Exemple #1
		private static void RegisterMetas(Assembly a)
            List<Type> baseTypes = new List<Type>();

            Type[] types = a.GetTypes();
            foreach (Type type in types)
				if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(behaviac.Agent)) || Utils.IsStaticType(type))
                    if (!IsRegisterd(type))
                        Attribute[] attributes = (Attribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute), false);
                        if (attributes.Length > 0)
                            TypeInfo_t typeInfo = new TypeInfo_t();
                            typeInfo.type = type;


                            //find all the base type and ancestors
                            Type ti = type.BaseType;
                            while (ti != null && Utils.IsAgentType(ti))
                                ti = ti.BaseType;

							if (Utils.IsStaticType(type))
								behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute typeMetaInfo = attributes[0] as behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute;
								Agent.RegisterStaticClass(type, typeMetaInfo.DisplayName, typeMetaInfo.Description);

            foreach (Type type in baseTypes)
                if (!IsRegisterd(type))
                    TypeInfo_t ft = ms_agentTypes.Find(delegate(TypeInfo_t t) { return t.type == type; });

                    //not found
                    if (ft == null)
                        TypeInfo_t typeInfo = new TypeInfo_t();
                        typeInfo.type = type;
                        typeInfo.bIsInherited = true;


            ms_agentTypes.Sort(delegate(TypeInfo_t x, TypeInfo_t y)
                if (x.bIsInherited && !y.bIsInherited)
                    return -1;
                else if (!x.bIsInherited && y.bIsInherited)
                    return 1;

                if (x.type.IsSubclassOf(y.type))
                    return 1;
                else if (y.type.IsSubclassOf(x.type))
                    return -1;

                return x.type.FullName.CompareTo(y.type.FullName);

            foreach (TypeInfo_t typeInfo in ms_agentTypes)
                Type type = typeInfo.type;
				Debug.Check(Utils.IsAgentType(type) || Utils.IsStaticType(type));
				RegisterType(type, true);
Exemple #2
        private void RegisterMetas(Assembly a)
            List<Type> baseTypes = new List<Type>();

            Type[] types = a.GetTypes();
            foreach (Type type in types)
                //if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(behaviac.Agent)) || Utils.IsStaticType(type))
                    if (!IsRegisterd(type))
                        Attribute[] attributes = (Attribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute), false);

                        if (attributes.Length > 0)
                            TypeInfo_t typeInfo = new TypeInfo_t();
                            typeInfo.type = type;


                            CollectBaseTypes(baseTypes, type);

                            if (Utils.IsStaticType(type))
                                behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute typeMetaInfo = attributes[0] as behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute;
                                Agent.RegisterStaticClass(type, typeMetaInfo.DisplayName, typeMetaInfo.Description);

            foreach (Type type in baseTypes)
                if (!IsRegisterd(type))
                    TypeInfo_t typeInfo = new TypeInfo_t();
                    typeInfo.type = type;
                    typeInfo.bIsInherited = true;



            foreach (TypeInfo_t typeInfo in m_agentTypes)
                Type type = typeInfo.type;
                //Debug.Check(Utils.IsAgentType(type) || Utils.IsStaticType(type));
                RegisterType(type, true);

            //Agent Type's members might reference other agent types which are not decorated by TypeMetaInfoAttribute
            //and collected to m_agentTypes_Referenced

            //collect all its ancestor agent types if not registered yet
            foreach (TypeInfo_t typeInfo in m_agentTypes_Referenced)
                Type type = typeInfo.type;

                if (!IsRegisterd(type))
                    CollectBaseTypes(baseTypes, type);

            foreach (Type type in baseTypes)
                if (!IsRegisterd_Referenced(type) && !IsRegisterd(type))
                    TypeInfo_t typeInfo = new TypeInfo_t();
                    typeInfo.type = type;
                    typeInfo.bIsInherited = true;




            //resort after referenced agent types are added

Exemple #3
        private void RegisterType(Type type, bool bExpandMembers)
            bool bReferendAgentType = false;
            Attribute[] attributes = (Attribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute), false);

            if (!bExpandMembers && attributes.Length == 0)
                //type is a referenced agent type which is not decorated by TypeMetaInfoAttribute
                if (Utils.IsAgentType(type) && !IsRegisterd_Referenced(type) && !IsRegisterd(type))
                    TypeInfo_t typeInfo = new TypeInfo_t();
                    typeInfo.type = type;


                    bReferendAgentType = true;

            //agent type must have behaviac.AgentTypeAttribute
            if (!bExpandMembers || attributes.Length > 0 || bReferendAgentType)
                behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute cda = attributes.Length > 0 ? (behaviac.TypeMetaInfoAttribute)attributes[0] : null;

                string typeFullName = type.FullName.Replace('+', '.');
                Agent.CTagObjectDescriptor objectDesc = Agent.GetDescriptorByName(typeFullName);

                if (type.BaseType != null && Utils.IsAgentType(type.BaseType))
                    string baseTypeFullName = type.BaseType.FullName.Replace('+', '.');
                    Agent.CTagObjectDescriptor baseObjectDesc = Agent.GetDescriptorByName(baseTypeFullName);
                    objectDesc.m_parent = baseObjectDesc;

                objectDesc.type = type;
                objectDesc.displayName = ((cda == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cda.DisplayName)) ? typeFullName : cda.DisplayName);
                objectDesc.desc = ((cda == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cda.Description)) ? objectDesc.displayName : cda.Description);

                if (Utils.IsEnumType(type))

                BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;

                FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(bindingFlags);
                foreach (FieldInfo f in fields)
                    //for agent type, only register members with MemberDescAttribute
                    behaviac.MemberMetaInfoAttribute memberDesc;
                    bool bToRegister = IfToRegister(bExpandMembers, f, out memberDesc);

                    if (bToRegister)
                        CMemberBase m = new CFieldInfo(f, memberDesc);

                        RegisterMember(type, objectDesc, f.FieldType, m);

                PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(bindingFlags);
                foreach (PropertyInfo p in properties)
                    //for agent type, only register members with MemberDescAttribute
                    behaviac.MemberMetaInfoAttribute memberDesc;
                    bool bToRegister = IfToRegister(bExpandMembers, p, out memberDesc);

                    if (bToRegister)
                        CMemberBase m = new CProperyInfo(p, memberDesc);

                        RegisterMember(type, objectDesc, p.PropertyType, m);

                if (bExpandMembers)
                    MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(bindingFlags);
                    foreach (MethodInfo m in methods)
                        Attribute[] attributes2 = (Attribute[])m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(behaviac.MethodMetaInfoAttribute), false);

                        if (attributes2.Length > 0)
                            behaviac.MethodMetaInfoAttribute methodDesc = (behaviac.MethodMetaInfoAttribute)attributes2[0];

                            CMethodBase method = new CMethodBase(m, methodDesc, null);

                            ParameterInfo[] parameters = m.GetParameters();

                            foreach (ParameterInfo para in parameters)
                                if ((Utils.IsCustomClassType(para.ParameterType) || Utils.IsEnumType(para.ParameterType)) &&
                                    RegisterType(para.ParameterType, false);

                            if ((Utils.IsCustomClassType(m.ReturnType) || Utils.IsEnumType(m.ReturnType)) &&
                                RegisterType(m.ReturnType, false);
                    }//end of foreach

                    //Type[] delegates = type.GetNestedTypes(bindingFlags);
                    //foreach (Type d in delegates)
                    //    Attribute[] attributes0 = (Attribute[])d.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(behaviac.EventMetaInfoAttribute), false);
                    //    if (attributes0.Length > 0)
                    //    {
                    //        behaviac.EventMetaInfoAttribute eventDesc = (behaviac.EventMetaInfoAttribute)attributes0[0];

                    //        MethodInfo m = d.GetMethod("Invoke");

                    //        CNamedEvent method = new CNamedEvent(m, eventDesc, d.Name);
                    //        objectDesc.m_methods.Add(method);
                    //    }
                }//if (bIsAgentType)
Exemple #4
        public void AddAgentType(Type agentType, bool isInherited)
            if (!IsRegisterd(agentType))
                TypeInfo_t typeInfo = new TypeInfo_t();
                typeInfo.type = agentType;
                typeInfo.bIsInherited = isInherited;
