Exemple #1
        public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
            infos = Types.ProtocolTypeManager.GetInstance <Types.GuildFactSheetInformations>(reader.ReadShort());
            creationDate = reader.ReadInt();
            if (creationDate < 0)
                throw new Exception("Forbidden value on creationDate = " + creationDate + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : creationDate < 0");
            nbTaxCollectors = reader.ReadVarShort();
            if (nbTaxCollectors < 0)
                throw new Exception("Forbidden value on nbTaxCollectors = " + nbTaxCollectors + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : nbTaxCollectors < 0");
            enabled = reader.ReadBoolean();
            var limit    = reader.ReadUShort();
            var members_ = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations[limit];

            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                members_[i] = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
            members = members_;
 public BreachStateMessage(Types.CharacterMinimalInformations owner, Types.ObjectEffectInteger[] bonuses, uint bugdet, bool saved)
     this.owner   = owner;
     this.bonuses = bonuses;
     this.bugdet  = bugdet;
     this.saved   = saved;
 public MapComplementaryInformationsDataInHavenBagMessage(uint subAreaId, int mapId, Types.HouseInformations[] houses, Types.GameRolePlayActorInformations[] actors, Types.InteractiveElement[] interactiveElements, Types.StatedElement[] statedElements, Types.MapObstacle[] obstacles, Types.FightCommonInformations[] fights, bool hasAggressiveMonsters, Types.CharacterMinimalInformations ownerInformations, sbyte theme, sbyte roomId, sbyte maxRoomId)
     : base(subAreaId, mapId, houses, actors, interactiveElements, statedElements, obstacles, fights, hasAggressiveMonsters)
     this.ownerInformations = ownerInformations;
     this.theme             = theme;
     this.roomId            = roomId;
     this.maxRoomId         = maxRoomId;
 public MapComplementaryInformationsDataInHavenBagMessage(short subAreaId, int mapId, IEnumerable <HouseInformations> houses, IEnumerable <GameRolePlayActorInformations> actors, IEnumerable <InteractiveElement> interactiveElements, IEnumerable <Types.StatedElement> statedElements, IEnumerable <Types.MapObstacle> obstacles, IEnumerable <Types.FightCommonInformations> fights, bool hasAggressiveMonsters, Types.FightStartingPositions fightStartPositions, Types.CharacterMinimalInformations ownerInformations, sbyte theme, sbyte roomId, sbyte maxRoomId)
     : base(subAreaId, mapId, houses, actors, interactiveElements, statedElements, obstacles, fights, hasAggressiveMonsters, fightStartPositions)
     this.ownerInformations = ownerInformations;
     this.theme             = theme;
     this.roomId            = roomId;
     this.maxRoomId         = maxRoomId;
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     ownerInformations = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
     theme     = reader.ReadSbyte();
     roomId    = reader.ReadSbyte();
     maxRoomId = reader.ReadSbyte();
        public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
            owner = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
            var limit = (ushort)reader.ReadUShort();

            bonuses = new Types.ObjectEffectInteger[limit];
            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                bonuses[i] = new Types.ObjectEffectInteger();
            bugdet = reader.ReadVarUhInt();
            saved  = reader.ReadBoolean();
 public void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     ownerInformations = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
     theme  = reader.ReadSByte();
     roomId = reader.ReadSByte();
     if (roomId < 0)
         throw new System.Exception("Forbidden value on roomId = " + roomId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : roomId < 0");
     maxRoomId = reader.ReadSByte();
     if (maxRoomId < 0)
         throw new System.Exception("Forbidden value on maxRoomId = " + maxRoomId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : maxRoomId < 0");
 public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     infos = Types.ProtocolTypeManager.GetInstance<Types.GuildFactSheetInformations>(reader.ReadShort());
     creationDate = reader.ReadInt();
     if (creationDate < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on creationDate = " + creationDate + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : creationDate < 0");
     nbTaxCollectors = reader.ReadVarShort();
     if (nbTaxCollectors < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on nbTaxCollectors = " + nbTaxCollectors + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : nbTaxCollectors < 0");
     enabled = reader.ReadBoolean();
     var limit = reader.ReadUShort();
     members = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations[limit];
     for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
          members[i] = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
 public override void Deserialize(IReader reader)
     guestInformations = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
     accept = reader.ReadBoolean();
 public InviteInHavenBagMessage(Types.CharacterMinimalInformations guestInformations, bool accept)
     this.guestInformations = guestInformations;
     this.accept            = accept;
Exemple #11
 public void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     hostInformations = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
Exemple #12
 public InviteInHavenBagClosedMessage(Types.CharacterMinimalInformations hostInformations)
     this.hostInformations = hostInformations;
 public BreachInvitationCloseMessage(Types.CharacterMinimalInformations host)
     this.host = host;
Exemple #14
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     hostInformations = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
     timeLeftBeforeCancel = reader.ReadVarInt();
Exemple #15
 public InviteInHavenBagOfferMessage(Types.CharacterMinimalInformations hostInformations, int timeLeftBeforeCancel)
     this.hostInformations     = hostInformations;
     this.timeLeftBeforeCancel = timeLeftBeforeCancel;
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     target = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
     kicked = reader.ReadBoolean();
 public BreachKickResponseMessage(Types.CharacterMinimalInformations target, bool kicked)
     this.target = target;
     this.kicked = kicked;
 public override void Deserialize(ICustomDataInput reader)
     hostInformations = new Types.CharacterMinimalInformations();
 public BreachInvitationOfferMessage(Types.CharacterMinimalInformations host, uint timeLeftBeforeCancel)
     this.host = host;
     this.timeLeftBeforeCancel = timeLeftBeforeCancel;
 public BreachInvitationResponseMessage(Types.CharacterMinimalInformations guest, bool accept)
     this.guest  = guest;
     this.accept = accept;