/// <summary>
 /// Generates the payload for a Girocode (QR-Code with credit transfer information).
 /// Attention: When using Girocode payload, QR code must be generated with ECC level M!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="iban">Account number of the Beneficiary. Only IBAN is allowed.</param>
 /// <param name="bic">BIC of the Beneficiary Bank.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the Beneficiary.</param>
 /// <param name="amount">Amount of the Credit Transfer in Euro.
 /// (Amount must be more than 0.01 and less than 999999999.99)</param>
 /// <param name="remittanceInformation">Remittance Information (Purpose-/reference text). (optional)</param>
 /// <param name="typeOfRemittance">Type of remittance information. Either structured (e.g. ISO 11649 RF Creditor Reference) and max. 35 chars or unstructured and max. 140 chars.</param>
 /// <param name="purposeOfCreditTransfer">Purpose of the Credit Transfer (optional)</param>
 /// <param name="messageToGirocodeUser">Beneficiary to originator information. (optional)</param>
 /// <param name="version">Girocode version. Either 001 or 002. Default: 001.</param>
 /// <param name="encoding">Encoding of the Girocode payload. Default: ISO-8859-1</param>
 public Girocode(string iban, string bic, string name, decimal amount, string remittanceInformation = "", TypeOfRemittance typeOfRemittance = TypeOfRemittance.Unstructured, string purposeOfCreditTransfer = "", string messageToGirocodeUser = "", GirocodeVersion version = GirocodeVersion.Version1,
                 GirocodeEncoding encoding = GirocodeEncoding.ISO_8859_1)
     this.version  = version;
     this.encoding = encoding;
     if (!IsValidIban(iban))
         throw new GirocodeException("The IBAN entered isn't valid.");
     this.iban = iban.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper();
     if (!IsValidBic(bic))
         throw new GirocodeException("The BIC entered isn't valid.");
     this.bic = bic.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper();
     if (name.Length > 70)
         throw new GirocodeException("(Payee-)Name must be shorter than 71 chars.");
     this.name = name;
     if (amount.ToString().Replace(",", ".").Contains(".") && amount.ToString().Replace(",", ".").Split('.')[1].TrimEnd('0').Length > 2)
         throw new GirocodeException("Amount must have less than 3 digits after decimal point.");
     if (amount < 0.01m || amount > 999999999.99m)
         throw new GirocodeException("Amount has to at least 0.01 and must be smaller or equal to 999999999.99.");
     this.amount = amount;
     if (purposeOfCreditTransfer.Length > 4)
         throw new GirocodeException("Purpose of credit transfer can only have 4 chars at maximum.");
     this.purposeOfCreditTransfer = purposeOfCreditTransfer;
     if (typeOfRemittance == TypeOfRemittance.Unstructured && remittanceInformation.Length > 140)
         throw new GirocodeException("Unstructured reference texts have to shorter than 141 chars.");
     if (typeOfRemittance == TypeOfRemittance.Structured && remittanceInformation.Length > 35)
         throw new GirocodeException("Structured reference texts have to shorter than 36 chars.");
     this.typeOfRemittance      = typeOfRemittance;
     this.remittanceInformation = remittanceInformation;
     if (messageToGirocodeUser.Length > 70)
         throw new GirocodeException("Message to the Girocode-User reader texts have to shorter than 71 chars.");
     this.messageToGirocodeUser = messageToGirocodeUser;
Exemple #2
 public EPCQRCode(string iban
                  , string nameOfBeneficiary
                  , decimal amount
                  , string bic = ""
                  , string remittanceInformation      = ""
                  , TypeOfRemittance typeOfRemittance = TypeOfRemittance.Unstructured
                  , string purposeOfCreditTransfer    = ""
                  , string messageToBeneficiary       = "")
     this.nameBeneficiary                    = nameOfBeneficiary;
     this.amount                             = amount;
     this.bicBeneficiary                     = bic;
     this.accountNumberBeneficiary           = iban;
     this.remittanceInformation              = remittanceInformation;
     this.typeOfRemittance                   = typeOfRemittance;
     this.purposeOfCreditTransfer            = purposeOfCreditTransfer;
     this.beneficiaryToOriginatorInformation = messageToBeneficiary;