Exemple #1
 public ActorReference( string type, Dictionary<string, MiniYaml> inits )
     Type = type;
     InitDict = new TypeDictionary();
     foreach( var i in inits )
         InitDict.Add( LoadInit( i.Key, i.Value ) );
		public void SetPreview(ActorInfo actor, TypeDictionary td)
			var init = new ActorPreviewInitializer(actor, worldRenderer, td);
			preview = actor.TraitInfos<IRenderActorPreviewInfo>()
				.SelectMany(rpi => rpi.RenderPreview(init))

			// Calculate the preview bounds
			PreviewOffset = int2.Zero;
			IdealPreviewSize = int2.Zero;

			var r = preview
				.SelectMany(p => p.Render(worldRenderer, WPos.Zero))
				.Select(rr => rr.PrepareRender(worldRenderer));

			if (r.Any())
				var b = r.First().ScreenBounds(worldRenderer);
				foreach (var rr in r.Skip(1))
					b = Rectangle.Union(b, rr.ScreenBounds(worldRenderer));

				IdealPreviewSize = new int2(b.Width, b.Height);
				PreviewOffset = -new int2(b.Left, b.Top) - IdealPreviewSize / 2;
Exemple #3
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary()
                    new LocationInit( self.Location ),
                    new CenterLocationInit(self.CenterLocation),
                    new OwnerInit( self.Owner ),
                    new SkipMakeAnimsInit()

                // Allows the husk to drag to its final position
                var mobile = self.TraitOrDefault<Mobile>();
                if (mobile != null)
                    if (!mobile.CanEnterCell(self.Location, self, false)) return;
                    td.Add(new HuskSpeedInit(mobile.MovementSpeedForCell(self, self.Location)));

                var facing = self.TraitOrDefault<IFacing>();
                if (facing != null)
                    td.Add(new FacingInit( facing.Facing ));

                var turreted = self.TraitOrDefault<Turreted>();
                if (turreted != null)
                    td.Add( new TurretFacingInit(turreted.turretFacing) );

                var huskActor = self.TraitsImplementing<IHuskModifier>()
                    .Select(ihm => ihm.HuskActor(self))
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a != null);

                w.CreateActor(huskActor ?? Info.HuskActor, td);
Exemple #4
		public Actor Create(string type, bool addToWorld, LuaTable initTable)
			var initDict = new TypeDictionary();

			// Convert table entries into ActorInits
			foreach (var kv in initTable)
				// Find the requested type
				var typeName = kv.Key.ToString();
				var initType = Game.modData.ObjectCreator.FindType(typeName + "Init");
				if (initType == null)
					throw new LuaException("Unknown initializer type '{0}'".F(typeName));

				// Cast it up to an IActorInit<T>
				var genericType = initType.GetInterfaces()
					.First(x => x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IActorInit<>));
				var innerType = genericType.GetGenericArguments().First();

				// Try and coerce the table value to the required type
				object value;
				if (!kv.Value.TryGetClrValue(innerType, out value))
					throw new LuaException("Invalid data type for '{0}' (expected '{1}')".F(typeName, innerType.Name));

				// Construct the ActorInit. Phew!
				var test = initType.GetConstructor(new[] { innerType }).Invoke(new[] { value });

			// The actor must be added to the world at the end of the tick
			var a = context.World.CreateActor(false, type, initDict);
			if (addToWorld)
				context.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(a));

			return a;
Exemple #5
        public override Activity Tick( Actor self )
            if (IsCanceled) return NextActivity;

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var selected = w.Selection.Contains(self);

                foreach (var s in Sounds)
                    Sound.PlayToPlayer(self.Owner, s, self.CenterLocation);

                var init = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit( self.Location + Offset ),
                    new OwnerInit( self.Owner ),
                    new FacingInit( Facing ),
                var health = self.TraitOrDefault<Health>();
                if (health != null)
                    // TODO: Fix bogus health init
                    if (ForceHealthPercentage > 0)
                        init.Add( new HealthInit( ForceHealthPercentage * 1f / 100 ));
                        init.Add( new HealthInit( (float)health.HP / health.MaxHP ));
                var a = w.CreateActor( ToActor, init );

                if (selected)
                    w.Selection.Add(w, a);

            return this;
Exemple #6
        public EditorActorBrush(EditorViewportControllerWidget editorWidget, ActorInfo actor, PlayerReference owner, WorldRenderer wr)
            this.editorWidget = editorWidget;
            worldRenderer = wr;
            world = wr.World;
            editorLayer = world.WorldActor.Trait<EditorActorLayer>();

            Actor = actor;
            this.owner = owner;

            preview = editorWidget.Get<ActorPreviewWidget>("DRAG_ACTOR_PREVIEW");
            preview.GetScale = () => worldRenderer.Viewport.Zoom;
            preview.IsVisible = () => editorWidget.CurrentBrush == this;

            var buildingInfo = actor.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildingInfo>();
            if (buildingInfo != null)
                locationOffset = -FootprintUtils.AdjustForBuildingSize(buildingInfo);
                previewOffset = FootprintUtils.CenterOffset(world, buildingInfo);

            var td = new TypeDictionary();
            td.Add(new FacingInit(facing));
            td.Add(new TurretFacingInit(facing));
            td.Add(new OwnerInit(owner.Name));
            td.Add(new RaceInit(owner.Race));
            preview.SetPreview(actor, td);

            // The preview widget may be rendered by the higher-level code before it is ticked.
            // Force a manual tick to ensure the bounds are set correctly for this first draw.
Exemple #7
        public override Activity Tick(Actor self)
            if (IsCanceled)
                return NextActivity;

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                if (self.IsDead())

                foreach (var nt in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyTransform>())

                var selected = w.Selection.Contains(self);
                var controlgroup = w.Selection.GetControlGroupForActor(self);

                foreach (var s in Sounds)
                    Sound.PlayToPlayer(self.Owner, s, self.CenterPosition);

                var init = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit(self.Location + Offset),
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new FacingInit(Facing),

                if (SkipMakeAnims)
                    init.Add(new SkipMakeAnimsInit());

                if (Race != null)
                    init.Add(new RaceInit(Race));

                var health = self.TraitOrDefault<Health>();
                if (health != null)
                    var newHP = (ForceHealthPercentage > 0)
                        ? ForceHealthPercentage / 100f
                        : (float)health.HP / health.MaxHP;

                    init.Add(new HealthInit(newHP));

                var cargo = self.TraitOrDefault<Cargo>();
                if (cargo != null)
                    init.Add(new RuntimeCargoInit(cargo.Passengers.ToArray()));

                var a = w.CreateActor(ToActor, init);
                foreach (var nt in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyTransform>())

                if (selected)
                    w.Selection.Add(w, a);
                if (controlgroup.HasValue)
                    w.Selection.AddToControlGroup(a, controlgroup.Value);

            return this;
Exemple #8
        public void DoProduction(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, ExitInfo exitinfo, string raceVariant)
            var exit = self.Location + exitinfo.ExitCell;
            var spawn = self.CenterPosition + exitinfo.SpawnOffset;
            var to = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(exit);

            var fi = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault<IFacingInfo>();
            var initialFacing = exitinfo.Facing < 0 ? Util.GetFacing(to - spawn, fi == null ? 0 : fi.GetInitialFacing()) : exitinfo.Facing;

            var exitLocation = rp.Value != null ? rp.Value.Location : exit;
            var target = Target.FromCell(self.World, exitLocation);

            var bi = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildableInfo>();
            if (bi != null && bi.ForceRace != null)
                raceVariant = bi.ForceRace;

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new LocationInit(exit),
                    new CenterPositionInit(spawn),
                    new FacingInit(initialFacing)

                if (raceVariant != null)
                    td.Add(new RaceInit(raceVariant));

                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault<IMove>();
                if (move != null)
                    if (exitinfo.MoveIntoWorld)
                        if (exitinfo.ExitDelay > 0)
                            newUnit.QueueActivity(new Wait(exitinfo.ExitDelay));

                        newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, exit));
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(new AttackMoveActivity(
                            newUnit, move.MoveTo(exitLocation, 1)));

                newUnit.SetTargetLine(target, rp.Value != null ? Color.Red : Color.Green, false);

                if (!self.IsDead)
                    foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyProduction>())
                        t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, exit);

                var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait<INotifyOtherProduction>();
                foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                    notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit);

                foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing<INotifyBuildComplete>())
 static void CheckResult(string content, string expected) {
     var folder = new FolderTestModel();
     var memory = new TypeDictionary();
     memory.GetItem<Settings>().OutputFolder = "output";
     var file = new StoryTestFile("myfile", new StoryTestFolder(memory, folder), folder);
     file.WriteTest(new PageResult("title", content, new TestCounts()));
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, folder.GetPageContent(new FilePath("output\\myfile.html")));
Exemple #10
 public static Memory InitAssembliesAndNamespaces()
     var memory = new TypeDictionary();
     memory.GetItem<ApplicationUnderTest>().AddAssembly(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (TestUtils)).CodeBase);
     return memory;
Exemple #11
 public void Run(IList<string> commandLineArguments)
     var memory = new TypeDictionary();
     var reporter = new CollectingReporter();
     var runner = new SuiteRunnerShell(memory, reporter, NewService);
     runner.SuiteRunner.StartTest += OnStartTest;
     runner.SuiteRunner.EndTest += OnEndTest;
     runner.Run(commandLineArguments, memory);
 static CommandFactory()
     CommandFactory.commands = new TypeDictionary<string, ICommandHandler>(
         .SelectMany(t => (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(HandlerAttribute)) as HandlerAttribute).words.Select(cw => new { CommandWord = cw, Type = t }))
         .ToDictionary(c => c.CommandWord.ToUpperInvariant(), c => c.Type)
Exemple #13
        public ActorReference( string type, Dictionary<string, MiniYaml> inits )
            if (Rules.Info != null && !Rules.Info.ContainsKey(type))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown actor: `{0}'".F(type));

            Type = type;
            InitDict = new TypeDictionary();
            foreach( var i in inits )
                InitDict.Add( LoadInit( i.Key, i.Value ) );
 static void CheckResult(string content, string expected)
     Clock.Instance = new TestClock {Now = new DateTime(2016, 1, 2, 13, 14, 15)};
     var folder = new FolderTestModel();
     var memory = new TypeDictionary();
     memory.GetItem<Settings>().OutputFolder = "output";
     var file = new StoryTestFile("myfile", new StoryTestFolder(memory, folder), folder);
     file.WriteTest(new PageResult("title", content, new TestCounts()));
     Clock.Instance = new Clock();
     Assert.AreEqual(comment + expected, folder.GetPageContent(new FilePath("output\\myfile.html")));
Exemple #15
		public ActorReference(string type, Dictionary<string, MiniYaml> inits)
			Type = type;
			initDict = Exts.Lazy(() =>
				var dict = new TypeDictionary();
				foreach (var i in inits)
					dict.Add(LoadInit(i.Key, i.Value));
				return dict;
 public vTypeDictionary(TypeDictionary model)
     DB db =new DB();
     this.ID = model.ID;
     this.TypeValue = model.TypeValue;
     this.Time = model.Time.ToString();
     this.NeedAuthorize = model.NeedAuthorize;
     this.Belonger = model.Belonger;
     this.FatherID = model.FatherID;
     this.Children = db.TypeDictionaries.Where(td => td.FatherID == model.ID).ToList();
Exemple #17
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
            if (!self.IsInWorld)

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new ParentActorInit(self),
                    new LocationInit(self.Location),
                    new CenterPositionInit(self.CenterPosition),
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new SkipMakeAnimsInit()

                // Allows the husk to drag to its final position
                var mobile = self.TraitOrDefault<Mobile>();
                if (mobile != null)
                    if (!mobile.CanEnterCell(self.Location, self, false)) return;
                    td.Add(new HuskSpeedInit(mobile.MovementSpeedForCell(self, self.Location)));

                var aircraft = self.TraitOrDefault<Aircraft>();
                if (aircraft != null)
                    td.Add(new AltitudeInit(aircraft.CenterPosition.Z * Game.CellSize / 1024));

                var facing = self.TraitOrDefault<IFacing>();
                if (facing != null)
                    td.Add(new FacingInit(facing.Facing));

                // TODO: This will only take the first turret if there are multiple
                // This isn't a problem with the current units, but may be a problem for mods
                var turreted = self.TraitsImplementing<Turreted>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (turreted != null)
                    td.Add(new TurretFacingInit(turreted.turretFacing));

                var chronoshiftable = self.TraitOrDefault<Chronoshiftable>();
                if (chronoshiftable != null && chronoshiftable.ReturnTicks > 0)
                    td.Add(new ChronoshiftOriginInit(chronoshiftable.Origin));
                    td.Add(new ChronoshiftReturnInit(chronoshiftable.ReturnTicks));

                var huskActor = self.TraitsImplementing<IHuskModifier>()
                    .Select(ihm => ihm.HuskActor(self))
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a != null);

                w.CreateActor(huskActor ?? info.HuskActor, td);
        public override bool Produce(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string raceVariant)
            var location = self.World.Map.ChooseClosestEdgeCell(self.Location);
            var pos = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(location);

            // If aircraft, spawn at cruise altitude
            var aircraftInfo = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault<AircraftInfo>();
            if (aircraftInfo != null)
                pos += new WVec(0, 0, aircraftInfo.CruiseAltitude.Range);

            var initialFacing = self.World.Map.FacingBetween(location, self.Location, 0);

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                    var td = new TypeDictionary
                        new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                        new LocationInit(location),
                        new CenterPositionInit(pos),
                        new FacingInit(initialFacing)

                    if (raceVariant != null)
                        td.Add(new RaceInit(raceVariant));

                    var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                    var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault<IMove>();
                    if (move != null)
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, self.Location));

                    newUnit.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, self.Location), Color.Green, false);

                    if (!self.IsDead)
                        foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyProduction>())
                            t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, self.Location);

                    var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait<INotifyOtherProduction>();
                    foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                        notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit);

                    var bi = newUnit.Info.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildableInfo>();
                    if (bi != null && bi.InitialActivity != null)

                    foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing<INotifyBuildComplete>())

            return true;
Exemple #19
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
            if (info.RequiresLobbyCreeps && !self.World.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Creeps)

            if (!self.IsInWorld)

            if (self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100) > info.Probability)

            var warhead = e.Warhead as DamageWarhead;
            if (info.DeathType != null && (warhead == null || !warhead.DamageTypes.Contains(info.DeathType)))

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                // Actor has been disposed by something else before its death (for example `Enter`).
                if (self.Disposed)

                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new ParentActorInit(self),
                    new LocationInit(self.Location),
                    new CenterPositionInit(self.CenterPosition),
                    new FactionInit(faction)

                if (info.OwnerType == OwnerType.Victim)
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(self.Owner));
                else if (info.OwnerType == OwnerType.Killer)
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(e.Attacker.Owner));
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(self.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == info.InternalOwner)));

                if (info.SkipMakeAnimations)
                    td.Add(new SkipMakeAnimsInit());

                foreach (var modifier in self.TraitsImplementing<IDeathActorInitModifier>())
                    modifier.ModifyDeathActorInit(self, td);

                var huskActor = self.TraitsImplementing<IHuskModifier>()
                    .Select(ihm => ihm.HuskActor(self))
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a != null);

                w.CreateActor(huskActor ?? info.Actor, td);
		public override void DoImpact(Target target, Actor firedBy, IEnumerable<int> damageModifiers)
			var map = firedBy.World.Map;
			var targetCell = map.CellContaining(target.CenterPosition);

			if (!IsValidImpact(target.CenterPosition, firedBy))

			var targetCells = map.FindTilesInCircle(targetCell, Range);
			var cell = targetCells.GetEnumerator();

			foreach (var a in Actors)
				var placed = false;
				var td = new TypeDictionary();
				if (Owner == null)
					td.Add(new OwnerInit(firedBy.Owner));
					td.Add(new OwnerInit(firedBy.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == Owner)));

				var unit = firedBy.World.CreateActor(false, a.ToLowerInvariant(), td);

				while (cell.MoveNext())
					if (unit.Trait<IPositionable>().CanEnterCell(cell.Current))
						var cellpos = firedBy.World.Map.CenterOfCell(cell.Current);
						var pos = cellpos.Z < target.CenterPosition.Z
							? new WPos(cellpos.X, cellpos.Y, target.CenterPosition.Z)
							: cellpos;
						firedBy.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
							if (Paradrop)
								unit.QueueActivity(new Parachute(unit, pos));
								unit.QueueActivity(new FallDown(unit, pos, FallRate));
						placed = true;

				if (!placed)
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
            if (e.Warhead != null && e.Warhead.InfDeath == Info.InfDeath
                    && self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100) <= Info.Probability)
                self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                        var td = new TypeDictionary
                            new LocationInit( self.Location ),
                            new OwnerInit( self.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == Info.Owner) )

                        if (self.HasTrait<IFacing>())
                            td.Add(new FacingInit( self.Trait<IFacing>().Facing ));
                        w.CreateActor(Info.ViceroidActor, td);
Exemple #22
        public ColorPickerLogic(Widget widget, ModData modData, World world, HSLColor initialColor, Action<HSLColor> onChange, WorldRenderer worldRenderer)
            string actorType;
            if (!ChromeMetrics.TryGet("ColorPickerActorType", out actorType))
                actorType = "mcv";

            var preview = widget.GetOrNull<ActorPreviewWidget>("PREVIEW");
            var actor = world.Map.Rules.Actors[actorType];

            var td = new TypeDictionary();
            td.Add(new HideBibPreviewInit());
            td.Add(new OwnerInit(world.WorldActor.Owner));
            td.Add(new FactionInit(world.WorldActor.Owner.PlayerReference.Faction));

            if (preview != null)
                preview.SetPreview(actor, td);

            var hueSlider = widget.Get<SliderWidget>("HUE");
            var mixer = widget.Get<ColorMixerWidget>("MIXER");
            var randomButton = widget.GetOrNull<ButtonWidget>("RANDOM_BUTTON");

            hueSlider.OnChange += _ => mixer.Set(hueSlider.Value);
            mixer.OnChange += () => onChange(mixer.Color);

            if (randomButton != null)
                randomButton.OnClick = () =>
                    // Avoid colors with low sat or lum
                    var hue = (byte)Game.CosmeticRandom.Next(255);
                    var sat = (byte)Game.CosmeticRandom.Next(70, 255);
                    var lum = (byte)Game.CosmeticRandom.Next(70, 255);

                    mixer.Set(new HSLColor(hue, sat, lum));
                    hueSlider.Value = hue / 255f;

            // Set the initial state
            var validator = modData.Manifest.Get<ColorValidator>();
            mixer.SetPaletteRange(validator.HsvSaturationRange[0], validator.HsvSaturationRange[1], validator.HsvValueRange[0], validator.HsvValueRange[1]);

            hueSlider.Value = initialColor.H / 255f;
Exemple #23
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
            if (e.Warhead == null || e.Warhead.DeathType != spawnViceroidInfo.DeathType) return;
            if (self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100) > spawnViceroidInfo.Probability) return;

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit(self.Location),
                    new OwnerInit(self.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == spawnViceroidInfo.Owner))

                var facing = self.TraitOrDefault<IFacing>();
                if (facing != null)
                    td.Add(new FacingInit(facing.Facing));

                w.CreateActor(spawnViceroidInfo.ViceroidActor, td);
Exemple #24
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
            if (!self.World.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Creeps) return;
            if (self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100) > info.Probability) return;

            var warhead = e.Warhead as DamageWarhead;
            if (warhead == null || !warhead.DamageTypes.Contains(info.DeathType))

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit(self.Location),
                    new OwnerInit(self.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == info.Owner))

                var facing = self.TraitOrDefault<IFacing>();
                if (facing != null)
                    td.Add(new FacingInit(facing.Facing));

                w.CreateActor(info.ViceroidActor, td);
		Actor CreateActor(Player owner, string actorType, bool addToWorld, CPos? entryLocation = null, CPos? nextLocation = null)
			ActorInfo ai;
			if (!Context.World.Map.Rules.Actors.TryGetValue(actorType, out ai))
				throw new LuaException("Unknown actor type '{0}'".F(actorType));

			var initDict = new TypeDictionary();

			initDict.Add(new OwnerInit(owner));

			if (entryLocation.HasValue)
				var pi = ai.TraitInfoOrDefault<AircraftInfo>();
				initDict.Add(new CenterPositionInit(owner.World.Map.CenterOfCell(entryLocation.Value) + new WVec(0, 0, pi != null ? pi.CruiseAltitude.Length : 0)));
				initDict.Add(new LocationInit(entryLocation.Value));

			if (entryLocation.HasValue && nextLocation.HasValue)
				initDict.Add(new FacingInit(Context.World.Map.FacingBetween(CPos.Zero, CPos.Zero + (nextLocation.Value - entryLocation.Value), 0)));

			var actor = Context.World.CreateActor(addToWorld, actorType, initDict);

			return actor;
Exemple #26
        public void DoProduction(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, ExitInfo exitinfo, string factionVariant)
            var exit  = self.Location + exitinfo.ExitCell;
            var spawn = self.CenterPosition + exitinfo.SpawnOffset;
            var to    = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(exit);

            var fi            = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault <IFacingInfo>();
            var initialFacing = exitinfo.Facing < 0 ? Util.GetFacing(to - spawn, fi == null ? 0 : fi.GetInitialFacing()) : exitinfo.Facing;

            var exitLocation = rp.Value != null ? rp.Value.Location : exit;
            var target       = Target.FromCell(self.World, exitLocation);

            var bi = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault <BuildableInfo>();

            if (bi != null && bi.ForceFaction != null)
                factionVariant = bi.ForceFaction;

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new LocationInit(exit),
                    new CenterPositionInit(spawn),
                    new FacingInit(initialFacing)

                if (factionVariant != null)
                    td.Add(new FactionInit(factionVariant));

                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault <IMove>();
                if (move != null)
                    if (exitinfo.MoveIntoWorld)
                        if (exitinfo.ExitDelay > 0)
                            newUnit.QueueActivity(new Wait(exitinfo.ExitDelay));

                        newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, exit));
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(new AttackMoveActivity(
                                                  newUnit, move.MoveTo(exitLocation, 1)));

                newUnit.SetTargetLine(target, rp.Value != null ? Color.Red : Color.Green, false);

                if (!self.IsDead)
                    foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyProduction>())
                        t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, exit);

                var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait <INotifyOtherProduction>();
                foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                    notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit);

                foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing <INotifyBuildComplete>())
        public IEnumerable<IRenderable> RenderAboveShroud(WorldRenderer wr, World world)
            var xy = wr.Viewport.ViewToWorld(Viewport.LastMousePos);
            var topLeft = xy - FootprintUtils.AdjustForBuildingSize(buildingInfo);
            var offset = world.Map.CenterOfCell(topLeft) + FootprintUtils.CenterOffset(world, buildingInfo);
            var rules = world.Map.Rules;

            var actorInfo = rules.Actors[building];
            foreach (var dec in actorInfo.TraitInfos<IPlaceBuildingDecorationInfo>())
                foreach (var r in dec.Render(wr, world, actorInfo, offset))
                    yield return r;

            var cells = new Dictionary<CPos, bool>();

            var plugInfo = rules.Actors[building].TraitInfoOrDefault<PlugInfo>();
            if (plugInfo != null)
                if (buildingInfo.Dimensions.X != 1 || buildingInfo.Dimensions.Y != 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Plug requires a 1x1 sized Building");

                cells.Add(topLeft, AcceptsPlug(topLeft, plugInfo));
            else if (rules.Actors[building].HasTraitInfo<LineBuildInfo>())
                // Linebuild for walls.
                if (buildingInfo.Dimensions.X != 1 || buildingInfo.Dimensions.Y != 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("LineBuild requires a 1x1 sized Building");

                if (!Game.GetModifierKeys().HasModifier(Modifiers.Shift))
                    foreach (var t in BuildingUtils.GetLineBuildCells(world, topLeft, building, buildingInfo))
                        cells.Add(t, buildingInfo.IsCloseEnoughToBase(world, world.LocalPlayer, building, t));
                    cells.Add(topLeft, buildingInfo.IsCloseEnoughToBase(world, world.LocalPlayer, building, topLeft));
                if (!initialized)
                    var td = new TypeDictionary()
                        new FactionInit(faction),
                        new OwnerInit(queue.Actor.Owner),
                        new HideBibPreviewInit()

                    var init = new ActorPreviewInitializer(rules.Actors[building], wr, td);
                    preview = rules.Actors[building].TraitInfos<IRenderActorPreviewInfo>()
                        .SelectMany(rpi => rpi.RenderPreview(init))

                    initialized = true;

                var previewRenderables = preview
                    .SelectMany(p => p.Render(wr, offset))

                foreach (var r in previewRenderables)
                    yield return r;

                var res = world.WorldActor.Trait<ResourceLayer>();
                var isCloseEnough = buildingInfo.IsCloseEnoughToBase(world, world.LocalPlayer, building, topLeft);
                foreach (var t in FootprintUtils.Tiles(rules, building, buildingInfo, topLeft))
                    cells.Add(t, isCloseEnough && world.IsCellBuildable(t, buildingInfo) && res.GetResource(t) == null);

            var pal = wr.Palette(placeBuildingInfo.Palette);
            var topLeftPos = world.Map.CenterOfCell(topLeft);
            foreach (var c in cells)
                var tile = c.Value ? buildOk : buildBlocked;
                var pos = world.Map.CenterOfCell(c.Key);
                yield return new SpriteRenderable(tile, pos, new WVec(0, 0, topLeftPos.Z - pos.Z),
                    -511, pal, 1f, true);
Exemple #28
 public ActorInitializer(Actor actor, TypeDictionary dict)
     Self = actor;
     Dict = dict;
        public override bool Produce(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string productionType, TypeDictionary inits)
            if (IsTraitDisabled || IsTraitPaused)

            var owner = self.Owner;

            var exit = SelectExit(self, producee, productionType);

            // Start a fixed distance away: the width of the map.
            // This makes the production timing independent of spawnpoint
            var dropPos  = exit != null ? self.Location + exit.Info.ExitCell : self.Location;
            var startPos = dropPos + new CVec(owner.World.Map.Bounds.Width, 0);
            var endPos   = new CPos(owner.World.Map.Bounds.Left - 5, dropPos.Y);

            foreach (var notify in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyDelivery>())

            var info      = (ProductionParadropInfo)Info;
            var actorType = info.ActorType;

            owner.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                if (!self.IsInWorld || self.IsDead)

                var altitude = self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[actorType].TraitInfo <AircraftInfo>().CruiseAltitude;
                var actor    = w.CreateActor(actorType, new TypeDictionary
                    new CenterPositionInit(w.Map.CenterOfCell(startPos) + new WVec(WDist.Zero, WDist.Zero, altitude)),
                    new OwnerInit(owner),
                    new FacingInit(64)

                actor.QueueActivity(new Fly(actor, Target.FromCell(w, dropPos)));
                actor.QueueActivity(new CallFunc(() =>
                    if (!self.IsInWorld || self.IsDead)

                    foreach (var cargo in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyDelivery>())

                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(ww => DoProduction(self, producee, exit.Info, productionType, inits));
                    Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, info.ChuteSound, self.CenterPosition);
                    Game.Sound.PlayNotification(self.World.Map.Rules, self.Owner, "Speech", info.ReadyAudio, self.Owner.Faction.InternalName);

                actor.QueueActivity(new Fly(actor, Target.FromCell(w, endPos)));
                actor.QueueActivity(new RemoveSelf());

Exemple #30
        public override bool Produce(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string raceVariant)
            var location = self.World.Map.ChooseClosestEdgeCell(self.Location);
            var pos      = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(location);

            // If aircraft, spawn at cruise altitude
            var aircraftInfo = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault <AircraftInfo>();

            if (aircraftInfo != null)
                pos += new WVec(0, 0, aircraftInfo.CruiseAltitude.Length);

            var initialFacing = self.World.Map.FacingBetween(location, self.Location, 0);

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new LocationInit(location),
                    new CenterPositionInit(pos),
                    new FacingInit(initialFacing)

                if (raceVariant != null)
                    td.Add(new RaceInit(raceVariant));

                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault <IMove>();
                if (move != null)
                    newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, self.Location));

                newUnit.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, self.Location), Color.Green, false);

                if (!self.IsDead)
                    foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyProduction>())
                        t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, self.Location);

                var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait <INotifyOtherProduction>();
                foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                    notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit);

                foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing <INotifyBuildComplete>())

Exemple #31
 void ITransformActorInitModifier.ModifyTransformActorInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary init)
     init.Add(new RuntimeCargoInit(Passengers.ToArray()));
Exemple #32
        public bool TryParseSprite(Stream s, string filename, out ISpriteFrame[] frames, out TypeDictionary metadata)
            metadata = null;
            if (!IsShpRemastered(s))
                frames = null;

            frames = new ShpRemasteredSprite(s).Frames.ToArray();
Exemple #33
        void DoTransform(Actor self)
            // Hack: repeat the first frame of the make anim instead
            // of flashing the full structure for a frame
            if (rb != null)
                rb.PlayCustomAnim(self, "make");

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var selected = w.Selection.Contains(self);

                foreach (var s in sounds)
                    Sound.PlayToPlayer(self.Owner, s, self.CenterLocation);

                var init = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit( self.Location + offset ),
                    new OwnerInit( self.Owner ),
                    new FacingInit( facing ),
                if (self.HasTrait<Health>())
                    init.Add( new HealthInit( self.Trait<Health>().HPFraction ));

                var a = w.CreateActor( actor, init );

                if (selected)
                    w.Selection.Add(w, a);
Exemple #34
 public ActorPreviewInitializer(ActorInfo actor, WorldRenderer worldRenderer, TypeDictionary dict)
     Actor         = actor;
     WorldRenderer = worldRenderer;
     reference     = new ActorReference(actor.Name, dict);
Exemple #35
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
            if (info.RequiresLobbyCreeps && !self.World.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Creeps)

            if (!self.IsInWorld)

            if (self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100) > info.Probability)

            var warhead = e.Warhead as DamageWarhead;

            if (info.DeathType != null && (warhead == null || !warhead.DamageTypes.Contains(info.DeathType)))

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                // Actor has been disposed by something else before its death (for example `Enter`).
                if (self.Disposed)

                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new ParentActorInit(self),
                    new LocationInit(self.Location),
                    new CenterPositionInit(self.CenterPosition),
                    new FactionInit(faction)

                if (info.OwnerType == OwnerType.Victim)
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(self.Owner));
                else if (info.OwnerType == OwnerType.Killer)
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(e.Attacker.Owner));
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(self.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == info.InternalOwner)));

                if (info.SkipMakeAnimations)
                    td.Add(new SkipMakeAnimsInit());

                foreach (var modifier in self.TraitsImplementing <IDeathActorInitModifier>())
                    modifier.ModifyDeathActorInit(self, td);

                var huskActor = self.TraitsImplementing <IHuskModifier>()
                                .Select(ihm => ihm.HuskActor(self))
                                .FirstOrDefault(a => a != null);

                w.CreateActor(huskActor ?? info.Actor, td);
Exemple #36
        public virtual void DoProduction(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, ExitInfo exitinfo, string productionType, TypeDictionary inits)
            var exit         = CPos.Zero;
            var exitLocation = CPos.Zero;
            var target       = Target.Invalid;

            // Clone the initializer dictionary for the new actor
            var td = new TypeDictionary();

            foreach (var init in inits)

            if (self.OccupiesSpace != null)
                exit = self.Location + exitinfo.ExitCell;
                var spawn = self.CenterPosition + exitinfo.SpawnOffset;
                var to    = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(exit);

                var initialFacing = exitinfo.Facing;
                if (exitinfo.Facing < 0)
                    var delta = to - spawn;
                    if (delta.HorizontalLengthSquared == 0)
                        var fi = producee.TraitInfoOrDefault <IFacingInfo>();
                        initialFacing = fi != null?fi.GetInitialFacing() : 0;
                        initialFacing = delta.Yaw.Facing;

                exitLocation = rp.Value != null ? rp.Value.Location : exit;
                target       = Target.FromCell(self.World, exitLocation);

                td.Add(new LocationInit(exit));
                td.Add(new CenterPositionInit(spawn));
                td.Add(new FacingInit(initialFacing));

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault <IMove>();
                if (move != null)
                    if (exitinfo.MoveIntoWorld)
                        if (exitinfo.ExitDelay > 0)
                            newUnit.QueueActivity(new Wait(exitinfo.ExitDelay, false));

                        newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, exit));
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(new AttackMoveActivity(
                                                  newUnit, move.MoveTo(exitLocation, 1)));

                newUnit.SetTargetLine(target, rp.Value != null ? Color.Red : Color.Green, false);

                if (!self.IsDead)
                    foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyProduction>())
                        t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, exit);

                var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait <INotifyOtherProduction>();
                foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                    notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit, productionType);

                foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing <INotifyBuildComplete>())
Exemple #37
        public virtual bool Produce(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string productionType, TypeDictionary inits)
            if (IsTraitDisabled || IsTraitPaused || Reservable.IsReserved(self) || (building != null && building.Locked))

            // Pick a spawn/exit point pair
            var exit = SelectExit(self, producee, productionType);

            if (exit != null || self.OccupiesSpace == null)
                DoProduction(self, producee, exit, productionType, inits);


        public void UnitProducedByOther(Actor self, Actor producer, Actor produced, string productionType, TypeDictionary init)
            // If the produced Actor doesn't occupy space, it can't be in range
            if (produced.OccupiesSpace == null)

            // We don't grant conditions when disabled
            if (IsTraitDisabled)

            // Work around for actors produced within the region not triggering until the second tick
            if ((produced.CenterPosition - self.CenterPosition).HorizontalLengthSquared <= Info.Range.LengthSquared)
                var stance = self.Owner.RelationshipWith(produced.Owner);
                if (!Info.ValidRelationships.HasRelationship(stance))

                var external = produced.TraitsImplementing <ExternalCondition>()
                               .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Info.Condition == Info.Condition && t.CanGrantCondition(produced, self));

                if (external != null)
                    tokens[produced] = external.GrantCondition(produced, self);
		void IntializeActorPreviews()

			var actors = modRules.Actors.Where(a => !a.Value.Name.Contains('^'))
				.Select(a => a.Value);

			foreach (var a in actors)
				var actor = a;
				if (actor.HasTraitInfo<BridgeInfo>()) // bridge layer takes care about that automatically

				if (!actor.HasTraitInfo<IRenderActorPreviewInfo>())

				var filter = actor.TraitInfoOrDefault<EditorTilesetFilterInfo>();
				if (filter != null)
					if (filter.ExcludeTilesets != null && filter.ExcludeTilesets.Contains(world.TileSet.Id))
					if (filter.RequireTilesets != null && !filter.RequireTilesets.Contains(world.TileSet.Id))

				var td = new TypeDictionary();
				td.Add(new FacingInit(92));
				td.Add(new TurretFacingInit(92));
				td.Add(new HideBibPreviewInit());
				td.Add(new OwnerInit(selectedOwner.Name));
				td.Add(new FactionInit(selectedOwner.Faction));

					var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate,
						() => { var brush = editor.CurrentBrush as EditorActorBrush; return brush != null && brush.Actor == actor; },
						() => editor.SetBrush(new EditorActorBrush(editor, actor, selectedOwner, worldRenderer)));

					var preview = item.Get<ActorPreviewWidget>("ACTOR_PREVIEW");
					preview.SetPreview(actor, td);

					// Scale templates to fit within the panel
					var scale = 1f;
					if (scale * preview.IdealPreviewSize.X > itemTemplate.Bounds.Width)
						scale = (float)(itemTemplate.Bounds.Width - panel.ItemSpacing) / (float)preview.IdealPreviewSize.X;

					preview.GetScale = () => scale;
					preview.Bounds.Width = (int)(scale * preview.IdealPreviewSize.X);
					preview.Bounds.Height = (int)(scale * preview.IdealPreviewSize.Y);

					item.Bounds.Width = preview.Bounds.Width + 2 * preview.Bounds.X;
					item.Bounds.Height = preview.Bounds.Height + 2 * preview.Bounds.Y;
					item.IsVisible = () => true;

					var tooltip = actor.TraitInfoOrDefault<TooltipInfo>();
					item.GetTooltipText = () => tooltip == null ? actor.Name : tooltip.Name + " (" + actor.Name + ")";

					Log.Write("debug", "Map editor ignoring actor {0}, because of missing sprites for tileset {1}.",
						actor.Name, world.TileSet.Id);
        // Don't add the new actor to the world before all RemovedFromWorld callbacks have run
        void INotifyRemovedFromWorld.RemovedFromWorld(Actor self)
            if (attackingPlayer == null)

            var defeated = self.Owner.WinState == WinState.Lost;

            if (defeated && !Info.SpawnAfterDefeat)

            var td = new TypeDictionary
                new ParentActorInit(self),
                new LocationInit(self.Location + Info.Offset),
                new CenterPositionInit(self.CenterPosition),
                new FactionInit(faction)

            if (self.EffectiveOwner != null && self.EffectiveOwner.Disguised)
                td.Add(new EffectiveOwnerInit(self.EffectiveOwner.Owner));
            else if (Info.EffectiveOwnerFromOwner)
                td.Add(new EffectiveOwnerInit(self.Owner));

            if (Info.OwnerType == OwnerType.Victim)
                // Fall back to InternalOwner if the Victim was defeated,
                // but only if InternalOwner is defined
                if (!defeated || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.InternalOwner))
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(self.Owner));
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(self.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == Info.InternalOwner)));
                    if (!td.Contains <EffectiveOwnerInit>())
                        td.Add(new EffectiveOwnerInit(self.Owner));
            else if (Info.OwnerType == OwnerType.Killer)
                td.Add(new OwnerInit(attackingPlayer));
                td.Add(new OwnerInit(self.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == Info.InternalOwner)));

            if (Info.SkipMakeAnimations)
                td.Add(new SkipMakeAnimsInit());

            foreach (var modifier in self.TraitsImplementing <IDeathActorInitModifier>())
                modifier.ModifyDeathActorInit(self, td);

            var huskActor = self.TraitsImplementing <IHuskModifier>()
                            .Select(ihm => ihm.HuskActor(self))
                            .FirstOrDefault(a => a != null);

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.CreateActor(huskActor ?? Info.Actor, td));
Exemple #41
        internal Actor(World world, string name, TypeDictionary initDict)
            var duplicateInit = initDict.WithInterface <ISingleInstanceInit>().GroupBy(i => i.GetType())
                                .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Count() > 1);

            if (duplicateInit != null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate initializer '{0}'".F(duplicateInit.Key.Name));

            var init = new ActorInitializer(this, initDict);

            readOnlyConditionCache = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, int>(conditionCache);

            World   = world;
            ActorID = world.NextAID();
            var ownerInit = init.GetOrDefault <OwnerInit>();

            if (ownerInit != null)
                Owner = ownerInit.Value(world);

            if (name != null)
                name = name.ToLowerInvariant();

                if (!world.Map.Rules.Actors.ContainsKey(name))
                    throw new NotImplementedException("No rules definition for unit " + name);

                Info = world.Map.Rules.Actors[name];
                foreach (var trait in Info.TraitsInConstructOrder())

                    // Some traits rely on properties provided by IOccupySpace in their initialization,
                    // so we must ready it now, we cannot wait until all traits have finished construction.
                    if (trait is IOccupySpaceInfo)
                        OccupiesSpace = Trait <IOccupySpace>();

            // PERF: Cache all these traits as soon as the actor is created. This is a fairly cheap one-off cost per
            // actor that allows us to provide some fast implementations of commonly used methods that are relied on by
            // performance-sensitive parts of the core game engine, such as pathfinding, visibility and rendering.
            EffectiveOwner      = TraitOrDefault <IEffectiveOwner>();
            facing              = TraitOrDefault <IFacing>();
            health              = TraitOrDefault <IHealth>();
            renderModifiers     = TraitsImplementing <IRenderModifier>().ToArray();
            renders             = TraitsImplementing <IRender>().ToArray();
            mouseBounds         = TraitsImplementing <IMouseBounds>().ToArray();
            visibilityModifiers = TraitsImplementing <IVisibilityModifier>().ToArray();
            defaultVisibility   = Trait <IDefaultVisibility>();
            becomingIdles       = TraitsImplementing <INotifyBecomingIdle>().ToArray();
            tickIdles           = TraitsImplementing <INotifyIdle>().ToArray();
            Targetables         = TraitsImplementing <ITargetable>().ToArray();
            targetablePositions = TraitsImplementing <ITargetablePositions>().ToArray();
            world.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                // Caching this in a AddFrameEndTask, because trait construction order might cause problems if done directly at creation time.
                // All actors that can move or teleport should have IPositionable, if not it's pretty safe to assume the actor is completely immobile and
                // all targetable positions can be cached if all ITargetablePositions have no conditional requirements.
                if (!Info.HasTraitInfo <IPositionableInfo>() && targetablePositions.Any() && targetablePositions.All(tp => tp.AlwaysEnabled))
                    staticTargetablePositions = targetablePositions.SelectMany(tp => tp.TargetablePositions(this)).ToArray();

            SyncHashes = TraitsImplementing <ISync>().Select(sync => new SyncHash(sync)).ToArray();
Exemple #42
        public IEnumerable <IRenderable> RenderAboveShroud(WorldRenderer wr, World world)
            var xy      = wr.Viewport.ViewToWorld(Viewport.LastMousePos);
            var topLeft = xy - FootprintUtils.AdjustForBuildingSize(buildingInfo);
            var offset  = world.Map.CenterOfCell(topLeft) + FootprintUtils.CenterOffset(world, buildingInfo);
            var rules   = world.Map.Rules;

            var actorInfo = rules.Actors[building];

            foreach (var dec in actorInfo.TraitInfos <IPlaceBuildingDecorationInfo>())
                foreach (var r in dec.Render(wr, world, actorInfo, offset))
                    yield return(r);

            var cells = new Dictionary <CPos, CellType>();

            var plugInfo = rules.Actors[building].TraitInfoOrDefault <PlugInfo>();

            if (plugInfo != null)
                if (buildingInfo.Dimensions.X != 1 || buildingInfo.Dimensions.Y != 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Plug requires a 1x1 sized Building");

                cells.Add(topLeft, MakeCellType(AcceptsPlug(topLeft, plugInfo)));
            else if (rules.Actors[building].HasTraitInfo <LineBuildInfo>())
                // Linebuild for walls.
                if (buildingInfo.Dimensions.X != 1 || buildingInfo.Dimensions.Y != 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("LineBuild requires a 1x1 sized Building");

                if (!Game.GetModifierKeys().HasModifier(Modifiers.Shift))
                    foreach (var t in BuildingUtils.GetLineBuildCells(world, topLeft, building, buildingInfo))
                        cells.Add(t.First, MakeCellType(buildingInfo.IsCloseEnoughToBase(world, world.LocalPlayer, building, t.First), true));

                cells[topLeft] = MakeCellType(buildingInfo.IsCloseEnoughToBase(world, world.LocalPlayer, building, topLeft));
                if (!initialized)
                    var td = new TypeDictionary()
                        new FactionInit(faction),
                        new OwnerInit(queue.Actor.Owner),
                        new HideBibPreviewInit()

                    var init = new ActorPreviewInitializer(rules.Actors[building], wr, td);
                    preview = rules.Actors[building].TraitInfos <IRenderActorPreviewInfo>()
                              .SelectMany(rpi => rpi.RenderPreview(init))

                    initialized = true;

                var previewRenderables = preview
                                         .SelectMany(p => p.Render(wr, offset))

                foreach (var r in previewRenderables)
                    yield return(r);

                var res           = world.WorldActor.Trait <ResourceLayer>();
                var isCloseEnough = buildingInfo.IsCloseEnoughToBase(world, world.LocalPlayer, building, topLeft);
                foreach (var t in FootprintUtils.Tiles(rules, building, buildingInfo, topLeft))
                    cells.Add(t, MakeCellType(isCloseEnough && world.IsCellBuildable(t, buildingInfo) && res.GetResource(t) == null));

            var cellPalette = wr.Palette(placeBuildingInfo.Palette);
            var linePalette = wr.Palette(placeBuildingInfo.LineBuildSegmentPalette);
            var topLeftPos  = world.Map.CenterOfCell(topLeft);

            foreach (var c in cells)
                var tile = !c.Value.HasFlag(CellType.Invalid) ? buildOk : buildBlocked;
                var pal  = c.Value.HasFlag(CellType.LineBuild) ? linePalette : cellPalette;
                var pos  = world.Map.CenterOfCell(c.Key);
                yield return(new SpriteRenderable(tile, pos, new WVec(0, 0, topLeftPos.Z - pos.Z),
                                                  -511, pal, 1f, true));
Exemple #43
        public override void DoImpact(Target target, Actor firedBy, IEnumerable <int> damageModifiers)
            if (!target.IsValidFor(firedBy))

            var map        = firedBy.World.Map;
            var targetCell = map.CellContaining(target.CenterPosition);

            if (!IsValidImpact(target.CenterPosition, firedBy))

            var targetCells = map.FindTilesInCircle(targetCell, Range);
            var cell        = targetCells.GetEnumerator();

            foreach (var a in Actors)
                var placed = false;
                var td     = new TypeDictionary();
                var ai     = map.Rules.Actors[a.ToLowerInvariant()];

                if (Owner == null)
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(firedBy.Owner));
                    td.Add(new OwnerInit(firedBy.World.Players.First(p => p.InternalName == Owner)));

                // HACK HACK HACK
                // Immobile does not offer a check directly if the actor can exist in a position.
                // It also crashes the game if it's actor's created without a LocationInit.
                // See AS/Engine#84.
                if (ai.HasTraitInfo <ImmobileInfo>())
                    var immobileInfo = ai.TraitInfo <ImmobileInfo>();

                    while (cell.MoveNext())
                        if (!immobileInfo.OccupiesSpace || !firedBy.World.ActorMap.GetActorsAt(cell.Current).Any())
                            td.Add(new LocationInit(cell.Current));
                            var immobileunit = firedBy.World.CreateActor(false, a.ToLowerInvariant(), td);

                            firedBy.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>

                                var palette = Palette;
                                if (UsePlayerPalette)
                                    palette += immobileunit.Owner.InternalName;

                                var immobilespawnpos = firedBy.World.Map.CenterOfCell(cell.Current);

                                if (Image != null)
                                    w.Add(new SpriteEffect(immobilespawnpos, w, Image, Sequence, palette));

                                var sound = Sounds.RandomOrDefault(Game.CosmeticRandom);
                                if (sound != null)
                                    Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, sound, immobilespawnpos);



                Actor unit = null;
                if (targetCells.Count() > 1)
                    unit = firedBy.World.CreateActor(false, a.ToLowerInvariant(), td);

                    while (cell.MoveNext())
                        if (unit.Trait <IPositionable>().CanEnterCell(cell.Current))
                            var cellpos = firedBy.World.Map.CenterOfCell(cell.Current);
                            var pos     = !ForceGround && cellpos.Z < target.CenterPosition.Z
                                                            ? new WPos(cellpos.X, cellpos.Y, target.CenterPosition.Z)
                                                            : cellpos;

                            firedBy.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                                if (Paradrop)
                                    unit.QueueActivity(new Parachute(unit, pos));
                                    unit.QueueActivity(new FallDown(unit, pos, FallRate));

                                var palette = Palette;
                                if (UsePlayerPalette)
                                    palette += unit.Owner.InternalName;

                                if (Image != null)
                                    w.Add(new SpriteEffect(pos, w, Image, Sequence, palette));

                                var sound = Sounds.RandomOrDefault(Game.CosmeticRandom);
                                if (sound != null)
                                    Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, sound, pos);
                            placed = true;
                    td.Add(new LocationInit(firedBy.World.Map.CellContaining(target.CenterPosition)));
                    td.Add(new CenterPositionInit(target.CenterPosition));

                    unit = firedBy.World.CreateActor(false, a.ToLowerInvariant(), td);

                    firedBy.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                    placed = true;

                if (!placed)
 void IDeathActorInitModifier.ModifyDeathActorInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary init)
Exemple #45
        void ITick.Tick(Actor self)
            if (!IsTraitDisabled || (self.Owner.PlayerActor.TraitOrDefault <DeveloperMode>() != null && self.Owner.PlayerActor.TraitOrDefault <DeveloperMode>().FastBuild))
                if (self.IsDead)

                foreach (var nt in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyTransform>())

                selected     = self.World.Selection.Contains(self);
                controlgroup = self.World.Selection.GetControlGroupForActor(self);

                health = self.TraitOrDefault <Health>();
                cargo  = self.TraitOrDefault <Cargo>();

                enabled = true;

                facong = info.Facing;

                if (info.Facing == -1)
                    var face = self.TraitOrDefault <IFacing>();
                    if (face != null && info.Facing < 0)
                        facong = face.Facing;

                init = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit(self.Location + info.Offset),
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new FacingInit(facong),

                if (info.SkipMakeAnims)
                    init.Add(new SkipMakeAnimsInit());

                if (faction != null)
                    init.Add(new FactionInit(faction));

                if (health != null)
                    var newHP = (health.HP * 100) / health.MaxHP;
                    init.Add(new HealthInit(newHP));

                if (cargo != null)
                    init.Add(new RuntimeCargoInit(cargo.Passengers.ToArray()));

                Game.Sound.PlayNotification(self.World.Map.Rules, self.Owner, "Speech", info.ReadyAudio,

Exemple #46
        public bool TryParseSprite(Stream stream, string filename, out ISpriteFrame[] frames, out TypeDictionary metadata)
            if (!filename.EndsWith(".mapd"))
                metadata = null;
                frames   = null;

            frames   = new Mapd(stream as SegmentStream).Layers.Select(layer => new MapdSpriteFrame(layer)).ToArray();
            metadata = null;

 public ActorPreviewInitializer(ActorInfo actor, WorldRenderer worldRenderer, TypeDictionary dict)
     Actor         = actor;
     WorldRenderer = worldRenderer;
     this.dict     = dict;
Exemple #48
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Application.Run(() =>
                // Create spatial collection
                Spatial = new BoundingTreeSpatialCollection <ISpatialObject>();

                Pipes = new PipeManager();

                // Create entities collection
                _entities       = new TypeDictionary <Entity>();
                _removeEntities = new HashSet <Entity>();
                _addEntities    = new HashSet <Entity>();

                // Create the game window
                Window = new Window("Superfluid!");
                Window.Graphics.EnableFPSOverlay = true;

                // Bind Input

                // Load BGM
                Music           = new AudioSource(Files.OpenStream("assets/music/4222-pixelland-by-kevin-macleod.mp3"));
                Music.IsLooping = true;

                // Load game assets


                // Center origins on assets prefixed by string given
                Assets.SetImagesCenterOrigin("crosshair102", "particle");
                Assets.SetImagesCenterOrigin("alien", "slime"); // alienpink_walk1, etc

                // Setup the cursors
                var cursorImage = Assets.GetImage("crosshair102");
                HealCursor      = CreateImageClone(cursorImage, Color.Green);
                KillCursor      = CreateImageClone(cursorImage, Color.Red);
                Window.SetCursor(KillCursor); // ...

                // Load the background image
                Background = Assets.GetImage("colored_desert");

                _elapsedTime = 0;

                // Create the player actor
                Player = AddEntity(new Player());
                Player.Transform.Position = (200, 300);

                // Load the test map

                // Create main loop
                Loop = RenderLoop.Create(Window.Graphics, OnUpdate);
        public override void DoProduction(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, ExitInfo exitinfo, string productionType, TypeDictionary inits)
            var exit         = CPos.Zero;
            var exitLocation = CPos.Zero;
            var target       = Target.Invalid;

            var info      = (ProductionParadropInfo)Info;
            var actorType = info.ActorType;

            var altitude = self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[actorType].TraitInfo <AircraftInfo>().CruiseAltitude;

            // Clone the initializer dictionary for the new actor
            var td = new TypeDictionary();

            foreach (var init in inits)

            if (self.OccupiesSpace != null)
                exit = self.Location + exitinfo.ExitCell;
                var spawn = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(exit) + new WVec(WDist.Zero, WDist.Zero, altitude);
                var to    = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(exit);

                var initialFacing = exitinfo.Facing < 0 ? (to - spawn).Yaw.Facing : exitinfo.Facing;

                exitLocation = rp.Value != null ? rp.Value.Location : exit;
                target       = Target.FromCell(self.World, exitLocation);

                td.Add(new LocationInit(exit));
                td.Add(new CenterPositionInit(spawn));
                td.Add(new FacingInit(initialFacing));

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                newUnit.QueueActivity(new Parachute(newUnit, newUnit.CenterPosition, self));
                var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault <IMove>();
                if (move != null)
                    if (exitinfo.MoveIntoWorld)
                        if (exitinfo.ExitDelay > 0)
                            newUnit.QueueActivity(new Wait(exitinfo.ExitDelay, false));

                        newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, exit));
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(new AttackMoveActivity(newUnit, move.MoveTo(exitLocation, 1)));

                newUnit.SetTargetLine(target, rp.Value != null ? Color.Red : Color.Green, false);

                if (!self.IsDead)
                    foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyProduction>())
                        t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, exit);

                var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait <INotifyOtherProduction>();
                foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                    notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit, productionType, td);
        void DoTransform(Actor self)
            // This activity may be buried as a child within one or more parents
            // We need to consider the top-level activities when transferring orders to the new actor!
            var currentActivity = self.CurrentActivity;

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                if (self.IsDead || self.WillDispose)

                foreach (var nt in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyTransform>())

                var selected     = w.Selection.Contains(self);
                var controlgroup = w.Selection.GetControlGroupForActor(self);

                foreach (var s in Sounds)
                    Game.Sound.PlayToPlayer(SoundType.World, self.Owner, s, self.CenterPosition);

                Game.Sound.PlayNotification(self.World.Map.Rules, self.Owner, "Speech", Notification, self.Owner.Faction.InternalName);

                var init = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit(self.Location + Offset),
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new FacingInit(Facing),
                    new CenterPositionInit(Altitude),

                if (SkipMakeAnims)
                    init.Add(new SkipMakeAnimsInit());

                if (Faction != null)
                    init.Add(new FactionInit(Faction));

                var health = self.TraitOrDefault <IHealth>();
                if (health != null)
                    // Cast to long to avoid overflow when multiplying by the health
                    var newHP = ForceHealthPercentage > 0 ? ForceHealthPercentage : (int)(health.HP * 100L / health.MaxHP);
                    init.Add(new HealthInit(newHP));

                foreach (var modifier in self.TraitsImplementing <ITransformActorInitModifier>())
                    modifier.ModifyTransformActorInit(self, init);

                var a = w.CreateActor(ToActor, init);
                foreach (var nt in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyTransform>())

                // Use self.CurrentActivity to capture the parent activity if Transform is a child
                foreach (var transfer in currentActivity.ActivitiesImplementing <IssueOrderAfterTransform>(false))
                    if (transfer.IsCanceling)

                    var order = transfer.IssueOrderForTransformedActor(a);
                    foreach (var t in a.TraitsImplementing <IResolveOrder>())
                        t.ResolveOrder(a, order);

                self.ReplacedByActor = a;

                if (selected)

                if (controlgroup.HasValue)
                    w.Selection.AddToControlGroup(a, controlgroup.Value);
        public override bool Produce(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string factionVariant)
            var aircraftInfo = producee.TraitInfoOrDefault <AircraftInfo>();
            var mobileInfo   = producee.TraitInfoOrDefault <MobileInfo>();

            var passable    = mobileInfo != null ? (uint)mobileInfo.GetMovementClass(self.World.Map.Rules.TileSet) : 0;
            var destination = rp != null ? rp.Location : self.Location;

            var location = spawnLocation;

            if (!location.HasValue)
                if (aircraftInfo != null)
                    location = self.World.Map.ChooseClosestEdgeCell(self.Location);

                if (mobileInfo != null)
                    location = self.World.Map.ChooseClosestMatchingEdgeCell(self.Location,
                                                                            c => mobileInfo.CanEnterCell(self.World, null, c) && domainIndex.IsPassable(c, destination, passable));

            // No suitable spawn location could be found, so production has failed.
            if (!location.HasValue)

            var pos = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(location.Value);

            // If aircraft, spawn at cruise altitude
            if (aircraftInfo != null)
                pos += new WVec(0, 0, aircraftInfo.CruiseAltitude.Length);

            var initialFacing = self.World.Map.FacingBetween(location.Value, destination, 0);

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new LocationInit(location.Value),
                    new CenterPositionInit(pos),
                    new FacingInit(initialFacing)

                if (factionVariant != null)
                    td.Add(new FactionInit(factionVariant));

                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault <IMove>();
                if (move != null)
                    newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveTo(destination, 2));

                newUnit.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, destination), Color.Green, false);

                if (!self.IsDead)
                    foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyProduction>())
                        t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, destination);

                var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait <INotifyOtherProduction>();
                foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                    notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit);

                foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing <INotifyBuildComplete>())

Exemple #52
 public Actor CreateActor(string name, TypeDictionary initDict)
     return(CreateActor(true, name, initDict));
Exemple #53
 public static Actor CreateActor(this World world, bool addToWorld, string name, Player owner, CPos? location, int? facing)
     var td = new TypeDictionary { new OwnerInit(owner) };
     if (location.HasValue)
         td.Add(new LocationInit(location.Value));
     if (facing.HasValue)
         td.Add(new FacingInit(facing.Value));
     return world.CreateActor(addToWorld, name, td);
Exemple #54
        void INotifyKilled.Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
            if (IsTraitDisabled || self.Owner.WinState == WinState.Lost || !self.World.Map.Contains(self.Location))

            if (self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100) >= Info.SuccessRate)

            var cp    = self.CenterPosition;
            var inAir = !self.IsAtGroundLevel();

            if ((inAir && !Info.EjectInAir) || (!inAir && !Info.EjectOnGround))

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                if (!Info.AllowUnsuitableCell)
                    var pilotInfo         = self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[Info.PilotActor.ToLowerInvariant()];
                    var pilotPositionable = pilotInfo.TraitInfo <IPositionableInfo>();
                    if (!pilotPositionable.CanEnterCell(self.World, null, self.Location))

                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new LocationInit(self.Location),

                // If airborne, offset the spawn location so the pilot doesn't drop on another infantry's head
                var spawnPos = cp;
                if (inAir)
                    var subCell = self.World.ActorMap.FreeSubCell(self.Location);
                    if (subCell != SubCell.Invalid)
                        td.Add(new SubCellInit(subCell));
                        spawnPos = self.World.Map.CenterOfSubCell(self.Location, subCell) + new WVec(0, 0, spawnPos.Z);

                td.Add(new CenterPositionInit(spawnPos));

                var pilot = self.World.CreateActor(true, Info.PilotActor.ToLowerInvariant(), td);

                if (!inAir)
                    var pilotMobile = pilot.TraitOrDefault <Mobile>();
                    if (pilotMobile != null)
                    Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, Info.ChuteSound, cp);
Exemple #55
 void IActorPreviewInitModifier.ModifyActorPreviewInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary inits)
     inits.Add(new BodyAnimationFrameInit(frame));
Exemple #56
        public void Tick(Actor self)
            if (IsTraitDisabled)

            alive.Remove(alive.Find(a => a.IsDead));

            if (alive.Count >= info.AliveMax)
                timer = 0;

            if (info.TicksMin >= timer)

            if (info.TicksMax >= timer && self.World.SharedRandom.Next(0, info.Chance) != 0)

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var cells = self.World.Map.FindTilesInAnnulus(self.Location, info.RadiusMin.Length, info.RadiusMax.Length)
                            .Where(c =>
                    if (info.CheckReachability && forbiddenCells.Contains(c))

                var actor            = info.Actors[self.World.SharedRandom.Next(0, info.Actors.Length)].ToLowerInvariant();
                IPositionableInfo ip = null;
                BuildingInfo ip2     = null;

                IEnumerable <CPos> validCells = null;

                if (self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[actor].HasTraitInfo <IPositionableInfo>())
                    ip         = self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[actor].TraitInfo <IPositionableInfo>();
                    validCells = cells.Where(c => ip.CanEnterCell(self.World, null, c));

                else if (self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[actor].HasTraitInfo <BuildingInfo>())
                    ip2        = self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[actor].TraitInfo <BuildingInfo>();
                    validCells = cells.Where(c => self.World.CanPlaceBuilding(actor, ip2, c, null));

                if (validCells != null && !validCells.Any())

                var randomlocation = validCells.ElementAt(self.World.SharedRandom.Next(validCells.Count()));

                var facong = 0;
                var face   = self.TraitOrDefault <IFacing>();
                if (face != null)
                    facong = face.Facing;

                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit(randomlocation),
                    new CenterPositionInit(self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(randomlocation)),
                    new FacingInit(facong),
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),

                var Create = w.CreateActor(actor, td);
            timer = 0;
 void ITransformActorInitModifier.ModifyTransformActorInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary init)
Exemple #58
 public void ModifyDeathActorInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary init)
     init.Add(new FacingInit(Facing));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ContextVariableRepository"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dictionary">
 /// The dictionary.
 /// </param>
 public ContextVariableRepository([NotNull] TypeDictionary dictionary)
   this._dic = dictionary;
Exemple #60
        public override Activity Tick(Actor self)
            if (IsCanceled)

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                if (self.IsDead())

                foreach (var nt in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyTransform>())

                var selected = w.Selection.Contains(self);

                foreach (var s in Sounds)
                    Sound.PlayToPlayer(self.Owner, s, self.CenterPosition);

                var init = new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit(self.Location + Offset),
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new FacingInit(Facing),

                if (SkipMakeAnims)
                    init.Add(new SkipMakeAnimsInit());

                if (Race != null)
                    init.Add(new RaceInit(Race));

                var health = self.TraitOrDefault <Health>();
                if (health != null)
                    var newHP = (ForceHealthPercentage > 0)
                                                ? ForceHealthPercentage / 100f
                                                : (float)health.HP / health.MaxHP;

                    init.Add(new HealthInit(newHP));

                var cargo = self.TraitOrDefault <Cargo>();
                if (cargo != null)
                    init.Add(new RuntimeCargoInit(cargo.Passengers.ToArray()));

                var a = w.CreateActor(ToActor, init);
                foreach (var nt in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyTransform>())

                if (selected)
                    w.Selection.Add(w, a);
