Exemple #1
        public async Task <bool> SendMessage()
                var db      = new UC_SchemesEntities();
                var message = "For Rural Development Program Mobile App \n";
                message += "Kindly note: \n";
                message += "Location of (before, progress and completed) pictures must be taken from same point in order to be calculated otherwise pictures will be rejected automatically. Your progress will not be considered and will be not be reflected on the Dashboard. \n";

                var number = "923058500011";
                var client = new HttpClient();
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                var response = await client.GetAsync("" + number + "&message=" + message + "").Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                var collection = db.tbl_SendSMS.ToList();
                foreach (var item in collection)
                    number = item.Mobile;

                    //var length = message.Length;
                    client = new HttpClient();
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                    response = await client.GetAsync("" + number + "&message=" + message + "").Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    //response = await client.GetAsync("" + number + "&message=" + message + "").Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #2
        public async Task <bool> SendMessages(string message)
                var db         = new UC_SchemesEntities();
                var collection = db.tbl_SendSMS.ToList();
                foreach (var item in collection)
                    var number = item.Mobile;
                    var client = new HttpClient();
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                    var response = await client.GetAsync("" + number + "&message=" + message + "").Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    //  var response = await client.GetAsync("" + number + "&message=" + message + "").Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #3
        public async Task SaveProgressTpv()
            var db  = new UC_SchemesEntities();
            var raw = await db.tbl_raw_tpv.Where(x => x.Added == null || x.Added == false).ToListAsync();

            foreach (var item in raw)
                    var m        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProgressJsonTpv>(item.data_json);
                    var schemeId = Numerics.GetInt(m.scheme_id);
                    var scheme   = await db.Pm_Tbl_Main_Scheme.FindAsync(schemeId);

                    if (m.uc_id != null && m.uc_id != 0 && scheme != null)
                        var uc = await db.tbl_UC_MC_Detail.FindAsync(m.uc_id);

                        if (scheme != null && uc != null)
                            var progress = new tpv_progress
                                Added       = true,
                                app_version = item.app_version,
                                col_a       = m.col_a,
                                col_b       = m.col_b,
                                col_c       = m.col_c,
                                col_d       = m.col_d,
                                col_e       = m.col_e,
                                data_captured_from_app_version = m.data_captured_from_app_version,
                                data_sync_time                            = m.data_sync_time,
                                date_time_mobile                          = m.date_time_mobile,
                                db_date_time                              = DateTime.Now,
                                district_id                               = m.district_id,
                                district_name                             = m.district_name,
                                geom_bricks                               = item.geom_bricks,
                                geom_concrete                             = item.geom_concrete,
                                geom_mortor                               = item.geom_mortor,
                                geom_pcc                                  = item.geom_pcc,
                                geom_plaster                              = item.geom_plaster,
                                geom_scheme_1                             = item.geom_scheme_1,
                                geom_scheme_2                             = item.geom_scheme_2,
                                geom_steel                                = item.geom_steel,
                                imei                                      = item.imei,
                                imei_surveyed_mobile                      = m.imei_surveyed_mobile,
                                img_bricks                                = item.img_bricks,
                                img_concrete                              = item.img_concrete,
                                img_mortor                                = item.img_mortor,
                                img_pcc                                   = item.img_pcc,
                                img_plaster                               = item.img_plaster,
                                img_scheme_1                              = item.img_scheme_1,
                                img_scheme_2                              = item.img_scheme_2,
                                img_steel                                 = item.img_steel,
                                is_bricks_absorption_test                 = m.is_bricks_absorption_test,
                                is_bricks_crushing_strength_test          = m.is_bricks_crushing_strength_test,
                                is_bricks_material                        = m.is_bricks_material,
                                is_bricks_measurements_test               = m.is_bricks_measurements_test,
                                is_concrete_pavers_crushing_strength_test = m.is_concrete_pavers_crushing_strength_test,
                                is_concrete_pavers_material               = m.is_concrete_pavers_material,
                                is_concrete_pavers_size_test              = m.is_concrete_pavers_size_test,
                                is_mortar_material                        = m.is_mortar_material,
                                is_mortar_ratio_cement_sand_test          = m.is_mortar_ratio_cement_sand_test,
                                is_pcc_crushing_strength_test             = m.is_pcc_crushing_strength_test,
                                is_pcc_material                           = m.is_pcc_material,
                                is_pcc_ratio_concrete_test                = m.is_pcc_ratio_concrete_test,
                                is_plaster_material                       = m.is_plaster_material,
                                is_plaster_thickness_test                 = m.is_plaster_thickness_test,
                                is_steel_material                         = m.is_steel_material,
                                is_steel_tensile_and_yield_strength_test  = m.is_steel_tensile_and_yield_strength_test,
                                lat1                                      = m.lat1,
                                lat2                                      = m.lat2,
                                lat3                                      = m.lat3,
                                lat4                                      = m.lat4,
                                lat5                                      = m.lat5,
                                lat6                                      = m.lat6,
                                lat7                                      = m.lat7,
                                lat8                                      = m.lat8,
                                lng1                                      = m.lng1,
                                lng2                                      = m.lng2,
                                lng3                                      = m.lng3,
                                lng4                                      = m.lng4,
                                lng5                                      = m.lng5,
                                lng6                                      = m.lng6,
                                lng7                                      = m.lng7,
                                lng8                                      = m.lng8,
                                local_id                                  = item.local_id,
                                mobile_no                                 = item.mobile_no,
                                previous_scheme_condition                 = m.previous_scheme_condition,
                                quality_of_work                           = m.quality_of_work,
                                remarks                                   = m.remarks,
                                scheme_exits                              = Numerics.GetBool(m.scheme_exits),
                                scheme_id                                 = m.scheme_id,
                                scheme_measurement                        = Numerics.GetBool(m.scheme_measurement),
                                scheme_value                              = m.scheme_value,
                                status_id                                 = m.status_id,
                                tehsil_id                                 = m.tehsil_id,
                                tehsil_name                               = m.tehsil_name,
                                uc_id                                     = m.uc_id,
                                uc_mc_name                                = m.uc_mc_name,
                                uc_mc_type_id                             = m.uc_mc_type_id,
                                unique_code                               = m.unique_code,
                                user_mobile                               = m.user_mobile,
                                user_name                                 = m.user_name,
                                user_role                                 = item.user_role
                            item.Added = true;
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}",
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Exception/Exception.txt");
                    //var exist = System.IO.Directory.Exists(filePath);
                    //if (!exist)
                    //    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath);
                    //WriteException.Exception(ex, "Add Progress Api Method");
Exemple #4
        public async Task SaveProgress()
            var db  = new UC_SchemesEntities();
            var raw = await db.tbl_progress_raw.Where(x => x.Added == null || x.Added == false).ToListAsync();

            foreach (var item in raw)
                    var m        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProgressJson>(item.data_json);
                    var schemeId = Numerics.GetInt(m.scheme_id);
                    var scheme   = db.Pm_Tbl_Main_Scheme.Find(schemeId);
                    if (m.uc_id != null && m.uc_id != 0)
                        var uc = await db.tbl_UC_MC_Detail.FindAsync(m.uc_id);

                        if (scheme != null && uc != null)
                            int?divId  = null;
                            int?distId = null;
                            divId  = scheme.Div_ID;
                            distId = scheme.Distt_ID;
                            if (m.status_id == 5)
                                if (item.qc_status == true)
                                    var progress = new tbl_Progress_Scheme_GIS
                                        auto_Pm_Scheme_id = schemeId,
                                        geom                           = item.geom,
                                        file_path                      = item.img1,
                                        appversion                     = item.app_version,
                                        bit_for_dd                     = false,
                                        db_datetime                    = item.db_date_time,
                                        DesignationId                  = m.DesignationId,
                                        imei                           = item.imei,
                                        local_id                       = item.local_id,
                                        mobile_datetime                = Convert.ToDateTime(m.date_time_mobile),
                                        picture_four                   = item.img2,
                                        picture_three                  = item.img3,
                                        picture_two                    = item.img4,
                                        progress                       = 1,
                                        remarks                        = m.remarks,
                                        Role                           = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.user_role) ? m.user_role : m.Role,
                                        status_id                      = m.status_id,
                                        Uc_Id                          = m.uc_id,
                                        User_name                      = "User",
                                        unique_code                    = m.unique_code,
                                        progress_raw_id                = item.id,
                                        Div_ID                         = divId,
                                        Distt_ID                       = distId,
                                        col_a                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_a) ? m.col_a : "NA",
                                        col_b                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_b) ? m.col_b : "NA",
                                        col_c                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_c) ? m.col_c : "NA",
                                        col_d                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_d) ? m.col_d : "NA",
                                        col_e                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_e) ? m.col_e : "NA",
                                        designation_double_check       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.designation_double_check) ? m.designation_double_check : "NA",
                                        data_captured_from_app_version = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.data_captured_from_app_version) ? m.data_captured_from_app_version : "NA",
                                        need_designation_correction    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.need_designation_correction) ? m.need_designation_correction : "NA"
                                    item.Added             = true;
                                    item.auto_Pm_Scheme_id = schemeId;
                                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                                var progress = new tbl_Progress_Scheme_GIS
                                    auto_Pm_Scheme_id = schemeId,
                                    geom                           = item.geom,
                                    file_path                      = item.img1,
                                    appversion                     = item.app_version,
                                    bit_for_dd                     = false,
                                    db_datetime                    = item.db_date_time,
                                    DesignationId                  = m.DesignationId,
                                    imei                           = item.imei,
                                    local_id                       = item.local_id,
                                    mobile_datetime                = Convert.ToDateTime(m.date_time_mobile),
                                    picture_four                   = item.img2,
                                    picture_three                  = item.img3,
                                    picture_two                    = item.img4,
                                    progress                       = 1,
                                    remarks                        = m.remarks,
                                    Role                           = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.user_role) ? m.user_role : m.Role,
                                    status_id                      = m.status_id,
                                    Uc_Id                          = m.uc_id,
                                    User_name                      = "User",
                                    unique_code                    = m.unique_code,
                                    progress_raw_id                = item.id,
                                    Div_ID                         = divId,
                                    Distt_ID                       = distId,
                                    col_a                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_a) ? m.col_a : "NA",
                                    col_b                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_b) ? m.col_b : "NA",
                                    col_c                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_c) ? m.col_c : "NA",
                                    col_d                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_d) ? m.col_d : "NA",
                                    col_e                          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.col_e) ? m.col_e : "NA",
                                    designation_double_check       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.designation_double_check) ? m.designation_double_check : "NA",
                                    data_captured_from_app_version = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.data_captured_from_app_version) ? m.data_captured_from_app_version : "NA",
                                    need_designation_correction    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.need_designation_correction) ? m.need_designation_correction : "NA"
                                item.Added             = true;
                                item.auto_Pm_Scheme_id = schemeId;
                                await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}",
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Exception/Exception.txt");
                    //var exist = System.IO.Directory.Exists(filePath);
                    //if (!exist)
                    //    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath);
                    //WriteException.Exception(ex, "Add Progress Api Method");
Exemple #5
        public async Task SaveProgressMonitoring()
            var db  = new UC_SchemesEntities();
            var raw = await db.tbl_progress_raw_monitoring.Where(x => x.Added == null || x.Added == false).ToListAsync();

            foreach (var item in raw)
                    var m        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProgressJsonMonitoring>(item.data_json);
                    var schemeId = Numerics.GetInt(m.scheme_id);
                    var scheme   = db.Pm_Tbl_Main_Scheme.Find(schemeId);

                    if (scheme != null)
                        int?divId  = null;
                        int?distId = null;

                        divId  = scheme.Div_ID;
                        distId = scheme.Distt_ID;

                        var progress = new tbl_Progress_Scheme_GIS
                            auto_Pm_Scheme_id = schemeId,
                            geom                       = item.geom,
                            file_path                  = item.img1,
                            appversion                 = item.app_version,
                            bit_for_dd                 = false,
                            db_datetime                = item.db_date_time,
                            DesignationId              = m.DesignationId,
                            imei                       = item.imei,
                            local_id                   = item.local_id,
                            mobile_datetime            = Convert.ToDateTime(m.date_time_mobile),
                            picture_four               = item.img2,
                            picture_three              = item.img3,
                            picture_two                = item.img4,
                            progress                   = 1,
                            remarks                    = m.remarks,
                            Role                       = m.user_role,
                            status_id                  = m.status_id,
                            Uc_Id                      = m.uc_id,
                            User_name                  = "User",
                            unique_code                = m.unique_code,
                            Consultant_Issue           = m.consultant_issue,
                            Contractor_Issue           = m.contractors_issue,
                            Drawing_Issue              = m.drawing_issue,
                            Land_Issue                 = m.land_issue,
                            Other_Issue                = m.other_issue,
                            Payment_Issue              = m.payment_issue,
                            Quality_issue              = m.quality_issue,
                            Time_delay_Issue           = m.time_delay_issue,
                            progress_raw_monitoring_id = item.id,
                            Div_ID                     = divId,
                            Distt_ID                   = distId
                        item.Added = true;
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}",
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Exception/Exception.txt");
                    //var exist = System.IO.Directory.Exists(filePath);
                    //if (!exist)
                    //    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath);
                    //WriteException.Exception(ex, "Add Progress Api Method");