Exemple #1
        public static void ShowSaveAsDialog(TabPage tabPage)
            if (TabControlMethods.IsEmpty())

            TypingArea currentTextArea = (tabPage.Controls[0] as MyRichTextBox).TypingArea;

            //Create a save dialog
            SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveDialog.Filter     = "txt Files (*txt)|*txt";
            saveDialog.DefaultExt = "txt";

            //Pop up the save dialog check if user press save button
            if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                using (Stream s = File.Open(saveDialog.FileName, FileMode.Create))
                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(s))
                        tabPage.Text = Path.GetFileName(saveDialog.FileName);
                        tabPage.Name = saveDialog.FileName;

            //dispose for sure
        private void findNextButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TypingArea currentTextArea = TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea;

            //Check if the current string hasn't been search last turns
            if (previousText != currentTextArea.Text)
                previousText = currentTextArea.Text;

                textsFound = currentTextArea.FindAll(searchTextbox.Text);

            if (textsFound.Count != 0)
                if (searchTextbox.Text.Length == 0)

                if (indexOfSearchText == textsFound.Count)
                    indexOfSearchText = 0;

                //Each every text found next will be highlighted
                currentTextArea.Select(textsFound[indexOfSearchText], searchTextbox.Text.Length);

        private void findPreviousButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TypingArea currentTextArea = TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea;

            if (previousText != currentTextArea.Text)
                previousText = currentTextArea.Text;

                textsFound = currentTextArea.FindAll(searchTextbox.Text);

            if (textsFound.Count != 0)
                if (searchTextbox.Text.Length == 0)

                if (indexOfSearchText <= -1)
                    indexOfSearchText = textsFound.Count - 1;

                //Each every text found privous will be highlighted
                currentTextArea.Select(textsFound[indexOfSearchText], searchTextbox.Text.Length);

Exemple #4
        public static void ShowSaveDialog(TabPage tabPage)
            if (TabControlMethods.IsEmpty())

            //Choose the current typing area
            TypingArea currentTextArea = (tabPage.Controls[0] as MyRichTextBox).TypingArea;

            //If the tab opening typing area already has a name, just save it
            if (tabPage.Name != "")
                using (Stream s = File.Open(tabPage.Name, FileMode.Create))
                    //get the streamwriter of the new file
                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(s))
                        //Get the text of the current typing area and write it to streamwriter
                        tabPage.Text = Path.GetFileName(tabPage.Name);

            //Create a save file Dialog
            SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveDialog.Filter     = "txt Files (*txt)|*txt";
            saveDialog.DefaultExt = "txt";

            //Open save dialog and check if user press save button
            if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

                //Declare a Stream variable to hold the open file to write in
                using (Stream s = File.Open(saveDialog.FileName, FileMode.Create))
                    //get the streamwriter of the new file
                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(s))

                        //change the text title of the tab by file name
                        tabPage.Text = Path.GetFileName(saveDialog.FileName);

                        //In the next time, if this tab page already has a name, just save it
                        tabPage.Name = saveDialog.FileName;

            //dispose for sure
        /// <summary>
        /// Raise when a new tab page added
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void tabControl_ControlAdded(object sender, ControlEventArgs e)
            //We cannot use TabControlMethods.CurrentArea
            //Because this event raise before the SelectedTab is set.
            MyRichTextBox currentRTB  = tabControl.TabPages[tabControl.TabPages.Count - 1].Controls[0] as MyRichTextBox;
            TypingArea    currentArea = currentRTB.TypingArea;

            //Set the event handler helping update status bar
            currentArea.TextChanged += TextArea_TextChanged;
        private void FindingForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            foreach (TabPage tabPage in TabControlMethods.TabControl.TabPages)
                TypingArea textArea = (tabPage.Controls[0] as MyRichTextBox).TypingArea;

            this.Visible = false;

            e.Cancel = true;
        private void findButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TypingArea currentTextArea = TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea;

            previousText = currentTextArea.Text;

            //Remove the highlight backcolor of the privous search

            textsFound = currentTextArea.FindAndColorAll(searchTextbox.Text, AllFoundTextBackColor);

            indexOfSearchText = -1;

        private void replaceAllButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Check if this string has been replaced or this string has nothing
            if (searchTextbox.Text.Equals(replacementTextbox.Text))

            TypingArea currentTextArea = TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea;

            //Replace all the selected found text by replacement text
            string textToReplace = currentTextArea.Text.Replace(searchTextbox.Text, replacementTextbox.Text);

            currentTextArea.Select(0, currentTextArea.TextLength);
            currentTextArea.Text = currentTextArea.Text.Replace(searchTextbox.Text, replacementTextbox.Text);
Exemple #9
        public static void ShowOpenDialog(TabControl tabControl)
            //create a new file dialog and choose file to open
            OpenFileDialog openDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            openDialog.Filter = "txt Files (*txt)|*txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*";

            if (openDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                //check to see if there is already this tab page
                TabPage currentTabPage = null;
                foreach (TabPage tabPage in tabControl.TabPages)
                    if (tabPage.Name == openDialog.FileName)
                        currentTabPage = tabPage;

                //Create a new tab page
                TabPage newTabPage = TabControlMethods.CreateNewTabPage(openDialog.SafeFileName);

                //a variable to hold text box contained in tab page
                TypingArea newTypingArea = TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea;

                //Get the path of the File
                string filePath = openDialog.FileName;

                //Get the text of the file
                string fileText = File.ReadAllText(filePath);

                //Set the text of current text box by file Text
                newTypingArea.Text = fileText;

                //In the next time, if this tab page already has a name, just open it
                tabControl.SelectedTab.Name = openDialog.FileName;
            //dispose for sure
        // Method:      OpenFile
        // Description: Clears the text box and imports a new file to the TextBox
        // Parameters:  void
        // Returns:     void
        private void OpenFile()
            // Open file dialog
            OpenFileDialog OpenFile = new OpenFileDialog();

            // Display the open file dialog

            // Safe guard in case the user wants to cancel instead of open the file
            if (OpenFile.FileName != "")
                // Clear the TypingArea

                // Read all the text to the typing area

                // Change the status of the UnsavedWork
        private void replaceButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TypingArea currentTextArea = TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea;


            //Check if this string has been replaced or this string has nothing
            if (indexOfSearchText == -1 || searchTextbox.Text.Equals(replacementTextbox.Text) || currentTextArea.SelectionLength == 0)

            //We might changed or do something with the text so we need to get this again
            textsFound = currentTextArea.FindAll(searchTextbox.Text);

            currentTextArea.Select(textsFound[indexOfSearchText], searchTextbox.Text.Length);

            //Make it be replaced
            currentTextArea.SelectedText = replacementTextbox.Text;

            //just select for nothing much
            currentTextArea.Select(textsFound[indexOfSearchText], replacementTextbox.Text.Length);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set syntax highlight to the specified language.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="language"></param>
        private void SetHighlightRule(string language)
            if (TabControlMethods.IsEmpty())
            TypingArea currentTextArea = TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea;

            Font fontToSet; /*Use for the specified keyword highlighting.*/
            var  typingFont = currentTextArea.Font;

            TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea.EnableHighlight = true;

            switch (language)
            case "C#":
                //Number highlight
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.IsNumber, "",
                                                       HighlightType.ToEOW, Color.IndianRed, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Keyword highlight
                var keywords = new List <string>()
                    "abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "checked",
                    "class", "const", "continue", "decimal", "default", "delegate", "do", "double", "else",
                    "enum", "event", "explicit", "extern", "false", "finally", "fixed", "float", "for", "foreach",
                    "goto", "if", "implicit", "in", "int", "interface", "internal", "is", "lock", "long", "namespace",
                    "new", "null", "object", "operator", "out", "override", "params", "private", "protected", "public",
                    "readonly", "ref", "return", "sbyte", "sealed", "short", "sizeof", "stackalloc", "static", "string",
                    "struct", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "uint", "ulong", "unchecked", "unsafe",
                fontToSet = new Font(typingFont, FontStyle.Bold);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightKeywords(keywords, Color.CornflowerBlue, fontToSet);

                //Keyword highlight another color
                var keywords2 = new List <string>()
                    "define", "error", "import", "undef", "include", "using",
                    "ifdef", "line", "endif", "ifndef", "pragma"
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightKeywords(keywords2, Color.LightSeaGreen, typingFont);

                //Comment highlight
                var commentSymbols = new List <string>()
                    "//", "///", "////"
                currentTextArea.AddListOfHighlightDescriptors(commentSymbols, DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith,
                                                              HighlightType.ToEOL, Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "/*",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "*/", Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Highlight text between begin and end token
                var listPair = new List <string>()
                    "\"", "\"", "\'", "\'",
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightBoundaries(listPair, Color.Red, typingFont);

                //Highlight string start with '#'
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "#", HighlightType.ToEOW,
                                                       Color.LightSeaGreen, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

            case "C++":
                //Number highlight
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.IsNumber, "",
                                                       HighlightType.ToEOW, Color.IndianRed, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Comment highlight
                var commentSymbols = new List <string>()
                    "//", "///", "////"
                currentTextArea.AddListOfHighlightDescriptors(commentSymbols, DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith,
                                                              HighlightType.ToEOL, Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "/*",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "*/", Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Keyword highlight
                var keywords = new List <string>()
                    "asm", "auto", "bool", "break", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const_cast", "continue", "default", "delete", "double", "else",
                    "enum", "dynamic_cast", "extern", "false", "float", "for", "union", "unsigned", "using", "friend", "goto", "if", "inline", "int",
                    "long", "mutable", "virtual", "namespace", "new", "operator", "private", "protected", "public", "register", "void", "reinterpret_cast",
                    "return", "short", "signed", "sizeof", "static", "static_cast", "volatile", "struct", "switch", "template", "this", "throw", "true",
                    "try", "typedef", "typeid", "unsigned", "wchar_t", "while"
                fontToSet = new Font(typingFont, FontStyle.Bold);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightKeywords(keywords, Color.CornflowerBlue, fontToSet);

                //Highlight text between begin and end token
                var listPair = new List <string>()
                    "\"", "\"", "\'", "\'",
                //currentTextArea.AddHighlightBoundaries(listPair, Color.Red, typingFont);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "\"",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "\"", Color.Red, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Highlight string start with '#'
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "#", HighlightType.ToEOW,
                                                       Color.SlateGray, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

            case "C":
                //Number highlight
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.IsNumber, "",
                                                       HighlightType.ToEOW, Color.IndianRed, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Keyword highlight
                var keywords = new List <string>()
                    "abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "checked",
                    "class", "const", "continue", "decimal", "default", "delegate", "do", "double", "else",
                    "enum", "event", "explicit", "extern", "false", "finally", "fixed", "float", "for", "foreach",
                    "goto", "if", "implicit", "in", "int", "interface", "internal", "is", "lock", "long", "namespace",
                    "new", "null", "object", "operator", "out", "override", "params", "private", "protected", "public",
                    "readonly", "ref", "return", "sbyte", "sealed", "short", "sizeof", "stackalloc", "static", "string",
                    "struct", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "uint", "ulong", "unchecked", "unsafe"
                fontToSet = new Font(typingFont, FontStyle.Bold);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightKeywords(keywords, Color.CornflowerBlue, fontToSet);

                //Comment highlight
                var commentSymbols = new List <string>()
                currentTextArea.AddListOfHighlightDescriptors(commentSymbols, DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith,
                                                              HighlightType.ToEOL, Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "/*",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "*/", Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Highlight text between begin and end token
                var listPair = new List <string>()
                    "\"", "\"", "\'", "\'",
                //currentTextArea.AddHighlightBoundaries(listPair, Color.Red, typingFont);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "\"",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "\"", Color.Red, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Highlight string start with '#'
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "#", HighlightType.ToEOW,
                                                       Color.SlateGray, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

            case "VB":
                //Number highlight
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.IsNumber, "",
                                                       HighlightType.ToEOW, Color.IndianRed, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Keyword highlight
                var keywords = new List <string>()
                    "addhandler", "addressof", "alias", "and", "andalso", "as", "boolean", "byref", "byte", "byval",
                    "call", "case ", "catch", "cbool", "cbyte", "cchar", "cdate", "cdbl", "cdec", "char", "cint", "class",
                    "clng", "cobj", "const", "continue", "csbyte", "cshort", "csng", "cstr", "ctype", "cuint", "culng", "cushort",
                    "date", "decimal", "declare", "default", "delegate", "dim", "directcast", "do", "double", "each", "else",
                    "elseif", "end", "endif", "enum", "erase", "error", "event", "exit", "false", "finally", "for", "friend",
                    "function", "get", "gettype", "getxmlnamespace", "global", "gosub", "goto", "handles", "if", "implements",
                    "imports", "in", "inherits", "integer", "interface", "is", "isnot", "let", "lib", "like", "long", "loop", "me",
                    "mod", "module", "mustinherit", "mustoverride", "mybase", "myclass", "namespace", "narrowing", "new", "not", "nothing",
                    "notinheritable", "notoverridable", "object", "of", "on", "operator", "option", "optional", "or", "orelse", "out",
                    "overloads", "overridable", "overrides", "paramarray", "partial", "private", "property", "protected", "public",
                    "raiseevent", "readonly", "redim", "rem", "removehandler", "resume", "return", "sbyte", "select", "set", "shadows",
                    "shared", "short", "single", "static", "step", "stop", "string", "structure", "sub", "synclock", "then", "throw",
                    "to", "true", "try", "trycast", "typeof", "uinteger", "ulong", "ushort", "using", "variant", "wend", "when", "while",
                    "widening", "with", "withevents", "writeonly", "xor"
                fontToSet = new Font(typingFont, FontStyle.Bold);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightKeywords(keywords, Color.CornflowerBlue, fontToSet);

                //Comment highlight
                var commentSymbols = new List <string>()
                    "//", "///", "////"
                currentTextArea.AddListOfHighlightDescriptors(commentSymbols, DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith,
                                                              HighlightType.ToEOL, Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "/*",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "*/", Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Highlight text between begin and end token
                var listPair = new List <string>()
                    "\"", "\"", "\'", "\'",
                //currentTextArea.AddHighlightBoundaries(listPair, Color.Red, typingFont);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "\"",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "\"", Color.Red, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Highlight string start with '#'
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "#", HighlightType.ToEOW,
                                                       Color.SlateGray, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

            case "Javascript":
                //Number highlight
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.IsNumber, "",
                                                       HighlightType.ToEOW, Color.IndianRed, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Keyword highlight
                var keywords = new List <string>()
                    "abstract", "arguments", "await", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue",
                    "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "double", "elseenum", "eval", "export", "extends", "false", "final", "finally",
                    "float", "for", "function", "goto", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "let",
                    "long", "native", "newnull", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "super",
                    "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "truetry", "typeof", "var", "void", "volatile",
                    "while", "with", "yield", "abstract", "boolean", "byte", "char", "double", "final", "float", "goto", "int",
                    "long", "native", "short", "synchronized", "throws", "transient", "volatile"
                fontToSet = new Font(typingFont, FontStyle.Bold);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightKeywords(keywords, Color.CornflowerBlue, fontToSet);

                //Keyword highlight another color
                var keywords2 = new List <string>()
                    "Array", "Date,  eval", "function", "hasOwnProperty", "Infinity", "isFinite", "isNaN", "isPrototypeOf",
                    "length", "Math", "NaN", "name", "Number", "Object", "prototype", "String", "toString", "undefined", "valueOf"
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightKeywords(keywords2, Color.LightSeaGreen, typingFont);

                //Comment highlight
                var commentSymbols = new List <string>()
                currentTextArea.AddListOfHighlightDescriptors(commentSymbols, DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith,
                                                              HighlightType.ToEOL, Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "/*",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "*/", Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Highlight text between begin and end token
                var listPair = new List <string>()
                    "\"", "\"", "\'", "\'",
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightBoundaries(listPair, Color.Red, typingFont);

            case "SQL":
                //Number highlight
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.IsNumber, "",
                                                       HighlightType.ToEOW, Color.IndianRed, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Keyword highlight
                var keywords = new List <string>()
                    "add", "except", "percent", "all", "exec", "plan", "alter", "execute", "precision",
                    "and", "exists", "primary", "any", "exit", "print", "as", "fetch", "proc", "asc",
                    "file", "procedure", "authorizationfillfactor", "public", "backup", "for", "raiserror",
                    "begin", "foreign", "read", "between", "freetext", "readtext", "break", "freetexttable",
                    "reconfigure", "browse", "from", "references", "bulk", "full", "replication", "by",
                    "function", "restore", "cascade", "goto", "restrict", "case", "grant", "return", "check",
                    "group", "revoke", "checkpoint", "having", "right", "close", "holdlock", "rollback",
                    "clustered", "identity", "rowcount", "coalesce", "identity_insert", "rowguidcol", "collate",
                    "identitycol", "rule", "column", "if", "save", "commit", "in", "schema", "compute", "index",
                    "select", "constraint", "inner", "session_user", "contains", "insert", "set", "containstable",
                    "intersect", "setuser", "continue", "into", "shutdown", "convert", "is", "some", "create",
                    "join", "statistics", "cross", "key", "system_user", "current", "kill", "table", "current_date",
                    "left", "textsize", "current_time", "like", "then", "current_timestamp", "lineno", "to",
                    "current_user", "load", "top", "cursor", "national", "tran", "database", "nocheck", "transaction",
                    "dbcc", "nonclustered", "trigger", "deallocate", "not", "truncate", "declare", "null",
                    "tsequal", "default", "nullif", "union", "delete", "of", "unique", "deny", "off", "update",
                    "desc", "offsets", "updatetext", "disk", "on", "use", "distinct", "open", "user", "distributed",
                    "opendatasource", "values", "double", "openquery", "varying", "drop", "openrowset", "view", "dummy",
                    "openxml", "waitfor", "dump", "option", "when", "else", "or", "where", "end", "order", "while",
                    "errlvl", "outer", "with", "escape", "over", "writetext"
                fontToSet = new Font(typingFont, FontStyle.Bold);
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightKeywords(keywords, Color.CornflowerBlue, fontToSet);

                //Comment highlight
                var commentSymbols = new List <string>()
                currentTextArea.AddListOfHighlightDescriptors(commentSymbols, DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith,
                                                              HighlightType.ToEOL, Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                currentTextArea.AddHighlightDescriptor(DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, "/*",
                                                       HighlightType.ToCloseToken, "*/", Color.Green, typingFont, UsedForAutoComplete.No);

                //Highlight text between begin and end token
                var listPair = new List <string>()
                    "\'", "\'",
                currentTextArea.AddHighlightBoundaries(listPair, Color.Red, typingFont);

            case "Normal Text":
                TabControlMethods.CurrentTextArea.EnableHighlight = false;


            TabControlMethods.CurrentTabPageInfo.Language = language;