public Unit nativeFinishType(Runtime.Struct typeValue, TypeBuilder typeBuilder) { foreach (var field in typeValue.Fields) { typeBuilder.DefineField(field.Name, TypeBox.Unbox(field.Type), FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.InitOnly); } // Constructor var constuctor = typeBuilder.DefineConstructor( MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard, typeValue.Fields.Select(field => TypeBox.Unbox(field.Type)).ToArray() ); ILGenerator ilgen = constuctor.GetILGenerator(); for (int i = 0; i < typeValue.Fields.Count(); i++) { ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i + 1); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, typeBuilder.GetField(typeValue.Fields[i].Name)); } ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); // TODO: ToString // TODO: structural equality // TODO: structural comparison // TODO: structural hashcode return(Unit.Instance); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="node">node to edit</param> public ItemForm(XmlNode node) { InitializeComponent(); // TileSetNameBox TileSetNameBox.BeginUpdate(); foreach (string name in ResourceManager.GetAssets <TileSet>()) { TileSetNameBox.Items.Add(name); } TileSetNameBox.EndUpdate(); TypeBox.BeginUpdate(); TypeBox.Items.Clear(); foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(ItemType))) { TypeBox.Items.Add(name); } TypeBox.EndUpdate(); Item = new Item(); Item.Load(node); }
public async Task <CommandResult <ListMessageResult> > Messages( [FromServices] ListMessageCommand listMessageCommand, TypeBox typeBox, string id) { var queryString = Request.Query.ToDictionary(q => q.Key, q => q.Value); MessagesFilter messagesFilter; if (queryString.ContainsKey("f")) { var f = queryString["f"]; messagesFilter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MessagesFilter>(f); } else { messagesFilter = new MessagesFilter(); } var sendMessageInput = new ListMessageInput { BoxId = new BoxId { Id = id, Type = typeBox }, Filter = messagesFilter }; var userInput = new UserInput <ListMessageInput> { UserId = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ? User.GetUserId() : string.Empty, Data = sendMessageInput }; var result = await Business .InvokeAsync <ListMessageCommand, UserInput <ListMessageInput>, CommandResult <ListMessageResult> >( listMessageCommand, userInput); return(result); }
private void New(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SetBooleans(true); DataGrid.UnselectAll(); TypeBox.Focus(); }
private static void Table_CellBeginEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e) { if (FormContainer.mainForm.Table.Name == "Creator") { int cellHeigh = FormContainer.mainForm.Table.RowTemplate.Height; int cellWidth = FormContainer.mainForm.Table.Columns[0].Width; int WidthLB = FormContainer.mainForm.Table.Columns[1].Width; editCell = e.RowIndex; TypeBox.CreateTypeBox(); if (e.ColumnIndex == FormContainer.mainForm.Table.Columns["Type"].Index) { Point p = FormContainer.mainForm.Table.Location; p.X += cellWidth + FormContainer.mainForm.Table.RowHeadersWidth; p.Y += FormContainer.mainForm.Table.ColumnHeadersHeight + cellHeigh + (cellHeigh * editCell); TypeBox.typeBox.Width = WidthLB; TypeBox.typeBox.Location = p; FormContainer.mainForm.Controls.Add(TypeBox.typeBox); TypeBox.typeBox.BringToFront(); } if (e.ColumnIndex == FormContainer.mainForm.Table.Columns["Name"].Index || e.ColumnIndex == FormContainer.mainForm.Table.Columns["Nullable"].Index) { FormContainer.mainForm.Controls.Remove(TypeBox.typeBox); } } }
public Type AsClrType() { if (this.ImmediateValue != null) { return(TypeBox.TryUnbox(this.ImmediateValue).GetOrDefault(typeof(object))); } return(typeof(object)); }
// Method: StartServer_Click() // Description: This method takes the port from the interface, validates it // and once validated, it fire ups the server and send user to // chat screen. private void StartServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // application is running server, update the variable to let other methods know ServerItIs = true; // get port from interface and clear the textbox string portString = ServerPort.Text; ServerPort.Clear(); bool valid = false; // validate port int temp = 0; int.TryParse(portString, out temp); if (temp > 0) { valid = true; } // start server if port is valid if (valid) { Int32 port = Int32.Parse(portString); IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(""); try { server = new TcpListener(ip, port); // start server server.Start(); // bring chat panel to front ChatPanel.BringToFront(); TypeBox.Focus(); // update textbox at the top with IP address and port ConnectionInfo.Text = "IP: " + GetLocalIPAddress() + " Port: " + port; // start thread to handle the client ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(HandleClient); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Port cannot be alphabet, special character or negative number." + "Please try again"); } }
private void HandleThreadClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var ctrl = sender as ThreadControl; if (sender is ThreadControl) { _currentThread = ctrl.ThreadId; ProcessThreadId(ctrl.ThreadId, true); TypeBox.IsReadOnly = false; TypeBox.Focus(); } }
private void ManagerNewProducts_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ProductType))) { if (item.ToString() != ProductType.მენიუ.ToString()) { TypeBox.AddItem(item.ToString()); } } TypeBox.selectedIndex = 0; MenuGridView.DataSource = Menu.MenuItems; }
public ModuleEntryEditor(Dictionary <String, String> mod) { InitializeComponent(); EditedModule = mod; RulesetCBox.Items.AddRange(Rulesets); OpenModuleDialog.Filter = "FG Module File (.mod)|*.mod"; OpenModuleDialog.Title = "Select a Fantasy Grounds Module File"; OpenModuleDialog.CheckFileExists = true; OpenModuleDialog.CheckPathExists = true; if (Directory.Exists(CharConverter.Fg2RegistryAppDataPath + "\\modules")) { OpenModuleDialog.InitialDirectory = CharConverter.Fg2RegistryAppDataPath + "\\modules"; } PathBox.Text = mod["path"]; NameBox.Text = mod["name"]; String modruleset = mod["ruleset"]; for (int i = 0; i < Rulesets.Length; i++) { String ruleset = Rulesets[i]; if (modruleset.Contains(ruleset)) { RulesetCBox.SelectedIndex = i; } } if (RulesetCBox.SelectedIndex < 0) { RulesetCBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } String DisplayRuleset = Rulesets[RulesetCBox.SelectedIndex]; TypeBox.Items.Clear(); TypeBox.Items.AddRange(ModuleManager.Types[DisplayRuleset]); String modtype = mod["type"]; for (int i = 0; i < TypeBox.Items.Count; i++) { var type = (String)TypeBox.Items[i]; if (modtype.Contains(type)) { TypeBox.SetItemChecked(i, true); } } }
public AddCard(PatientModel patient) { InitializeComponent(); _patient = patient; TopLabel.Text += " " + _patient.Name; _docs = DbConnector.GetInstance().GetStaffList(); _types = DbConnector.GetInstance().GetDiseaseTypes(); DoctorBox.BeginUpdate(); _docs.ForEach(x => DoctorBox.Items.Add(x.Name)); DoctorBox.EndUpdate(); DoctorBox.Text = _docs[0].Name; TypeBox.BeginUpdate(); _types.ForEach(x => TypeBox.Items.Add(x.Name)); TypeBox.EndUpdate(); TypeBox.Text = _types[0].Name; }
private void WaiterWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResultBox.resultcombobox = ResultCombobox; dataGridView1.DataSource = Menu.MenuItems; dataGridView1.Refresh(); dataGridView3.Refresh(); foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ProductType))) { TypeBox.AddItem(item.ToString()); } foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PayTypes))) { PayTypeComboBox.AddItem(item.ToString()); } PayTypeComboBox.selectedIndex = 0; TypeBox.selectedIndex = 0; }
// Method: StartClient_Click() // Description: This method takes the IP and port from the interface, validates it // and once validated, it tries to connect to server, once connected, // send user to chat screen. private void StartClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool valid = false; IPAddress ip; int port = 0; // validate ip and port if (IPAddress.TryParse(ipbox.Text, out ip) && int.TryParse(clientport.Text, out port)) { if (port > 0) { valid = true; } } // initialise client and connect to server if valid if (valid) { RunTheClient = new TcpClient(); try { // connect to server RunTheClient.Connect(ip, port); if (RunTheClient.Connected) { ChatPanel.BringToFront(); ConnectionInfo.Text = "Connected to server " + ip.ToString() + " at port " + port; TypeBox.Focus(); // start thread to receive messages from server ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(HandleServer); } } // connection refused catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid entry. Please try again."); } }
//Setup Game Setting private void InitializeGame(int score) { game = new Game(score); //Game Setup Dead.Text = ""; //Health Bar TypeBox.Text = ""; //Type Area TimeCounter.Text = ""; //Reset Timer for Time Left words = new List <TextBlock>(Game.NoOfBlock); //Reset the number of words in game for (int i = 0; i < Game.Lives; i++) { Lives[i] = LifeGrid.Children[i] as Image; //Health Bar Images Lives[i].Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } Start start = new Start(Start_Game) + new Start(Start_Time) + new Start(Background_Timer); //Chain up all timer into delegate Start() start(); TypeBox.Focus(); //Cursor on Typebox }
// Method: SendEncrypted_Click() // Description: This method takes the message from textbox, and send it over on // the established TCP stream encrypted with Bruce Scheneir's algorithm. private void SendEncrypted_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // get message from textbox to be sent string msg = TypeBox.Text; if (msg == "") { return; } TypeBox.Clear(); StreamWriter sw; string key = "#981#-"; // encrypt it and add the key to let the other server/client know that it is // encrypyed string encrypted = key + b.Encrypt_CBC(msg); try { // establish writer to write to stream if (ServerItIs) { sw = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream()); } else { sw = new StreamWriter(RunTheClient.GetStream()); } sw.AutoFlush = true; // send encrypted message sw.WriteLine(encrypted); // add to chat history ChatHistory.Items.Add("Me: " + msg); TypeBox.Focus(); ScrollToBottom(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("No clients have connected yet... Try again later!", "Error 643"); } }
private IEnumerator Movement() { WaitForSeconds wait = new WaitForSeconds(0.15f); while (true) { Vector3 newPosition = head.transform.position + direction; TypeBox boxBusy = GetMap(newPosition); if (boxBusy == TypeBox.Obstacle) { Dead(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); GameManager.sharedInstance.GameOver(); //SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex); yield break; } else { GameObject bodyPart; if (boxBusy == TypeBox.Item) { bodyPart = NewBlock(newPosition.x, newPosition.y); MoveItemPositionRandom(); pointsAdd.AddPoints(); } else { bodyPart = body.Dequeue(); SetMap(bodyPart.transform.position, TypeBox.Empty); bodyPart.transform.position = newPosition; SetMap(newPosition, TypeBox.Obstacle); body.Enqueue(bodyPart); } head = bodyPart; yield return(wait); } } }
private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ItemsList.RemoveAt(ItemsListBox.SelectedIndex); ListBind.DataSource = null; ListBind.DataSource = ItemsList; NameBox.Clear(); TypeBox.Clear(); DescriptionBox.Clear(); MightBox.Clear(); DefenceBox.Clear(); WeightBox.Clear(); ItemWeightBox.Clear(); PropertiesBox.Clear(); foreach (int i in RequirementsCheckedListBox.CheckedIndices) { RequirementsCheckedListBox.SetItemChecked(i, false); } }
// Method: SendNormal_Click() // Description: This method takes the message from textbox, and send it over on // the established TCP stream (unencrypted). private void SendNormal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // get message from interface and make sure it is not empty string msg = TypeBox.Text; if (msg == "") { return; } // clear typebox after reading message TypeBox.Clear(); StreamWriter sw; try { // start the stream based on whether or not it is server if (ServerItIs) { sw = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream()); } else { sw = new StreamWriter(RunTheClient.GetStream()); } sw.AutoFlush = true; // write message to stream sw.WriteLine(msg); // add the chat history ChatHistory.Items.Add("Me: " + msg); TypeBox.Focus(); ScrollToBottom(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("No clients have connected yet... Try again later!", "Error 643"); } }
private void Clear_All_Entries() { NameBox.Clear(); USNBox.Clear(); TypeBox.Clear(); AmountBox.Clear(); AmountToBox.Clear(); YearList.SelectedItems.Clear(); YearToList.SelectedItems.Clear(); MonthList.Visible = false; MonthToList.Visible = false; DayList.Visible = false; DayToList.Visible = false; HourList.Visible = false; HourToList.Visible = false; MinuteList.Visible = false; MinuteToList.Visible = false; AMPMList.Visible = false; AMPMToList.Visible = false; DataView.DataSource = null; }
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { user1.UserSex = SexBox.Text; user1.UserAge = Int32.Parse(AgeBox.Text); user1.UserWeight = float.Parse(WeightBox.Text); user1.UserHeight = float.Parse(HeightBox.Text); user1.UserType = TypeBox.Text; user1.UserdailyActivity = AcitvityBox.Text; user1.UserTSWeekly = Int32.Parse(SDays.Text); user1.UserTSDaily = Int32.Parse(SMinutes.Text); user1.UserTSIntensivity = SIntensivity.Text; user1.UserTAWeekly = Int32.Parse(ADays.Text); user1.UserTADaily = Int32.Parse(AMinutes.Text); user1.UserTAIntensivity = AIntensivity.Text; user1.UserFoodRestrictions = Diary.IsChecked.ToString() + "," + Gluten.IsChecked.ToString() + "," + Meat.IsChecked.ToString(); user1.UserMealNumber = Int32.Parse(MealNumber.Text); DataBaseSolution.UpdateUserData(user1); SexBox.ClearValue(NameProperty); AgeBox.Clear(); WeightBox.Clear(); HeightBox.Clear(); TypeBox.ClearValue(NameProperty); AActivityBox.ClearValue(NameProperty); AcitvityBox.ClearValue(NameProperty); SDays.Clear(); SMinutes.Clear(); SIntensivity.ClearValue(NameProperty); ADays.Clear(); AMinutes.Clear(); AIntensivity.ClearValue(NameProperty); Diary.IsChecked = false; Gluten.IsChecked = false; Meat.IsChecked = false; MealNumber.ClearValue(NameProperty); MessageBox.Show("Dane użytkownika zostały zaktualizowane"); }
private void LabelType_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TypeBox.Select(); }
public async Task <CommandResult <GetMessageResult> > Message([FromServices] GetMessageCommand getMessageCommand, TypeBox typeBox, string boxId, string chatId) { var sendMessageInput = new GetMessageInput { ChatId = chatId, BoxId = new BoxId { Id = boxId, Type = typeBox } }; var userInput = new UserInput <GetMessageInput> { UserId = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ? User.GetUserId() : string.Empty, Data = sendMessageInput }; var result = await Business .InvokeAsync <GetMessageCommand, UserInput <GetMessageInput>, CommandResult <GetMessageResult> >( getMessageCommand, userInput); return(result); }
public object array(object itemType) { return(typeof(IImmutableList <>).MakeGenericType(TypeBox.Unbox(itemType))); }
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name, type, description; int weight, might, defence, carryweight; List <string> requirements = new List <string>(); List <string> properties; List <Tuple <string, int> > bonus = new List <Tuple <string, int> >(); if (NameBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Puste pole na imię!"); return; } else { name = NameBox.Text; } if (TypeBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Puste pole określające typ przedmiotu!"); return; } else { type = TypeBox.Text; } if (DescriptionBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Puste pole opisu!"); return; } else { description = DescriptionBox.Text; } int.TryParse(ItemWeightBox.Text, out weight); if (weight == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Błąd w polu określającym wagę przedmiotu!"); return; } bool might_result = int.TryParse(MightBox.Text, out might); bool defence_result = int.TryParse(DefenceBox.Text, out defence); bool carryweight_result = int.TryParse(WeightBox.Text, out carryweight); if (!might_result || !defence_result || !carryweight_result) { MessageBox.Show("Błąd w polach określających bonusy!"); return; } else { Tuple <string, int> MightTuple = new Tuple <string, int>("Might", might); Tuple <string, int> DefenceTuple = new Tuple <string, int>("Defence", defence); Tuple <string, int> CarryWeightTuple = new Tuple <string, int>("CarryWeight", carryweight); bonus.Add(MightTuple); bonus.Add(DefenceTuple); bonus.Add(CarryWeightTuple); } if (RequirementsCheckedListBox.CheckedItems.Count == 0) { requirements.Add("Any"); } else { foreach (object item in RequirementsCheckedListBox.CheckedItems) { requirements.Add(item.ToString()); } } properties = new List <string>(PropertiesBox.Lines); Item New_Item = new Item(name, type, description, requirements, bonus, properties, weight); ItemsList.Add(New_Item); ListBind.DataSource = null; ListBind.DataSource = ItemsList; NameBox.Clear(); TypeBox.Clear(); DescriptionBox.Clear(); MightBox.Clear(); DefenceBox.Clear(); WeightBox.Clear(); ItemWeightBox.Clear(); PropertiesBox.Clear(); foreach (int i in RequirementsCheckedListBox.CheckedIndices) { RequirementsCheckedListBox.SetItemChecked(i, false); } }
} // RoundToInt() => Convierte a entero void SetMap(Vector3 position, TypeBox value) { map[Mathf.RoundToInt(position.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(position.y)] = value; }
public ProductBoxViewModel(Variante item) { _TypeBox = TypeBox.VARIANTE; this.variante = item; }
public ProductBoxViewModel(Article product) { _TypeBox = TypeBox.ARTICLE; this.product = product; }
private void Update(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SetBooleans(true); TypeBox.Focus(); }