internal RtfCharFormat(int begin, int end, int textLength)
			// Note: 
			// In the condition that ``_begin == _end == -1'',
			// the character formatting is applied to the whole paragraph.
			_begin = -1;
			_end = -1;
			_font = null;	// do not specify font (use default one)
			_ansiFont = null;	// do not specify font (use default one)
			_fontSize = -1;			// do not specify font size (use default one)
			_fontStyle = new FontStyle();
			_bgColor = null;
			_fgColor = null;
			_twoInOneStyle = TwoInOneStyle.NotEnabled;
			setRange(begin, end, textLength);
 internal RtfCharFormat(int begin, int end, int textLength)
     // Note:
     // In the condition that ``_begin == _end == -1'',
     // the character formatting is applied to the whole paragraph.
     _begin         = -1;
     _end           = -1;
     _font          = null;      // do not specify font (use default one)
     _ansiFont      = null;      // do not specify font (use default one)
     _fontSize      = -1;        // do not specify font size (use default one)
     _fontStyle     = new FontStyle();
     _bgColor       = null;
     _fgColor       = null;
     _twoInOneStyle = TwoInOneStyle.NotEnabled;
     setRange(begin, end, textLength);