public bool Generate(bool skipJniAddNativeMethodRegistrationAttributeScan, List <TypeDefinition> javaTypes, string outputDirectory, bool generateNativeAssembly, out ApplicationConfigTaskState appConfState)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputDirectory))
                throw new ArgumentException("must not be null or empty", nameof(outputDirectory));

            if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory))

            int assemblyId              = 0;
            int maxJavaNameLength       = 0;
            int maxModuleFileNameLength = 0;
            var knownAssemblies         = new Dictionary <string, int> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
            var tempModules             = new Dictionary <byte[], ModuleData> ();
            Dictionary <AssemblyDefinition, int> moduleCounter = null;
            var mvidCache = new Dictionary <Guid, byte[]> ();

            appConfState = new ApplicationConfigTaskState {
                JniAddNativeMethodRegistrationAttributePresent = skipJniAddNativeMethodRegistrationAttributeScan

            foreach (TypeDefinition td in javaTypes)
                UpdateApplicationConfig(td, appConfState);

                string assemblyName = td.Module.Assembly.FullName;

                if (!knownAssemblies.ContainsKey(assemblyName))
                    knownAssemblies.Add(assemblyName, assemblyId);

                // We must NOT use Guid here! The reason is that Guid sort order is different than its corresponding
                // byte array representation and on the runtime we need the latter in order to be able to binary search
                // through the module array.
                byte[] moduleUUID;
                if (!mvidCache.TryGetValue(td.Module.Mvid, out moduleUUID))
                    moduleUUID = td.Module.Mvid.ToByteArray();
                    mvidCache.Add(td.Module.Mvid, moduleUUID);

                ModuleData moduleData;
                if (!tempModules.TryGetValue(moduleUUID, out moduleData))
                    if (moduleCounter == null)
                        moduleCounter = new Dictionary <AssemblyDefinition, int> ();

                    moduleData = new ModuleData {
                        Mvid           = td.Module.Mvid,
                        MvidBytes      = moduleUUID,
                        Assembly       = td.Module.Assembly,
                        AssemblyName   = td.Module.Assembly.Name.Name,
                        TypesScratch   = new Dictionary <string, TypeMapEntry> (StringComparer.Ordinal),
                        DuplicateTypes = new Dictionary <uint, TypeMapEntry> (),
                    tempModules.Add(moduleUUID, moduleData);

                    if (!generateNativeAssembly)
                        int moduleNum;
                        if (!moduleCounter.TryGetValue(moduleData.Assembly, out moduleNum))
                            moduleNum = 0;
                            moduleCounter [moduleData.Assembly] = 0;
                            moduleCounter [moduleData.Assembly] = moduleNum;

                        string fileName = $"{moduleData.Assembly.Name.Name}.{moduleNum}.typemap";
                        moduleData.OutputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, fileName);
                        if (maxModuleFileNameLength < fileName.Length)
                            maxModuleFileNameLength = fileName.Length;

                string javaName = Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager.ToJniName(td);
                var    entry    = new TypeMapEntry {
                    JavaName          = javaName,
                    JavaNameLength    = outputEncoding.GetByteCount(javaName),
                    ManagedTypeName   = td.FullName,
                    Token             = td.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(),
                    AssemblyNameIndex = knownAssemblies [assemblyName]

                if (generateNativeAssembly)
                    if (entry.JavaNameLength > maxJavaNameLength)
                        maxJavaNameLength = entry.JavaNameLength;

                if (moduleData.TypesScratch.ContainsKey(entry.JavaName))
                    // This is disabled because it costs a lot of time (around 150ms per standard XF Integration app
                    // build) and has no value for the end user. The message is left here because it may be useful to us
                    // in our devloop at some point.
                    //logger ($"Warning: duplicate Java type name '{entry.JavaName}' in assembly '{moduleData.AssemblyName}' (new token: {entry.Token}).");
                    moduleData.DuplicateTypes.Add(entry.Token, entry);
                    moduleData.TypesScratch.Add(entry.JavaName, entry);

            var modules = tempModules.Values.ToArray();

            Array.Sort(modules, new ModuleUUIDArrayComparer());

            var typeMapEntryComparer = new TypeMapEntryArrayComparer();

            foreach (ModuleData module in modules)
                if (module.TypesScratch.Count == 0)
                    module.Types = new TypeMapEntry[0];

                module.Types = module.TypesScratch.Values.ToArray();
                Array.Sort(module.Types, typeMapEntryComparer);

            NativeTypeMappingData data;

            if (!generateNativeAssembly)
                string typeMapIndexPath = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "typemap.index");
                using (var indexWriter = MemoryStreamPool.Shared.CreateBinaryWriter()) {
                    OutputModules(modules, indexWriter, maxModuleFileNameLength + 1);
                    MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfStreamChanged(indexWriter.BaseStream, typeMapIndexPath);

                data = new NativeTypeMappingData(logger, new ModuleData[0], 0);
                data = new NativeTypeMappingData(logger, modules, maxJavaNameLength + 1);

            NativeAssemblerTargetProvider asmTargetProvider;
            bool sharedBitsWritten = false;
            bool sharedIncludeUsesAbiPrefix;

            foreach (string abi in supportedAbis)
                sharedIncludeUsesAbiPrefix = false;
                switch (abi.Trim())
                case "armeabi-v7a":
                    asmTargetProvider          = new ARMNativeAssemblerTargetProvider(is64Bit: false);
                    sharedIncludeUsesAbiPrefix = true;                             // ARMv7a is "special", it uses different directive prefix
                    // than the others and the "shared" code won't build for it

                case "arm64-v8a":
                    asmTargetProvider = new ARMNativeAssemblerTargetProvider(is64Bit: true);

                case "x86":
                    asmTargetProvider = new X86NativeAssemblerTargetProvider(is64Bit: false);

                case "x86_64":
                    asmTargetProvider = new X86NativeAssemblerTargetProvider(is64Bit: true);

                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown ABI {abi}");

                var generator = new TypeMappingNativeAssemblyGenerator(asmTargetProvider, data, Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "typemaps"), sharedBitsWritten, sharedIncludeUsesAbiPrefix);

                using (var sw = MemoryStreamPool.Shared.CreateStreamWriter(outputEncoding)) {
                    MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfStreamChanged(sw.BaseStream, generator.MainSourceFile);
                    if (!sharedIncludeUsesAbiPrefix)
                        sharedBitsWritten = true;
        bool GenerateRelease(bool skipJniAddNativeMethodRegistrationAttributeScan, List <TypeDefinition> javaTypes, string outputDirectory, ApplicationConfigTaskState appConfState)
            int assemblyId        = 0;
            int maxJavaNameLength = 0;
            var knownAssemblies   = new Dictionary <string, int> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
            var tempModules       = new Dictionary <byte[], ModuleReleaseData> ();
            Dictionary <AssemblyDefinition, int> moduleCounter = null;
            var mvidCache = new Dictionary <Guid, byte[]> ();

            foreach (TypeDefinition td in javaTypes)
                UpdateApplicationConfig(td, appConfState);

                string assemblyName = td.Module.Assembly.FullName;

                if (!knownAssemblies.ContainsKey(assemblyName))
                    knownAssemblies.Add(assemblyName, assemblyId);

                // We must NOT use Guid here! The reason is that Guid sort order is different than its corresponding
                // byte array representation and on the runtime we need the latter in order to be able to binary search
                // through the module array.
                byte[] moduleUUID;
                if (!mvidCache.TryGetValue(td.Module.Mvid, out moduleUUID))
                    moduleUUID = td.Module.Mvid.ToByteArray();
                    mvidCache.Add(td.Module.Mvid, moduleUUID);

                ModuleReleaseData moduleData;
                if (!tempModules.TryGetValue(moduleUUID, out moduleData))
                    if (moduleCounter == null)
                        moduleCounter = new Dictionary <AssemblyDefinition, int> ();

                    moduleData = new ModuleReleaseData {
                        Mvid           = td.Module.Mvid,
                        MvidBytes      = moduleUUID,
                        Assembly       = td.Module.Assembly,
                        AssemblyName   = td.Module.Assembly.Name.Name,
                        TypesScratch   = new Dictionary <string, TypeMapReleaseEntry> (StringComparer.Ordinal),
                        DuplicateTypes = new Dictionary <uint, TypeMapReleaseEntry> (),
                    tempModules.Add(moduleUUID, moduleData);

                string javaName = Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager.ToJniName(td);
                // We will ignore generic types and interfaces when generating the Java to Managed map, but we must not
                // omit them from the table we output - we need the same number of entries in both java-to-managed and
                // managed-to-java tables.  `SkipInJavaToManaged` set to `true` will cause the native assembly generator
                // to output `0` as the token id for the type, thus effectively causing the runtime unable to match such
                // a Java type name to a managed type. This fixes
                var entry = new TypeMapReleaseEntry {
                    JavaName            = javaName,
                    JavaNameLength      = outputEncoding.GetByteCount(javaName),
                    ManagedTypeName     = td.FullName,
                    Token               = td.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(),
                    AssemblyNameIndex   = knownAssemblies [assemblyName],
                    SkipInJavaToManaged = ShouldSkipInJavaToManaged(td),

                if (entry.JavaNameLength > maxJavaNameLength)
                    maxJavaNameLength = entry.JavaNameLength;

                if (moduleData.TypesScratch.ContainsKey(entry.JavaName))
                    // This is disabled because it costs a lot of time (around 150ms per standard XF Integration app
                    // build) and has no value for the end user. The message is left here because it may be useful to us
                    // in our devloop at some point.
                    //logger ($"Warning: duplicate Java type name '{entry.JavaName}' in assembly '{moduleData.AssemblyName}' (new token: {entry.Token}).");
                    moduleData.DuplicateTypes.Add(entry.Token, entry);
                    moduleData.TypesScratch.Add(entry.JavaName, entry);

            var modules = tempModules.Values.ToArray();

            Array.Sort(modules, new ModuleUUIDArrayComparer());

            var typeMapEntryComparer = new TypeMapEntryArrayComparer();

            foreach (ModuleReleaseData module in modules)
                if (module.TypesScratch.Count == 0)
                    module.Types = new TypeMapReleaseEntry[0];

                module.Types = module.TypesScratch.Values.ToArray();
                Array.Sort(module.Types, typeMapEntryComparer);

            NativeTypeMappingData data;

            data = new NativeTypeMappingData(logger, modules, maxJavaNameLength + 1);

                (NativeAssemblerTargetProvider asmTargetProvider, bool sharedBitsWritten, bool sharedIncludeUsesAbiPrefix) => {
                return(new TypeMappingReleaseNativeAssemblyGenerator(asmTargetProvider, data, outputDirectory, sharedBitsWritten, sharedIncludeUsesAbiPrefix));
