Exemple #1
 private ValidationResult Validate(InstanceRequest instanceRequest)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceRequest.InstanceName))
         return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.SERVER_NAME_SLOT,
                                     $"Please enter the instance name you want to operate on"));
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceRequest.InstanceName))
         List <string> instanceNames = serverOperationsHelper.validEC2Instances().ConvertAll(x => x.InstanceName);
         if (!instanceNames.ConvertAll(x => x.ToLower()).Contains(instanceRequest.InstanceName.ToLower()))
             return(new ValidationResult(false,
                                         $"{instanceRequest.InstanceName} is not a valid instance in your account.\n" +
                                         $"Please select one out of the following instances from your account ?\n" +
                                         string.Join(" \n ", instanceNames)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceRequest.InstanceAction) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceRequest.InstanceName))
         return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.ACTION_SLOT,
                                     $"Please select the action you want to perform on {instanceRequest.InstanceName}",
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceRequest.InstanceAction) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceRequest.InstanceName))
         return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.ACTION_SLOT,
                                     $"Please select the action you want to perform on {instanceRequest.InstanceName}",
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceRequest.InstanceAction) && !TypeValidators.IsValidActionType(instanceRequest.InstanceAction))
         return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.ACTION_SLOT,
                                     $"I currently do not support {instanceRequest.InstanceAction} as a valid action ." +
                                     $"Please select the action you want to perform on {instanceRequest.InstanceName}",
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Verifies that any values for slots in the intent are valid.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reservation"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private ValidationResult Validate(Reservation reservation)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reservation.Location) && !TypeValidators.IsValidCity(reservation.Location))
            return(new ValidationResult(false, LOCATION_SLOT,
                                        $"We currently do not support {reservation.Location} as a valid destination.  Can you try a different city?"));

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reservation.CheckInDate))
            DateTime checkinDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            if (!DateTime.TryParse(reservation.CheckInDate, out checkinDate))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, CHECK_IN_DATE_SLOT,
                                            "I did not understand your check in date.  When would you like to check in?"));
            if (checkinDate < DateTime.Today)
                return(new ValidationResult(false, CHECK_IN_DATE_SLOT,
                                            "Reservations must be scheduled at least one day in advance.  Can you try a different date?"));

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reservation.Nights))
            int nights;
            if (!int.TryParse(reservation.Nights, out nights))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, NIGHTS_SLOT,
                                            "I did not understand the number of nights.  Can you enter the number of nights again again?"));
            if (nights < 1 || nights > 30)
                return(new ValidationResult(false, NIGHTS_SLOT,
                                            "You can make a reservations for from one to thirty nights.  How many nights would you like to stay for?"));

Exemple #3
        private ValidationResult Validate(InstanceSetup instanceLaunchRequest)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceLaunchRequest.AMIType))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.AMI_SLOT,
                                            "Select an AMI",
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceLaunchRequest.AMIType) && !TypeValidators.IsValidAMIType(instanceLaunchRequest.AMIType))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.AMI_SLOT,
                                            $"We currently do not support {instanceLaunchRequest.AMIType} as a valid AMI ." +
                                            $"Can you try an AMI out of the following ones ? \n" +

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceLaunchRequest.StorageType))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.STORAGE_TYPE_SLOT,
                                            "Please enter the Storage type you want to use .",
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceLaunchRequest.StorageType) && !TypeValidators.IsValidStorageType(instanceLaunchRequest.StorageType))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.STORAGE_TYPE_SLOT,
                                            $"I currently do not support {instanceLaunchRequest.StorageType} as a valid Storage Type ." +
                                            "Can you try a Storage Type out of the following ones ?",

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceLaunchRequest.InstanceType))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.INSTANCE_TYPE_SLOT,
                                            "Please enter the Instance type you want to use .",
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceLaunchRequest.InstanceType) && !TypeValidators.IsValidInstanceType(instanceLaunchRequest.InstanceType))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.INSTANCE_TYPE_SLOT,
                                            $"I currently do not support {instanceLaunchRequest.InstanceType} as a valid Instance Type ." +
                                            $"Can you try a Instance Type out of the following ones ? {TypeValidators.ListOfValidInstanceTypes()}",

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceLaunchRequest.AvailabilityZone))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.AZ_SLOT,
                                            "Please enter the AZ you want to use .",
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceLaunchRequest.AvailabilityZone) && !serverOperationsHelper.getAvailabilityZones().Contains(instanceLaunchRequest.AvailabilityZone))
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.AZ_SLOT,
                                            $" {instanceLaunchRequest.AvailabilityZone} is not a valid Availability Zone for your region ." +
                                            "Can you try a AZ out of the following ones ? ",

            if (instanceLaunchRequest.NumOfInstances == 0)
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.NUMBER_TYPE_SLOT,
                                            "Please enter the number of instances you want to launch . I currently support a maximum of 5 instances .",
            if (instanceLaunchRequest.NumOfInstances > 5)
                return(new ValidationResult(false, Constants.NUMBER_TYPE_SLOT,
                                            "I currently only support upto 5 instances. Could you please try with any number between 1 and 5 ",