public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
         var certGrade = _unitOfWork.TypeOfLossThresholdRepository.GetByID(id);
         if (certGrade == null)
         var model = new TypeOfLossThresholdModel
             Entity           = certGrade,
             OrgLookUp        = LookUps.OrganisationById(certGrade.OrgID ?? 0),
             CobLookUp        = LookUps.ClassOfBusiness(),
             TypeOfLossLookUp = LookUps.TypeOfLoss(),
             OrgId            = certGrade.OrgID ?? 0
     catch (Exception ex)
         // Log with Elmah
         TempData["message"] = Settings.Default.GenericExceptionMessage;
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "Admin" }));
        public ActionResult Create(int orgId)
            var model = new TypeOfLossThresholdModel
                Entity           = new TypeOfLossThreshold(),
                OrgLookUp        = LookUps.OrganisationById(orgId),
                CobLookUp        = LookUps.ClassOfBusiness(),
                TypeOfLossLookUp = LookUps.TypeOfLoss(),
                OrgId            = orgId

        public ActionResult Index([DefaultValue(1)] int page, string keywords, [DefaultValue(10)] int pgsize)
                var orgId = LookUps.GetOrgId(User.Identity.Name);
                if (orgId == 0)
                    orgId = Settings.Default.DefaultOrgId;

                List <TypeOfLossThreshold> rowsToShow;
                int totalRecords;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                    rowsToShow   = _unitOfWork.TypeOfLossThresholdRepository.Get(filter: x => x.OrgID == orgId && x.Organisation.Name.ToUpper().Contains(keywords.Trim().ToUpper()) || x.ClassOfBusiness1.ClassType.ToUpper().Contains(keywords.Trim().ToUpper()) || x.TypeOfLoss1.TypeName.ToUpper().Contains(keywords.Trim().ToUpper()), orderBy: q => q.OrderBy(x => x.ID)).Skip((page - 1) * pgsize).Take(pgsize).ToList();
                    totalRecords = _unitOfWork.TypeOfLossThresholdRepository.Get(filter: x => x.OrgID == orgId && x.Organisation.Name.ToUpper().Contains(keywords.Trim().ToUpper()) || x.ClassOfBusiness1.ClassType.ToUpper().Contains(keywords.Trim().ToUpper()) || x.TypeOfLoss1.TypeName.ToUpper().Contains(keywords.Trim().ToUpper())).Count();
                    rowsToShow   = _unitOfWork.TypeOfLossThresholdRepository.Get(filter: x => x.OrgID == orgId, orderBy: q => q.OrderBy(x => x.ID)).Skip((page - 1) * pgsize).Take(pgsize).ToList();
                    totalRecords = _unitOfWork.TypeOfLossThresholdRepository.Get(filter: x => x.OrgID == orgId, orderBy: q => q.OrderBy(x => x.ID)).Count();

                var model = new TypeOfLossThresholdModel()
                    Rows       = rowsToShow,
                    OrgId      = orgId,
                    PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
                        FirstItem    = ((page - 1) * pgsize) + 1,
                        LastItem     = page * pgsize,
                        CurrentPage  = page,
                        ItemsPerPage = pgsize,
                        TotalItems   = totalRecords
                    CurrentKeywords = keywords,
                    PageSize        = pgsize
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log with Elmah
                TempData["message"] = Settings.Default.GenericExceptionMessage;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "Admin" }));
        public ActionResult Create(TypeOfLossThresholdModel model)
                if (model.Entity.MaxValue <= model.Entity.MinValue)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please Make Sure Maximum Value is Higher than the Minimum Value");

                if (ThresholdExist(model.Entity.OrgID ?? 0, model.Entity.ClassOfBusiness ?? 0, model.Entity.TypeOfLoss ?? 0, model.Entity.ID))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Threshold Already Exist");

                if (ValuesConflict(model.Entity.OrgID ?? 0, model.Entity.ClassOfBusiness ?? 0, model.Entity.MinValue ?? 0, model.Entity.MaxValue ?? 0, model.Entity.ID))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Minimum and Maximum Values Conflict with existing setup for the selected Class of Business");

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var certGrade = model.Entity;
                    certGrade.ModifiedBy   = User.Identity.Name;
                    certGrade.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    certGrade.CreatedBy    = User.Identity.Name;
                    certGrade.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;

                    TempData["message"] = "Type of Loss Threshold was successfully created";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { orgid = model.Entity.OrgID }));

                model.OrgId            = model.Entity.OrgID ?? 0;
                model.OrgLookUp        = LookUps.OrganisationById(model.Entity.OrgID ?? 0);
                model.CobLookUp        = LookUps.ClassOfBusiness();
                model.TypeOfLossLookUp = LookUps.TypeOfLoss();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log with Elmah
                TempData["message"] = Settings.Default.GenericExceptionMessage;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "Admin" }));