Exemple #1
        public OP_BinaryFilter_SingleC(TypedCH <A> CH_in, TypedCH <B> CH_arg, TypedSingleCH <A> CH_res, Func <A, B, bool> FilterF, bool use_repeater)
            this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_arg = CH_arg; this.CH_res = CH_res;

            this.FilterF      = FilterF;
            this.use_repeater = use_repeater;
Exemple #2
 public explicit_preCH(TTuple types_in, VBoxTU _dataSrc)
     _types        = types_in;
     this._dataSrc = _dataSrc;
     // since this is bijective, there is no point in deferring creation
     _CH = Instantiate(types_in, dataSrc);
Exemple #3
 // untyped version outside of these overloads ... to avoid mind pretzels
 // invariant of proper type association between CH and Column now rests within the SpawnColumn method
 public Column          getGen(TypedCH CH)
     if (!D.ContainsKey(CH))
         D[CH] = (Column)CH.GetType().GetMethod("SpawnColumn").Invoke(CH, new SObject[0]);
Exemple #4
 public Column <T> get <T> (TypedCH <T> CH)
     if (!D.ContainsKey(CH))
         D[CH] = CH.SpawnColumn();
     return((Column <T>)D[CH]);
Exemple #5
        public static JsonObject conv(TypedCH ch, Column col)
            var J_edge = new JsonObject();

            J_edge["kind"]    = "ch_column_edge";
            J_edge["id_from"] = ID(ch);
            J_edge["id_to"]   = ID(col);
Exemple #6
        public static JsonObject conv(string scopename, TypedCH ch)
            var J_scope_edge = new JsonObject();

            J_scope_edge["name"]  = scopename;
            J_scope_edge["kind"]  = "scope_edge";
            J_scope_edge["id_to"] = ID(ch);
Exemple #7
 public CH_deltaScope addRef(string name, out TypedCH CH)          // instead of resolve - but this one has "side effects" i.e. it returns an updated variant
     try { CH = ownLL_head.findNode(name).pay; return(this); }
     catch (LL_Exception) { }
     try {
         CH = orig_scope.LL_head.findNode(name).pay;
         return(new CH_deltaScope(orig_scope, ownLL_head, externals.chain(name, CH)));
     } catch (LL_Exception) { }
     throw new ScopeException();
Exemple #8
        public static OPCode MK_OP_Assign_Dollar(TypedCH CH_Left, TypedCH CH_Res, TypedCH CH_aux, Action <VBox, SObject> PrimAssign)
            // can one dynamically check the actual type of the backing function in a delegate ?
                (CH_Left.ttuple.PayT ==
                 CH_Res.ttuple.PayT) &&
                (CH_Res.ttuple.PayT ==
                ));                                       // todo turn this into Exception - MakeGenericType checks this too, but the err msg is cryptic and generic
            var completeType = typeof(OP_Assign_Dollar <>).MakeGenericType(new [] { CH_Left.ttuple.PayT });

            return((OPCode)Activator.CreateInstance(completeType, new object [] { CH_Left, CH_Res, CH_aux, PrimAssign }));
Exemple #9
        public static JsonObject conv(TypedCH CH)
            var J_CH = new JsonObject();

            J_CH["kind"] = "CH";
            J_CH["id"]   = ID(CH);
            Type   CHtype = CH.GetType();
            string name   = typeof(SingleCH).IsAssignableFrom(CHtype) ? "Single" : "Multi";

            name        += "[" + CHtype.GetGenericArguments()[0].Name + "]";
            J_CH["name"] = name;
Exemple #10
        public static IEnumerable <string> ColumnChainPrttS(Column Col_in, Func <TypedCH, Column> CH2Col)
            Column col = Col_in;

            while (true)
                yield return(col.ToString());

                TypedCH CH = col.CH;
                if (CH.pred_SrcVBXTU == null)
                    yield break;
                col = CH2Col(CH.pred_SrcVBXTU.CH_in);
Exemple #11
        public OP_BarrierShift(
            TypedCH <PayOrig> origCH,
            TypedSingleCH <PayLHS> lhsCH,
            TypedSingleCH <PayOrig> CH_out)
            this.origCH = origCH; this.lhsCH = lhsCH; this.CH_out = CH_out;
            // starting from lhs count backwards the VBox-edges
            backsteps = 0;
            TypedCH currentCH = lhsCH;

            // TODO , throw when not ColumnSingle

            while (currentCH != origCH)
                currentCH = currentCH.pred_SrcVBXTU.CH_in; backsteps++;
            }                                                                                           // if dataSrc is null, that's a bug in translate
Exemple #12
         *  Since Frames and Fans are expected to "spread" nodes that would natrually have multi-VBoxes (ref types for example)
         *  into VBoxSingles TypedSingleCH can be assumed for all data gathering Columns
        public OP_TupleExtract(SingleCH []                  data_CHs
                               , TypedCH lhs_CH                           // typing problem in case of 0 FrameElements [1]
                               , TypedSingleCH <arg_tuple> out_CH
            this.data_CHs = data_CHs;
            this.lhs_CH   = lhs_CH;
            this.out_CH   = out_CH;
            steps2CH      = new int[data_CHs.Length];

            TypedCH current_CH = lhs_CH;

            for (int i = data_CHs.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                int step_sz = 0;
                while (current_CH != data_CHs[i])
                    current_CH = current_CH.pred_SrcVBXTU.CH_in;
                steps2CH[i] = step_sz;
Exemple #13
 public OP_UnaryFilter_SingleC(TypedCH <BoxT> CH_in, TypedSingleCH <BoxT> CH_out, Func <BoxT, bool> FilterF)
     this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_out = CH_out; this.FilterF = FilterF;
Exemple #14
 void init()
     _types = TypeCalcEdges();
     _CH    = Instantiate(_types, dataSrc);   // <- das isses
Exemple #15
 public adapter_preCH(TypedCH CH_in)
     _CH = CH_in;
Exemple #16
 public OP_ComponentFilterComp(TypedCH <T_comp_in> CH_in, TypedSingleCH <T_comp_out> CH_out)
     this.CH_in  = CH_in;
     this.CH_out = CH_out;
Exemple #17
 public OP_MemA_FieldSingle(TypedCH <Tobj> CH_in, TypedSingleCH <Tfield> CH_out, FieldInfo fi)
     this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_out = CH_out; this.fi = fi;
Exemple #18
 public OP_Dollar_Spread(TypedCH LHS_CH, TypedCH <T_variable> referenced_CH, TypedSingleCH <T_variable> CH_out)
     this.LHS_CH        = LHS_CH;
     this.referenced_CH = referenced_CH;
     this.CH_out        = CH_out;
Exemple #19
 public OP_ComponentFilterGO(TypedCH <GameObject> CH_in, TypedSingleCH <T_component> CH_out)
     this.CH_in  = CH_in;
     this.CH_out = CH_out;
Exemple #20
 public OP_MemA_RefRef(TypedCH <Tobj> CH_in, TypedCH <Tfield> CH_out, FieldInfo fi)
     this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_out = CH_out; this.fi = fi;
Exemple #21
 public OP_SG_all_GO(TypedCH <GameObject> CH_in, TypedMultiCH <GameObject> CH_out)
     this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_out = CH_out;
Exemple #22
 public OP_lift_up(TypedCH <CollectionT> CH_in, TypedSingleCH <ElementT> CH_out)
     this.CH_in  = CH_in;
     this.CH_out = CH_out;
Exemple #23
 public OP_SG_immediate_Comp(TypedCH <in_CompType> CH_in, TypedSingleCH <GameObject> CH_out)
     this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_out = CH_out;
Exemple #24
 public OP_MemA_PropSingle(TypedCH <Tobj> CH_in, TypedSingleCH <Tprop> CH_out, PropertyInfo pi)
     this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_out = CH_out; this.pi = pi;
Exemple #25
 public OP_MemA_RefProp(TypedCH <Tobj> CH_in, TypedCH <Tprop> CH_out, PropertyInfo pi)
     this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_out = CH_out; this.pi = pi;
Exemple #26
 public OP_Const_Spread(TypedCH CH_in, TypedSingleCH <DeserializedPay> CH_out, DeserializedPay pay)
     this.CH_in  = CH_in;
     this.CH_out = CH_out;
     this.pay    = pay;
Exemple #27
        public static void Test2_basic_scoping()
            var closA = new TypedSingleCH <int>();
            var closB = new TypedMultiCH <string>();  // types and kinds don't matter

            var closedSC = new CH_closedScope()
                           .decl("cA", closA)
                           .decl("cB", closB);

            var D1 = new TypedSingleCH <int>();
            var D2 = new TypedMultiCH <string>();  // types and kinds don't matter

            TypedCH dummy1;
            TypedCH dummy2;

            var deltaCH = new CH_deltaScope(closedSC)
                          .decl("new name", D1)
                          .addRef("cA", out dummy1)
                          .addRef("new name", out dummy2);

            D.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(dummy1, closA));
            D.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(dummy2, D1));

                deltaCH.external_refs().Select(_ref => _ref.name).
                SequenceEqual(new [] { "cA" })                        // ref for "new name" is not external

            // ----------------------------

            var deltaCH2 = new CH_deltaScope(closedSC)
                           .decl("cA", D1)
                           .decl("cA", D1)
                           .decl("cA", D1)
                           .decl("cB", D1) // shadow both, multiple "cA"s are compressed to one in LIFO_shadowed
                           .decl("cA", D2) // shadow cA again with a different target
                           .addRef("cA", out dummy1);

            var expected_names = new []        { "cA", "cB" };   // in reverse of insertion order
            var expected_chs   = new TypedCH[] { D2, D1 };       // for cA , cB resp.

            D.Assert(deltaCH2.refs().Select(r => r.name).SequenceEqual(expected_names));
            D.Assert(deltaCH2.refs().Select(r => r.CH).SequenceEqual(expected_chs));

            // -------------------------------------

            var closFunky = new TypedSingleCH <object>();

            var origSC = new CH_closedScope()
                         .decl("cA", closFunky) // never see this guy
                         .decl("cA", closA)
                         .decl("cB", closB);

            var     sh1       = new TypedMultiCH <float>();
            TypedCH sh_dummy1 = null;
            TypedCH sh_dummy2 = null;

            var shadowDelta1 = new CH_deltaScope(origSC)
                               .decl("sh1", sh1)
                               .addRef("cA", out sh_dummy1) // external ref
                               .decl("cA", sh1)
                               .addRef("cA", out sh_dummy2) // now cA is both an external and internal ref

            // cB is not touched , thus :
            // refs in order : [  "cA" -> sh_dummy2 == sh1 | "sh1" -> sh1 | "cB" -> closB ]
            //                 ["cA" -> closA == sh_dummy1] is preserved in external_refs

            D.Assert(ReferenceEquals(sh_dummy1, closA));
            D.Assert(ReferenceEquals(sh_dummy2, sh1));

            expected_names = new []        { "cA", "sh1", "cB" };
            expected_chs   = new TypedCH[] { sh1, sh1, closB };

            D.Assert(shadowDelta1.refs().Select(r => r.name).SequenceEqual(expected_names));
            D.Assert(shadowDelta1.refs().Select(r => r.CH).SequenceEqual(expected_chs));

            D.Assert(shadowDelta1.external_refs().Select(r => r.name).SequenceEqual(new        [] { "cA" }));
            D.Assert(shadowDelta1.external_refs().Select(r => r.CH).SequenceEqual(new TypedCH[] { closA }));

            // heheh :) two chaining deltaScopes need no extra testing   new DeltaScope ( fromDeltaScope ) is identical to its original in all fields - there is no point to this

            Console.WriteLine("================= basicScoping ok ============= ");
Exemple #28
 public OP_SG_all_Comp(TypedCH <Component> CH_in, TypedMultiCH <GameObject> CH_out)
     this.CH_in = CH_in; this.CH_out = CH_out;
Exemple #29
 public CH_deltaScope decl(string name, TypedCH CH)
     return(new CH_deltaScope(orig_scope, ownLL_head.chain(name, CH), externals));
Exemple #30
 Action <VBox, SObject> PrimAssign;                   // todo SObject -> PayT
 public OP_Assign_Dollar(TypedCH <PayT> LHS, TypedCH <PayT> RHS, TypedCH <PayT> Data, Action <VBox, SObject> PrimAssign)
     CH_in           = LHS; CH_out = RHS; CH_aux = Data;
     this.PrimAssign = PrimAssign;