goStopButton.Enabled = false;

            //Read and display the UD version.
            dblDriverVersion    = LJUD.GetDriverVersion();
            versionDisplay.Text = String.Format("{0:0.000}", dblDriverVersion);

            // Open and configure UE9
                //Open the device
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);

                //Configure for 16-bit analog input measurements.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.AIN_RESOLUTION, 16, 0, 0);

                //Configure the analog input range on channels 2 and 3 for bipolar 5v.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException exc)

                //Execute the requests.

                //Get all the results.  The input measurement results are stored.  All other
                //results are for configuration or output requests so we are just checking
                //whether there was an error. The rest of the results are in the below loop.
                LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
            catch (LabJackUDException exc)

            bool isFinished = false;

            while (!isFinished)
                try { LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                catch (LabJackUDException exc)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (exc.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

            // Enable the start button
            goStopButton.Enabled = true;
        public void performActions()
            long lngGetNextIteration;

            LJUD.IO      ioType   = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel  = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0;

            // Dummy variables to complete certain method signatures
            int    dummyInt    = 0;
            double dummyDouble = 0;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //Disable all timers and counters to put everything in a known initial state.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0);

                //First enable the quadrature input.

                //Enable 2 timers for phases A and B.  They will use FIO0 and FIO1.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 2, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer0 as quadrature.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 0, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.QUAD, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer1 as quadrature.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 1, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.QUAD, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.  The driver will use a
                //single low-level TimerCounter command to handle all the requests above.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            try { LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e) { showErrorMessage(e); }
            bool isFinished = false;

            while (!isFinished)
                    LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

                while (Win32Interop._kbhit() == 0)                      //Program will run until any key is hit
                    //Wait 500 milliseconds

                    //Request a read from Timer0.  Timer0 and Timer1 both return the same
                    //quadrature value.
                    LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_TIMER, 0, ref dblValue, 0);
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Quad Counter = {0:0.0}\n", dblValue);

                //Disable the timers and the FIO lines will return to digital I/O.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
        public void performActions()
            double[] achrUserMem = new double[1024];
            double[] adblCalMem  = new double[128];

            // Dummy variables that will be used to satisfy certain method signatures but have no other purpose
            double dummyDouble = 0;

            //Make a long parameter which holds the address of the data arrays.  We do this
            //so the compiler does not generate a warning in the eGet call that passes
            //the data.  Note that the x1 parameter  in eGet (and AddRequest) is fairly
            //generic, in that sometimes it could just be a write parameter, and sometimes
            //it has the address of an array.  Since x1 is not declared as a pointer, the
            //compiler will complain if you just pass the array pointer without casting
            //it to a long as follows.
            long pachrUserMem = (long)achrUserMem[0];
            long padblCalMem  = (long)adblCalMem[0];

            //Seed the random number function.
            Random rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount);

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //First a user memory example.  We will read the memory, update a few elements,
            //and write the memory.  The entire memory area is read and written each time.
            //The user memory is just stored as bytes, so almost any information can be
            //put in there such as integers, doubles, or strings.

                //Read the user memory.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.USER_MEM, ref dummyDouble, achrUserMem);
                //Display the first 4 elements.
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Read User Mem [0-3] = {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}, {3:0}\n", achrUserMem[0], achrUserMem[1], achrUserMem[2], achrUserMem[3]);
                //Create 4 new pseudo-random numbers to write.  We will update the first
                //4 elements of user memory, but the rest will be unchanged.
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    achrUserMem[i] = rand.Next(100);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Write User Mem [0-3] = {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}, {3:0}\n", achrUserMem[0], achrUserMem[1], achrUserMem[2], achrUserMem[3]);
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.USER_MEM, 0, achrUserMem);
                //Re-read the user memory.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.USER_MEM, ref dummyDouble, achrUserMem);
                //Display the first 4 elements.
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Read User Mem [0-3] = {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}, {3:0}\n", achrUserMem[0], achrUserMem[1], achrUserMem[2], achrUserMem[3]);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Now a cal constants example.  The calibration memory is passed as doubles.
            //The memory area consists of 8 blocks (0-7) of 16 doubles each, for a total
            //of 128 elements.  As of this writing, block 7 is not used, so we will
            //use the last 4 elements of block 7 for testing, which is elements 124-127.
            //We will read the constants, update a few elements, and write the constants.
            //The entire memory area is read and written each time.

            //This cal example is commented out by default, as writing and reading
            //the cal area is an advanced operation.

             * //Read the cal constants.
             * LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.CAL_CONSTANTS, ref dummyDouble, adblCalMem);
             * //Display the last 4 elements.
             * Console.Out.WriteLine("Read Cal Constants [124-127] = {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}, {3:0}\n",adblCalMem[124],adblCalMem[125],adblCalMem[126],adblCalMem[127]);
             * //Create 4 new pseudo-random numbers to write.  We will update the last
             * //4 cal constants, but the rest will be unchanged.
             * for(int i=124;i<128;i++)
             * {
             *      adblCalMem[i] = (100*((double)rand.Next(100)/100))-50;
             * }
             * Console.Out.WriteLine("Write  Cal Constants [124-127] = {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}, {3:0}\n",adblCalMem[124],adblCalMem[125],adblCalMem[126],adblCalMem[127]);
             * //The special value (0x4C6C) must be put in to write the cal constants.
             * LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.CAL_CONSTANTS, 19564, adblCalMem);
             * //Re-read the cal constants.
             * LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.CAL_CONSTANTS, ref dummyDouble, adblCalMem);
             * //Display the first 4 elements.
             * Console.Out.WriteLine("Read  Cal Constants [124-127] = {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}, {3:0}\n",adblCalMem[124],adblCalMem[125],adblCalMem[126],adblCalMem[127]);

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
Exemple #15
        public void performActions()
            long i = 0, k = 0;

            LJUD.IO      ioType = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0, dblCommBacklog = 0, dblUDBacklog = 0;
            double       scanRate = 1000;        //scan rate = sample rate / #channels
            int          delayms  = 1000;
            double       numScans = 2000;        //Max number of scans per read.  2x the expected # of scans (2*scanRate*delayms/1000).
            double       numScansRequested;

            double[] adblData     = new double[4000];          //Max buffer size (#channels*numScansRequested)

            // Dummy variables to satisfy certain method signatures
            double dummyDouble = 0;

            double[] dummyDoubleArray = { 0 };
            int      dummyInt         = 0;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //Configure the stream:
                //Configure all analog inputs for 12-bit resolution
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.AIN_RESOLUTION, 12, 0, 0);

                //Configure the analog input range on channel 0 for bipolar +-5 volts.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, 0, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0, 0);

                //Set the scan rate.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_SCAN_FREQUENCY, scanRate, 0, 0);

                //Give the driver a 5 second buffer (scanRate * 2 channels * 5 seconds).
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, scanRate * 2 * 5, 0, 0);

                //Configure reads to retrieve whatever data is available without waiting (wait mode LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.NONE).
                //See comments below to change this program to use LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.SLEEP mode.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_WAIT_MODE, (double)LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.NONE, 0, 0);

                //Define the scan list as AIN0 then AIN1.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.CLEAR_STREAM_CHANNELS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL, 1, 0, 0, 0);

                //Execute the list of requests.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            // Get results until there is no more data available for error checking
            bool isFinished = false;

            while (!isFinished)
                try { LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dummyDouble, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

            //Start the stream.
            LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.START_STREAM, 0, ref dblValue, 0);

            //The actual scan rate is dependent on how the desired scan rate divides into
            //the LabJack clock.  The actual scan rate is returned in the value parameter
            //from the start stream command.
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Actual Scan Rate = {0:0.###}\n", dblValue);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Actual Sample Rate = {0:0.###}\n", 2 * dblValue);

            //Read data
            while (Win32Interop._kbhit() == 0)                  //Loop will run until any key is hit
                //Since we are using wait mode LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.NONE, we will wait a little, then
                //read however much data is available.  Thus this delay will control how
                //fast the program loops and how much data is read each loop.  An
                //alternative common method is to use wait mode LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.SLEEP where the
                //stream read waits for a certain number of scans.  In such a case
                //you would not have a delay here, since the stream read will actually
                //control how fast the program loops.
                //To change this program to use sleep mode,
                //	-change numScans to the actual number of scans desired per read,
                //	-change wait mode addrequest value to LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.SLEEP,
                //	-comment out the following Thread.Sleep command.

                Thread.Sleep(delayms);                  //Remove if using LJUD.STREAMWAITMODES.SLEEP.

                //init array so we can easily tell if it has changed
                for (k = 0; k < numScans * 2; k++)
                    adblData[k] = 9999.0;

                //Read the data.  We will request twice the number we expect, to
                //make sure we get everything that is available.
                //Note that the array we pass must be sized to hold enough SAMPLES, and
                //the Value we pass specifies the number of SCANS to read.
                numScansRequested = numScans;
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_STREAM_DATA, LJUD.CHANNEL.ALL_CHANNELS, ref numScansRequested, adblData);

                //The displays the number of scans that were actually read.
                Console.Out.WriteLine("\nIteration # {0:0}\n", i);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Number scans read = {0:0}\n", numScansRequested);

                //Display just the first scan.
                Console.Out.WriteLine("First scan = {0:0.###}, {1:0.###}\n", adblData[0], adblData[1]);

                //Retrieve the current Comm backlog.  The UD driver retrieves stream data from
                //the UE9 in the background, but if the computer is too slow for some reason
                //the driver might not be able to read the data as fast as the UE9 is
                //acquiring it, and thus there will be data left over in the UE9 buffer.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_BACKLOG_COMM, ref dblCommBacklog, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Comm Backlog = {0:0.###}\n", dblCommBacklog);

                //Retrieve the current UD driver backlog.  If this is growing, then the application
                //software is not pulling data from the UD driver fast enough.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.STREAM_BACKLOG_UD, ref dblUDBacklog, 0);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("UD Backlog = {0:0.###}\n", dblUDBacklog);


            //Stop the stream
            LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.STOP_STREAM, 0, ref dummyDouble, dummyDoubleArray);

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
        public void performActions()
            double dblValue = 0;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Use this code if only a single EI-1050 is connected.
            //	Connections for the probe:
            //	Red (Power)         FIO2
            //	Black (Ground)      GND
            //	Green (Data)        FIO0
            //	White (Clock)       FIO1
            //	Brown (Enable)      FIO2

                //Set the Data line to FIO0, which is the default anyway.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_DATA_CHANNEL, 0, 0, 0);

                //Set the Clock line to FIO1, which is the default anyway.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_CLOCK_CHANNEL, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 1, 0, 0);

                //Set FIO2 to output-high to provide power to the EI-1050s.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, 1, 0);

                //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
                //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);

                //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
                //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.

                //Get the temperature reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg K\n", dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg C\n", (dblValue - 273.15));
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg F\n", (((dblValue - 273.15) * 1.8) + 32));

                //Get the humidity reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe A = {0:0.###} percent\n\n", dblValue);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //End of single probe code.

             * //Use this code if two EI-1050 probes are connected.
             * //	Connections for both probes:
             * //	Red (Power)         FIO2
             * //	Black (Ground)      GND
             * //	Green (Data)        FIO0
             * //	White (Clock)       FIO1
             * //
             * //	Probe A:
             * //	Brown (Enable)    FIO3
             * //
             * //	Probe B:
             * //	Brown (Enable)    DAC0
             * try
             * {
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-low to disable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, 0, 0);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 0 volts to disable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 0, 0.0, 0);
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-high to enable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, 1, 0);
             *      //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
             *      //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
             *      //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.
             *      LJUD.GoOne (ue9.ljhandle);
             *      //Get the temperature reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg K\n",dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg C\n",(dblValue-273.15));
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg F\n",(((dblValue-273.15)*1.8)+32));
             *      //Get the humidity reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe A = {0:0.###} percent\n\n",dblValue);
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-low to disable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, 0, 0);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 3.3 volts to enable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 3.3, 0);
             *      //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
             *      //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
             *      //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.
             *      LJUD.GoOne (ue9.ljhandle);
             *      //Get the temperature reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg K\n",dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg C\n",(dblValue-273.15));
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg F\n",(((dblValue-273.15)*1.8)+32));
             *      //Get the humidity reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe B = {0:0.###} percent\n\n",dblValue);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 0 volts to disable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 0.0, 0);
             * }
             * catch (LabJackUDException e)
             * {
             *      showErrorMessage(e);
             * }
             * //End of dual probe code.

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
        public void performActions()
            LJUD.IO      ioType = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0;
            double       highTime, lowTime;
            double       period16 = -1, period32 = -1;

            // Variables that satisfy a method signature
            int    dummyInt    = 0;
            double dummyDouble = 0;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Disable all timers and counters to put everything in a known initial state.
            //Disable the timer and counter, and the FIO lines will return to digital I/O.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0);

            //First we will output a square wave and count the number of pulses for about 1 second.
            //Connect a jumper on the UE9 from FIO0 (PWM output) to
            //FIO1 (Counter0 input).

            //Use the fixed 750kHz timer clock source.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_BASE, (double)LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.KHZ750, 0, 0);

            //Set the divisor to 3 so the actual timer clock is 250kHz.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_DIVISOR, 3, 0, 0);

            //Enable 1 timer.  It will use FIO0.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 1, 0, 0);

            //Configure Timer0 as 8-bit PWM.  Frequency will be 250k/256 = 977 Hz.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 0, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.PWM8, 0, 0);

            //Set the PWM duty cycle to 50%.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, 0, 32768, 0, 0);

            //Enable Counter0.  It will use FIO1 since 1 timer is enabled.
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 1, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.  The driver will use a
            //single low-level TimerCounter command to handle all the requests above.

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            try { LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e) { showErrorMessage(e); }
            bool isFinished = false;

            while (!isFinished)
                    LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

                //Wait 1 second.

                //Request a read from the counter.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_COUNTER, 0, ref dblValue, 0);

                //This should read roughly 977 counts.
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Counter = {0:0.0}\n\n", dblValue);

                //Disable the timer and counter, and the FIO lines will return to digital I/O.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                //Output a square wave and measure the period.
                //Connect a jumper on the UE9 from FIO0 (PWM8 output) to
                //FIO1 (RISINGEDGES32 input) and FIO2 (RISINGEDGES16).

                //Use the fixed 750kHz timer clock source.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_BASE, (double)LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.KHZ750, 0, 0);

                //Set the divisor to 3 so the actual timer clock is 250kHz.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_DIVISOR, 3, 0, 0);

                //Enable 3 timers.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 3, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer0 as 8-bit PWM.  Frequency will be 250k/256 = 977 Hz.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 0, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.PWM8, 0, 0);

                //Set the PWM duty cycle to 50%.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, 0, 32768, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer1 as 32-bit period measurement.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 1, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.RISINGEDGES32, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer2 as 16-bit period measurement.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 2, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.RISINGEDGES16, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.  The driver will use a
                //single low-level TimerCounter command to handle all the requests above.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
                // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                    isFinished = true;

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            try { LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e) { showErrorMessage(e); }
            isFinished = false;
            while (!isFinished)
                    LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

            //Wait 1 second.

            //Now read the period measurements from the 2 timers.  We
            //will use the Add/Go/Get method so that both
            //reads are done in a single low-level call.

            //Request a read from Timer1
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_TIMER, 1, 0, 0, 0);

            //Request a read from Timer2
            LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_TIMER, 2, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.  The driver will use a
            //single low-level TimerCounter command to handle all the requests above.

            //Get the results of the two read requests.
            LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
            isFinished = false;
            while (!isFinished)
                switch (ioType)
                case LJUD.IO.GET_TIMER:
                    switch ((int)channel)
                    case 1:
                        period32 = dblValue;

                    case 2:
                        period16 = dblValue;

                try{ LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // After encountering a
                    if (e.LJUDError > UE9.LJUDERROR.MIN_GROUP_ERROR)
                        isFinished = true;

                //Both period measurements should read about 256.  The timer
                //clock was set to 250 kHz, so each tick equals 4 microseconds, so
                //256 ticks means a period of 1024 microseconds which is a frequency
                //of 977 Hz.
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Period32 = {0:0.0}\n", period32);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Period16 = {0:0.0}\n\n", period16);

                //Disable the timer and counter, and the FIO lines will return to digital I/O.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                //Now we will output a 25% duty-cycle PWM output on Timer0 (FIO0) and measure
                //the duty cycle on Timer1 FIO1.  Requires Control firmware V1.21 or higher.

                //Use the fixed 750kHz timer clock source.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_BASE, (double)LJUD.TIMERCLOCKS.KHZ750, 0, 0);

                //Set the divisor to 3 so the actual timer clock is 250kHz.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.TIMER_CLOCK_DIVISOR, 3, 0, 0);

                //Enable 2 timers.  They will use FIO0 and FIO1.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 2, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer0 as 8-bit PWM.  Frequency will be 250k/256 = 977 Hz.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 0, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.PWM8, 0, 0);

                //Set the PWM duty cycle to 25%.  The passed value is the low time.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, 0, 49152, 0, 0);

                //Configure Timer1 as duty cycle measurement.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_MODE, 1, (double)LJUD.TIMERMODE.DUTYCYCLE, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.  The driver will use a
                //single low-level TimerCounter command to handle all the requests above.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
                // After encountering a
                if (e.LJUDError > UE9.LJUDERROR.MIN_GROUP_ERROR)
                    isFinished = true;

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            try { LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
            catch (LabJackUDException e) { showErrorMessage(e); }
            isFinished = false;
            while (!isFinished)
                    LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                    if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        isFinished = true;

            //Wait a little so we are sure a duty cycle measurement has occured.

                //Request a read from Timer1.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_TIMER, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 1, ref dblValue, 0);

                //High time is LSW
                highTime = (double)(((ulong)dblValue) % (65536));
                //Low time is MSW
                lowTime = (double)(((ulong)dblValue) / (65536));

                Console.Out.WriteLine("High clicks = {0:0.0}\n", highTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Low clicks = {0:0.0}\n", lowTime);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Duty cycle = {0:0.0}\n", 100 * highTime / (highTime + lowTime));

                //Disable the timers, and the FIO lines will return to digital I/O.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.NUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED, 0, 0, 0);

                //The PWM output sets FIO0 to output, so we do a read here to set
                //FIO0 to input.
                LJUD.eGet(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_BIT, 0, ref dblValue, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
                // After encountering a
                if (e.LJUDError > UE9.LJUDERROR.MIN_GROUP_ERROR)
                    isFinished = true;

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
        public void performActions()
            LJUD.IO      ioType = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel = 0;
            double       dblValue = 0;
            double       Value2 = 0, Value3 = 0;
            double       ValueDIBit = 0, ValueDIPort = 0, ValueCounter = 0;

            // dummy variables to satisfy certian method signatures
            double dummyDouble = 0;
            int    dummyInt    = 0;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //First some configuration commands.  These will be done with the ePut
                //function which combines the add/go/get into a single call.

                //Configure for 16-bit analog input measurements.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.AIN_RESOLUTION, 16, 0);

                //Configure the analog input range on channels 2 and 3 for bipolar gain=1.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0);

                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_AIN_RANGE, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, (double)LJUD.RANGES.BIP5V, 0);

                //Enable Counter0 which will appear on FIO0 (assuming no other
                //program has enabled any timers or Counter1).
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 1, 0);

                //Now we add requests to write and read I/O.  These requests
                //will be processed repeatedly by go/get statements in every
                //iteration of the while loop below.

                //Request AIN2 and AIN3.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_AIN, 2, 0, 0, 0);

                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_AIN, 3, 0, 0, 0);

                //Set DAC0 to 2.5 volts.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 2.5, 0, 0);

                //Read digital input FIO1.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_BIT, 1, 0, 0, 0);

                //Set digital output FIO2 to output-high.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, 2, 1, 0, 0);

                //Read digital inputs FIO3 through FIO7.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_PORT, 3, 0, 5, 0);

                //Request the value of Counter0.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.GET_COUNTER, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            bool requestedExit = false;

            while (!requestedExit)
                    //Execute the requests.

                    //Get all the results.  The input measurement results are stored.  All other
                    //results are for configuration or output requests so we are just checking
                    //whether there was an error.
                    LJUD.GetFirstResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
                catch (LabJackUDException e)

                bool isFinished = false;
                while (!isFinished)
                    switch (ioType)
                    case LJUD.IO.GET_AIN:
                        switch ((int)channel)
                        case 2:
                            Value2 = dblValue;

                        case 3:
                            Value3 = dblValue;

                    case LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_BIT:
                        ValueDIBit = dblValue;

                    case LJUD.IO.GET_DIGITAL_PORT:
                        ValueDIPort = dblValue;

                    case LJUD.IO.GET_COUNTER:
                        ValueCounter = dblValue;
                    try { LJUD.GetNextResult(ue9.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                    catch (LabJackUDException e)
                        // If we get an error, report it.  If the error is NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE we are done
                        if (e.LJUDError == UE9.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                            isFinished = true;

                // Output the results
                Console.Out.WriteLine("AIN2 = {0:0.00000}\n", Value2);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("AIN3 = {0:0.00000}\n", Value3);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO1 = {0:0.00000}\n", ValueDIBit);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("FIO3-FIO7 = {0:0.00000}\n", ValueDIPort);                         //Will read 31 if all 5 lines are pulled-high as normal.
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Counter0 (FIO0) = {0:0.00000}\n", ValueCounter);

                Console.Out.WriteLine("\nPress Enter to go again or (q) to quit\n");
                requestedExit = Console.ReadLine().Equals("q");